Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 365 Holy shit, is this the daddy?

Chapter 365 Holy shit, is this the daddy?
In the very large train carriage, there are nine figures, who are posing for battle, looking at them in a fighting posture
"Nine, nine people?! Worst case scenario!"

"Son of Sexual Abuse"'s scalp was tense and numb, his pupils shrunk into pinholes, and he knew that he had encountered the most difficult situation in the legend.

A team of nine D-class personnel, even if placed in the first compartment, is enough for them to fail.

Not to mention, this actually happened in the fifth carriage.
So far, I have never heard of any E-level promotion team that can win this situation, so that the people in the copy generally call it "little out of control", thinking it is a BUG and cannot pass.

This kind of quantity is no longer a delaying tactic that can work.

And beside the "Son of Sexual Abuse", several other people also looked shocked, and didn't know how to act for a while, as if the air had become frozen.
However, for unknown reasons, these nine people did not act immediately when they entered the door.

Both sides are observing each other. Of course, among the few on Ke Lin's side, he is the only one who still has the mind to observe, and the others are a little confused about how to act.
'Has this situation discovered us long ago?Tsk, I didn't even notice."

His eyes flicked across the nine people, and Ke Lin focused on three of them.

One is a young man with his left eye open and his right eye closed, looking at them with only one eye. However, he looks young in all aspects of his body, except for his black and white hair, which looks a little old. , countless fine black lines spread.

One is a woman in her early 1.5 meters, who looks like a little girl against the crowd. She is dragging a giant sword with dense blood vessels in her hand, which makes people feel uneasy.

The other is a middle-aged man with countless chains wrapped around his body like a bundle.

'I don't know about the other two. The one who opened his left eye and closed his right eye should be the power of the 'book of fortune telling'? "

"It's true that there is a high probability of being wrong, the user of the power of the 'Book of Fortune', the thin black line behind him is too recognizable"

"However, does this person belong to the government or the company? Well, the 'Book of Fortune' was lost from the company, and with the identity of this group of people, they should be serious company personnel, tsk, in good condition , let alone the strength of the seventh level, but still young

Colin's thoughts flashed, and he roughly judged something.

I just don't know why this group of people didn't attack as before. Could it be that they are delaying time?
If it's just a delay.
Ke Lin has no objection, anyway, if they drag on, they will only win.

However, just 1 minute later, among the nine people, the man who opened his left eye and closed his right eye seemed to notice something, glanced at Ke Lin who seemed to be surrounded by everyone, and suddenly laughed and said:

"Sure enough, my premonition tells me that as long as I wait here quietly and restrain my breath to block the movement, something troublesome will definitely come in."

Before he finished speaking, a D-class personnel interrupted his words: "Stop beeping, have you finished saving? I'm ready to take all these people down."

In the eyes of this person, the enemy in front is real, a little ridiculously weak.
It is also a little stronger than the mobs on the roadside in the previous disaster event.

"OK, but be careful, don't be careless." The man who opened his left eye and closed his right eye smiled and gestured, then closed his eyes.

At the same time, communication in the brain reappears.

"Let's take the guy at the back of the team first. That guy should be a support, and the hard idea in front can be ignored."

"Be careful and protect grandma!"

"Son of Sexual Abuse" was about to say this, but saw that among the nine people, a D-class personnel locked his eyes on him.

Suddenly, he felt a deadly threat.

At this time, "Son of Sexual Abuse" realized something, and instinctively used the props, causing a lot of brilliant brilliance to burst out.

"9 o'clock, 21 meters, 1.7 meters high, general-purpose armor-piercing projectile." The D-class personnel quickly read a sentence.

As soon as the words fell, a high-density fire-attached bullet was shot out from nowhere, and the target was directed at the beating "Son of Sexual Abuse".

Bang bang bang!
The brilliant rays of light were pierced by bullets, tearing a huge gap.

"So strong?!" "Son of Sexual Abuse" was shocked, and wanted to create more glare as soon as possible, but his feet tightened, and when he saw the ground, chains and chains wrapped around his feet.

And, the moment the chain touched him, a strong drowsiness hit him.

And following this accident, a pitch-black figure rushed in quickly in the torn gap, and then the figure's body was covered with cracks like cracked porcelain.

"Let's feel the art!" The figure opened his hands wide and laughed strangely.

In the next moment, the orange-red light flickered, and the figure exploded in an instant!

In the huge explosion, "Son of Sexual Abuse" was blown out, and after a few rolls, he managed to stop next to Ke Lin, lying on the ground with a look of disbelief.

It was less than three seconds after the fight, and he was actually defeated?

Not only him, but almost everyone was hit. Although it was not to the extent of being completely disintegrated, it was not bad.

Before those guys could do it all, they couldn't hold it anymore.
In the scene, the only one who was not attacked was Colin standing behind the center.

"Hahaha, you see, I just said here to hit someone, they actually believed it, and really shifted their focus to the person behind, hehe, if the mysterious item is used reasonably, at least it can support A few minutes, haha, happy."

Amidst the internal brainwave exchange, a sneer sounded.

It was also when this sentence came out that several people realized that they had seen through the voyeurism of the internal channel from the very beginning.

And lay a trap.

"Can't fight, wait until next time."

The face of "Son of Pervert" was ashen, his whole body was in pain like falling apart after being blasted like this, and not only that, the explosion was very special, and it also blew up the "spirituality" in his brain.

It can be said that although he did not die on the spot, he almost lost the ability to continue fighting.

When the others heard his words, although they felt unwilling, they had no choice but to admit defeat.

If the 9 D-ranks appeared in the first car, with the milk of the adoptive father, it would not be impossible to resist. Although there is still a high probability that they will not be able to beat them, there is still a chance.

After all, in the first few carriages, especially the first one, the other party's mind seems to be clear, but in the actual fight, they will find it a bit muddled, even "stupid".

But the further back, the D-class personnel on the carriage, the closer to their previous strength
By the fifth quarter it was almost the same as before.

I can't hold on to this situation
However, they couldn't help feeling a little desperate when they thought that they might still be on the train after dying and being reborn.

But at this moment, Colin, who had been silent and was just observing, spoke:

"Actually, there's no need to give up in such a hurry."

While talking, several teammates saw Ke Lin take out a few crystal blocks, and a pure white light emerged.

"It's really unnecessary, why not save the resources for the next time."

This one really can only be ordered!
"Son of Sexual Abuse" and others were about to say this, but they saw Ke Lin's palms suddenly retracted, crushing the "colorless crystal" in his hands, and its pure energy poured into his body.

And the same is true for that white light, attached to his body, forming a thin layer of light on his body surface.


Seeing this, several people were stunned - even if they insisted, shouldn't they be buffed! ?

It's useless for your dad to buff himself, right?
But at this moment, a powerful aura and terrifying flame erupted from Nanny's body, blocking the mouths of all of them.
(End of this chapter)

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