Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 283 Anthropomorphic deep-sea creatures.


The sound of the headless and burning corpse falling to the ground brought Taotie back to his senses a little bit, looking at the weak and boneless body writhing like a mollusk on the ground, he realized the meaning of what Ke Lin said.

"You mean something invaded, imitated or replaced him?"

"If it's not wrong, it should be right."

Colin nodded, took a deep breath, and probably confirmed that there were several independent individuals on the submarine.

At this time, the voice of the nano omnic maid rang in my ears:

"Mr. Ke Lin, I have detected that some areas of the submarine have been gouged with tiny wounds. Now that I have determined to escape from the dangerous area, do you want to stop first and repair the submarine shell?"

Did it come in through these openings?However, these few broken stones actually smashed through the submarine. Could it be that the monsters here have some crit bonuses for attacking the submarine?
Colin's thoughts flashed through him, and he ordered the little maid:

"Let's fix the shell first, so that the submarine doesn't explode in a while. I'll take care of the things inside the submarine."

He first glanced at the hall in front of him, and after confirming that there were no enemies hiding, he walked directly towards Brother Gou and others in the power room, and Taotie followed behind him. As for the "man of light" he didn't know Disappeared from time to time.

However, just halfway there, Ke Lin saw the figure of "It's so difficult to choose a name" rushing towards him and the others in a panic:

"It's not good! Something broke in!"


Colin looked at the opponent and nodded, then raised his fist and punched it in the head.

Immediately, the "employee"'s head exploded and he fell to the ground.

The body that lost its head turned into some kind of invertebrate mollusc, twisting continuously on the ground, like a strange starfish in human form, but it didn't twist for long, and it quickly became dry under the flames.
Kicking the corpse away with a bang, when Colin came near the door of the power room, he just heard his own voice:
"Brother Dog, what are you doing! Open the door quickly! The danger has been lifted!"

"This time we are really the real thing!"

Not only him, Taotie on the side even heard his own voice, and saw a person who looked like him standing outside the door and frantically knocking on the door, trying to coax the people inside out.

When Ke Lin arrived, the two pirated versions turned their heads to look at the original version at the same time, and then their bodies were torn apart, and they were about to launch some attack, but in the next second, a torrent of scorching flames rushed over, directly engulfing the two monsters in the flames middle.
"Counterfeiting is really not okay."

Ke Lin walked slowly. It was not clear whether these monsters had high attack strength, but their defense was quite low.

And the Taotie behind Ke Lin still didn't quite understand how Ke Lin locked onto the enemy as soon as they met. The voices of these guys were almost the same as the original ones, and even the smell that came out was extremely deceptive.

But the timing was not right now, so he didn't rush to ask.

"Open the door."

It was true that Ke Lin had no intention of explaining right away. Flames surged from his body, and with the revolver in his right hand, he came to the door and kicked twice on the watertight door made of steel without saying a word.

Suddenly, there was movement behind the door.

"Are you really driving? What if it's the same as before."

"Yeah, hey, how are you sure?"

"No, this attitude, this familiar way of 'knocking' on the door, that's right, it's Brother Shunzi, I've never seen him knock on the door with his hands in my life!"

There was a faint conversation coming from behind the door, and the content seemed to have suffered a lot, but it seemed to be resolved.

Soon, the sound of the bolt of the watertight door being twisted was heard.

The three brothers Gou appeared behind the door. They looked a little embarrassed. Among them, the skin on the arm of the one whose name was really difficult, the blood vessels and bones were exposed to the air, and it looked like it had been soaked in sulfuric acid. It hurts and gasps from time to time.

And behind them, several soft corpses that had been cut into pieces wriggled on the ground.

Colin glanced over their heads to make sure the IDs were there, and then looked behind them.

"It's so dangerous, the power room itself hasn't been damaged much."

Colin heaved a sigh of relief. After all, this thing is more or less a nuclear device. If the damage is serious, I don’t know how long it will take
Then, a flame flowed out from the bottom of Colin's feet, spreading towards the corpses that were not completely dead like a creeper, killing them completely.

Behind Ke Lin, Taotie followed all the way and saw a little bit of fame. He found that these counterfeit products all have one thing in common, that is, although they are very similar in disguise, they do not display the company's ID on the top of their heads.

It is estimated that Brother Shunzi also started directly based on this point.

'It's really decisive. If I find out, although I may be on guard, I may not be 100% sure, at least not so sure. Taotie sighed inwardly.

Colin didn't know what the man behind him was thinking. After he finished solving the monster wreckage inside, he looked at the man whose name was so difficult. After thinking for a while, he took out an item from his pocket:
"You take it and recover yourself. If possible, it's best to buy a BUFF from that guy."

It's really hard to pick a name. After seeing the information about this item called "The Power of Gluttony-Mark", he raised his head and looked at Ke Lin, his expression was a little touched——

Although the employees of the company have a relationship with each other as colleagues, but in general tasks, no one will treat each other as colleagues.

After all, it is not uncommon for a colleague to see a colleague, and it is not uncommon for a backstab to explode gold coins.

Colin's actions undoubtedly warmed his heart.

"Hurry up and recover, so as not to be delayed for a while."

Ke Lin frowned and reminded that the reason why he was willing to borrow it was also very simple. One was that he didn't want the other party to become an oil bottle, and the other was that there would be no wear and tear on this item except that he needed to replenish his stomach all the time.

In the end, if the other party really has ideas about his props, he is absolutely sure to teach these people how to behave in the next life and take back what belongs to him.

If he couldn't beat those miscellaneous abnormalities, could it be that he couldn't beat a few small employees?
Facing Ke Lin's words, the employee thanked him sincerely, and then asked, "I'm looking for that F-level employee to buy BUFF. How can I buy this?"

He still doesn't know how to operate in this way, but he just finished speaking.

The "Light Chaser" appeared next to them in an unknown way.

Immediately afterwards, a thoughtful message appeared in front of his eyes.

[Do you want to consume 500 points? 】

"Ah this."

Colin on the side pursed his lips. When this guy was in trouble, he would hide himself directly. Even he might not be able to find out. When someone bought something, he would appear immediately.

Dedicated enough!

"Mr. Colin, the repair work on the hull of the submarine has been completed." The voice of the kitty-eared maid came to my ears.

"Then check the submarine to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net. If not, continue to act."

Colin gave orders secretly, then glanced at the "Light Chaser" without a trace, and asked in a low voice, "Is there anything we can do about him?"

At present, some "nano omnics" have been more or less infiltrated into the bodies of everyone present, but only this "light chasing man" is an exception. Nano omnics have never been able to attack him.

And it seems that the reason why it couldn't get started was not because it was discovered, but because it couldn't find its specific existence at all.

(End of this chapter)

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