Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 367 "The Power of the 'Numerology' Observer"!

Chapter 367 "The Power of the 'Numerology' Observer"! (Dazhang plus more ask for a monthly ticket)
"Damn! Xiaoli!" The little woman cursed, but there was nothing she could do.

At the same time, they looked at the "Son of Sexual Abuse" and others who were huddled together in a corner with a dazed expression at some point.
When their eyes swept over, their scalps went numb.

Then a few people put up the defense as much as possible
Although their brains were short-circuited and they still didn't understand what was going on, they knew it.

As long as he persists, the "foster father" seems to be able to win.

Still a single brush!

However, facing that terrifying enemy now, the D-class personnel present didn't even bother to spare a few minutes to deal with a few small miscellaneous fish that could be killed easily.

They began to arrange various means of attack and traps, just waiting for Colin to appear
And it was at this time that they vaguely heard some voices coming from a blurry field.

"I promise that in this battle, I will give up defense. As fairness, my opponent cannot defend either."

After saying this, Ke Lin took out the golden sun ornament, added a BUFF to himself, and used a "colorless crystal", and then continued:

"I promise that in this battle, I will give up using any methods such as buffs. As fairness, my opponents cannot use corresponding methods."

Hearing this, the female D-class personnel who were combat healers froze for a moment, and then wanted to add a "colorless crystal block".

However, as soon as the thing was used, there was a whip twitching sound.

with a snap.

The energy blessing on her body was directly pulled out of her body, and she felt a sharp pain all over her body, and her physical fitness declined.

"How is this possible!?" The professional female D-class staff member widened her eyes.

Didn't the other party use it too?
"Damn! Damn! How dare you treat my little pear like this!" The short girl holding a blood-red sword outside was furious.

"It is not allowed to violate my law while it is in effect."

Colin couldn't help reminding.

Then, after setting up the third rule at random, Ke Lin looked at the other party and said, "I'll give you a chance, admit defeat now, and I don't have to kill you."

To be honest, he can decisively kill a combatant, but he tends to wait for her to lose control before attacking this kind of medical healer.

But after hearing what Colin said, the weak-looking D-class personnel covered in vines had firm eyes:

"I will never!"

Hearing this, Ke Lin no longer hesitated, and his figure turned into a meteorite and rushed straight away.

When holding the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization" to launch a duel, he can easily get a general sense of the enemy's combat strength, knowing that if this person is singled out, he may not even be able to beat the F-rank "Son of Sexual Abuse" .

"Withered wood entanglement!"

The female D-rank healer activated her ability, and a large number of trees rushed up, trying to block the enemy.

However, these entanglements were easily torn apart by Colin.

Before she could react, a sense of suffocation suddenly came from her neck, and Colin grabbed her neck with his right hand and lifted her up.

The female D-class personnel looked at Colin, gritted her teeth, and wanted to detonate the pile of special explosives that had already been on her body.

However, Colin was faster than her.

With a blast of ice blue cold air blowing toward the face.

The female healer immediately lost all consciousness.

From the time of Colin's declaration, the entire battle took less than 1 minute.

The effect of "Honor Arena" was also lifted after the death of the female D-rank healer.

When Colin's figure appeared again, he faced a lot of attacks immediately. He was already prepared for this and used "Time·Stagnation" again.

The D-class personnel who stood far away only felt that the picture was frozen, while those who stood close felt that the enemy suddenly disappeared.

The well-arranged trap was easily escaped again.

"Next, kill that chain first"

Colin aimed his eyes at the D-class personnel covered in iron chains. The overwhelming chains are quite troublesome.

Just now when he accidentally touched it, he felt weak.

However, just as he was about to leave, a voice popped up in his mind.
"Old Cheng, his target is you, and we broke up with him."

This guy is not dead? !

Ke Lin subconsciously looked at the ground on one side, and then froze for a moment. The corpse on the ground that had been pierced by bone spurs was rotten into a ball, and there were obviously no traces of life. How could it be alive?

At this time, if he felt something, he looked at a fat D-class personnel who had been squatting in a corner in a strange position.

This person's sense of presence has not been high since the start of the battle.
But some kind of intuition told him that the reason why the "death-pushing" D-class personnel seemed to be alive should have something to do with him.

However, it was at this moment when he was distracted.

A D-level personnel who hadn't shot all the time suddenly said: "At twelve o'clock, 31 meters, 1.6 meters high, high-energy penetrating bullets for campfires dedicated to level 5 ancient gods!"

Before the words fell, Colin felt a fatal attack coming——

A very special bullet the size of a fist and engraved with mysterious textures was fired.

It resisted the protection of the flames, and was even able to turn to a certain extent, directly opening his heart.

It cannot be avoided by ordinary means!

"The repulsion explodes!"

Ke Lin stopped to kill, and directly activated the gold card effect. With a terrifying repulsion erupting, the bullet seemed to hit an iron wall, and exploded into countless fragments in mid-air.

However, what exploded was only a casing. When the casing burst, the pitch-black bullet that was one size smaller broke through the repulsive force and exploded!
Colin's heart tightened, and he had a premonition that something big would happen if he was hit.

But now, with other enemies attacking at the same time, he has nowhere to hide!
Moreover, if "Time Stop · Stasis" is used again, it will be used three times in a short period of time. When the time comes, the negative effect will make him very passive in fighting.

However, at this critical moment, Colin noticed a large pile of minced meat of crows, strange birds, and staff corpses on the ground.
Almost without thinking, Colin activated the effect of a card.

