Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 236 What a joke!

Chapter 236 What a joke!
clack clack.
The train carriage was shaking, as if it was experiencing a slight earthquake, or was being continuously impacted by something terrifying and invisible
Everyone in the car could clearly feel that the disgusting stench of corpses was intensifying.

The anomalies in the city seem to be invading the carriage, and under the influence of this unobservable effect, everyone in the carriage feels an indescribable dryness in every part of their bodies, like rusty gears. It is also difficult to maintain continuity.
"What a joke!"

Colin's condition is better than others, but not much better.

Facing the numbing gaze of the city, there was a burst of airflow on Colin's body, followed by a roaring flame and heat wave that almost covered the entire carriage.

The flame did not ignite anything, nor did it bring too much pressure to everyone, but it greatly eased the strange atmosphere in the city that invaded the compartment.

The only uncomfortable thing is that I feel a little suffocated, and the oxygen can't keep up
But compared to smelling the stench, the current situation is more acceptable.

"This broken train is really, every time it can go to some dark places."

Colin complained from the bottom of his heart, the flames on his body kept gushing out, making his clothes rattle, he crawled around the carriage like a fire blanket, and finally enveloped the carriage.

Vaguely, Colin felt that his flame actually ignited something.
And as these things were gradually exhausted in the burning, everyone's condition was obviously much better.

After preliminarily handling the things in the car, Colin looked outside through the firewall. The only good news is that those things have no plans to get on the car at the moment.
"It seems to say that the abnormality of each station seems to be impossible to get on the bus?"

Colin remembered the past.

The abnormality is mostly outside the door, which may affect the people in the compartment, but in most cases, they will not actively enter the compartment.

I just don't know if I can't get in the car because I can't get in or for other reasons.
However, without waiting to think about it, it was time for the train to stop.

clang clang ~
The crisp bell sounded almost continuously, and after it lasted for a few seconds, the door closed by itself, and the scene outside the window slowly moved backwards.

bang bang bang bang
Gray mist floated out of the car window again.

The fog is getting thicker fast.
Before the picture completely disappeared, Colin could still see those things staring at them.

However, just staring at them, no more actions
Tens of seconds later, the screen outside the window was completely engulfed by thick fog, and the train started to run at a normal speed. Only then did Colin breathe a sigh of relief.

Usually by this time, it usually means that everything has been resolved, or the biggest trouble has been resolved.

But at this time, there was a sudden call from other carriages.
"Oops, I forgot about the other cars."

Colin walked quickly towards the rear, and saw that among the more than 50 people arranged in the second carriage, there were about seven or eight children with their heads down, like puppets with broken strings, their faces were abnormally pale, and their bodies were gone. The breath of the living.

"There is no other corroded breath on my body, so I shouldn't turn into a dead body or something"

After confirming this point, Colin yelled "Don't move around now", and walked towards the follow-up carriage with a cold face.

He has seen a lot of people who are simply dead. Although it is uncomfortable, it will not have too much impact because of it.

Soon, in less than 3 minutes, Colin confirmed the death toll.

140 four people.
Except that he was a little better in the first car, there were more or less casualties in the other cars, and more or less people died.

Obviously, fate did not give them more favor just because they escaped from the Seventh Garden World.

Just at the first stop, there were so many deaths.

Although Ke Lin said he was used to life and death, such an unexpected death still made him feel uncomfortable.

After taking a deep breath, he first took out the "slave of money", then took out five hundred-yuan bills from his pocket, and summoned five "misers".

"Go and move all the corpses out and put them in the empty carriage ahead"

Hearing the order, the "misers" started to act.

Then, Ke Lin looked at the living people again, and most of them were not in a particularly good state. Their movements seemed a little stiff, which should be the sequelae
But looking at it, it doesn't feel like a big problem.

"Thank you." Xia Liufang's voice came.

Colin glanced at her, saw her continue to speak, and said comfortingly: "You don't have to blame yourself, this time obviously has nothing to do with you."

Xia Liufang knew very well that if Ke Lin hadn't made a move, their end might not have been so good.

Seeing Colin staring at the stacked corpses in a daze, as if she blamed herself, she couldn't help but speak.

"Nothing. I was thinking about what to do with the body."

Colin looked again at the pile of corpses in the carriage ahead.

More than 100 corpses are neatly arranged, most of them are children in their early ten years old, piled up there one by one, like a mountain of corpses, each of them has a peaceful face, which is quite visually impactful.

The person is dead, and the corpse should be dealt with.

Otherwise, if there is something left on the top, things will be quite troublesome
"It's on fire? No way." Qin Chuan interrupted, but before he could reply, he shook his head and denied his thoughts.

Not to mention whether it can be burned or not, even when the corpse is burned, it is difficult to deal with the thick smoke and so on.

"If it's really not possible, you can open the car door and throw it in. It will be handled specially at special times, and morality can be put aside." Hu Zheng said.

"The car can only be driven when it is parked, and it will not be driven at other times. However, it is not necessarily a good thing to leave the body after parking, because it may attract other things."

To be honest, Colin didn't have many ways to deal with the corpse.

He was afraid that the dead body would change or something else would happen when he put it on the train. After all, this train itself has a lot of problems. If it is thrown out, the possibility of causing trouble is not low.
Of course, there is also no idea when the next stop will arrive.

Sometimes it takes less than an hour for this broken train to reach the next station, and sometimes it takes more than ten hours to reach the next station.
If the time is a little longer, after a few hours, the muscles of those corpses will loosen and excrement will flow out. Even if the partition door is closed, other compartments will probably feel uncomfortable.
After all, this partition door is not the kind that is completely sealed.

Pursing his lips, Colin reached into the "storage room" to dig out, took out a monocle, pinched its upper and lower sides, brought it to the socket of his left eye, and looked at the pair of corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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