Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 304 Bard Rosen

"Is this a message from the 'Fire Bearer'?"

Swallowing his throat and being silent for a few seconds, Colin seemed to come back to his senses, and immediately realized that this was probably a message from the "Fire Bearer".

these guys
"I haven't used this thing for a long time, is it so unlucky once I use it?"

Colin squeezed his forehead. He found that there is a powerful existence. It seems that as long as there is a certain connection with it, there is a high probability of being discovered by it. He doesn't know how to do it.
He estimated that not only the "Analytic Lens", but also his own use of the "Book of Numerology Fragments" would also cause similar effects.

When you are aware of their existence, they can also be aware of your existence.

"I'm afraid that only after the company's authority is higher can it be immune to these."

Colin took a deep breath, recalled the information he had just received, and said what he wanted to know——

'I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense, I don't have the slightest curiosity about this backhand and information. '

It's a joke, a big guy who is much stronger than him is hanging there to pump oil to light the sky lantern, what is he going to do when he has nothing to do, should he go to deliver it?

Now he is somewhat relieved that the company did not generate additional branch tasks this time, requiring him to go there.

In this way, Colin himself did not intend to go anyway.

Concentrating his thoughts, Colin didn't continue to think about this matter, he opened the taskbar and looked at it.

"There are now 820 believers. Divide by 10, that is, 82 believers have been convinced. It seems that the flame has indeed conquered them."

"If what Little Tina said is right, there are still eight murloc patrols that haven't come over, but the problem isn't too big, so we can just call them later."

"The rest are the last ten 'believers' who don't know where to find them."

While thinking about it, Ke Lin looked around the scene, smelling the smell of fish, and many mermaids showed an indescribable expression of satisfaction on their faces.

It felt like throwing the cat into the catnip, and they almost rolled their eyes because of the stimulation.

Even the patrol team that didn't allow him to get close to the bonfire just now chose to lie flat on the ground with eyes closed, choosing to enjoy it first.

"The power of the 'bonfire' seems to be more than just comfort for them. I always feel that their mental state has become more stable and purer under the flames. There are many things burning , as if they were taken out of their bodies."

Ke Lin vaguely realized that the reason why the "Sea Fairy" longed for the "bonfire" was probably to maintain their own mental stability.

Afterwards, he looked towards Brother Gou and the others, and he could see that although their state had improved obviously under the "campfire" and they felt comfortable, etc., they did not react as exaggeratedly as the "Sea Demon Girls".

It seems that for normal people, "campfire" will only give people a relatively clean feeling without too much burning sensation.

"There are many ways in the flames of the 'Fire Bearer'."

Ke Lin let out a long sigh, and then he noticed that the "Sea Demon Girls" who were lying neatly on their backs were covered with steam from being roasted one by one, and their skin was red. Then it's time for dinner.

As a last resort, he reminded the murlocs present and asked them to turn over, so as not to burn it and it would be bad.

But speaking of it, looking at this group of mermaids, Colin couldn't help but wonder, would the queen of the "Sea Demon" who was full of pride show a similar expression?

If possible, he was inexplicably looking forward to it.

While Ke Lin was maintaining the flames, in a small corner of the bright hall, Shana, who performed the task as the clone of light, was sitting on a small stone with her chin resting on her hand, quietly looking at the still bright light in the blurred field of vision. flames.

The main body in "World Number-13" received what the avatar saw almost simultaneously this time.

"The person who masters the 'campfire'?"

Ontology allocated more energy, stared quietly for a while, did not know what came to mind, took out the parchment, and then took out a crumpled book from his small ten-liter pocket. Book.

It is written in a square and square unknown font, and there is a line of ancient holy light text next to the font for comparison:

"The Adventures of Rosen".

This is a notebook handed down from ancient times, it seems to be a famous bard's various experiences in his life, it is not true, but it is quite interesting.

The book always looks back at that time from the perspective of not knowing how many years later.

She opened the first page, and there were some descriptions of "Firebearers" from "Future" on it.

The text is still in the square and square unknown font, but under this font, there are some comparison content left by the sages of the "Light" Sect after translation:
"It is rumored that in ancient times, there was such a group of people. They held flames and called themselves fire bearers. They traveled across the star field and were invincible. Wherever they went, all people worshiped them."

"They don't know where they came from, and they don't know where they are going, but wherever they go, they will suppress all disasters and bring dawn."

"When I went, I left only part of my strength to suppress terror and make countless disasters tremble. Whenever they are mentioned, all life must be described by looking up."

"In their era, all anomalies in the solar system have been suppressed, and from this point, we can look forward to the entire galaxy, the universe and even the multiverse."

"Even the most ancient and unknowable ones, there are many, have been driven out by them through all kinds of hardships."

"I don't know why, they are going to leave soon, but don't worry, it's just temporary"

"When the night comes, the bonfire will also reappear, illuminating the eternal night."

"Will the things recorded in the ancient books be true?"

Shana looked up at the blurry flames in front of her, and couldn't help muttering to herself, she didn't believe it before, she just read it as a story, after all, this diary is a true and false story in a certain sense set.

I also mentioned the sacred mountain in the mist above, and there is a holy object to dispel all evil on it. Getting it is like a brave man getting a sword that can slay dragons.

She believed it was true before, and she really searched for it for a while, but found that there was nothing there, and she wasted a lot of time, resulting in a lot of injuries.
If it wasn't for this injury, she might be able to save more people this time.

But now, I feel the special power of the faint existence of the flame.
Perhaps, this story is not impossible?
It's not all fake after all.

Shana closed the book, her eyes resting on a line of words under the cover.

This font seems to be protected by some incomprehensible factors, which has made it impossible to decipher it so far. It can only be seen as a signature, and she only knows the word "Rosen" in a line.

"Maybe when the time comes, let him check it out?"

The saint probably had some ideas. Her powerful spiritual intuition made her feel that the other party had a high probability of knowing the above content.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't communicate with the other party or have actual contact with the other party except for exerting status during the task, she would like to exchange the contents of this book with Colin now.

But it's okay, it's coming soon.

However, if Colin sees this book, he can indeed immediately know that the above text is a very official company seal:
"'Bonfire Camp' external ad hoc resident executor, Rosen."

Then, and then the content inside, most of them would just complain about it. I don’t know which online novel Rosen copied and wrote in his notes.

Because the fairy smell on it is too strong.
(End of this chapter)

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