A person seems to have lost his soul, walking in the woods like a puppet, the wetness on his face is something he has never noticed.I really don't understand. When I said that sentence, the pain was really hard.Tears did not fall because of this pain, but flowed uncontrollably. I don't know why.It's just the feeling that can't be expressed in words, which makes me unbearable.Just like the oxygen in the whole world is about to say goodbye to me, I am about to suffocate.

"What's the matter with me? Why, my heart hurts so much? It's so uncomfortable, it's really uncomfortable." I suddenly lost my strength and fell to the ground, grabbing the grass with both hands.Tears seemed to drop into the lake in front of him by coincidence, causing ripples.I covered my mouth and tried my best to hide my crying, not wanting others to find out, more precisely, I didn't want to be found out by the person in my heart.Looking at myself reflected on the lake, I suddenly understood.I understand, what I love is not Nanfeng Ling who is always by my side to take care of, protect, guard, and pamper me.What I love is the vague but clear figure in my heart.That feeling of happiness can only be given to me by that person.It's just that I still don't know until now, this person... who is he.Wei Wei closed her eyes, trying hard to see this person's face clearly, but the more she wanted to see clearly, the farther away she really was.

I think, I have to ask.I don't want to get along with him in such an unclear way again, I must find out the facts.Thinking about it, he had already stood up.Stretching out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, his stubborn and beautiful eyes shone brightly again.I know, Ling must know something.

But, when I raised my head, I was hugged tightly.

The voice of "Yi'er" is full of melancholy, but also full of distress.My heart hurts even more.The difference is that this kind of pain is not very painful, but it can impress me deeply.with a warm pain

"Yes... I'm sorry. I don't know you, please... please don't do this!" For some reason, I have an indescribable dependence on this boy in front of me.Even, for his embrace, I will not be willing to leave

"Don't say that you don't know each other anymore." Hugging himself, he suddenly used his hands hard and tightened them tightly.roared excitedly

I froze, a little overwhelmed

"Don't say you don't know each other anymore." This time, his voice was much softer, and he was no longer so excited.But it distracted me even more than the sound just now.How familiar was the voice of sadness and longing.

Memories flooded out in an instant...

My pupils shrank instantly, and my eyes were pitch black.The scene in my mind immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

When I was a child, I was being held by a boy of the same age.Both of them had happy smiles on their faces, even as children.But that face is so beautiful that I don't want to talk about it; it's handsome and amazing.I know that the girl is me, and the person beside me...is also the person beside me now.At that time, I only heard one sentence...

"...Brother" he said in a daze, and the person holding him suddenly widened his eyes in surprise...

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