Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 342 Talents like you are needed on the construction site!

knight of virtue
Colin's eyes lingered on the flowing light of Calder's body.

He felt an aura similar to the "Emblem of the Humble Knight" from it.

However, the breath is similar, but the ability is completely different
The kind on Warden Calder's body seems to be more suitable for fighting. It can make that kind of light bless his body and become like an armor.

And compared to before, the opponent's physical fitness has obviously improved to another level.

Of course, Ke Lin made a comparison and felt that there was a slight difference compared to his own progress.

He should still be a little stronger than the opponent.

"It seems that the benefits that Helena promised to him at the beginning have arrived."

Colin grumbled inwardly.

While thinking, he raised the palm of his right hand to let a group of flames gather together, and then gently dragged upwards to make it fly into the air.

The fist-sized flame expanded rapidly as it rose.

After a while, a mass of intense warmth enveloped everyone present, quickly repairing their mental wounds.

"Oh, long time no see."

Warden Calder, who was a bit chubby, looked up at the flames in the air, and then stared at Colin with a weird expression, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"What do you want to ask?" Colin asked curiously first.

Warden Calder thought for a moment, and finally shook his head: "No, forget it, it's nothing."

He is well versed in the way of fishing, and he knows that sometimes, knowing too much will only make things more troublesome.

However, even without asking, Colin can probably guess——

When he came here just now, he used the "Emblem of the Humble Knight" to hide himself. It is estimated that what the other party was curious about was what happened to the power of the "Knight of Virtue" in him.

Seeing that Calder didn't ask, Colin didn't think too much about it.

"By the way, the large monster that made the sound just now"

"I solved it."

Ke Lin recalled the scene at that time. He rushed up and directly used the "Wu Er Hit" move to blow half of the enemy's head on the spot, and then completely killed the opponent through the effect of "Revolver·Retrograde".

Although it looks quite big, but the strength is not very strong, just a few seconds.
However, he heard that the horror of the "Magic Mist Disaster" lies in their number. If they really entered the area directly affected by the fog disaster, there would probably be more monsters of this level than the mosquitoes by the river.

At that time, even if he "Wu Er Hit" one punch at a time, he won't be able to deal with it at all.

Hearing Colin's words, Warden Calder was obviously relieved: "That's okay, if it runs away and then grows up, it will be troublesome. When it reaches a certain stage, it will release the 'magic mist', causing A new round of disaster."

"Well, so I didn't give it a chance to escape." Colin nodded.

He has been in this world for so long, and he has heard a lot of legends and knowledge about this thing
But at this moment, seeing that the conversation between the two parties was over, Xiaohong rushed towards Ke Lin.

The small body hugged him tremblingly, did not cry, but could feel the fear in her body.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Colin smiled and touched her little head.

"I'm not afraid, I... I just thought you wouldn't come back." Xiaohong said with a hint of crying and grievance.

"Don't worry, no."

While Colin was speaking, he glanced at the nephew of the warden Calder who was not far away. He was still alive, but he was almost as fast as a pig except for his left hand.

"This guy, if I came to support a little slower, he would have already been dismembered."

Calder also turned to look at the child of his old comrade-in-arms. Thinking of what happened before, he was so angry that he couldn't help but lightly kicked his nephew who was unconscious on the ground.

"Let's take him back first. This time he was injured because of helping the territory. We will treat him."

Ke Lin first let part of the "nano-smartphone" float towards the opponent, penetrate into his body, and repair the body.

"Sorry, it was me, I was the one who brought them here, I was the one who killed everyone" Xiaohong lowered her head in self-blame, her eyes turned slightly red under her messy hair.

At this moment, Colin could feel that there was still a kind of fear in her words, as if she was worried about being driven away.

But before she finished speaking, Colin put his hand on Xiaohong's thin shoulder.

"Don't think too much, do you know who those people are?" Colin took the opportunity to ask.

"I don't know. As long as I remember, some people have been looking for me, but they disappeared a few years ago. I thought they would never appear again."

Speaking of which, she seems to have made a decision: "But I guess they"

"No, wait, don't talk, if you have any important secrets, you can go back and tell them, don't be here" Calder abruptly interrupted her.

Intuitively, Calder can feel that this is definitely a great trouble.

So without even thinking about it, he decided not to listen
As long as he doesn't know, then even if the "Knight of Loyalty-Virtue" arrives, he won't worry about knowing some shocking secrets that will be killed and silenced.

"But I can tell you one thing, those people should not be cultists, at least not serious cultists, because their bodies have traces of regular knight training," Calder added.

Can the cultists tell the difference between the upright and the undecent? Colin muttered in his heart, and then said:
"Well, thanks for the reminder, let's go back first."

After finishing speaking, he sensed his surroundings: "Get ready, I will take you away now, there are still many wandering monsters around here."

When speaking, he looked at a young man with a familiar face behind him.

"You're not bad, your name is Yeager, right?"

If this guy hadn't stepped forward just now, it is estimated that Xiaohong would have suffered some injuries, or her eyes would have lost control
"Yes. Mr. 'Bonfire' agent." Yeager nodded, feeling that his identity had been seen through at this moment.

Of course, they didn't know that Colin had already seen through it when they first entered the territory.
Otherwise, they would not be specially sent to manpower to open up wasteland farmland.

You know, that kind of land may not even be able to pull cows, and relying on ordinary people is even more inefficient. Only these 25 boys who have something in themselves can do the work that cows and horses are unwilling to do.

"What are you going to do next?" Colin asked.

"I want to stay on the territory," Yeager said. "I want to learn something more deeply."

He wants to understand those thoughts that are even a little bit incompatible with this world.


Colin nodded, stretched out his hand, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Work hard, people like you who can do heavy work are needed in the fields."

After finishing speaking, everyone didn't delay any longer, each carrying the wounded, and rushed towards the territory
However, Colin did not follow along, but launched a rescue to some other people who were still being attacked by monsters, trying to deal with all the threats in this large area as much as possible.

Chapter 2 is later. (end of this chapter)

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