Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 376 The Man on the Edge of the Cliff!

In reality, a piece of information emerged above the vision of all company employees.

["654321" has initiated a "gathering order", and all marked personnel will enter the lost "Kuiper Belt-Area C-3 Relay Station-Lost Fragment World" through ". (E-class secrecy)" in 2437 minutes. 】

"Remarks": There will be no death in this mission. All personnel, please be prepared for high-intensity battles.

"Reminder": The specific task details will be issued after the task is opened.

"Come on, come on, that mission came a few hours ago."

Officially, in Base No. 5, among a large group of people, an employee who entered the company through official channels exclaimed to the people around him.

As he spoke, all the "Double" company members here tensed up.

However, they had been prepared for a long time and did not speak fully, but let the representative of the leader of the E class speak.

When the senior staff on guard heard this, they quickly asked: "What's the situation now?"

"We need to be ready for battle. In three minutes, we will enter the Kuiper Belt, Area C, a lost fragment world of 3 or something." The representative of the double material said.

"Did it be clearly stated whether he would die?" The senior staff asked quickly.


Hearing this, the senior staff breathed a sigh of relief: "As explained earlier, avoidance should be unavoidable. There is no need to resist this task. Be careful and follow what we gave you before."

While talking, he remembered that as early as five hours ago, all company personnel with dual identities in the world, as long as they were idle, had received a message.

The general content is that in the next day, all company employees will enter a state of preparation.

No additional tasks will be dispatched within a short period of time after the task has been completed.
Then, maybe a few hours later, this group of people will be transported to a combat location to assist the company in some kind of mission.
This incident shocked almost the whole world.

You know, these "dual-material" agents nowadays, oh no, they are employees, but they are the treasures of all forces. If they are not allowed to go out on missions, they would like to send an aircraft carrier to escort them, and then they suddenly take on such a strange mission. , so I am very worried that some enemies set them a trap, the purpose is to catch them all.

After all, this task seemed obviously abnormal, and during the time they joined, they had no clue about the company's situation.

I know, there is a high possibility that this shabby company has been invaded by some unknown thing again.
Immediately discuss how to fight against not completing the task.

However, at a critical moment, Mr. Wu, who was on the front line, appeared at the "Global Occult Alliance" conference, defying all opinions and asking everyone to cooperate with this mission.
Due to Mr. Wu's prestige and the fact that he is currently the only channel to communicate with the campfire company's top management.

So in the end, in a majority-minority manner, it was decided to carry out the task without any resistance.

Then, during this period of time, all the forces frantically gave the seed players in their hands, stuffed various props and items, and many ancestral treasures were taken out
"By the way, Xiaomei, this is a life-saving talisman that was given to me when I was promoted to level 7. At critical moments, you must take care of yourself so that no accidents occur, and try not to cause accidents."

The seventh-level official who was talking to them secretly pulled an employee out of the crowd and stuffed a powerful item into her hand.

Although the company's mission says that death can be resurrected, after all, this campfire company knows everything
And this kind of thing happened not only in the "No. 5 base", but also in the other four digital bases, and even in important occasions around the world.
"This is our federation's super strengthener, and super explosives"

"The sacred relics of our family are in your hands. You must come back alive."

"This is a legend that is a banner of the age of mythology. Remember, don't touch things that are too dangerous"

And when all the forces are asking, in the company's internal group chat
One message after another quickly passed by.

"Fuck, support mission? Large-scale coercion? Don't do this kind of thing!"

"It's over, everyone is over, it seems that they can't come back"

"Day, if I had known that I would not be in a hurry to complete the last mission, I would suffer disaster this time."

"What should I do, brother Shunzi! Brother Shunzi, come and save me!"

"The mission was initiated by Brother Shunzi."

"Ah, '654321'? Brother Shunzi changed his name to this?"

"What the hell is going on here, can someone tell us why there is such a task."

"@百证做爱多, I know what's going on, but because of the confidentiality regulations, I can't say it openly, you report your location, and I will go over and tell you in private."

"@外名114514, there is still a chance to live if you do the task, I am dead if you come here"

"What?! '654321' is Brother Shunzi? Be sure! Since Brother Shunzi is here, be sure!"

"When everyone is panicking, I'm the only one who tells you, it's stable! It's all stable!"

"Brothers, count down to the last three seconds, get ready to rush!"

