Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 247 Unwilling "Smiling Corpse Mountain"

Chapter 247 Unwilling "Smiling Corpse Mountain"

"It's over."

The last thought of Qin Chuan and others came to mind, and then their thoughts stopped.

It's just, don't wait for the explosion shock wave to spread.

A burst of engine roar that ordinary people can't hear exploded at this moment
In the next moment, everything within ten meters of this area stopped like a photo.

And in this stagnation, only Colin can act
"Damn, almost, these people are actually traps."

Ke Lin held the time stop card in his hand, looking at the things in front of him, his heart was awe-inspiring.

I saw that the bodies of the dozens of armed personnel had already been torn apart by the terrorist explosion. In the solidified flames, the strong shock wave was in a state of being about to erupt but not yet erupting.
Each of these men is covered in high explosives.

And it didn't stop there, Colin saw that some bullets were flying from all directions during the explosion, freezing in mid-air.

Among the large number of machine gun bullets, there are also a few large-caliber bullets that can break people in half!

The person behind the scenes did everything as soon as he came up, leaving no room for it!

If he hadn't stopped in time, Colin guessed that he might already be cold at this moment!
No, even if you stop sometimes, under this kind of fatal attack one after another, there is a high probability that you can only wait for death
Because more bullets continued to shoot, and the speed slowed down when entering the 15-meter range. The densely packed bullets almost blocked the water around Kelin.
Once the time-stop effect is over and these attacks come, he will be damned or dead.

But fortunately
With a calm face, Ke Lin squeezed the "Time·Stagnation" gold card and rolled his fingers left and right, and another golden card appeared——

"Force · Repulsion".

"As long as it can be reflected, I can even eject lightning from it, let alone explode."

After quickly "marking" several people in Qin Chuan, Ke Lin used the inherent ability of "repulsion burst" to the greatest extent.

The next moment, the sound of da da da sounded in the ear
A terrifying repulsion centered on Colin, except for a few people, whether it was the air, the gravel under their feet, or those broken limbs, shock waves, everything was thrown away.

As a gold card, one of the top props of "Bonfire Company", its influence on matter is higher than everything present!
In an instant, a huge circular pit with a depth and width of 15 meters appeared on the beach.

people fall into it
After successfully avoiding this almost fatal trap, Colin noticed that in the attack just now, although the people around him escaped unharmed, the other children a little further away were not so lucky.

Limbs were shattered and blood splattered under machine guns and attacks interspersed with some high-caliber bullets.
Among the dozens of people present, there was hardly a single one with a complete body.

Qin Chuan and the others, who didn't know how they escaped even a little bit, crawled out of the pit and saw the broken corpses all over the ground. At first, their brains were stunned, and then their entire eye sockets were bloodshot, and their veins burst out of anger.

They have sheltered these children along the way, and some feelings have been born.

Moreover, what a price 331 paid to send them out. He thought that everything should be over when he got home, but he was actually betrayed!
"Gao Sheng, you fucking!" Qin Chuan looked at a little girl's head smashed to the ground by a bullet, and at the milky white rabbit candy she was holding in one hand, he almost lost his mind.

He still remembers that when the little girl was on the train, she asked him childishly what was in this world, what the real sun looked like, what the starry sky looked like, and what the moon looked like.
He promised the other party that he would take them to the amusement park.

But now.
Blood seeped into the beach in front of him, and the blood mist from exploding limbs lingered on the battlefield, and the smell of blood like a slaughterhouse came to his face.

"Calm down"

Hu Zheng hurriedly grabbed him, the outside attack did not stop, if he rushed out rashly, he would definitely die.

They don't have the ability to ignore these weapons until they reach level six
"Mother Leng, I'm going to fight him!" Qin Chuan broke free from his hand, grabbed a lot of talismans, and wanted to rush out to fight desperately.

But before he could crawl out, one hand grabbed his neck from behind and threw it back.

"Roll into the pit and protect the others."

