Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 278 Civilian Nuclear Powered Submarines

"dong dong dong"

The deep and strange voice was accompanied by some sharp shouts, which came through the iron layer around him. Colin raised his head subconsciously, and his expression was startled.

I saw, outside a thick round glass, a large school of fish swimming and playing under the lights.

But outside the light, everything was muddy and dark, with countless small things floating in the dark green water, and there were faintly sharp and treacherous voices coming out of the gloom.

In addition to the airtight and narrow room, even Colin had an inexplicable sense of fear.

here is.
"deep sea?"

Ke Lin got up in a hurry, and by the frequently flickering lights in the room, he could see clearly that this was a narrow lounge that might only be four square meters in size.

The rest room is rusty everywhere, as if it has been soaked in water.

Colin took a deep breath, made a general analysis, and made sure that there was nothing else in the room except him.

Then, he looked at a tightly locked round manhole cover door in the room, and took out a silver metal ball with cat ears from his pocket.

"Little Silver, check this place and see what the hell kind of place it is."

After the order was issued, the silver metal ball spread instantly and began to seep into the surroundings of this place.

"It's a good thing that there is such a thing, otherwise it will be a long time to talk about it."

Colin exhaled, and from the thick round glass, he could see what he looked like at the moment—the face was his own, but he was wearing a rather strange clothes.

It looks a bit like the former sharp brother
I don't know if it was the clothes that the company picked up for him from somewhere after the transmission.

At this time, a cat's head suddenly grew on the rusty round manhole cover-like door:

"According to the inspection, this is a damaged civilian nuclear-powered submarine. It is about 76 meters long and about 8 meters wide. It is equipped with a small amount of torpedo-type weapons with unknown fillers. The actual space inside the submarine is about ."

Listening to the little maid's report, Colin nodded, and as expected, it was probably a submarine.

But soon, his expression paused, and he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"Wait? Huh? A nuclear-powered civilian submarine?"

Ke Lin had a strange look on his face. This... This looks like a tattered and tattered submarine, but it is still nuclear-powered?

But he wasn't too shocked, because the technical level of "nano omnic" was much higher than nuclear.

"Can it still be opened?"

"Can be used after restoration."

"Can you drive?"

"Can be manipulated after cracking."

"That's fine."

Colin breathed a sigh of relief. The task required exploring a super-large water area. If he drifted slowly by this, he didn't know when he would float.

Now knowing that the little silver cat-eared maid can manipulate her, I feel much better.

"By the way, is there anyone else?"

"Confirm that there are five signs of vital activity on board."

"Five people, exactly the number of missions, um, wait, there are 'five people'?"

Ke Lin emphasized the word "and".

In his opinion, there would be either a bunch of people on this submarine, or just five of them to do the mission, and there would be no more.

"Yes, there are five more people. If you include Mr. Colin, then a total of six people survived this time. In addition, 21 bodies were found that died of unknown reasons, and your location is a submarine ship. long room."

"Okay, let's go out and have a look first."

Listening to its report, after confirming that there is no danger outside for the time being, Colin twisted open the door of the captain's cabin.

The rusty watertight door was quite difficult to turn because of the rust. If it was a normal person, it might be directly trapped to death here, but Colin directly performed a miracle with all his strength and forcibly twisted it open.


The valve of the watertight door was opened, and a strong, rancid stench and moist air rushed towards the face.

Outside the door, the chaotic submarine activity area came into view. From the puddles in some scenes, it can be seen that the ship probably entered the water, but finally got out for some reason
In addition, there are some tattered corpses rooted in unknown seaweed scattered everywhere.

The strong rancid stench is coming from them
"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of violent slapping sound suddenly came from not far away.

"Is anyone there? Open the door for me! Help me, Cao!"

I don't know which employee's crying voice came from behind a door.

Ke Lin shook his head. It doesn't matter if the employee who is going to be promoted to D-level can't open the door, but he can cry out of fright. I really don't know how he got here.

Of course, after confirming that it is a colleague, he doesn't mind helping the other party first.

After all, as far as Ke Lin knows, although most of the missions don't tell what will happen to dead teammates, as long as they don't kill them on their own initiative and consciously, at most it seems to deduct some mission rewards.

But in fact, in addition to rewards, teammates also play an important role as mobile signal receivers.

Especially for this type of mission that seems to be coming, if the teammate is dead, they may not be able to receive the information.

Immediately, Colin walked over directly.

Although the submarine has been in disrepair for a long time, the lights in many places are still running, but the brightness is better than that of fireflies.

Bending his back, turning slightly sideways, stepping on the sticky water stains under his feet, in the narrow aisle where the pipes were exposed and shaking slightly, he found the watertight door valve that was constantly making noise, and took two hard shots at it , indicating that he is coming.

"Wait, I'll open the door now!"

After finishing speaking, Colin asked the omnic to assist him to unscrew the watertight door valve round and round.

And the moment the door opened, an old and rancid smell rushed towards his face, and Colin was almost vomited out, and then he saw that there were about five people crowded in the lounge that might only be three or four square meters inside. personal.

Except for that employee, the others were all swollen and smelly bodies soaked in water.
"Tsk, it's a bit unlucky." Colin imagined that if he appeared here, he might not feel too good.

"Thanks. Ugh."

The employee with "It's so hard to pick a name" on his head climbed out, knelt on the ground and vomited.


While talking, Colin took out a lighter, ready to light it up, to get rid of the smell, it's really fucking stinky.
But at this time, the people hiding aside saw this scene and didn't bother to observe secretly. They suddenly thought of something and shouted at Colin: "Be careful, don't light the fire, there is gas in this place!"

Unfortunately, when he reminded, Colin had already pressed the trigger with his thumb.

A burst of flame burst out.

However, to the surprise of the old man in prison, the burst of flames did not actually detonate, but appeared here and flashed past, followed by some kind of will, which condensed into a ball of burning balls the size of a basketball. fireball.

"What did you just yell?"

When Colin turned his head, he saw a vague figure with a familiar ID on his head. (end of this chapter)

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