Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 360 "The Expedition to Open up".

Chapter 360 "The Expedition to Open up".

"There is one last game!"

"Son of Sexual Abuse" stood up excitedly, this was the first time, after finishing the second carriage, the state was almost full, even when he was just promoted for more than half a year, he couldn't do this step!
After thinking about it, he looked at a few people and said:

"In other words, how about this, all the information will be collected in a while, and half of our mission points will be used as a reward to replenish the blood of the foster father?"

"I have no opinion."

"Me too"

After the voice fell, several people nodded one after another.

According to the past practice, there are quite a lot of points for this kind of task, basically around [-].

Divide half and go out, at least [-] or more.
But these few hundred points are nothing compared to the kindness and virtue of the righteous father!
Four people are worth [-] points, plus the income from the information, it is quite a rich reward for most of the company members.

'It's useless to give me points,'

Listening to what they said, Colin was a little dumbfounded. He is really not interested in points now.

On the contrary, the "chaser of light" probably likes this kind of self-delivery.

Of course, although he said no in his heart, Colin did not refuse the kindness of the brothers.
In the replay of chatting and fighting, an hour passed quickly.

When the foggy boss door appeared, several people were about to go there, but this time they were stopped by Colin.

"What's wrong?" The team leader "Son of Sexual Abuse" was puzzled, but he didn't continue to act.

As the "true big daddy" in the team, Ke Lin still has a lot of voice.

"Didn't you hear it? The conversation inside"

Colin pointed to the inside. He could already hear some sounds clearly in his ear.


Several people looked at each other and shook their heads. They always knew that there was a sound, but they couldn't hear it clearly. It was like the noise in the vegetable market, and they could only hear it intermittently.

In the past, every time the battle was over, people would die, and they didn't even bother to pay attention to these things.

But it seems that foster father can hear the words clearly now?

Seeing everyone's reaction, Colin could probably tell that they couldn't hear clearly, but he didn't have time to say anything more, so he just made a "shh" gesture, and continued to listen with half-closed eyelids.

The few people inside seemed to be talking about ordinary chats, but the information in the chats shocked him.

"Heh heh heh, let me tell you, there seem to be [-] new C-level positions on the top! This time, our brigade has made outstanding contributions in suppressing subversive incidents on the surface of the planet. High sex!"

"Out of the 70 of us, at least one tenth has a chance of success!"

"Hey, doesn't that mean that there are seven C-level members coming out of our brigade alone? Is your information true?"

"Not sure, anyway, the probability is not small! By the way, where are you going to go next?"

"Do you need to ask where to go? Of course, it is to apply to join the team of the 'Great Expedition'! The dream of mankind since ancient times is of course to conquer the starry sky! When I arrive, I will write my name on the scale of hundreds of millions of light years." Let the ancient beings tremble at the sight of my name!"

"What? Isn't this expedition going to start for many years?"

"This was all seven or eight years ago. You don't spend every day in your old 'old roll' and don't read the news, do you?"

"No, there was a special experimental mission last time. It was frozen as a test product for several years, and it didn't take long before it came out. It was urgently dispatched to carry out this mission."

"Okay, anyway, at present, 500 'numbered worlds' have been casted, and now the group army is being expanded on a large scale, and operations in the adjacent areas will be carried out first. According to the decision-making level, the number of 'numbered worlds' will eventually reach [-], corresponding The Three Thousand Worlds in ancient legends."

"Tsk tsk tsk 'Great Opening Expedition', it won't be safe to go out of the solar system, and I think it will be extremely powerful. Even if there is a means of resurrection, it may not be possible to resurrect. I don't have such courage. My triplets I'm just two years old this year, and I plan to apply to do experiments in the safer 'Hakoniwa World', take care of the children, and wait until they grow up."

"Well, it's also a choice. My words have already been arranged to go to the manufacturing department"

"What? The manufacturing department? Crazy! Since Boss Huang came to power, the style of painting in the manufacturing department is unbearable to look at."

"I know, but the good news is that I applied to be a subordinate of Boss Rosen, and I was successful."

"Rosen is good. This one is more normal, but he is a bit stingy. He gives half of the points compared to the others. He is very economical in everything he does, but at least he doesn't have to worry about death. What about the bad news? He put him at the bottom Has the evaluator gone?"

"That's not true, but the resume happened to be seen by Boss Huang's subordinates, and then they thought that there was a project about structure research and optimization in the 'Script City', which needed talents like me, so they forcibly adjusted it."

"Hahaha, that's really not good news. Okay, although Boss Huang is not a human being and has a small mind, he gives really high benefits and wages, the highest in the company, right? If he gives you props, You have to think about it."

"You'd better not laugh, if you are caught speaking ill of Boss Huang by the 'Book of Numerology', I'm afraid they will arrest you and become a female NPC in 'Paradise of Love' for a few years, hehe, then I will visit you Is it business?"

"Go away, but there is one thing, you guys come closer, I'll tell you something"

At the same time, compared to the bewildered "Son of Sex Abuse" and others who were listening, Ke Lin was listening happily.
"Three Hundred C-Level Jobs", "The Great Expedition", "500 'Numbered Worlds'" and some information about those high-level people, etc.
From these gossips, Ke Lin got a lot of very valuable content.

However, when he heard the last voices of these people suddenly quiet down, he turned his head slightly, and erect pupils appeared in his pupils, strengthening his sense of hearing, trying to continue to obtain information
However, at this moment, a palpitation surged up.

At the same time, a death scene emerged in his mind——

From behind the fog gate, an illusory broadsword passed through the carriage, like harvesting wheat, and attacked him precisely, cutting him obliquely in half with one knife, and then countless silver sword-like things strung together in his body, making him Turned into a piece of flesh and blood.

"Be careful!" Colin jumped back as he spoke.

And an illusory broadsword several meters long came out through the wall, almost touching Ke Lin's front door, and swung it down.

At the same time, a figure wearing a brown hunter's coat penetrated from behind the fog gate. He had a three-headed and six-armed phantom like an ancient general.

After seeing Ke Lin and the others, he sneered: "Tsk, sure enough, a mouse slipped in."

After saying that, the phantom on his body raised his weapon and slashed at everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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