I can't invite God, I have to become God myself

Chapter 125 There’s a new guy in the house

Chapter 125 There’s a new guy in the house

Such a familiar scene.

Chen Shu had the illusion of dreaming back to half a year ago, feeling the huge energy rushing directly into his spiritual sea. Chen Shu didn't panic at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Is this another chance?
"My nightmare god is indeed the god of great opportunities!"

"A human god can rival hundreds of enlightened humans, which is enough for me to take a step further in strength!"

"In the evil country, there will definitely be a place for me, the Nightmare God!"

"What a great opportunity, what a great opportunity!"

After rushing directly into the spiritual sea, the Nightmare God couldn't help laughing!

In that laughter, it seemed that there were thousands of sounds gathering together, mixed with screams, and the black mist that emerged along with it seemed to be filled with thousands of fears, and countless pairs of Deep eyes with hidden fear, peering through the layers of black mist, staring...

Just looking at it for a moment feels like it is being pulled into an endless abyss. In the abyss of dreams, there are countless nightmares waiting in the dark, and countless unspeakable monsters are revealed in the darkness. Thousands of dreams pierce into the mind in an instant, as if they are about to be immersed in a deep pool and drowned.

Those who are slightly weaker will be lost in this dream forever with just one glance.

The Nightmare God's function [Nightmare] can immerse people in a dream composed of fear in an instant, and kill people invisible. In the dark age, the number of people killed in this way is not a small number, and it is extremely evil. , in recent years, many people have also crusaded and wanted to kill this evil god, but they have not achieved anything.

But suddenly, he was stunned:
"Where's the godhead?"

"Could it be that I haven't condensed my divine power yet..."

"But it doesn't matter. Although I lose my godhead and the blessings after absorption are less, I will encounter less resistance. In a short period of time, my personality will be able to reach a higher level!"

“It’s not a good thing if it’s not tasted!”

The Nightmare God floated on Chen Shu's spiritual sea, filled with joy at this time.

Suddenly, he noticed something, a pair of eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something unbelievable, and even his voice trembled a little.

It was a milky-white light ball in the center of the spiritual sea, blocked by waves. The original smell coming from it seemed to contain a world, and with every fluctuation, it was like It was the whole world that was breathing and rising and falling with him, drilling straight into his mind.

"God...the source of the Kingdom of God!"

At this moment, the Nightmare God almost forgot about the huge joy that Chen Shu brought to him, and was filled with another more intuitive and huge joy, as if he was knocked unconscious by a pie falling from the sky. Just the same, if it weren't for the dream that his job belonged to, the Nightmare God would wonder if he was in a dream.

"The source of a complete kingdom of God?!"


"My nightmare god is indeed blessed with great blessings! This is an opportunity that is unique to me!"

"Prove the Yin Shen, I am the destiny!"

"With the kingdom of God, the evil kingdom doesn't matter!"

The Nightmare God was ecstatic, almost crazy, and his face seemed to be filled with the word "crazy". The energy in his body floated, bursting out with an unprecedented desire.

He is not a god born from heaven and earth, but he has reached his current status all the way through good luck. But if he wants to go further, not to mention a step, every inch of progress is incomparable to him. Difficult, let alone the unreachable Yin Shen position.

But if he can obtain a divine kingdom, which is enough for him to completely stabilize himself, and even be recognized by heaven and earth, and win the position of "righteous god", the realm of Yin God is not impossible. In the midst of the general trend of heaven and earth, he There is also one!
This is the real big opportunity!
"This little man-god has given me so many surprises!"

"One day I will become a Yin Shen and I will make you the most talented person in the country!"

The Nightmare God has even begun to fantasize about the wonderful things that will happen after he completely refines Chen Shu.

And at this moment, a voice with a bit of joy, schadenfreude, joy and a bit of arrogance sounded:

"I thought it was who was shouting outside."

"It turns out he is a fool from the evil country!"

As the sound sounded, a gust of wind seemed to rise in the spiritual sea. The waves on the sea surface undulated, but they were suppressed and smoothed out in an instant. Not even a ripple was rippled, as if it had never appeared. More than average.