"Wait, I have to do the task too, wear it with me!"

"Never surrender の person" made a typo in a hurry, but at this moment, the whole channel suddenly fell silent:
"Leaving? I haven't left yet. I'm also a part of the company. I'm also in a non-task idle state. Take me with you. I want to contribute to the company, woo woo woo!"

An endless flash of fire and gray fog came together!
All the employees who were sent this task disappeared after seeing the fire, and then felt that they were moving quickly through a channel of flames.
During this process, a subtitle appears.

[All those involved in this operation, please abide by the following guidelines:]

"1. It is forbidden to use the 'Book of Numerology Remnants' to make predictions in this area."

"2. It is forbidden to use props with 'divinity' exceeding a certain value (sealed)"

"3. Depth observation of the sky is prohibited."

At the same time, in the extremely chaotic battlefield, Xiaocaiji and the others fumbled forward, while raising their heads from time to time, watching "Brother Shunzi" fighting in front of the mountainside, one or two were terrified when they saw it.

From the looks of it now, it looks like it is being continuously bombed by missiles, and the movement is scary
Even from time to time, a huge mushroom cloud will rise.

The extremely high-intensity battle has not stopped since it started more than ten minutes ago.

"Evil criminals! From the 'secondary latitude' to the 'back of the universe' to the 'infinite multi-starry sky', and even the real physical universe, your notoriety is known to everyone! Just die here! "

The roar came from afar, and another mushroom cloud rose.

Seeing this, "Diamond No. 7" and others who were scattered everywhere felt tense. It was not until they saw Brother Shunzi again from the fireworks that they all breathed a sigh of relief.

If Brother Shunzi hadn't attracted the attention of all the enemies, they wouldn't have been able to sneak in.

"Oh my god, you are indeed a super rookie in the company. You are really amazing. You survived after ten minutes of resistance."

"Xiaocaiji No. 7" couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He used some special means to observe before. So far, it seems that Brother Shunzi has some injuries on his body and lost some small parts that are not very influential.

And he substitutes himself, if he puts himself on
Damn, let alone 10 minutes, even ten seconds is very difficult.

However, at this time, "Little Rookie No. 7", who was a little distracted in his thinking, felt a sense of crisis in his heart.
A huge meat ball covered in red light is coming!

'It's over, it's time to read again.'

"Little Rookie No. 7" thought and knew that he couldn't avoid it at all.

But at the critical moment, behind him, a "New Sun" cultist in tattered robes waved his scepter, causing a flame full of corrupting power to crush the fleshy ball.


"Diamond No. 7" was stunned for a moment.

"Efforts are nothing to worry about. We are comrades-in-arms on the same front now, and we should unite." The cultist waved his hand, indicating that the problem is not serious, and then continued to kill the followers of "Red Moon" who were running around like crazy.

Hearing this, "Xiaocaiji No. 7" suddenly felt that these cult members also have a lot of human touch
Everyone is blamed, how could they be judged as heretics?

Will there be any misunderstandings during this period?
While thinking about it, "Small Vegetable Chicken No. 7" couldn't help asking a question on the sidelines.

"The evil 'campfire camp', the damned emperor of the old regime, the world is already so filthy that human beings are not worth protecting. We just want to destroy the world, usher in the 'New Day' ruler, and purify the world. What's wrong? If humans don't feel the pain of destruction, how can we grow? Why do you want to stop us?!"

"At that time, on the day when the 'God Descends' comes, everyone will usher in a new life from death, become the people of the 'New Sun', and receive His protection, instead of becoming a part of the 'Red Moon' and becoming its infinite Meaningful Cells and Nutrients.”

"However, this beautiful future was ruined by the guys from the 'Bonfire Camp', and even exiled us and the 'New Sun' from the galaxy."

Hearing Xiao Caiji's words, the "Xinri" cult members felt resentment in their hearts, and their brain waves continued to transmit.

'Well, you'd better die then'

Xiaocaiji suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were a bit grasshopper, and empathy with the cultists was indeed a bad idea.

At this time, a "New Day" cultist pointed at Xiao Caiji:

"You, you are very good. I just saw that although you are not strong enough, you dare to stand up to the bonfire and show your sword to the enemy. Our 'New Sun' church needs talents like you!"

Well?I have done such a thing?Xiao Caiji was puzzled for a while, but when he thought about it, he realized it quickly.

