Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 227 "Train in the Fog 7"

Chapter 227 "Train in the Fog-7"

"Actually, what was in that suitcase, we originally sent to the universe, trying to execute civilization's instinct for continuation in this way-until we saw the thing go out of control, first smashing through the 'moon', and then Passed through the 'sun' unscathed under the 'high temperature' of several thousand degrees, and then discovered the hypocrisy of the world."

"After knowing that the world might be man-made, the board of directors had some foresight about your arrival, so they made some preparations to explore a possibility."

"Fortunately, you really came, but in a special way, and I don't know where those people went."

"But this is not a very important thing right now."


Listening to the other party's words, Colin learned more details, but he was noncommittal about what they did.

And as time passed, when there were still three hours left, the people standing on the coast, including Colin, heard the sound of a flute coming from far above the sea.

This voice is somewhat familiar, as if I heard it somewhere
Just when everyone was vigilant and Colin was thinking, the sound of the flute fell, and immediately after the sound of the flute, there was a sound of "clang clang clang" from far to near.

Amidst the sound, a layer of mysterious gray fog that seemed to be wriggling surged in, and in the fog was the figure of a long train.

".It's actually this thing?"

Colin hissed. He was not unfamiliar with this thing. After all, when he was promoted to the first round of the mission, he sat on this thing.

It's just that he thought that the "Father of the Ocean" would send them out directly like the "Invisible Mother" in "Love in Paradise", but he didn't expect that it would be through this train.

Unexpected, but also within reason.

"No, it seems to feel different."

Colin squinted his eyes and noticed that this train was less imposing than that one, and it didn't have the discomfort of time jumping.

Of course, it may also be because he is already strong enough to not be affected.

Not long after, the train traveling through the fog stopped at the coast less than 100 meters away from the straight line of Kelin

The car door opened slowly, and the inside was warm and warm, making it impossible to see through.

Colin didn't rush up, but observed it.

Compared with the previous one, this one seems to have only about a dozen knots, and the head and tail can be seen. Although some places are very similar, they are obviously not the same.

"Is this the way to leave?" Qin Chuan glanced at Ke Lin.

He had never seen this train before, but he thought of a project name for an anomalous thing - "Death Train".

A strange train that can shuttle through various incident scenes, its appearance is completely random, and no one has been able to observe its next stop so far.

"It should be, you wait here and don't move, I'll go up and have a look first"

With two gold cards in his left hand and a revolver in his right hand, Colin stepped into the front of the car resolutely, and saw a retro and luxurious cab full of accessories.

Then, he noticed that there was a piece of paper that seemed to be specially left in the train cab.

It has a faint ocean smell
Colin walked up and leaned forward slightly to check the content on it——

"I have a little understanding of the current situation, and I can confirm that some things were completely destroyed before I died last time, and some agreements were invalidated. If you have the dual identity of 'fire bearer' and C-level authority, or B If you have permission above the level, you can create a 'campfire landing point' and leave directly, but unfortunately you are not, so there are not many ways to leave."

"I thought about it. If you want to leave, the easiest and most stable way to leave is to use this train. It is one of the emergency measures specially left by the 'Bonfire Camp', but only the 'Fire Bearers' or are killed by it. Those who are initially admitted can use it."

"At first I didn't understand why the 'Administrator' couldn't directly use this thing, now I understand"

"It is a part of the famous special creation 'Mist Train', numbered 'Mist Train-7', once activated, it will return to the 'Mist Train' body unimpeded after a period of driving."

"Then you get off the 'Train in the Fog' and you can return to reality, but the place where it stops must be dangerous, you must be careful, and with your strength, it's best not to exceed five stops."

"If you don't find a suitable alighting point at five stops, you all have to get off at the fifth stop."

"This train can carry a total of 850 people, it can be less, but try not to be too many, unless you are very strong, or you are willing to take the risk of losing control of the train, but with this number of passengers, it is obviously impossible for you to take everyone away, you can only have The belt of choice."

"No one with a pollution index below 0.1 is causing problems."

"In addition, as an emergency measure, I only have the right to fill half of the fuel for 'Mist Train-7', and the other half must be obtained by myself. This is also one of the risk-avoiding measures."

"As for the way to obtain it, it's not difficult. It's to summon a 'demon' from a special subspace. After killing it, use the power of the 'Fire Bearer' to roast it into carbon."

"The specific summoning steps are on the back of the paper. I have already recorded them for you. You only need to follow the prayer to summon."

"The strength of 'demons' is similar to that of level 2 containment objects, but slightly weaker. The most important thing is that while they are weak, they still have some divinity, which can be used as fuel."

"Relevant precautions are also written in the back. I believe that with your strength, it will not be difficult to prepare for it."

"Of course, rather than fighting directly, I suggest using a 1 TNT nuclear bomb to bury it under its feet. It's simple, convenient, and fast. This thing has rough skin and thick flesh, so you don't have to worry about finding the corpse."

Seeing this, Colin narrowed his eyes slightly——

Why does this method look so familiar?

It seems to have the same effect as someone who tricked the fat man into killing him in another world.

Without thinking too much, Colin continued to read, and the following content is some precautions.

"Then there are some things to pay attention to when leaving."

"Most of the Level 1 containment objects in this world are still under seal, even if a few have escaped, don't worry too much, because the collapse of the 'Little Garden World' has little effect on them, and they don't care whether the world is destroyed or not. "

"There are some level 2 containment items to watch out for"

Ke Lin scanned the paper with his eyes, and saw a lot of basic information and precautions for level 2 containment.

After 10 minutes, he looked to the end of the paper.

"If there is a chance to erect a tomb for me, please put a big squid every time you offer sacrifices to me."

Nearly half an hour later, Ke Lin got off the "Mist Train-7" and looked at Qin Chuan: "I'm sure I can escape, and besides"

He changed the subject and looked at 223 and the others: "This train has only 850 seats, and can only carry 850 people. Get rid of us, and you can start selecting people."

There is definitely no way to take all of the more than 400 people present, so there is only a choice.

"No problem." 223 and the others didn't complain, and didn't ask if they could squeeze in. They immediately told the rear staff to choose a suitable candidate through the built-in voice.

"Then, there is one more thing, get ready, we will randomly pick a lucky devil."

(End of this chapter)

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