Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 224 Task Progress 99

Chapter 224 Task Progress 99

"The 'Hague Research Institute' was established in the post-disaster reconstruction period after the God Killing War. It was led by the 'I' of this world. When it was first established, the total number of people in the shelter was about 17, and it was the strongest force behind the scenes in this area."

"The core technology is 'nano omnic', but"

Ke Lin sat alone in the office, which was huge enough to be called, and looked at the contents of the documents on the desk. He thought that this technology was independently developed, but he did not expect that it was obtained from the campfire company when he participated in some tasks.

No, to be precise, most of the technology here comes from the task rewards issued by the campfire company.

Even a lot of technology in other refuges in the outside world comes from them.

"I remember that other shelters didn't know much about the 'Bonfire Company'. Was it because the level was too high and it wasn't placed in the library at that time?"

Colin put down the document in his hand, glanced sideways at the nanomechanical maid who was guarding, and gave an order to ask her to go out and ask other people outside who couldn't come in temporarily because they were not qualified, and ask them about the campfire company how many.

If it was before, his question might not have been answered by the personnel of the two shelters, but it is different now.

Soon, Colin got a piece of news: the knowledge of campfires in the two shelters was basically "0".

"Is this the 'manager' doing it deliberately? Try to hide yourself?"

Colin thoughtfully put down the brief introduction of "The Hague Shelter" in his hand, and then said: "About the 'Hague Shelter', how many people are still alive?"

He still hasn't forgotten the plea on the parchment scroll left by his "future self", begging to help the people in their shelter.

Now that he has the opportunity, he doesn't mind doing a favor.

"37 people."

"37 people?"

Hearing this number, Ke Lin was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong, and tilted his head, "Before 'I' left, there should be more than 20 people, right?"

"Yes, but now, there are only 37 left."

The silver and delicate cat-eared maid said: "Before your arrival, some of them had mutinied, and some of their defenses were polluted except for me as the 'core omnic', which caused the information I received to be distorted and unable to respond. don't know the situation
"During the few years you left, many people were made into consumables by some of your guest researchers to slow down the decay of the 'Mother of the Deep Sea' and ensure her long-term existence
"The Minister of Armed Forces tried to resist the breakout, but it was too late, and only a small number of people survived in hidden hibernation pods."

Hiss. Here, the entire refuge is destroyed just like that. Are the guests here the followers of "Red Moon"?If there is no accident, it should be, these guys are really everywhere like cockroaches, and
Ke Lin turned his head and glanced at the cat-eared maid. It didn't show any embarrassment at all for such a big mistake, but it seemed normal after thinking about it—after all, it was just an intelligent machine, so what emotions could it understand?
Raising his hand and rubbing his forehead, he checked the information of the small number of survivors in The Hague, who were basically teenagers.

In a sense, this sanctuary has been cut off from inheritance.

"Whether we want to take these people away tomorrow is a difficult thing to say. By the way, other shelters may also propose the idea of ​​letting us take people away."

Things are a bit of a headache.
To be honest, Ke Lin didn't know whether it was a good thing to take people out, let alone what kind of attitude Qin Chuan and other officials had towards this kind of thing.

He didn't have any more headaches about this matter, he planned to go out and ask directly later, then he skipped this matter for the time being and turned over other documents.

"Before the tsunami disaster came, 'Bonfire' had informed me about the relevant things, let us be prepared, including preparations for fighting."

"In 2024, at the beginning of the year, a disaster broke out. We united multiple forces, took a giant ship, and challenged the revived ancient ocean god. After an extremely tragic battle, we finally succeeded in killing it, and the sea water also followed. fade soon"

"It's just that after the fact, I always feel that this battle seems to be weird."

"We haven't figured out why he is crazy, and we don't know why he seems to be merciful many times during the battle, and he didn't directly kill us, revealing weirdness everywhere."

"However, the subsequent collapse of the world has left us with no time to care about it. Now, only by finding a real way to leave can we continue our civilization and leave this false world."

"In the end we finally settled on two directions"

"One is in the situation where the world is gradually collapsing, if we can kill all the 'ancient gods', once we are done, then we can use the power of these 'ancient gods' to leave directly."

"But if we can do this, is it the end of the world now?"

"The second is to use some kind of ritual to allow us to descend into a theoretically possible 'parallel world' at the right time to replace the other me, and then, with the assistance of the 'campfire', establish a descent point from that world and open the passage "

"Although it was a bit cruel for the 'me' in that world, the sacrifice was inevitable."

By some resemblance, taking the place, that's why I'm here?

Colin thought for a while and guessed that their approach must have failed.

In addition, looking at the content above, it is basically certain that "Bonfire" is the administrator who has a problem in the "Seventh Garden" that "Father of the Deep Sea" said.

With the corresponding information, he could clearly find from the information that this guy seemed to be constantly pushing these people to leave behind the scenes.

"Father of the Deep Sea" was crazy at the time, and there was a high probability that the "administrator" made the first move, and then "Ke Lin" and others followed up to make up the knife.

However, rather than pursuing the details of the messy incident back then, what he wants to know is how the "administrators" in Hakoniwa World found themselves outside the world.

Or is there any tendency?

If this thing is not resolved, then in the future, people will come up with a similar method, won't they be able to throw him in miscellaneous places at any time?
The most important thing is that this method is too unpredictable.

During the process of being transferred, Colin didn't feel it at all, and by the time he realized it, he had already appeared in another world.

"The follow-up reminder task should have been sent by Ms. Rabbit. In that case, she should have a solution. If that's the case, it's better to go out and ask when the time comes."

Ke Lin continued to look through the documents and perform his task of collecting information on the "Hague Sanctuary".

At this point, the progress of the task is close to [-]%.
But the problem is that after Colin flipped through multiple files quickly, it got stuck at 90.00% and stopped moving.

(End of this chapter)

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