Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 294 "A Tip for Summoning Subspace Demons"

Chapter 294 "One Hundred Tips for Summoning Subspace Demons"

But Ke Lin didn't stop when he heard the words, and still went head-on, but just when the two sides were about to collide, an extremely terrifying repulsion burst out!
The scarecrow who came wielding a sickle exploded on the spot, and its weird straw body was directly torn apart in mid-air.

With the power of a gold card, tearing apart an enemy of this level is no different from tearing a piece of paper.

Without stopping, Ke Lin walked through the straw flying all over the sky and rushed to the "Deep Sea Narwhal" docked not far away.

Seeing him tearing the scarecrow apart so easily, the other pirates who wanted to stop them immediately got out of the way and stopped, not daring to stop the opponent for half a point!

They can also hear Omar's screams in the distance, but they are separated by a considerable distance, so they are not sure what the situation is.

But at this moment, Colin arrived, but his boss did not show up, which can already explain the problem
"Count you are interesting."

Colin snorted and rushed through the crowd, wasting no time killing them all.

Because he felt that the arrival of that thing was about to become a reality, he had to race against time to leave here.

He looked at the arsonist and the others. They were all here now. Although they were injured a little bit and had a little bit of color on their bodies, the problem was not too big.

"Leave quickly." Colin said solemnly, and walked directly to the "Deep Sea Narwhal".

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately found that all the pretty-looking "Sea Demon Girls" had disappeared:
"Where are those mermaids?"

"The situation was urgent and there were too many people. I broke their chains and let them escape into the water."


Ke Lin also wanted to try to see if he could get some information about the "Ocean Egg" from those "Sea Demon Girls".

Now this situation can only be done
"By the way, Brother Shunzi, some things have been invaded in the submarine." Brother Gou stepped forward to remind him.

Those mutated pirates were still in the submarine, and they weren't sure what was going on inside the submarine.
"I know, but it's settled now."

Colin kept walking, and he had already learned through the "Nano Omnic" that all the things in the ship had been taken care of by the little maid.

These ordinary parasites are not very strong.
Compared to them, the real trouble is the spores sprayed from them.

"By the way, that weird scarecrow may not necessarily be dead. This thing seems to be very creepy."

"Treading waves to find pigs" added a sentence.

At that time, the woman was smashed into a meat paste. She thought she must be gone, but she didn't expect that a huge scarecrow crawled out of the corpse on the ground just as she turned her head.

"If you don't die, kill it again, it's not a big problem."

Colin didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, the scarecrow's most troublesome part was a strange curse pollution.

But coincidentally.
Everyone bought the BUFF from "The Man Who Chased the Light", so much so that everyone didn't notice it. In fact, Li Weina's scarecrow incarnate was also very confused when hitting them, wondering why her hallucinations didn't work.

Soon, when they returned to the submarine, all the abnormalities on it had been cleared by the little maid.

Leaving aside the matter at the pier, they were pretty lucky. They had just entered the high-end trading field and saw the reactor control rod that could be used for a while.

Although it is second-hand, it is not a big problem, as long as it can be used.

Under the operation of the little maid, it didn't take much time to replace the control rods of the nuclear reactor, and the power room of the "Deep Sea Narwhal" quickly warmed up and was ready to start.

Seeing this, Colin looked at the "little guy" Peter who followed all the way and didn't dare to say a word:
"Apart from the previous ones, are there any other human islands that are a little farther away, not near here, and not in the alliance?"

If nothing else happened, something weird might be brewing around here.

The "Wandering City" just now is also within the scope of influence, and there is even a certain probability that it is behind the scenes.

"A 'separatist' controlled island about three days away"

Little Peter didn't know what was going on, but seeing Colin's serious face, he didn't dare to delay.

At this moment, he has fully seen how powerful Colin is, and knows that this is definitely not someone he can mess with.

Colin heard from Peter before that this is a radical force that is completely contrary to the "Alliance". The coreism is to overthrow the Alliance, and then it doesn't matter what those guys want to do.

Anyway, all they need is to find a place to preach.
"Then go over there."

After deciding on the direction, the submarine started at full power and headed towards the target direction.

In less than 10 minutes, they left the "Wandering City" a few nautical miles away, and the "Wandering City" behind them could no longer be seen.

However, Ke Lin was still a little uneasy about this, and then looked at "Arsonist-Glutton": "In addition to your ready-made explosives, you should try your best to prepare an explosive that is powerful enough."

"Didn't we escape?" The arsonist was taken aback.

Now I can't even look back at that city, so why should I be so vigilant?
Regarding his confusion, Colin just shook his head: "It's hard to say. In short, you can use everything on the submarine as long as it doesn't affect the operation of the submarine and you think it can be used."

"All right."

The arsonist didn't delay, first he took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses and put them on, which allowed him to immediately understand the properties of some materials and so on, so that he could mix the medicines reasonably.

Then, he took out all kinds of bottles and jars.

In this jar, some contained minerals, some unknown liquids, and some unknown biological organs. There was no label, but he could remember it clearly.

At this moment, in addition to various materials from the earth, he has already begun to try to detonate them together with some extraordinary items.

He's doing pretty well so far.
Seeing him starting to do something, Colin was not idle. After thinking for a while, he opened the [-]-liter "storage room" of the "small cell", rummaged inside, and found a small piece of meat clinging to the black blood.

This is what is left after the "demon" was blown up in the "Seventh Hakoniwa World" last time.

If used properly, it may be of great use
"Sorry." "Treading the waves looking for pigs" came at this moment.

If Colin hadn't arrived in time, most of them would have been wiped out
The various troubles in the "Arrival Project" are indeed not at the same level compared with ordinary tasks.

"I don't object to you wanting to save people or something, but there are some things. Forget it, let's not talk about these for now."

Colin fiddled with the piece of demon flesh without raising his head, and took out the "One Hundred Tips for Summoning Subspace Demons" left to him by the "Father of the Ocean" to examine it.

After another few minutes, he roughly prepared a sacrifice summoning document.

"Yes, this content should be able to safely summon another demon of the same type that has a certain connection with the previous demon."

Colin is satisfied with the document he has written.

However, it was also at this time that he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a picture appeared in his head——

The steel ceiling of the submarine above his head seemed to come alive, and a big mouth stretched out, directly biting off his head.


His headless body fell from the ceiling.

(End of this chapter)

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