Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 23 Undead "Knight"

Chapter 23 Undead "Knight"

There was a knock on the door.

Just listening to the distance, it should be the other room in the corridor next door, not Colin's.

There was a sound of opening the door soon.

Colin turned his body and listened slightly, he could probably hear the conversation between men and women.

However, the sound of the diaphragm here is so good that when the sound came, Colin could not hear much content. He could only confirm that someone had walked into the room over there.

the door closed again
At the same time, there was another knock on the door from other rooms in the corridor.

As before, I can't hear clearly.

"I wish I had known with a stethoscope."

As soon as Ke Lin thought about it, he heard a knock on his own door.

Is this finally about to start?

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Ke Lin said loudly, "Who is it?"

"Lord Colin, it's me, Sister Elisa"

A sweet voice full of girlishness came from outside the door, and one could imagine that the other party was standing at the door at this time.

But what didn't match the voice was that Colin vaguely felt as if there was a malicious sight flashing past him
Colin sniffed his nose, and smelled something vaguely vague.

He realized.

Next, it is very likely that it will be time to see each other.

"Master Brave, have you fallen asleep yet?"


Before Ke Lin finished speaking, he saw the door being pushed open.

Outside the door, a beautiful girl in a plain white robe was standing there.

She seemed to have just finished taking a bath, her hair was a little wet, her delicate face was flushed, and there was water mist in her emerald green eyes, staring straight at Ke Lin, like a young girl in love.

"Me, can I come in?"

Ke Lin was silent for half a second, "Time Stasis" hidden in his sleeve, and nodded - now he is not afraid of thieves doing it, but he is afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Sister Elisa didn't seem to notice anything. With a smile on her face, she walked briskly into the room, turned her back again, closed the door, and then turned to face Colin again.

She hesitated for a moment before saying as if she had made a decision:

"Master Brave, please, allow me to heal the tiredness of coming to this world for you."

As she said that, the plain white dress on the girl's body suddenly fell off and fell to the ground, revealing a slim figure in a thin long skirt underneath.

The curves of the body are looming in the swing of the long clothes.

It seems that as long as you tear off this dress, you can get a glimpse of infinite beauty.

When Colin knew that it was a rotting corpse, he didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh—just use this to test the "brave"?
At least a real person has to come, right?What's the deal with a rotting corpse?Which "brave" can't stand such a test?


Before I finished vomiting the trough in my heart, a high-spirited and satisfied moan faintly came from the next room
When I didn't say it, Colin sighed, the undead knight is really awesome.
Then, he raised his monocle and brought it to the socket of his left eye in front of the other party.

[A corpse whose soul has been dead for an unknown period of time may have had a good appearance in life, but at this moment, in the blasphemy technique, it is just a puppet manipulated by others, spreading false illusions. 】

[Cutting off the neck or destroying the head can stop the blasphemous spell. 】

"Master Brave, this is you." The girl fluttered her beautiful eyes as she approached Colin, staring curiously at the monocle in his left eye.

She cannot see what is displayed above.

"Our kind of glasses, my eyes are not good, I need them to see things clearly."

Colin carelessly opened the collar of his coat, put the monocle into the inner pocket, and then rummaged for something.
"then we"

As she spoke, the girl lowered her head shyly, a large blush appeared on her face, and even the roots of her ears became red.

After a pause, she mustered up her courage, raised her head, and was about to say something.
However, the rosy lips that shone attractively were only slightly opened, and before they could make a sound, they suddenly stopped.

The head of this beautiful girl exploded instantly.

At the last moment, she only had time to see that while the "brave" put the transparent glass into his pocket, he took out a metal object in the shape of "┓".

Immediately afterwards, the "brave" moved his fingers, and in the dark hole, the fire light flickered.
Then there is no more then.

The exquisite head exploded into countless pieces like a watermelon falling to the ground.

The headless body in plain white clothes fell to the ground.

Colin held the "rebel" who was still smoking from the muzzle of the gun in his right hand, and stared at the beautiful corpse on the ground with vigilance.

Originally, he planned to wait a little longer.
But just now, when the other party moved his legs slightly and approached, he suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

The "Fatal Insight" effect is activated!

So, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly shot the opponent's head preemptively.

The corpse that fell on the ground did not bleed out blood, but quickly decayed and evaporated, emitting a strong and foul-smelling gas, and turned into a skeleton in less than ten seconds.

This is obviously not what a human being should look like after death.

And at this moment, the world in front of Colin's eyes has also undergone tremendous changes. Everything in the house is rapidly aging, becoming desolate and dilapidated, and the air is filled with a dull and unpleasant smell of decay.

At the same time, he also saw that on the left hand side of the corpse, there was a white bone spur like a dagger, and the bone spur was full of black cracks.

it looks like a bone in an arm
[An extremely dangerous item, the person who holds it will continue to experience symptoms of edema, and eventually drown. 】

[Victims stabbed by it will feel as if they have been submerged in water, making it difficult to breathe. 】

"Is this the thing that stabbed me?"

The pupils of Ke Lin's eyes suddenly became larger, and the pupils became vertical, staring at the thing.

After confirming that there is nothing wrong with touching the handle through the "analytical lens", I picked it up.

The wings of the nose fluttered, sniffing the smell above.
Although it was very faint, there was still a special smell, which should be emitted by the guy who has been hiding behind the scenes.

Why is it only this corpse that attacked me?
Ke Lin frowned suddenly, put away his things, sniffed his nose again, his heart skipped a beat, rushed to the corridor, and kicked open the door of the next room.

Sure enough, there was nothing inside.

Other people's smell is gone!
[It seems that there have been traces of short-distance unilateral transmission in the house. 】

Not only in this room, but in several other rooms, "Analytic Lens" gave consistent answers.

Oh shit!

This guy ran away!
Either sneak attack from behind or run away!Is he really a man?What the hell are you doing so cowardly? !

Colin gritted his teeth and acted immediately.

"Analytic lens" is said to be a short-distance legend. Although I don't know how short this "short" is, there should be a chance.

Thinking of this, he immediately searched nearby based on the information he had foreseen last time.

After nearly half an hour of searching, he finally found some clues inside an inconspicuous hut outside the church.

A secret entrance is hidden under the floorboards inside the hut.

(End of this chapter)

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