Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 288 Peeping from the Deep Sea

Of course, even though he was thinking this way, Peter didn't show it, for fear that the other party would shoot himself with a weapon with a strange shape and no one could tell which factory it came from.

"You mean, theoretically, if we go in any direction, as long as we go straight, it is possible to return to this starting point in the end?"

Colin asked curiously.

"Yes. This is the conclusion drawn by the great pirate Soros!" Little Peter said with some pride.

Then let the pirates verify what the forces have not done.

"Well, it's kind of interesting."

It seems that this world is a sea world similar to the ring of Mobius?
Little Peter added: "However, if you want to try, it is very difficult to accomplish this, because few people have the strength of Soros and can keep moving in one direction.

"After him, many others tried to do so, but very few succeeded.

"Speaking of which, the great pirate Soros said before he died that at the end of this road, he buried a treasure."

Why does it smell like One Piece?
Ke Lin looked at the guy in front of him who was talking a little bit, and couldn't help complaining.

He even wondered if this was also a colleague.

But he denied his own thoughts, because "Soros" was a character a hundred years ago, and the time is not right if he is playing tricks.

But it is not at all, and it is not absolutely impossible.

Colin now feels that the time of other worlds other than Earth, or more precisely, the time of other worlds related to the company is a bit wrong.

But I didn't continue to think about it meaninglessly.


Colin shot and interrupted the little man: "Okay, take us to the second underwater island you mentioned."

“good good”

The little Peter didn't dare to delay, and quickly took out a chart from his pocket, and then took out a very special precision instrument, with compass-like charts on it, and many other counting things, which seemed to represent Changes in water pressure, etc.

Although the water pressure deviation here is not large, it is still biased.

The pirate seems to be judging the current position by comparing the above values.

Ke Lin can't quite understand it, but it doesn't matter: "Little Silver, try to crack this thing."

They need to have their own navigator.
Not long after, after determining the direction, Ke Lin and others started to move again.

This time, Ke Lin's team was no longer just a single "Deep Sea Narwhal", but also seven or eight submarines of pirates, more than 100 living pirates, and more than 200 dead bodies.

These more than 100 pirates cannot be said to be good or bad, but they have done a little less evil.

Colin gave them some chances to reform themselves. In addition, there were some female vice-captains who liked sadism. He upheld the principle of people-oriented, and gave them a chance, a chance to be a new man.

To his surprise, the little Peter himself didn't have that distorted personality of bloodthirsty, except for his murder and sexual orientation.
Moreover, this guy killed more pirates than ordinary people for the sake of his prestige.

In a certain sense, it can be said to be "curve to save the country".

However, when everything is over, Colin will still give the opponent the opportunity he deserves.

Suddenly, the submarine paused, and when Colin was wondering, the voice of the nano omnic appeared in his ears:
"Mr. Colin, several control rods in the submarine's reactor have reached their limits, and the remaining time is estimated to be 57 hours and [-] minutes."

"Control rod? No backup on the sub?"

Colin didn't know much about this thing, but generally this thing should have a backup.

"Yes, but these backup 'control rods' were damaged and corroded before we came, making them difficult to use. The ones on the other pirate ships do not match this submarine, and they are also unusable, and their submarines also need maintenance."

"Well, ten hours is enough."

Colin thought about it, if nothing unexpected happened, then it should be no problem to reach the second seaport.

But he didn't expect that when they reached the appropriate distance and time, everyone used the "Book of Fortune-telling Fragments" again to find that the second harbor seemed to be not quite right.


[Walking in this particular town, you were sent to look for control rods, but soon found that the harbor did not have the type you needed, but it was not a big problem, because you planned to preach here. 】

[It’s just that you are about to find a suitable place to spread the word with your colleagues, but at this time you feel something is wrong. 】

[Suddenly you saw your colleague 'It's so hard to pick a name' walking a bit wobbly, you were about to ask him what's the matter, but your head was dizzy, and there was a sharp pain in your brain, as if something in your brain was eating you brain. 】

【Amidst the extreme unspeakable pain, you saw the throat of 'It's so hard to name' throbbing, followed by multiple red tentacles full of mucus coming out.】

【He seems to be infected and invaded by something. 】

[A little farther away, a battle broke out suddenly, and you saw a huge amount of flames shooting up into the sky. Brother Shunzi, who was bathed in the flames, seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, fighting something terrible. 】

[But you have no time to be shocked or think about what happened, because at this moment, you know that you are powerless]

[You see many things coming towards you, you are unwilling to die so easily, at the end, you took out the super artwork on your body that combines all your hard work, which is theoretically equivalent to 500tnt. 】

[The gorgeous art you haven't seen resounds here at this moment. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Arsonist - Taotie" rubbed his temples while telling the news he got.

"It's cold again?"

Ke Lin watched the other party rub his forehead, and he rubbed his forehead too.

He did not expect that the two neighboring cities seemed to be attacked by some kind of enemy.

'These two times in the 'Book of Fortune' the teammates were killed by parasitism or infection, what is it that is aggressively attacking the humans here?Judging from the two side attacks, the strength of that thing is not weak, even I have to face the enemy. '

A few thoughts flashed by, and Colin waved his hand to signal the submarine, which the pirates called "Deep Sea Narwhal", to stop.

"How long can our submarine go?"

"About six hours."

"Six hours."

Colin looked at Peter, the little man who was tied up, "Besides this port, and the nearest one you mentioned earlier, where is there any other seaport within a six-hour journey?"

"Within six hours?" The little dwarf didn't know why, but he still asked for him to untie the rope on his body, took out the chart for comparison, and looked at it through precision instruments.



Colin flicked the bullet nest of the revolver in his hand, seeing Peter's expression was startled, and he suddenly thought of something:
"I remembered that the 'City of Pirates' passed by here not long ago. If you don't mind, it can be regarded as a seaport. Let's calculate the distance. We can get there within five hours, and it doesn't take six hours."

"Pass? Didn't you say that harbors are usually stationed on islands in the water that don't move?"

"No, I'm talking about the vast majority. There is also a small part that can move. The 'Wandering City' is that it was transformed into a mobile place by a big pirate. It is also called the 'Wandering Pirate's Paradise City' , with plenty of pirates, federal fugitives, etc."

Peter panicked and said, "If nothing else happens, the 'City of Pirates' will stop there for a rest in the last few days. If you want to replace the 'control rods' over there, there are also there."

"Then go to that 'Wandering City' you mentioned."

Colin thought about it, and finally made a choice—it would be better to say that there is no choice at all.

Whether they are looking for any believers over there, they have to repair the submarine first. If there is no "control stick" in the second harbor, he is a little bit tempted to go up and steal the "control stick" and run away.

But since the robbers in the so-called "Pirate City" have it, it's okay to go there and grab it and run away.

This time, after only three hours, they detected the outline of an extremely large water island from the radar——

"Wandering City".

Ke Lin couldn't even use the "Book of Numerology Fragments" this time, because although the users came from different objects, it seemed that...
He had an inexplicable premonition that something bad might happen to the third person.

It's not that the "Dice of Probability" will be triggered, but something else.
There is something that is likely to follow some kind of guidance, lock them, and directly launch a hunt for them.

This feeling is very strong.

Ke Lin knew very well that while using the "Book of Numerology Fragments" to observe others, there is a certain probability of being observed by the enemy.

At the beginning, "0-9'Hunger'" had directly attacked him along the "Book of Fortune Theory Remnants".

This time, the two uses are related to the same exception, and it's also possible that something has been noticed.


Recommend the book "Alighieri News Agency" (end of this chapter)

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