Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 25 Cunning Alien!

Chapter 25 Cunning Alien!


Hearing the screams, the huge human stitch monster seemed to be very happy. Its back like a possum's back, and every face that had been gouged out and dripped with blood and tears showed a piercing smile.

"Call it! Call it! Only you fools will believe in a call from another world. Believe that when you come here, you will become brave men who defeat everything. Believe that you will become a big man who is admired by people in this world."

"You don't really think that you are a savior, do you? What makes you have such confidence? Hahaha"

When the human body sewing monster spoke, dozens of faces on its back spoke at the same time, making dizzy laughing sounds one after another.

As he spoke, he swung the sharp knife, like cutting a steak, and cut shallow net-like incisions on the surface of the "brave".

Oddly enough, the cuts were deep enough to show flesh without much blood oozing.

"Help, let me go. Woohoo, it hurts, please don't torture me, kill me, ahh, kill me, ahhh!! Mom!"

"Kill you? Hahaha, how is it possible? Without your spiritual resonance and flesh and blood raw materials, how can I open the flesh and blood door to your world? You should be lucky, lucky to be a part of me, a part of the great success of the foundation."

"When everything is ready, I will set foot on that land"

"Compared to here, there is simply a paradise. There is no shortage of food. Everyone can live in a world without black mist and disasters. There is also the sun. In your memory, I even saw things that no longer exist." The sun', how beautiful it is."

"But you guys actually gave up? Just because you called out a few brave words when you summoned? Hahahaha, you actually gave up the world of grace and the warmth of the sun for this reason."

"Want to come to 'save' our ignorant and backward natives? Want to pass on advanced and noble values ​​and ideas to us? Just because you are a modern person, you can achieve nothing over there, but you can ascend to the throne here? Hahaha, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard, what are you daydreaming about? Hahaha."

"As far as you are thinking, if you really come to this world, even if you don't meet me, you will be considered heretics and die miserably if you meet those people from the Church Tribunal. They will not be as wise as me. Your death is valuable and meaningful, hahahahaha."

"A bunch of damn ants! Just you? Why? Inferior people like you can enjoy Him, enjoy the warmth and gifts of the sun?"

The huge human body sewing monster was moody, and suddenly furious at this moment, "Why?! The sun wants to abandon us, those who deeply believe in him, and this land?!"

As he said that, the human stitch monster suddenly paused, then grabbed the "brave" on the chopping board and threw it into a cage filled with coarse salt soaked in blood.

Suddenly, there was a hoarse and sharp scream, and the large salt particles stimulated the wounded nerves, causing him to roll and howl in the salt pool, and his whole body soon became like a blood man.

Seeing this scene, he smiled again, dancing and laughing wildly.

In the dark, Ke Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and was considering taking the opportunity to make a move, but saw the other party suddenly stop laughing and his tone changed.

"Speaking of which, you have also mixed in a guy this time. When I first came in, I discovered his abnormality. Among the nine people, he was the only one who stood outside the altar. It's ridiculous that he hasn't noticed yet. It's a pity that he suddenly became prepared for the banquet, and this sudden reaction shows that he should know something."

"If it wasn't for some experience, let me know that he might have mastered some means to predict the future. Maybe I would really continue to attack, but fortunately, I evacuated in time."

"Hahaha, I guess he won't understand that the use of that thing has a fatal weakness. People who predict the future must be vigilant about the future. His sudden vigilance makes me sure that he may have discovered something. He didn’t withdraw after he found out, which means that his strength must be higher than mine. If he continues to attack, I will probably be counter-killed.”

"However, the foresight of that kind of item must be based on direct or indirect contact between me and him. As long as I evacuate everything, then he will not be able to observe me in his foresight, hahaha, stupid Yes, despicable strangers, I am far ahead of you in dealing with and understanding mysterious things!"

"Besides, there is one more thing."

Speaking of this, the giant suture monster paused, and Colin was waiting for it to continue talking about the knowledge of the "Book of Fortune Telling" for nothing, but a picture suddenly appeared in his mind——

Dozens of pairs of arms approached him from the darkness.

Found out?

Are you trying to catch me by talking so much?
Cunning outsider!

Colin unhurriedly pulled out the revolver, pointed behind him, and pulled the trigger three times in a row.

Bang bang bang!

A scream rang out.

Colin quickly rolled sideways, turned to look behind him, and found that the human body stitching monster that was originally in the kitchen appeared behind him.

"It will teleport"

Because of its huge size, the three shots just missed the aim, but they also hit accurately, and three blood holes were shot on the distorted body.


The human stitch monster covered the bleeding wound with a few hands, and seemed to have a certain understanding of the weapon that hurt him.

Colin was not surprised by this, because he had already guessed that the monster in front of him had arrested more than one group of people.

But at this moment, he noticed that when the thing spoke, all the eyeballs suddenly locked on him.

No, the three shots just now didn't do much to it. It deliberately made me think that it was seriously injured, so as to paralyze me. This guy likes to distract people by talking. Seconds later, there was a sharp pain in the brain, and the whole figure staggered.

Brain is boiling! ! !
Colin's eyes were bloodshot and his head was hot. He gritted his teeth and raised his gun to shoot, but this time, because of dizziness and headache, he couldn't shoot at all.

A strong sense of dizziness struck again and again, and the world in front of me began to spin.
Colin gritted his teeth, without panic, reached into his pocket, grabbed a handful of powdery substance, and swung it towards the monster's head.

When the prepared quicklime dust touched the large group of eyeballs on the monster's head, it immediately became hot and emitted a lot of heat.


The human stitching monster hugged its head and screamed, bleeding from its head and eyeballs, quickly washing away the effect caused by the lime.

However, this time, the continuous mental attack was interrupted.

Looking at the human body sewing monster holding its head and screaming.
Ke Lin was a little moved. If he jumped at this time to get closer and used the time stop, he would be able to instantly kill him.

Although the aura exuded by the monster in front of him was undoubtedly its own body, its actions were seriously inconsistent with the vigilance it had shown before.

Judging by this guy's prudence and cunning, if he foretells the future, he is likely to step into a trap if he gets close.

"No, judging from the habits of this monster, it shouldn't fight me on its own body. If it is on its own body, it should drive a large number of zombies to attack and then hide behind. Looking at it now, it feels like it is deliberately selling a flaw .”

When Ke Lin's thoughts flashed, he chose to step back and continue to distance himself from the opponent.

His hard power gives him the ability to continue to circle around to gather more information.

At the same time, all the faces on the Stitched Monster opened their mouths, and the invisible sound spread, causing the air to vibrate.

Suddenly, Colin's scalp went numb, and when he looked up, all the drowned above his head looked over, with deep malice coming from his pale eyes.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, they unhooked and fell from the ceiling.


(End of this chapter)

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