This suffocation is nothing.

When Jiang returned home and found that her house had been ransacked, she almost went crazy.

Although the other party restored the things to their original state, there were still some clues left behind. She didn't care about anything and hurriedly searched the house for the hidden things.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The money is still there.

This time she didn't dare to put the money in the house, so she kept it close to her body.

When Brother Huzi came back and finished dinner, she pulled the child into the room and asked her again, but did not get any results. Jiang happened to come in and asked her how her talk with the blacksmith was going. She asked Huzi to go out first and looked at it. Seeing my own mother, I asked directly, "Mom, did you enter my house today?"

Jiang's mother glared, "Your house? What your house? This is my mother's house!"

Jiang's heart surged with anger.

"Mom, how can you touch my things casually!"

"You were born to me, and I raised you all the time. Why can't I come in and take a look? Not to mention that a married daughter of yours came back to live in her parents' house against the rules!" she said. Bent down, his voice was loud.

Jiang bit his lip.

No more words were spoken.

What else is there to say.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

This girl has never had a home her whole life. Her mother's family is not a home, and her husband's family is not a home either.

Jiang's mother didn't take her anger seriously and asked her to provide more money to subsidize the family.


Really angry.

"Didn't my ex-son just give it to me? Why do you want it again?"

"You don't even look at the mouths of your family. These half-grown men are working hard. You don't know what's going on at home. There is little food and many people. Your sister-in-law is not satisfied with you living at home and eating at home. You If you don't get the money, I won't be able to do anything if she drives you away, I don't make sense." Jiang Mu said.

Jiang gritted his teeth.

Jiang's mother said again, "If you don't want to give, just find someone to marry. This morning, Matchmaker Wang came to the house and said that a man's wife in the neighboring village died of dystocia and left a few children. Go over and help." Bringing up the little ones, bringing them up since childhood, is no longer the same as being your own mother."

These words made Jiang extremely angry.

Pian Jiang's mother couldn't see the difference and said to herself, "I know you are reluctant to let go of the tiger cubs, but they are the offspring of the Zhou family and should be raised by the Zhou family. The Zhou family will not raise you. There is no reason to let them It’s just dragging you down in vain.”

They say finding another man is the best way.

What she said is actually correct.

Let’s leave the big picture here. Jiang’s family has no means of making a living.

What else can I do besides finding a long-term meal ticket?

But she couldn't bear to leave her child, and she didn't trust anyone to take care of her child.

She doesn't trust anyone.

Who in this world can treat children better than a mother, right?

She lowered her head, "Mom, please go out first, I want to think about it."

Think about it.

Jiang's mother thought that she had talked her through, and she was so happy that she hurriedly said, "What else is there to think about? That family is good enough, you can be the master of it if you go there -"

"Mom!" Jiang interrupted, "You go out first."

Jiang's mother was also afraid that her daughter would offend again, otherwise the money in the gift would be gone. She quickly swallowed the words that were on her lips and said, "Okay, you go to bed early and think about it carefully. Mom is doing this all for you." Okay, I won’t hurt you.”

Jiang lowered his eyes, you won't harm me, but you won't care about me either.

Jiang Mu closed the door and left.

After the children fell asleep, she began cleaning up her property.

Silver, hairpin, clothes

These can be exchanged for silver when necessary.

If you continue to stay at your parents' home.

This is not a long-term solution.

No matter how much money you have, there will be a day when it will be drained out. As for her brother and sister-in-law, as well as her parents, when she has no more coins left, she and her children will definitely be kicked out by then.

After all, her mother just said that she would be kicked out.

This is absolutely no joke.

That night, Jiang didn't sleep all night.

A few days later, she went out for a trip, and the next day someone from the Zhou family came, saying that there was no reason for the Zhou family's grandson to be raised in an outsider's home. This was against the rules.

He had to pick people up.

The key is, the Jiang family can't stop him yet.

If someone wants to take his grandson home and you want to stop him, who are you to stop him?

The Jiang family can't stop him. I need money.

If you want to take someone with you, that's fine. Include the food expenses during this period.

Jiang was not surprised at all.

Fortunately, Zhou's mother is not a soft nail.

In the end, not only did they take away the people, but they also moved away all Jiang's belongings.

Jiang's mother and Sister-in-law Jiang were so angry that they cursed all kinds of things in the yard.

But I couldn't get it.

In the end, she scolded Jiang with snot and tears, not to return to her parents' home again if she had the ability.

Mrs. Jiang: Now, isn’t it the family home that we can’t go back to?

But she didn't go back to her husband's house either.

The in-laws' family can't go back either, not to mention that this is the former in-laws' family.

Of course, it is impossible for the Zhou family to come to help for no reason.

And offend people.

Everything is for the sake of money.

Jiang paid them a tael of silver to take him and his child out.

One or two

It's really a waste of money.

The villagers have been working hard for a year but they can't save 500 yuan.

Of course they're going to do it.

The grandchildren at home are getting older, and they still have to save money to get married.

Jiang returned to her former husband's village.

I bought a dilapidated house from the village chief.

She originally planned to buy a piece of land and build a house by herself, but not only was the cost high, but she would not be able to live in it for a while. After thinking about it, she decided to buy a second-hand house so that she could move in with her family after a short rest.

This man still needs to have a home of his own in this life.

Unexpectedly, her wish came true after she was divorced.

This is her home.

No one can drive her away.

She is the one in charge.

Mr. Jiang is very motivated. The house is indeed in ruins. You can see the clouds in the sky when you look up from the house. Most of the kitchen has collapsed, a wall in the west room has collapsed, and the yard is overgrown with weeds.

She asked the twins to take the fourth child to pull weeds at home, while she took Huzi to Zhou's house.

What to do?

Find someone to repair the house.

After all, they are the grandparents and uncles of Huzi. We can't just watch them have no place to live.

Besides, it’s not a big deal just to build a house. If it’s a big deal, I’ll just pay the workers.

She thinks well.

But the Zhou family wanted to make a lot of money from her.

The one tael of silver was given without batting an eye. It was obvious that he had a lot of silver in his hand. Instead of giving someone else a benefit or spending it, it would be better to keep it for his own use.

But Jiang is not stupid.

Wages that are obviously higher than the average price are not right.

He turned around and took a piece of meat to the village chief's house, asking the village chief to help him find a solution.

The Zhou family wouldn't give up if they didn't get any money from them.

They did not dare to offend the village chief, so they resorted to underhanded tactics and even used their children as threats.

If you want to get Huzi back to the Zhou family, you don't want the Jiang family.

In the following time, the Jiang family has been fighting against the Zhou family.

And I have to worry about my livelihood.

Get wives for your sons.

When he was only in his thirties, he already had a head full of white hair.

After the old couple of the Zhou family died, she herself would be exhausted within a few years.

She closed her eyes before even deciding on her youngest son's marriage.

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