Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 267 From Underground

Chapter 267 From Underground

A big question popped up in Ke Lin's heart, what's the matter?

He could feel that the aura exuded by the person who was speaking was very strong, much stronger than the "Father of the Ocean" after the "divinity" was stripped away.

The most important thing is that there is obviously a "high-level sense" in him, that is, that kind of "divinity".

With this kind of strength and existence at this level, it was the first time he had heard of begging for mercy.

This made Colin feel unrealistic and absurd
All the bosses appeared so forcefully, why is the tone so soft, pleading and apologizing?

"However, who is this Rosen? What is it about being trapped? Why is he calling me? Did he admit the wrong person?"

Ke Lin was puzzled in his heart, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and vaguely realized who the other party was talking about.

The "former company" employee who died here!
"So this is Rosen."

If Colin felt something, then, with a cold face, he ignored the voice in his ear, raised his footsteps, and continued to walk out——

Maybe in the eyes of that former colleague, these guys are just chickens and dogs.

But now that the roles are reversed, once he is recognized, the problem will be aroused!
But at this moment, realizing that Colin didn't pay attention to it, the terrifying existence under the huge maze seemed a little anxious
Under Colin's feet, the soil squirmed and turned into a pair of hands, stretching out reverently, holding his trouser legs.

"I've really repented, I've really repented, please release me from your divine kingdom of containment"

What the hell are you.
Ke Lin looked at the hand holding his trouser leg at his feet, thinking about whether to use "Time Stop · Stasis" to run away, or "a tiger's body shakes" to let the other party let him go.

But at this moment, a human face stuck out: "St. Rosen, I have already realized my mistake, please, you are not Rosen!"

The human face stared at Colin and screamed!
"No, you are Rosen, you have his power, his weapon, no, no, no, yes. He is dead?!"

The terrifying existence from under the ground seems to have been tortured for a long time, and its mind is not clear, but after a while, it suddenly realized something, laughed wildly, and the entire maze tunnel vibrated:

"Hahahaha, this damn guy is finally dead!

"You, no matter who you are, since you have inherited his power, release me immediately, or I will kill you!"

The terrifying existence from under the ground instantly changed its face.

'Good guy, pleading with him like a slave, and hitting me hard, right? '

Ke Lin understood what is called face-changing at the speed of light.

Immediately, a burst of flames shot out from his body, covering his whole body. Colin said in a puzzled tone, "How do you know he's dead? Maybe I'm just here to take your postgraduate entrance examination?"

The monsters in the underground must know nothing about his purpose of coming here, and there is a high probability that they don't know about the "human body stitching monster" before.

It was because he noticed the familiar smell on his body that he chased it out.

Therefore, in this situation of unequal information, Ke Lin has some room for manipulation.

But while speaking, he was also ready to escape from time to time.

At this moment, that hand retracted, as if worried that just like Colin said, that guy didn't really die—what if it's just a test now?
Otherwise, it would be too unreasonable for this person with Rosen's aura to come here alone.

"You and I... I can feel that he is gone, but..." The voice turned back to sluggish, even if he knew it was fake, he didn't dare to try too much, in fact, he couldn't try too much at all.

Those seals still restrict it so far, and it cannot really use much power.

"No matter what his situation is, I can be sure that you do have a good chance to release me"

"We can make a deal."

"I can promise not to do anything to you, and I can promise you a request for help."

The voice came to my ears over and over again, but Colin didn't stop, and continued to walk outside.

"I can feel that although you have that kind of power, you are not a 'fire bearer'. If you can let me out, I can tell you where his characteristics may be left, and where he ended up."

"I can tell you a lot of secrets about this world."

"Also, from you, I can see that there are a lot of entanglements, many things are involved with you, and many of them are uneasy divine creatures."

"As long as you solve my dilemma, I can also help solve yours once."

The underground voices kept trying to restore it, but unfortunately, Ke Lin went in from one ear to the other, and left unswervingly.

During this process, Colin never encountered any obstacles.

"One day, you will agree."

After Colin left the giant underground labyrinth completely, a voice came from his ear at last, and behind him, a face protruded from the wall, staring at him until it disappeared.

Not long after, when he returned to the surface, Colin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Recalling that thing, he pursed his lips:
"Agreed with a hammer, with what Rosen apologized and was a dog as a slave, and also a 3000-year contract. When I was with me, I pretended it all at once. Damn, I'm a bully, right?"

Although Colin was really curious about what that thing said, he also knew that his current strength simply did not have the ability to go back to the past.

The image of the underground thing being completely different is the biggest proof.

This is the case before it is released. If it is released to the other party, once it confirms the death of the former colleague, with the character traits it has displayed, Colin estimates that there is a high probability that he will be liquidated by the other party.

If you can't beat the big one, you can't beat the small one like him?
"Report the matter here to Ms. Rabbit later. If you pay attention, I think the group army will come and talk about it."

Ke Lin shook his head, not surprised that his former colleague had such strength.

After all, although the two "fire bearers" that appeared today are both dead, they are both incredibly strong, and none of them is weak.

Without thinking too much, Colin held up the torch, glanced at the darkness around him, and after confirming his direction for a while, he quietly started the way back with his luggage on his back.

This time, nothing happened except the little accident underground.

More than ten hours later, Colin saw the location of the chapel again. There were many disaster victims around who seemed to hear the news that they could eat and survive here.

Along the way, Colin saw many teams, moving there like a pilgrimage.

However, at this moment, Colin suddenly heard a loud and swearing sound from a team not far away.

It looks like something happened over there.

After thinking about it, Colin first glanced at the town in the dead mountain range from a distance, and after roughly confirming that nothing happened there during the time he was away, he walked towards the place where the noise and abuse came from.

(End of this chapter)

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