Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 347 Attempt to fight back!

Chapter 347 Attempt to fight back!

"It is impossible to restrict the items in the 'campfire camp' in all aspects. Only a few of them can be designated and restricted, and the quality is higher than that of the orange-named weapon. Even if they are designated, they can only be restricted and cannot be banned? This is the current situation , because some lower-level things can only be restricted by default if not specified?"

Shanna quickly disassembled "Inspiration" and probably knew the situation.

This is the first time she has encountered this situation, after all, this is also the first time she has fought against the parchment holder.

"Looks like it doesn't have full control over items from 'campfire camp'"

She did not hide the news she had received.

"Is that so?"

Ke Lin could only shout in his heart that he was awesome or that the company was more awesome.
Of course, even if the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization" suffers from internal props, the effect of its props is undoubtedly strong.

"However, the introduction of this item has already been introduced, why is it still not released?"

Colin couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Looking at the blurred light and shadow in front of him, he began to worry a little, what if
What if the opponent doesn't unlock the "Honor Arena"?
Thinking about it from the position of "The Man Who Chases the Light", rather than spending a huge price in exchange for a bone spur, it is better to grab it directly.

Although Colin has never been afraid to speculate on human nature with the worst malice.

But after thinking about it from another perspective, Ke Lin felt that his excellent character was enough to move his heart, let alone the other party——

"It's really impossible to lose the bone spur, but it won't be taken as a slave now, right?"

If he was asked to give the bone spur before, he would probably not be happy, but if not only the bone spur may not be kept, but he may even be caught as a slave, then he feels that it is not unacceptable to just lose the bone spur.

At this time, he heard the blurry light and shadow make another sound: "Mr. 'Bonfire' agent, this is the first time I have met someone who also holds 'Parchment', can I make a small request?" ?”

"any request?"

Colin asked nervously.

"Want to try fighting? Of course, don't worry, no matter what the result is, I will unlock the 'Gladiator of Honor', and I will fight with equal strength." Shana issued a message to the man in front invite.

For the person who was also selected by "Parchment", she was very curious about the strength of the other party.

While speaking, Colin saw that the divinity in that fuzzy light and shadow dissipated like evaporation.

Although it is still very strong, it has reached the point where it should be able to fight back!
Seeing this scene, Ke Lin regained his confidence again: "Okay! Come on, let's fight!"

Before, the opponent pressed him with higher strength, which made him feel unwilling, but now the two sides are on the same plane.

Then, don't blame him for being rude!

At the same level, Ke Lin has never been afraid of anyone, and feels that he can already write victory on his face!
He wants to teach that guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth a good lesson!
"My fighting style may be a bit cruel, and maybe an accident will hurt you."

Colin reminded me about Wude.

"It's okay, you can use all your means, don't have reservations about me"

Soon, as his words fell, the pale and dazzling light and the terrifying heat erupted in the "Honor Arena" at the same time!
Terrible vibrations appeared in the field one after another.

Weakened sense of presence, "Fire Bearer" grease, time stop, repulsion, beast power.
Colin tried his best to attack the enemy.

at last
3 minutes later.

The effect of "Honor Arena" is removed.


The surrounding scene returns to its original state.

"Huh, it's dangerous."

Ke Lin stood where he seemed intact, looked around, and heaved a sigh of relief.

This "man of chasing light" can actually do what he says, no matter what the result is, he will be given a draw.

And the "Light Chaser" light also dimmed a little and became somewhat transparent.

"Can I think about it now?" Fuzzy light and shadow grabbed the triangular shield and asked Colin.

"Really good."

Colin nodded, acknowledging its effect and intending to take it.


"Huh?" The "Light Chaser" was taken aback for a while.

"Next, I have a task that may need to use this bone spur. Maybe the transaction can be delayed for a while."

Ke Lin thought for a while, and found that this "chaser of light" seemed to be much easier to talk to than he thought, and somehow felt like an honest person.

here side.
There is flickering, no, there is room for manipulation!

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Colin continued: "The other thing is, although I have tried this item once, it is hard to say whether it is useful or not in various scenarios.

"So, if possible, I also hope that I can try it out for a few days in advance.
"To be reasonable, you don't want me to accidentally die in an abnormality because I suddenly changed my main weapon?"

Hearing this, thinking about the blurred light and shadow, she felt that it was not unreasonable, so she nodded. If the other party had an accident because of the sudden removal of the sacred object, she would not want to see it:

"It seems. Also"

Seeing this, Ke Lin struck while the iron was hot: "But don't worry, I won't prostitute you for nothing, I will give you certain points as a reward."

Points as compensation?

Shana didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She wanted to say that she didn't lack points.

She also saved a lot of points and planned to use them for this transaction!
However, she soon heard.
"Well, at your previous normal price, [-] points a week, I'll try it out for a week."

"Three, three thousand points?!" Shana was stunned, wondering if she heard it wrong.

Too little?
When Ke Lin heard this, he subconsciously felt that the other party should feel less.

After all, this is a golden prop. Although the thousands of points are only rented for a few days, the effect is totally worth it!

"Then, [-] points. Next, I have a task. I'll use it to see if it's really useful. I'll talk about it later."

Colin said "sincerely".

"Five thousand points?" Shana was a little dazed.

The amount of points made her feel a little unreal, and she suspected that the other party was just joking.

After thinking about it, she was about to say, just ask the other party to give fifty points.

But at this moment, before she could speak, a message appeared on her retina.

[Special task: Use the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization" as a temporary prop, and loan "654321" for seven days. 】

"Reminder": "654321" has agreed and paid the full amount of points, waiting for your final confirmation.

"Remarks": After seven days, the props will be automatically recycled.

Seeing this message, Shana, who was sitting on the ground on the other side, gnawing on the sour and hard black bread, couldn't help jumping up on the spot, hugging the black bread like a hamster, staring, full of Shocked face——

Five thousand points!Is this actually true? !
(End of this chapter)

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