The God of Wind, only Kuang without the God of Wind, has been lonely for a long time.Trapped in Chen Shu's spiritual sea for a long time, he could only feel the source of his divine kingdom in despair every day, being eaten away bit by bit. No one understood his despair.

He still doesn't understand at all why Chen Shu, a god who has not even condensed his godhead, has such an exaggerated supermodel's spiritual sea and thoughts. What he can't understand even more is why someone can directly refine his spirit. The source of the Kingdom of God?
I'm still in there!

How is your behavior different from that of a robber?
I know I'm carrying someone on my back!

Now he was almost in despair. Even if he gave up on it first, after Chen Shu was completely absorbed, he might still have a chance to survive. However, Shensheng's three great joys still brought him a bit of spiritual comfort - his peers were unlucky.

Seeing this god exuding great malice, displaying his style wantonly and arrogantly in Chen Shu's spiritual sea, the God of Storms felt an indescribable joy:
This stupid boy may not know what he is about to face.

It was too late to run now.

The God of Storms is willing to call it "Little Tianlao", which means he has a newcomer in the house.

I, the God of Blazing Wind, cannot be the only one who is unlucky!
"who are you?"

The Nightmare God's face changed. At this time, he had already regarded Chen Shu and the source of the Kingdom of God as forbidden. The sudden voice made him feel like he was being tainted.

"He's just a wild god in an evil country, he has no right to know my name!"

The voice of the God of Storms sounded: "You should take care of yourself first."

With the voice falling.

The Nightmare God suddenly sensed that a huge, deep gaze seemed to come from above the nine heavens. From the perspective of the Storm God, a pair of dark eyes that seemed to have no end in sight slowly emerged. Behind the Nightmare God, those eyes were almost larger than the entire body of the Nightmare God.

Boom! !

It was as if there were thousands of thunders exploding in the spiritual sea, and it was also like the eternal gods chanting loudly. The sound was like thunder and spring rain. Thousands of voices gathered together, and the details were like the world. Naturally, the two merge into one, and there are those who have attained the Dao and are preaching in the high hall. The words they speak are true. Thousands of people seem to have attained the Dao, and all the voices are gathered together.

It seemed to be merged into the voice of a young man. The voice was deafening, like the roar of an ancient giant that would never stop:
"I am God!"

This voice seems to contain infinite power, and people's hearts seem to be changed!
When the Nightmare God heard this voice, he felt as if the same voice was imprinted on his mind, as if a pair of big hands were holding him firmly in the palm of his hand and letting him be ravaged.

"what happened?!"

Terrifying divine thoughts erupted around the body of the Nightmare God, and endless nightmares were layered into small worlds one after another, but to no avail, they disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

In the endless washing of spiritual thoughts in this spiritual sea, the Nightmare God felt like a small boat, in danger of capsizing at any time in the stormy waves.

for a while.

In a short period of time, a strange balance was formed.

outside world.

"I, Chen Shu, am indeed a god of great opportunity."

Old God Chen Shu was watching the distance.

"Chen Shu me."

"I'll just accept it."


ps: Just say a few words.

Friends who are familiar with me should know that I have always had some problems with my waist, which once caused me to fail to finish reading a book.I had almost recovered from it, but it turned out that about ten days ago, I did some physical work beyond my ability, and my back pain began to recur. I went to the hospital to find out that it was a herniated and compressed lumbar disc caused by long-term lumbar muscle strain. My nerves felt better after three days of physical therapy. It happened that the company had an expansion activity, so I participated in it. When playing Frisbee, I probably exerted too much force, and my waist injury became more serious.

The situation at that time was that I couldn't move at all and needed help to get out of bed. I stayed in the hospital for two days and then went home and stayed in bed for three days. Now the pain has subsided a lot, but the problem still exists.

So this time the update will be interrupted for a long time, everyone.

I hope you all have a good waist that will not be injured, and then everyone should exercise more, especially the psoas muscles, the waist is so important.After the acute phase is completely over, I will also strengthen my psoas muscles.I will try my best to keep it updated daily these days.

(End of this chapter)

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