Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 229 That Thing in the Darkness

Chapter 229 That Thing in the Darkness

If it weren't for those damned guys, he would already be a demon lord, no, even a demon prince!

However, before the old devil could finish speaking, his current master, the reckless and secondary demon lord "Baron Blood Sacrifice" physically interrupted him in extreme displeasure:

"Old stuff, there is nothing to be afraid of at all, the era of those guys has passed hundreds of years ago!"

While speaking, he took back the meat hammer that smashed the old devil with a hammer, ignored the lump of rotten flesh, and responded to the call with an invincible face.

For him, it was just an ordinary and ordinary day.

Soon, after a slight trance, he came to a dark area, which was closed all around, and he could only see a large number of high-level sacrifices on the altar in front of him, which were also unfamiliar to them.

These offerings exude a delicious smell.
But what confuses him is, what about those who summoned him here?

An inexplicable palpitation suddenly rose to my heart.
He suddenly felt a little uneasy, but before he could think further about what was going on, a wave of terror erupted from the ground at a speed that even he couldn't react to.


When he was dying, he could only see that a white light broke through the ground, and then his consciousness disappeared directly.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, like a small sun, almost lighting up the night. Amidst the deafening sound, terrifying shock waves spread around in a circular manner.

Even at a considerable distance, Ke Lin and the others could feel the slight vibration under their feet.

"This is the original"

Ke Lin couldn't help sighing with emotion. He was lucky enough to experience it once in the "Trial of Choice" before, but it was a pity that he disappeared before he had time to recollect it.

Now looking at the rising mushroom from a distance, I feel the breath of destruction in the air.

He couldn't help feeling in his heart, the greatness of human creations, and the insignificance of himself in front of such things.

"Now I don't even have the strength to resist nuclear bombs, so I have to guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

Pursing his lips, Colin watched it for 2 minutes before putting away the binoculars and letting everyone drive towards the nuclear explosion site.

In order to be able to go to the scene as soon as possible, of course they would not use a nuclear bomb with too much pollution, but a type of nuclear bomb that is more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

In addition, their own strength is strong enough, even if there is some residual radiation, it is not a big problem.

However, even though several minutes have passed, when they acted, they could still feel from time to time that some remaining things fell from the sky.

"Hopefully it didn't get blown into space, or just blown up."

Colin prayed secretly in his heart.

Not long after, passing through the nuclear explosion area that was almost flattened like ruins, they came to the edge of a huge pothole, and saw from the broken pothole that some pieces of meat were wriggling like maggots.

The direction in which these minced meat squirms is a heart-like thing the size of a rotten watermelon
"It's amazing, I can live like this." Someone on the side couldn't help but exclaim.

"After all, it is something with a certain 'divinity'"

Colin was not surprised at all. He was about to say something when he suddenly felt a gaze full of resentment.

The source of that line of sight seemed to be the heart on the ground, and a bloodshot eye grew out of it at some point, staring at him firmly, full of ferocious resentment.

"What are you?"

Colin snorted, no longer hesitated, and jumped down the pothole. During the process, he pulled out the "Revolver Retrograde", aimed at the heart on the ground that was about the same size as him, and decisively opened fire.

bang bang bang-

After firing 32 rounds in a row, Colin didn't make another move as he got stuck in the last shot.

Seeing Colin stop, a mouth grew out of the huge and strange heart.

"Hehehe, damn humans, give up, this weapon is useless to me at all, your only way is to use that thing again, but this kind of powerful attack is obviously only possible for you once. .”

"Wait for me to gather and resurrect, you are dead!"

"I will let you know what cruelty is!"

"But now, if you kneel down and admit your mistakes, and hand over that weapon to me, I will give you a chance to redeem your sins"

"I can even make you my subordinate and give you a change in the level of life"

There was a lot of nonsense. Colin didn't say anything. He glanced around and saw that there were pieces of meat of various sizes on the ground, and they were approaching the main body.

If he didn't find it troublesome to find fuel everywhere, he wouldn't listen to this thing beeping.

However, after more than ten minutes, when he felt that the concentration was almost the same, Colin raised his right hand and shot at the heart that had gathered some flesh and blood and started beating again.

"Human, I said this thing is impossible. What?!"

The heart quickly withered when the 33rd shot was shot, as if it had received some kind of fatal blow.
At the same time, flames surged from Ke Lin's body, sweeping from the soles of his feet to the surroundings, engulfing all the pieces of meat, and strange screams came out of the flames.

After 5 minutes, the screams gradually weakened, and the pieces of meat in the fire were burnt, leaving only some materials that could not continue to burn. They were charred and black, like pieces of coal bubbling with oil, containing surging power.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Ke Lin withdrew the flame and was about to call the researchers to come up to collect the corpse, but an accident happened suddenly.

I saw that one of the scorched black meat exploded suddenly, and one of the cores shot towards it like a cannonball, as if it wanted to leave this area at an incredible speed
"Damn, careless!"

Colin quickly came back to his senses, and wanted to leave, but his footsteps stopped again.

He heard a terrified scream from that direction.
The next second, the scorched black meat seemed to be thrown out of the darkness by something, and it was thrown not far from Colin.

Colin glanced sideways, and it was completely dead right now.

'What it is? '

He could tell through the smell that something had appeared for a short time, and after killing the "demon" piece of meat, he left again, leaving almost no trace.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Some other personnel followed in. Seeing that Colin was not moving, they couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, pack your things."

Colin shook his head. He probably had some guesses about what helped him.

But without thinking too much, let people start to clean up the materials on the ground.

Armed personnel from the "Human Future Research Institute" in yellow protective clothing walked in and picked up the carbon that was dripping with grease.

"Finally we can go."

Ke Lin let out a long sigh of relief. Now everything is ready, except for the last part of driving.

If nothing else, he will be able to leave soon.

"Shall we leave now?" Qin Chuan couldn't help but said, after being trapped for so many days, they even felt unreal when they thought that they could leave immediately.

"Take a good rest and talk"

While talking, thinking of what just happened, Colin closed his eyes slightly, feeling the peaceful darkness around him, and said thoughtfully: "Before we set off and leave, we will not encounter any danger again, and it is impossible to encounter any danger." into danger."

Whoever puts them in danger is against the "world".
After all, they are not the only ones who want to leave this world.

(End of this chapter)

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