Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 30 There is no lycanthropy at all!

Chapter 30 There is no lycanthropy at all!

"Well, that's not right. You caught this. According to our inspection, it can be roughly determined that it is both the main body and not the main body."

"What do you mean?" Colin tilted his head, unable to understand.

"You should have seen its spiritual methods, such as hallucinations, bewitching, hypnosis, etc. These methods can not only be used against you, but also against itself."

"By hypnotizing this branch individual, let it think that it is the main body, so that many traces can be cut off. He should have been preventing similar things from happening very early."

"Of course, this is just a simple metaphor, and the actual situation may be much more complicated."

Hiss, the main body deceives the avatar, and oneself deceives oneself?
Ke Lin thought about it, and felt that a toad on a frog would look like an ugly flower.

Miss Rabbit didn't know what he was thinking, and continued to say:

"This method is essentially similar to the Internet. With the ontology as the root, nodes are continuously created and a thinking network is established. It is estimated that it should be inspired by the brains of victims with programming knowledge, unless the root server is locked. The main body, otherwise it will be useless to catch any avatar."

After listening, Ke Lin confirmed that they were not the only victims, and then asked: "How many victims are there? Like today"

"There are no less than 1000 people in the world. These people have different occupational identities. The only thing they have in common is that they are all marginalized groups in interpersonal relationships. The earliest confirmed case was three years ago."

"One, more than 1000 people?" Colin's eyes widened, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"This number is not many. Among the 70 billion people in the world, there is only a one in ten million probability of being targeted."

"If it wasn't for the frequent movements recently, I'm afraid I might not be able to find it, so it should be very difficult to deal with him next."

"Another point is that he can discover our world, which is directly related to that former company employee. His distress signal was cracked, exposing our coordinates."

Hearing this, Ke Lin couldn't help interrupting her: "I remember this monster, it seems to have the ability to read memories, there are more than 1000 people, doesn't it mean that he completely understands our side?"

More than 1000 victims from all walks of life can almost understand the whole earth from every angle, listening to what the monster said at the beginning.
He seems to have been working on finding a way to get to this side of the world.

Once it succeeds.
That is likely to break out a tragic war between the two civilizations!
Ke Lin didn't know the situation in this world yet, so the things he came into contact with, except for the weird weather, the other monsters didn't seem too strong.

Even if his second-stage lycanthropy looks scary, but if he really faces a machine gun one day, at most, the shuttle will turn into broken watermelons.

He doesn't think he can weaken the opponent in a frontal war, but the problem is that those weird methods, unknown invisibility, flashing into shadows, etc., especially once the weird diseases like "lycanthropy" spread here.

The consequences were simply unimaginable.
Among other things, if the "lycanthropy" was thrown over alone, Colin could even think of some places——

"There's no such thing as 'lycanthropy.'"

"It was just a momentary insanity."

"Only by prescribing the prescription can preserve the economy and future of the human world."

"Don't worry too much about being contaminated by lycanthropy, you will have immunity in the future."

"It's not that scary, don't spread anxiety"

"People who are afraid of lycanthropy can weld their own doors to death for a lifetime, but they can't deprive us of the right to touch the sweet air. This is depriving us of our freedom. Please give back the confidence to ordinary people."

"The lycanthropy has broken out! They are like zombies. What is the Beacon Country doing with so much time? Why didn't they raise their guard in advance and deploy their defenses?"

"Damn it, we were betrayed!"

"Cut off the benefit transmission of the lighthouse and the enemies of the other world."

Everything is worrying.

"There are indeed concerns about this, but it is not important. It is not easy to catch him now that he is vigilant, and in the short to medium term, there is no need to worry too much. As for the reason, it involves some internal affairs of the company. I can’t tell you the core secrets for the time being.”

"Well, since you think there is no problem, it's okay."

Ke Lin also put it off when he heard this. Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up. He is a small employee, and his concern is useless.

"Is there anything else I need to ask?"

Ke Lin's thoughts changed, and he asked about the "interaction hall". Although the robots in it were stupid, they were sometimes inexplicably intrusive.

Hearing this question, Ms. Rabbit, who was reviewing the file, said without raising her head: "This is something that only C-level authority and above are qualified to read."

"Above grade C?"

Colin was not surprised, but what level is this rabbit lady in front of me?
Why does this tone sound like it's more than D-level?
"Well, the only thing I can tell you about it is that as long as you don't reveal your real-time coordinates, you don't have to worry about its problems. They are only dangerous when you say your real-time coordinates."

"In addition, if you are confident, you can use the method of revealing the position from the side to catch some other malicious fish to kill. This will not attract the attention of those things, but I suggest that when you do this, at least have a D-level Authority, and can refer to rather than completely believe in the book of fortune telling, and make adequate preparations, especially preparations for escape."

The instant coordinates are talking about those "robots", and the side exposure is referring to some malicious guys?Colin nodded thoughtfully.

He didn't ask any further, but Ms. Rabbit saw that he had no problem, so she took out a thick stack of documents from the drawer: "These are some people's information, you can find three people from it, as the next time you enter number 13 team."

Can you still find teammates?
Ke Lin quickly took the documents. There were hundreds of people on it. Unlike him, many of them seemed to have real abilities.

Some of them are elite soldiers who have actually fought wars, some are young and bald academic leaders, some are geniuses who are good at doing business, and so on.

These resumes made me almost feel inferior. Ke Lin wondered if he could be selected because his parents, whom he had never met, were like in the novel, high-level executives in this company or something?

And what legendary peerless bloodline does he have?
He can't be handsome, can he?

Oh, it seems to be the consumables that were chosen to roll the dice, and whoever rolls the dice gets lucky.

It's a bit like Russian roulette, and I don't know how many people died before me.

Shaking his head secretly to withdraw his thoughts, Colin continued to read.

Ms. Rabbit didn't bother him either. Instead, she took out another document and began to write silently—she seemed to have endless documents to process, and she hadn't stopped since Colin came in.

After I don't know how long it took, after reading everyone's resumes one by one, Ke Lin found out.

These people are all different, but the only thing they have in common is that they all have terminal illnesses, disabilities, mental illnesses, blood diseases, genetic defects, cancers, and some even suffer from the legendary pancreatic cancer.
Bonfire Company really likes to find people who don't live long.

Colin sighed with emotion, and then selected three of them, a woman who had made great achievements in surgery but her own pancreatic cancer was in the middle stage, a veteran with a special background but incomplete limbs, and a woman who was not outstanding in all aspects but had a mentality. Very good civil engineer.

They are not the best among them, but their mentality and ability to accept are the best.

As for their physiques, Ke Lin was not worried, because Campfire Company would probably arrange "soul wear" for them.

(End of this chapter)

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