Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 333 Farewell on a whim


Ke Lin stood in front of the tombstone repaired with black marble, his eyes narrowed, and his mind was blank.

He doesn't have a deep impression of his father, no, it's better to say that he has almost no memory except for some photos, and even his memory of his mother is very vague.

Sometimes even if I look back, I don’t quite remember what it looked like.

After watching quietly for a while, Colin moved his thumb, pried off the beer cap with his nails and poured it on the grave.

At this moment, just like when he came to visit the grave in the past, he didn't know what to say.

Every time he came here, he would just stand there, pour a bottle of wine and leave directly.

But this time, after pouring out the wine in the big green bottle.

Ke Lin slowly squatted down and sat cross-legged in front of the tomb, suddenly having the desire to say something.

"According to the normal trajectory, I should be submitting resumes everywhere now, a quasi-social animal who is about to graduate, but because of the 'gradual frostbite', my fate has undergone an unexpected change."

"When I was selected by that campfire company at the very beginning, I thought about whether I would have any special identity, for example, you are also an employee of the company or something."

"But later experience and understanding have shown that our family is really eighteen generations of good citizens, nothing special"

"You are not special, and neither am I"

"Also, in the campfire company, it seems that there is no such thing as a son inheriting his father's business."

"So I was really just lucky, I was selected, and then I rolled the dice smoothly, and I was lucky to complete the task."

"However, if you put out the fire now, I'll set it on fire. I don't know if you will beat me up if you know about it someday."

Colin couldn't help laughing, then restrained himself and sat for a while.

In the "Dialogue", he only explained his experience, and did not mention the fire at the beginning.

At this time, he didn't have any thoughts of revenge, because he had heard that the escaped person had been living in pain because of nearly 30.00% of the severe burns.

When he was in elementary school, he had already burped his farts.
As for whether the other party has any offspring, Ke Lin didn't care too much, and he didn't have any thoughts of revenge.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly relaxed a lot.

Even because of the lightness of body and mind, it seems that the understanding of the campfire has deepened a lot
Colin raised his hand, and a cluster of flames jumped out from between his fingers.

"Without going through the 'Revolver·Retrograde', the flames I can mobilize seem to be strengthened again, and the range is similar to the original 'Ring of the Flame Dominator'."

Chatting for a day can still have this effect?

Ke Lin pursed his lips, and didn't know what to say. When he came back this time, he really just came back to take a look.

It's like those who work hard in big cities, occasionally think of home.

I was worried that if I died suddenly, I would not even have the chance to come back to see it.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. After fulfilling his "wish to go home and have a look before he died violently", Ke Lin didn't bother with these things too much, and didn't continue to spend too much time in this cemetery next to the orphanage. stroll.

"Goodbye, your son is going to save the world again."

After leaving these words, Colin returned the same way, climbed over the wall and left here.

Not long after, he returned to the familiar orphanage again.

"Hey, one hour, 46 minutes and 14 seconds. This time I stayed here for more time than you put together when you were a child. Why did you suddenly become enlightened?" Seeing Ke Lin's figure reappearing, old man Chen couldn't help but tease him.

Colin waved his hand: "I was just ignorant before."

After a pause, he looked up at the top of his head and listened to the lectures from the third floor: "Are you still in class?"

"Well, do you want to call it down? Several children miss you very much."

"Forget it." Colin shook his head. He has a lot of bad things on him now, and he is not suitable for too much contact with children.

"Okay, by the way, you are not young anymore, when will you find a girlfriend to come back to see?"

'girlfriend?The girlfriend will only hinder me from doing tasks, and the dog will not look for it. '

Colin muttered in his heart, and was about to speak, but saw a man with a curly back, wearing a suit, and a briefcase under his arm walking out from the other side.

At this time, when he saw Colin, the man was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "When did you come back, and you didn't say anything?"

"Brother Chuan? You're doing well."

Ke Lin looked up and down Chen Chuan, a successful man.

If I remember correctly, the old man said last time that Brother Chuan suddenly got an unexpected investment, and the sales of the factory skyrocketed.

After knowing it very well, Ke Lin estimated that it might be a favor from someone from the government, so he didn't pay much attention to it.


Chen Chuan smiled and shook his right hand, intentionally or unintentionally revealing a very expensive green watch.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, you have to use such an expensive watch." After seeing it, Ke Lin laughed at the right time.

Hearing this, Brother Chuan immediately smiled, but at this moment, he didn't know what he thought of:
"By the way, you seem to have a driver's license, but you don't have a car yet, right?

"Come on, take this car and drive it, and it will be under your name."

While speaking, he handed over an Accord car key.

Ke Lin is no stranger to this car. He knew that Brother Chuan bought it five years ago, but he didn't expect Brother Chuan to be so generous, so he quickly waved his hand:

"no, I'm fine."

"How can that be? How can a man find a girlfriend without a car? You don't want to lose sight of your sister-in-law when my father dies, do you? Don't worry, I'll subsidize you with gas money."

"Brother Chuan is still the same as always, a loving father and a filial son." Ke Lin muttered in his heart.

What was even more speechless was that the old man glared at his own son, and then looked at Ke Lin: "Okay, you can accept it, anyway, this guy is promising, and I will ask him to buy a house for you later."

"That's no problem. My sister-in-law is here, so my room will be booked." Brother Chuan said proudly, and with a big wave of his hand, he took over the matter.

Obviously, during this period of time, he made a lot of money.
Seeing the appearance of the two, Ke Lin was a little dumbfounded, and was about to say something.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly walked in, and seeing this person, Brother Chuan's eyes froze, and his breathing seemed to be stagnant.

Ke Lin turned his head and looked at the man: "Xia Liufang?"


Xia Liufang, who was wearing an elegant and floral long dress, nodded with a bright and delicate appearance.

"Ah, sorry, I have something to worry about"

Ke Lin nodded to the two, then quickly stepped forward and walked out. Under the leadership of Xia Liufang, he stepped into a car parked outside.

And behind him, Brother Chuan couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene:
"Good guy, this car is rich, Xiao Lin is being taken care of by some rich woman, right? No wonder he doesn't like my little Accord."

"A rich woman takes care of her?" Mr. Chen frowned. "It can't be that, rich woman's happy whip, rich woman's happy ball or something? That won't work! How can you do such a thing?!"

"Hiss, my father, please speak softly, you haven't gone far yet, and what strange things do you see, I shouldn't have let you access the Internet in the first place"

Brother Chuan regretted it too late, but he still comforted him: "Don't worry, it looks like it shouldn't be."

After finishing speaking, thinking of the woman's appearance, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, if it was such a beautiful woman, even a steel wool ball would not be unacceptable.
Judging by the attitude of the other party, Xiao Linzi is probably blessed.

(End of this chapter)

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