Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 250 Multiple friends, multiple paths

Chapter 250 Multiple friends, multiple paths

"It seems that I have come a little late."

The old man glanced around the battlefield, then glanced at the black meat ball not far away, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to understand a lot in an instant.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Coughing sounds came from the surrounding woods. Colin saw that the enemy who had not had time to solve it before, hiding in the dark and shooting guns, seemed to be unlucky and accidentally choked on his own saliva, and it was difficult to restrain his physiology. Cough instinctively.

In the next few seconds, they all fainted because of the lack of oxygen in the brain due to severe coughing.
'It's so weird? ' Colin stared dumbfounded.

He knew that choking on saliva made him faint, but it was absolutely impossible to happen to these people. They were obviously affected by the ninth-level "Fate Pushing" powerhouse.

"That's what bad luck looks like."

The old man made a brief comment, retracted his gaze, and looked at Colin with a kind face, but Colin couldn't help but feel heavy again.

If the eighth level before could still talk about fighting, then this one, if the opponent really has any ideas, Ke Lin guesses that he can't fight at all, and he will be more reluctant to escape.

At the same time, he also figured out why the battle was so hasty, and why the opponent suddenly withdrew.

It is estimated that the other party also knew that reinforcements would arrive soon, so they retreated instead of continuing to try to take him down.

"You seem to be under a lot of pressure?"

The old man, who is a ninth-level powerhouse, spoke calmly and could not hear any emotions, but his eyes did not stay on Ke Lin, but followed Qin Chuan and others behind him, and took out a black pair from his pocket. sunglasses.

"Actually, it's not necessary. After all, the old man is not a devil."

After the old man put on sunglasses for himself, he looked at Ke Lin again: "In this world, it is better to have more friends who can cooperate with each other than to have one more enemy, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Colin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "You are right."

He knew that basically meant that he was worried that turning those things in or something wouldn't happen.

Because the two parties are in a "cooperative" relationship, not a subordinate relationship
"The matter of 'Li Ping' is indeed a tragedy, but have you ever wondered why 'Li Ping' kept saying meaningless words when he finally invited you?" the old man continued.

"What do you mean?" Colin thought.

After such a reminder, he did find that the last "Li Ping" had been doing meaningless things.

Blunt persuasion, old-fashioned lines, and confusing "riddles".
"Hehe, her original words should be to directly tell some prayers of the 'Red Moon', and to instill some imperceptible but very dangerous knowledge pollution in you. However, I added a new script to her, otherwise the In your current situation, exposure to that knowledge may not necessarily be a good thing."

The tall and thin old man shook his head: "Unfortunately, she noticed the problem after only reading a few words, otherwise she would really have a chance to take her down."

'This line is too bad, who can not find abnormalities? '

Colin sneered from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, in the words of the old man, I learned some of the other party's abilities-affecting a person's luck, and arranging abilities similar to the narration of "Love in Paradise" back then.

The old man didn't say much about this, and looked at the children behind the sunglasses: "Where did these people come from? What other unknown regions? I can hardly detect the traces they left in this world."

Ke Lin felt that if the old man took a few more glances, he would be able to see through the vests of those "Seventh Garden World" seeds.

"They have some problems, but the problems are not big. Next, I should talk about you."

The old man seemed to have no idea what Ke Lin was thinking, and was about to continue speaking, but suddenly noticed something, looked in a certain direction, and changed the topic:
"I suddenly felt that if I catch up now, it might be possible to catch up with her. The possibility is very small, but what if?
"So, let's talk about your business later, someone else will take over here soon, see you later.

"By the way, you can look for the things you handed in before. If you're lucky, you should be fine."

After finishing speaking, before Colin could answer, the figure of the old man disappeared, and there was no trace of his existence here. Everything looked like a hallucination.
Behind them, Qin Chuan and others were immersed in the "deafening" battle just now, they didn't recover, and they didn't even notice that the old man had come.

If it weren't for the enemies in the distance who were stunned by his saliva, Colin even suspected that the old man had never appeared.

Like "Lucky", he is hard to detect if he doesn't deliberately leave traces.

Is 'Level [-]' life pushing" so weird?"

Ke Lin was secretly startled, and then went forward to search, and found four pieces of parchment without any trouble, two of which belonged to him, and the other two belonged to other people in the same company.

In addition, there are some items handed in by Qin Chuan and others, which are indeed still there.
Qin Chuan and the others in the pit seemed to have just come back to their senses. They plucked their itchy ears in unison, and then someone said, "Is the matter resolved?"


Colin nodded, and opened his mouth while removing the "mountain of smiling corpses".

But before he could say anything more, he suddenly heard a rumbling voice coming from his ear.

Several people followed the sound and looked up at the same time, and saw several jet fighters passing by at an extremely fast speed in the sky.

And, after flying to a certain position, the magazine opened, and something was dropped from it, flying towards here——

A missile!
The missile accurately fell not far from Ke Lin and the others, and the magazine shattered, but what exploded was not gunpowder, but strange yellow talisman paper all over the sky.
What is this again?
While Ke Lin was wondering, he saw a part of the yellow paper in the sky suddenly gathered and condensed into the shape of a person.

Not long after, among the large amount of yellow paper flying all over the sky but never falling to the ground, a paper figurine that was obviously made of yellow paper but was as lifelike as a real person came out.

"...This seems to be the garrison of the province here, also an eighth-level powerhouse, 'Furen' Cao Yixiang." Qin Chuan explained in a low voice next to Ke Lin, his words were full of respect.

Because he and the other party are taking the same path - playing with talismans.

"It seems that the troublesome things have been solved." Cao Yixiang looked around and found that everything had been solved.

Later, he noticed that many people were injured, so he waved his hand, and many talisman papers flew quickly and stuck to those people, or directly penetrated into their bodies to stabilize their injuries
When this eighth-level powerhouse took over the scene, there were hundreds of fast-falling parachutes in the sky. These parachutes were much smaller than normal, and the speed of falling was very fast. They were obviously specially made for people with extraordinary abilities.
And on the sea farther away, some ships can be vaguely seen approaching, and a helicopter flying in mid-air is taking a step ahead and approaching quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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