Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 20 The Paradox of Fate

Chapter 20 The Paradox of Fate


When the effect ended, Colin felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if he had been molested, but the most uncomfortable thing was his lower back.

"Hiss, there are so many old sixes in this world, they either beheaded in the back or stabbed in the waist. I have to wear a bulletproof vest when I go out in the future."

Ke Lin secretly reached out and rubbed his lower back.

Shaking his head slightly, he quickly extracted useful information from the foresight: "Choosing the 'Holy Artifact' will not be a big problem. Follow the above process to develop it. I just need to avoid the sneak attack of the sixth child to lock the black hand behind the scenes and realize the anti-kill. "

The misunderstanding is resolved, the task given by "Probability Vote" is indeed possible, and the difficulty is not too great.

However, the content of this prediction is worth pondering.

For example, did the last prediction include this prediction?
The last foresight mentioned that after returning to the church again, he was defeated and defeated when dealing with the monsters outside the door, but this time he was stabbed in the waist by Lao Liu and died.
Here comes the conflict.

If it was predicted last time, he would not die today.

Do not.
"It seems that this extra task was not mentioned at all last time, or that the accidental drawing of a gold card has already brought about a turning point in fate? Or, the longer the time span, the worse its effect will be, and many things will be ignored."

Colin thought thoughtfully.

"The Book of Numerology Remnants" does seem to have a problem, that is, its predictions become more general the later they are, lack of details, and the effect becomes worse.

Looks like I need to go back and talk to my colleagues.

Colin collected his thoughts, and then, seeing that everyone else had almost made a choice, he casually picked up a longbow inlaid with exquisite gems.

Just when he touched the longbow, Colin narrowed his eyes slightly, and found that there were no gemstones on the longbow at all, but a lot of squirming flesh and blood stuck to it.

The layer on his body also dissipated instantly when touched.

At this moment, Colin felt that the world in front of him suddenly became real.

He really came into this world.

There was some uncomfortable breath in the wooden longbow with flesh and blood trying to flow into his body along his palm, but Colin didn't refuse.
Because, when these breaths poured into the body, they were immediately swallowed up by the tyranny of "lycanthropy". What grade, dare to live with it?
After everyone has chosen their equipment.

Ke Lin vaguely felt that the eyes behind him seemed real at this moment, full of greed, and made people feel uncomfortable.

However, just like what was said in the "Book of Numerology: Fragments", they have no signs of doing anything.

If he doesn't do it, Colin won't be able to follow the clues ahead of time, but if he does it first, judging from the cautiousness shown by the other party, there is a high probability that the clues will be interrupted directly——

Damn it!The old dog behind this scene clearly has the upper hand, but is overly cautious.

At this moment, he heard a rush of footsteps approaching from the corridor
"My lord bishop! Something is wrong, there is a wave of monsters coming from the south of the town." A man dressed as a sentinel rushed into the church.

He was covered in blood, and he looked like he was taking in more air than he was exhaling.

Hearing this, the cardinal looked shocked, and asked anxiously, "How is Sister Elisa doing now?"

"She, Sister Elisa is surrounded by monsters." After speaking, he closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"What did you say?! The nun is surrounded by monsters!"

Liu Dun rushed forward dragging a long sword that was sticking to flesh and blood. The others also showed anxiety, obviously they had a good impression of the nun.

"Yes, the situation is urgent. I beg you to go with me to deal with the wave of monsters." The cardinal said, coughing suddenly, and blood gushed from the corner of his mouth.

"What are you?" Someone was confused.

"I was injured when I was dealing with the wave of monsters, cough, cough," he said, coughing violently a few more times, and even coughed up some blood clots that looked like pieces of internal organs.

"Don't worry, Sister Talisa will be handed over to us to save, hurry up and lead the way."

The yellow-haired "brave man" interrupted the bishop, and was the first to stand up.

As soon as he finished speaking, the others excitedly expressed their intention to go. They just got the "Holy Artifact" and felt the powerful power transmitted from above. They couldn't wait to make a big fight.

The connection between the two scenes is quite good. Colin glanced at the yellow hair with a complicated expression, wondering if the other party was trusting him.

Then, without delay, under the leadership of several soldiers, a group of them set off quickly towards the south of the town.

The town is not too big, and you can see the side at a glance.

After only a few minutes of driving, they could already see the dust from the south of the town rising to the sky, and they could vaguely hear the screams and roars of monsters.

On the road, many people panicked and fled to the opposite place.

"It's not the first time that this kind of summoning of 'braves' has happened. There may have been so-called 'braves' summoned before. The whole process feels like it has gone through many times and is very skilled."

Holding the longbow covered in flesh, Ke Lin glanced at the soldiers leading the way and the panicked residents.

If you look closely, you can see holes in the soles of some residents’ shoes, fluid oozes out of their knees, and the sound of bones rubbing together can be heard faintly. This is a normal person who would have been in a wheelchair long ago. Obviously, it is not a strain that can be escaped after one or two trips.

It can only be said that each of them is a dedicated old toolman and old actor.

He couldn't help but wonder once again, what is the purpose of this man behind the scenes to do these house-like things?
Thinking of the former colleague who was made into a ritual vessel for worship, and thinking of the densely packed corpses in that church, there was also a corpse of a clergyman in red robes who was somewhat similar to the cardinal today.

Is it possible that the person behind the scenes also wants to make them into magic weapons?

Speaking of which, did my ex-colleague also take on this task before?

I just don't know what steps that buddy went through before becoming a sacrificial prop.
Before he had time to think about it, Colin restrained his mind, stopped, and looked outside the south of the town. Amidst the billowing dust and smoke, a large number of disgusting monsters with twisted limbs, like piles of meat, came like a tide.

Strong and stench blowing in the wind
However, an invisible air wave was activated on the "Holy Artifact" to block the stench.

"Over there!" Someone pointed, and Colin and the others looked along, and saw Sister Elisa and a group of soldiers forced on the city wall by a large number of monsters deformed by flesh and blood.

At this moment, her body emits a white light like the dawn, giving the soldiers a blessing effect, and fighting with the hundreds of monsters who are besieging.

"Women who dare to hurt me, I will let you know what it means to regret coming to this world!"

Seeing some blood stains on Talisa's body, a brave man was furious, and rushed forward with a battle ax in his hands.

The twisted and hideous monster attacked from the side, but he chopped it in half with an axe, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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