Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 311 Come here and let me eat you!

Chapter 311 Come here and let me eat you!
"Shock! Shock! Shock!"

The queen's guard guides the order of the team and creates a large-scale assault formation with a large group size.

At this moment, this assault team composed of hundreds of people was like a sharp blade cutting the water flow, forcibly forming a passage in the dirty scarlet water ahead.

Some of the monsters that were still alive in the two impacts, but happened to be in their way, were directly torn to pieces.

Three "Crimson Abyss" containers endowed with divinity reappeared.

In the sudden explosion, they suffered some injuries, but not many and not serious.

'Sure enough, with a little more 'divinity', it is too difficult to kill, whether it is the control of extraordinary abilities or the strength of life, I feel a qualitative leap. '

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly, which is not surprising. It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of creature is a demigod. Unless it eats the original like that demon, ordinary people really have no good way to deal with them.

Even Ke Lin had to be thankful that he hadn't encountered a demigod creature like the main body behind the "lycanthropy" so far.

Otherwise, the "fatal insight" alone is enough to cause headaches.
But at this moment, when Colin was about to meet the enemy, he suddenly discovered that several thick lightning bolts flashed across the deep sea across an unknown number of kilometers, and then directly struck the three divine creatures, like a thunder cage Generally limit them.

After a moment of astonishment, Colin realized that it was the queen in that holy city who made the move!
But for some reason, when he saw the flash of lightning, his first thought was: No, why can there be lightning in the sea?
Shouldn't this thing melt into the sea the moment it appears?

Ke Lin felt that he had learned physics for nothing.

But the astonishment was only for a moment, and he immediately took advantage of the gap to move towards the holy city after he realized it.

With the assistance of the other party, Ke Lin crossed the battlefield smoothly and arrived outside the holy city, less than 100 meters away from the blue barrier that protected the holy city.

When they came, the blue barrier opened a hole just enough for them to pass through.

Ke Lin and the others immediately speeded up
But at this moment, a voice appeared in his mind:
"'Campfire,' your time is over!"

The eerie voice was filled with an indescribable sense of sublime, and the aura contained in it made mortals unable to help but surrender.


Colin immediately felt from the breath that the sound came from something under the "Crimson Abyss".

In the roaring sound, the lightning that restrained the three divine creatures exploded, and a more terrifying sense of oppression suddenly increased.
Its body is still unable to come, and can only interfere with this place through the "container".

"I wasn't sure before, but now I'm sure. This is probably another member who was persecuted by the company back then. Tsk, the strength of the breath is about the same as that of 'Twilight Angel'"

Thoughts flashed through Ke Lin's mind, he ignored the rear and led a group of murlocs through the barrier.

The barrier closed as soon as they passed through.

Ke Lin didn't look back, and rushed straight towards the largest hall, and soon saw the noble "Sea Demon" queen.

It's just that compared to the previous meeting, the queen at this moment looks a lot more embarrassed. She is covered in blood and looks weak, but her expression is still noble and calm. Holding a scepter inlaid with blue rhombus gemstones, she is staring closely at Colin who is blessed by the fire.

In her eyes, that thin and small body exuded a majestic majesty that made her feel quite heavy.

Although she was very confused about the flame on Colin's body, it was undeniable that the flame must be a "sacred fire", and it was a highly pure holy fire!

At this time, without any pleasantries, Colin looked at a magnificent temple that was also protected by a barrier:
"I will represent the will of the 'Bonfire', enter there, and recover a sacred relic that was lost from us, but don't worry about the fire's passing away, because when I come, it means that the light will shine here again.

"All the abnormalities right now will disappear the moment I finish recycling them.

"As for you who walk with me, you will also be blessed by the bonfire forever."

After saying this, Colin breathed a sigh of relief.

It took him a lot of perseverance to change the "pray to me, begging to become a believer under my command" to "walk with me", and "I will give you humble ants to bathe in the bonfire "Rights below" was changed to "You shall be blessed by the bonfire forever".

If these two sentences are spoken out intact, it may trigger a serious diplomatic incident.

But even so, listening to Colin's words, the queen couldn't help raising her brows, wanting to rush up and punch him.

As for Brother Gou and others behind him, they quietly retracted their heads into the arms of the mermaid, feeling hot and red on their faces, and couldn't help but twitch their toes while acting like an ostrich, feeling embarrassed all over.
But not everyone felt embarrassed. A murloc came out and looked at Colin's back adoringly:
"Your Majesty the Queen! Mr. Bonfire, you are really the messenger of the holy fire! It is the spokesperson chosen by the holy fire to walk in the deep sea representing His will!
"Mr. Bonfire is here, and people's better days will come!"

Don't, don't say it, my God, I just said what I said when I was pretending, why did you write it down verbatim? Colin couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

Little Tina didn't know about Colin's inner dilemma, so she continued, "You can ask them, and they can testify."

The queen looked at her guards and nodded when she saw them, obviously trusting Colin very much.

And feeling the burning fire, she also let go of her guard: "Only you are allowed to enter."

She doesn't believe in Colin, but she believes in the holy fire, and the people selected by the holy fire will definitely not lie!
While speaking, she handed over a blue gemstone.

"Okay." Colin nodded and accepted.

However, just as the queen was about to open a passage and let Colin enter the temple, a huge shock suddenly came from above her head.

Above that, a huge group of scarlet tentacles attacked.

"The sacred object is in a sacred furnace in the deepest part. The road is very long. You go there as soon as possible. This place won't last long. If you fail to do what you promised within 10 minutes, I will completely freeze this place."

"One minute is enough."

Colin rushed into the passage alone and came to the temple.

This hall is built with a large number of platinum stones, and has a long downward step. Under the firelight on both sides of the step, there are rows of guards made of unknown metals.

When Colin arrived, the guards all turned their necks, and a red spot of light appeared under the helmet.

However, they did not attack Colin because of their credentials.

Colin also ignored these miscellaneous repairs, but continued on his way.

The lower you go, the hotter the air.

But it doesn't matter much to him.
After walking nearly five kilometers, he finally saw the so-called holy furnace.

The thing is in the shape of a circle, and many large and small pipes are connected to this circle, absorbing the fiery energy emanating from it to drive the operation of the entire Holy Land.

And in this round sacred furnace, there is only one thing that is burning——

One hand, palm up, severed at the wrist.

"what are you"

Seeing this scene, Ke Lin couldn't help being silent. He really didn't expect that the other party really kept a hand when they said they kept one hand.

But thinking that this is a "fire bearer", it suddenly makes sense again.

However, before Colin could get entangled, he suddenly saw that the hand that had been amputated for many years suddenly moved, and then a middle finger was raised.

At the tip of the middle finger, a small mouth emerged, which whispered hunger:

"Hungry, so hungry, food, eat, eat, you are delicious, come here, let me eat you, let me eat you quickly, don't you want fat? I will secrete enough fat for you."

At the same time that the mouth of the middle finger in front of him made a sound, there was also an explosion of breath in Colin's body, and his stomach made a grumbling sound uncontrollably, and an indescribable sense of hunger surged up.

The voice of "0-9 'Hunger'" that I haven't seen for a long time exploded in Colin's ears:

"Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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