Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 269 Orderly Development

"I didn't steal it, I caught this myself!"

The child retorted with a slightly hoarse childish voice, and his two little hands couldn't help but pinch out the mole's tongue.

Colin was about to appease him, but suddenly he was taken aback:
"You? Are you a girl?"

The child was less than 1.2 meters tall, not developed at all, and was dirty. At the first sight of the two meetings, Ke Lin always regarded it as a little boy, but he didn't expect to find out that it was a little girl when he opened his mouth.

"Okay, okay, sorry, I blamed you."

"Ah" The little girl who was about to say something was stunned. She was ready to be beaten, but she didn't expect that the other party would apologize to herself.

You must know that such a "big man", no matter right or wrong, as long as he dares to talk back, it is possible to be beaten to death!
"Hehe, I know, it's hard to be wronged. I also had it when I was a child. Well, I sincerely apologize to you. This is my apology gift."

Colin said kindly, took out a milky white rabbit candy from his pocket, and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth before she could react.

In fact, he has always hated little kids, but the kind of well-behaved and sensible ones are different.
And the little girl who just realized it felt the sweetness melting in her mouth, and her whole jaw was sore - she still ate such a sweet thing!
The kind of milky fragrance and sweetness that I have never experienced before.
"Okay, the injury is not a big problem."

After roughly treating her main injuries, Colin stood up and pointed to his current territory in the direction of the town:
"Will you go over there with me? I will give you food and a place to live. As long as I am still alive, I will save more children like you who have nowhere to go, teach you some knowledge, and raise you up. Then, the future is up to you to choose."

This time it was different from drawing big cakes with the employees. Colin really decided to do it. Looking at these children, he couldn't help but think of his own childhood.

From a small broken family to the big family of the old dean.
Colin considered himself lucky.

Now he plans to continue his luck.

The little girl looked along where he was pointing, only a few kilometers away could vaguely see some mountains, but she saw nothing else, she looked away, looked at Colin's side face, and stared at him blankly.

After a while, she was suddenly depressed:
"But we have no money"

She looked at the two moles in her hand nervously.

While they are indeed fat, they obviously can't afford that, not even the sweet stuff in their mouths.

This "good thing" terrified her.
However, feeling the tone of Colin's words, she did not run away like before.

"You can grow up, it is my feedback."

Ke Lin smiled and reached out to touch her head. All along, he came to "World Number-13" to do numb tasks. After he had something he wanted to do, he suddenly felt a lot better.

And at this moment, he turned his head and looked behind him:

"Are those your companions?"

At this moment, those children seemed to be getting closer, and they were still holding stones in their hands, as if they were going to hit him hard.

"You are not very old, but you are quite courageous." '

Colin muttered inwardly.

"Well, can you take them with you?" the little girl asked.

"Of course, call them over."

Hearing this, the little girl's eyes lit up, and her black pupils seemed to have turned a little red due to emotional changes, but she seemed to realize something, and quickly shifted her gaze, tilted her little head, and sneaked a glance at Colin, seeing that he seemed to be I didn't pay attention, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

'There's something really wrong about this kid, those eyes. '

A sense of doubt arose in Ke Lin's heart, but he only appeased her now, so he was not in a hurry to ask questions immediately, so as not to irritate the other party.

"By the way, what's your name?" Colin asked the question again.

Hearing this, the little girl shook her head first, then whispered, "I don't have a name, but they all call me 'Red'."

No name, this should be a nickname, right?

Ke Lin is not very surprised about this situation, because many refugees and disaster victims do not have a name, and they are not qualified to have a name. Only some have nicknames.

"Then call you Xiaohong."

He didn't bother about it, and under Xiaohong's call, the children who wanted to "rescue" her all jumped out. After explaining the misunderstanding, Ke Lin took out the "mountain of smiling corpses".

In the next instant, the corpse on the ground melted, and a huge black meat ball rose from the ground.

After appeasing the shocked and terrified children, Colin led them up the mountain of corpses and set off towards the territory:

"Pippi, let's go!"

Corpse Mountain stretched out its thick hands to replace its feet, carrying a group of people towards the territory, and because Colin used the "Emblem of the Humble Knight", it didn't cause much reaction along the way—

It just always feels like something is missing.


Suddenly, Ke Lin slapped his head, and then remembered that the "brave" sack that had just been thrown on the ground hadn't been taken, so he drove the smiling corpse mountain back to the original place to take them, and then returned to the territory.

