Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 318 "Extermination Order"

Chapter 318 "Extermination Order"

"So hungry."

After eating the Devil Earl, a terrifying power surged in Colin's body, and the empty and pale hunger took over again, and the second personality with an extremely empty stomach almost occupied his body.

But at this moment, a chain of light that had bound Colin before suddenly exerted force, and suddenly pulled him out from under the huge phantom, breaking away from the original "hunger".

When he came to his senses, Colin was dragged directly into the holy city, and the battlefield seemed to be far away from him.

"What's the situation?"

Colin was a little dazed.

At this time, another piece of information appeared on the retina!

【warn!It has been detected that the non-proliferative part of the original containment "0-9'hunger'" has reached 5.00%! 】

[Application for further firepower intervention! 】

【warn! 】

[Target escapes!Target escapes!Target escapes! 】

Amidst the messages, Colin saw that the huge "hunger" seemed to be attracted by something, and suddenly moved quickly towards a certain direction of the deep sea.
And the support that came quickly chased away there.

"It doesn't look like you want to contain it, but you want to use this thing to perform other tasks that would not be allowed under normal circumstances."

No matter how stupid Ke Lin was, he could still realize that something was wrong.

It's just that he doesn't know what the goal of the group army this time is, and why they came here under the guise of others.
However, the corresponding operation made him think of Somalia on the earth or some pirates—are the world's major powers really unable to deal with the rampant pirates over there?
So why not fix it?

If it is resolved, what excuse is there to drive the warship over?

At this moment, Ke Lin had to feel that the company's regulations were strict, but the means of implementation were flexible.

"Mr. Bonfire, have you recovered yet?" Tina's worried voice came from one side.

Colin twisted his neck, raised his head slightly, and saw the little mermaid, who was much taller than him, standing with his tail on one side, and there were many mermaids beside him.

They all seem to be in good condition. It seems that the group army has not sent any medical team this time, or it seems that the situation on the scene does not really need this.

When he was able to control himself in the early stage of releasing "Hunger", he swallowed all the seriously injured or infected mermaids in one gulp, and when he spit them out, the injuries were basically healed by the way.

At this moment, Colin realized belatedly that the "Power of Gluttony-Mark" might have something to do with "hunger".

Because the principles of the two seem to be almost the same
It's just that the above is just a shape, and it doesn't contain any "hungry" parts.

Shaking his head and stopping his thoughts, Colin responded with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Brother Shunzi, what's the situation now." Brother Gou and others also came over, and they were still in good condition. Although they were injured, the impact was not too great.

Compared with these, they are more puzzled by the current situation.

"I'm not sure. Maybe there's something else going on at the top. It should be fine."

"upper layer."

Listening to Ke Lin's words, several people couldn't help but get breathless—to be honest, they knew through various channels that Campfire Company would definitely reach the top without a D-level, and through various prop descriptions, they knew that there must be someone up there, and even There are other departments.

But speculation is always speculation, and this is their first actual contact.
"That's better than that thing on you"

"That's fine too."

While speaking, Ke Lin felt himself, the "lycanthropy" and "hunger" in his body still existed, but they had already calmed down, as if the food he had just eaten was suddenly pulled out, causing him to faint from hunger——

Although it sounds pretty fucked up, it is the first description that Colin can think of.

However, those things digested by him, because of its breath, turned into another monster that was very similar to it.

That is the part that is now "escaping".

'It's a pity. The main body part of my body is too deeply rooted. It doesn't seem so easy to get it out except by my own improvement. '

Colin sighed secretly.

At this time, the arsonist asked suspiciously: "By the way, have we completed the task now? Why is it stuck?"

Now it seems that all that needs to be done is done, but the task does not appear to be complete.

Hearing this, Colin was also a little confused, but soon, he had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly realized that he was short of reading the news of the parchment.
"It should be the last step."

After finishing speaking, Colin didn't read it on the spot, but looked at the Queen of the "Sea Fairy":
"Choose a thousand people to come to the temple."

Without waiting for a response, he glanced at the battlefield just now, and after confirming that he had eaten up all the threats, he walked directly towards the temple. That "sacred object" must be recovered
It was not recycled before for the sake of the operation of the holy city, but now that the matter is resolved, it must be taken away.

After all, this is a huge task reward!

After you take it away, whether you hand it in or keep it for yourself, you will definitely earn money.
The queen looked at his back with complicated eyes. Although Colin didn't say it clearly, she had a hunch that their most important thing might leave her in the future.

After a few seconds of silence, she swung her tail, beckoning the mermaids to follow.

"Speaking of which, there is a high probability that this palace will not be built by these 'Sea Fairy Girls', but somehow it fell into their hands."

Colin came to the stairway in the temple and glanced at the descending stairs——

If it was built by mermaids, with their physical structure, these stairs are really redundant.

But he didn't worry too much about this matter. As he walked down, he took out the parchment he had obtained before from the "storage room".

Not worried about others seeing it, he noticed that this thing has some kind of protection.

Brother Gou and others may not be able to see it, let alone those mermaids.
At this moment, his eyes scanned the parchment, and he could roughly judge that it was something like a notebook, but the content of the report inside made Colin feel horrified.

"Currently, the situation of 'Numbering World' has become so bad that it cannot be accurately described. It is hard to imagine that this project, which was once placed on high hopes, would actually fall into this situation under the circumstances that the giant personally implemented it. step."

"According to my judgment, the current state of this giant... probably won't be very good."

"With my ability and strength, it's probably difficult to do any work on him, even if his information is completely transparent, but since 'Mr. Huang He' entrusted me with this task, I will try to complete it."

"Currently, with the permission of 'Bonfire', my team and I have conducted research on 'World Number-5', 'World Number-6', 'World Number-9', 'World Number-11', 'World Number- 12' and other completely out-of-control areas, the extinction order was implemented, and all the contained objects below level 1, and 80.00% of the level 1 contained objects, were wiped out together with the world itself."

"The progress has been very successful."

"In addition, several worlds such as 'World Number-4' and 'World Number-8' have retained the 'Extermination Order' to be activated. If the situation is not correct, other follow-up personnel can solve the corresponding hidden dangers with minimal effort."

"As for the innocent people, I have reserved safer areas such as 'World Number-13' and 'World Number-7' as evacuation points. When the time comes to obtain authorization documents, I can recruit the 'Unlimited Train' to transfer them away."

"The above is the current work progress."

"Shortly after, after successfully circumnavigating 'World Number-4', I can leave here in the normal way and continue to go deep inside."

There is not much information, so this is the end.

However, the above content made Colin feel palpitations, and he understood why the "Crimson Abyss" had such a big reaction when they appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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