"Mountain of Smiling Corpses"!

A huge mass of meat came out of thin air, blocking Ke Lin's body, as if about to let out a loud howl.

However, the mouth just opened a gap, and the sound didn't come out, and everything stopped abruptly
A pitch-black bullet hit its body.

In an instant, the mountain of corpses that had just appeared exploded on the spot before they could open their eyes to see the world
"Hiss, it's fine if the 'Smiling Corpse Mountain' is dead, and even the card is broken to [-]% of its integrity?"

The results of props fed back to the brain left Colin with lingering fears.

'As expected of an elite D-rank, there are so many tricks. He obviously didn't die, but he didn't speak until just now, which made me distracted. '

Ke Lin feels that these tactics-loving hearts are really dark.

If you want to change to a level that is almost the same, most of them will not be able to escape being killed just now.

"Hey, still can't kill it? All means are ineffective, so we can get as much information as possible so that we can pass it on to others." The brainwaves of D-class personnel similar to "death pushing" reappeared.

Feeling the source of this brain wave, Colin looked at the D-class personnel in the corner again, and he had a feeling.
The sound came from the belly of the obese D-class personnel.

It's just that that person should have an extremely powerful shielding method, so that he couldn't determine the situation.

But this time, Ke Lin looked at the unattractive guy who could launch a snipe just by reporting points.

Gotta kill this guy
"'Snow Girl', you and the little maid, go and drag one or two."

Colin gave the order, and then shot again decisively. With the powerful combined attack of several D-level employees, he killed the guy who reported the sniper after 3 minutes.
Then, he moved his eyes and looked at the D-class personnel standing still in the corner.

"It's coming at me. I can't die. Unfortunately, it seems that I can't get more information."

When the sound appeared, a pair of hands suddenly stabbed out from behind the skin of the D-class personnel's fat stomach, and then they tore open a crack.

A head with closed eyes protruded from it.
It was the "death push" D-class personnel who was "successfully" assassinated by him in the first place!
"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing. What I have never seen is obviously something that never happened."

While speaking, he opened his eyes that had been closed since the beginning.

Countless thin black lines gushed out from those eyes
A force that seemed to come directly from the "Book of Fortune" briefly covered the place.

Everyone present was momentarily absent-minded.

next second.
When Colin came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he seemed to have just entered the door, and there were nine unscathed D-class personnel standing in front of him.

Everything that just happened seems to be restarted!

"Fuck, there are nine people again?!"

"Son of Sex Abuse" looked forward in shock, but soon, he realized something was wrong——

Well?Why "again"?
He felt that he and others had just experienced something extra, but he was not sure, as if there was a vague dream in his mind.

In this dream.
I vaguely remembered that the adoptive father disliked them for being too good, so he didn't give them buffs, but he added buffs to himself, and then hit nine of them one by one!

The key is to win!

Hiss, it's getting violent, how is this possible?

However, compared to them who were at a loss, Colin frowned.

He clearly remembered everything that happened just now.
'A user with a higher level of 'Fate Pushing', or in other words, the power of the 'Book of Fortune Telling', actually has the same ability to read a file and restart it? '

Ke Lin was secretly startled, and then added flames to his body.

"Huh? You actually didn't reset your memory?"

A surprised voice came from the mouth of the "Desperate" D-class personnel. It seemed to be full of surprise, but considering the strength displayed by the other party, he was not very surprised.

At this moment, after activating such an ability, his eyes became extremely cloudy compared to the pitch black and pure before, and his vision became much blurred.

And in the hair on the head, there are a lot of white hairs.
Although he still looks like a young man, there is obviously a kind of old-fashioned look.

"It seems that we have lost again." A D-class personnel felt the "extra" memory in his mind, and saw the state of "'Numerology' Observer", and immediately realized the situation.

"Well, I can't fight, use all my strength, apply for the 'containment agreement' to lift the item restrictions, and then run away, this is not the direct jurisdiction of the campfire camp, if you die, you can't be resurrected, the squadron leader doesn't know where he died, he won't come We can't fight, if I go back alive, I will sue him for dereliction of duty and not sticking to his post?! Wait."

The D-class personnel similar to "Desperate" hadn't finished sending out their brain waves, but suddenly through their cloudy eyes, they saw a group of familiar flames beating in front of them.

This? !

The D-class personnel who are like "death pushing" suddenly have a feeling of suddenly waking up from a dream:
"Is this the 'First Fire'? Are you a 'Fire Bearer'? No, the 'Fire Bearer' is not that weak, but this flame is real. Or, are you a 'Fire Bearer' reserve?"

Feeling this brainwave, Colin was about to leave when he stopped the D-class personnel for a second, hesitated for a second, then nodded and said "yes".

"This, then you, why, why did you do something to us."

The D-class personnel stared. If this is the case, why are they still fighting?

Why kill them?
Could it be that he is a traitor?
No, it is impossible for the "Fire Bearers" to betray in the reserve. He would rather believe that they betrayed than believe that these people will betray——

It was at this moment that he suddenly realized something.

By the way, it does seem to be
"You... No, it's not you who have the problem, it's us?"

He muttered to himself, under the protection of his own characteristic power, some memories that had been covered up reappeared, as if he realized the essence of the matter.

However, before he could think about it, a terrifying sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a huge amount of dense blood in the eyes of his former teammates who fought side by side.
In those eyes, sanity is being lost at an uncontrollable speed.

It was then that he remembered.
ps: Dazhang plus a monthly ticket!

This chapter is almost as good as the usual two!

(End of this chapter)

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