After going back and forth for more than a day, everything in the territory is quite normal except that there are more people.

However, Colin soon discovered that besides the refugees, there were hundreds of soldiers whom he had never seen before.
After Ke Lin came back, Li Ming quickly received the message and put down his work for the time being.

"Those soldiers were brought by Calder's nephew and said they were helping, but I feel like they have malicious intentions. Should we drive them away?"

"Drive away? Why?" Colin was surprised.

"This traitor."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, there is indeed a shortage of labor, especially for those who can understand. I guess these 'insiders' are more diligent than ordinary soldiers in order to obtain information."

Colin waved his hand, indicating that it was harmless, and his strength was the reason why he said this.

In Li Ming's eyes, the so-called traitors are nothing more than one labor force after another in his eyes.
"Okay." Li Ming nodded, and then looked at the children who were following Ke Lin, and the man in a sack that Ke Lin handed over to several "misers" to hold together.

"These are 'braves', I just rescued"

"You said those unlucky ones are them." Li Ming was surprised.

Colin told them the stories of those unlucky "braves" before, but he didn't expect to go out before, so it was for this matter.

But after thinking about it, Li Ming rubbed the dark circles on his eyes, and suddenly became excited: "Then are they?"

At any rate, he has gone through nine years of compulsory education, so it must be no problem to dedicate himself as a senior labor force here!

"Don't think about it for now. They didn't come through formal channels, nor are they employees of the campfire company. They have problems with language communication and are injured. By the way, they have injuries that need to be dealt with. Go back and find Lin Yilan."


Li Ming was sad, and then looked at Ke Lin's side, "By the way, who are these?"

"You don't want them to lay hands on you, do you?" Colin said with a strange expression.

"No, just a random question." Li Ming shook his head.

Noticing his gaze, Xiaohong hid behind Colin a little nervously, tugging at the hem of his clothes nervously.

It seems that because of the change of mood, her eyes turned red again.

Although there is no evidence, Colin has a hunch that if her eyes keep turning red, there is a high probability that something bad will happen.

'It seems that I have to take her with me, otherwise it will be bad if something goes wrong. ' thought Colin to himself, with an unrevealed opening on his face:
"Well, some homeless children, let's arrange to live in the church first."

Colin reached out and touched her head to comfort her. After finishing the arrangement, he asked about other people's situation——

Lin Yilan and the nun rescued people together, while Tang Ken led some people to make some basic props, and then went out to try to reclaim farmland and develop wasteland.

In fact, there are quite a few people in this world who know how to reclaim wasteland and farm, but most of the time they are unable to reclaim it.

Because land reclamation is a labor-intensive job in this era, if there is not enough food and protein to support it, a thousand refugees go out to reclaim wasteland. If there is no food and tools, most of them will die of exhaustion and starvation in a few days.

And food is in the hands of nobles, and only when they are willing to reclaim wasteland, ordinary people can reclaim it.

Ke Lin is also short of food, but there are hundreds of 25 Cubs who are several times stronger than ordinary people, so the problem is not too big.

After briefly understanding the situation of the territory, Colin nodded in satisfaction.

In the next few days, just as he thought, the 25 boys worked harder than the average person. Thanks to their selfless dedication, the entire territory finally regained a lot of order from chaos.

Three days in a row, everything is developing in an orderly manner
Just looking at the dark circles in the eyes of Li Ming and others, Ke Lin suddenly felt guilty, and then came up with some thoughts——

"Is there any way to allow them to work continuously for seven days without reducing work efficiency due to fatigue?"

While thinking about it, Colin probably had some ideas.

"Now they actually still need to rest. It's time to improve their strength. If they can finish injecting the F-level gene compensation medicine and cooperate with the 'colorless crystal', even if they work continuously for seven days, they should not have dark circles."

In this way, his conscience will feel better.

However, when Colin was thinking of going out to improve the strength of the employees, Sister Vanessa suddenly ran over excitedly and told him a big news——

Not long after, the Holy Lady of the "Light" Sect, the highest ranking person of the "Light" Sect, No. 1 under God, the saint who walks on the earth, may pass here!

ps: Ask for a one-ball monthly pass, see if there is a chance for a thousand monthly pass, and fulfill the dream of having a monthly pass of more than one thousand for many years. (end of this chapter)

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