Ke Lin withdrew his hand with a gloomy expression, sensing the situation outside, and took out another card without stopping - "Mountain of Smiling Corpses"!
In the next instant, all the corpses within the effect range melted and gathered in midair.


A huge black ball of meat fell into the field, and it was extremely rare, exuding unspeakable resentment and resentment, and when it appeared, before Colin could make a sound, it attacked with a large number of weapons, heading towards dozens of people. The enemy who kept shooting from a meter away opened his mouth and let out a piercing "spiritual attack".

In an instant, several armed men were shocked and fell to the ground.

Moreover, while the corpse mountain was wriggling, another face full of resentment and unwillingness grew out.
Different from the past, this time the distorted face that grew out of it looked much more immature.


Colin stopped the idea of ​​rushing up the mountain of corpses. He summoned the other party to come out, intending to let it block bullets and other attacks.

Otherwise, in this open area by the sea, one would almost be targeted as soon as one went out.

"These guys."

Seeing the scalp-numbing barrage being blocked by the huge body of the mountain of corpses, Colin took out a ring with big eyeballs from his pocket, put it on his finger, and an icy-blue fuzzy shadow flew out of it, It seemed that he sensed his suppressed emotions, so he didn't say much, and flew into his body very cooperatively
Then, Colin's body also became a little blurred, and at the same time he had the ability to fly quickly and at low altitude.

After jumping out of the pit, he used the huge body of the corpse mountain to rush towards the enemy.

If you don't use tank guns, it is difficult to completely defeat the mountain of corpses with these weapons alone, especially this time, it seems that because of the source of the "sacrifice", the eerie smiling faces are scattered. With intense resentment and anger.
"There are quite a few enemies, thirty or so? Or more? There are also snipers, but it's not a big problem. The most troublesome thing is one of the armored vehicles."

Colin followed behind the mountain of corpses, judging the enemy's position.

But at this moment, his footsteps stopped, and he felt that there was a hand on the ground grabbing his foot - that extraordinary person who had been promoted, level five or level six, with an unknown path.
He had a talisman in his hand, which was pasted on Ke Lin's foot.

A face also appeared under the sand: "Haha, the high-level anomaly release talisman, once it is pasted, all the extraordinary powers in your body will not be able to be exerted."

Before he could finish speaking, Colin bent down and slapped the other person's face directly, pulling him out of the soil like pulling a carrot, and holding him in midair.

At the same time, a terrifying cold flowed into Gao Sheng's body along his arms.

"How is it possible, you?" Before Gao Sheng finished speaking, his whole body froze.

"Sorry, I don't have extraordinary power yet."

Ke Lin's eyes were fixed, and he grasped the opponent's head with five fingers, and instantly crushed the ice sculpture's head.

Now he can have the power to shake a ton of things under normal conditions, let alone crush a head frozen by minus tens of degrees.

His corpse was not wasted, it was directly swallowed by the mountain of corpses.
The body of a high-ranking person directly makes it vaguely look like it is about to grow a third head.

However, Colin ignored this, and after killing it, he continued to move forward, while thoughts flashed through his mind, guessing who the enemy who attacked them this time was.

This time these enemies made him feel strongly targeted. He couldn't survive the first wave of attacks just now if he had less means.

From the confusion of thoughts at the beginning, to the subsequent disputes, and the multiple fatal attacks that almost couldn't even be used by "Fatal Insight".
If it wasn't for a little bit of luck and a timely response, he might really have confessed directly.

"In reality, my enemies seem to be only 'Red Moon' believers, but this time it seems that they are not the ones doing it, so that's the case."

Soon, a name appeared in Ke Lin's mind - Liping.

The eighth-level spokesperson I met at the base when I joined the official.

It is also this moment.
Seeing that Colin could not be captured by conventional means, several armed personnel opened the rear door of the last armored vehicle.

Behind the door, there was a woman bound by iron chains all over her body. She was covered with talismans, sitting in it like a stiff stone statue, with a weird smile that should not appear on human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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