This group of people probably regarded his previous behavior of chasing Shunzi's figure desperately with a knife as a "bright sword".

"By the way, to be able to come here, you should also belong to a certain faction. I haven't seen which faction you are from yet. What is your background?"

Hearing this, the "little rookie" who has long been mixed with experience said skillfully: "Our family is persecuted because of the 'campfire camp'"

Only halfway through the words, he suddenly felt something was wrong.
It was as if something had locked him in.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar of fire connecting the sky and the earth crashed down from his head, enveloping him.

Seeing this scene, the cultists at the scene were taken aback.

But soon, a "New Day" cultist reacted and roared angrily:
"This guy is from the Bonfire Company! Damn it! There's an insider among us!"

"Quick, kill him! This is teleportation! Something is using them as coordinates, teleport here!"

"Kill them!"

At the same time, "Xiaocaiji No. 7" found that besides him, there were three other places on the scene, all of which connected to heaven and earth, followed by a pillar of fire descending on employees who looked confused and didn't know where they were connected.
What also made their minds blank was that when the pillar of fire appeared, their whole bodies were suppressed by the flame power.

There was no way to even move it.
"Little rookie" looked at the cultist who was about to enlist himself in the army just now, but now swung his scepter at him, with a look of despair.

This thing can even kill a follower of "Red Moon" like that minivan, if it hits the head, it will definitely die suddenly on the spot.

However, it was also at this critical moment that an orange light flickered.

A figure stood in front of him, and with a flying kick, Lian Ren was kicked out with a scepter.

"It seems that I am orange flashing, and I came in time!"

A figure stood up straight, looked around, and said slowly.

The person who came was very handsome, but the name above his head spoiled the atmosphere a bit.

"○God? Activate!"

Xiao Caiji is not unfamiliar with this person, after all, he is also on the same dungeon mission, and usually grabs daddy in the internal group every day.

The two usually quarrel with each other because of the "baby dad", not once or twice.

It's just that I didn't expect that it was this guy who came to save me now.

"Brother, I will never say you are an orphan again!" Xiao Caiji thought silently in his heart.

But at this time, figures quickly emerged from the four flames that communicated with the world, and quickly condensed into entities, walking into this chaotic and terrifying battlefield
The first batch of aid arrives!
"Fuck, what the hell are you doing here?" An employee who entered the venue saw the scene in front of him, saw the overwhelming enemies, felt the disgusting smell and blood, and felt that his breathing was stagnant.

"The world is really filthy again!" Another employee who used the "calm" effect talent crossed his arms and glanced around. Although his body was trembling, he did not forget to pose.

And at this time, more and more figures descended, and they also gained some confidence.
Immediately afterwards, as tasks with different requirements appeared in their minds, all employees began to perform their own tasks, and the battle began at this moment.

"Kill, bully the few with the more, beat my Shunzi brother so badly, bully us no one, brother go!"

The "Miss Nilu's dog" who has become a D-rank shouted, and the dagger pierced his abdomen. In the extreme joy, the shadow spread and exploded, and dozens of four-armed people crawled out of the shadow.

The sharp long claws of the four-armed people quickly cut many weak enemies into pieces.

"All D-level personnel, don't love to fight, don't waste time abusing food, rush over with me to help Brother Shunzi!" said in the group voice with the "Life Mentor from a well-known science popularization company", and threw out a picture of mountains and rivers.

Countless incoming attacks, as well as a small number of heretics, were all sucked into the painting that seemed to be no more than three meters wide.
"Come and protect me, let me activate this 'Holy Mech'."

An employee named "Master of the Fish Pond" kept taking out various props from the storage room and piled them together, then knelt down on the ground with a skillful "plop", opened his hands, and praised loudly.

"From the endless war, God of Myriad Opportunities, give me strength!"

"From the temptation of desire, the God of Myriad Opportunities, protect my heart!"

"From the cage of flesh and blood, the god of all records."

During one prayer after another, the mechas in that place automatically connected and made a pleasant electronic sound.

"Damn it, as expected of a local tyrant, you actually collected all the purple outfits?"

Several old employees who knew something were surprised.
At this time, another large group of people followed the bonfire pipeline and descended near the four teleportation points including Xiao Caiji.

"Please come up with the 'Jiuli Soldier Master'!"

An employee of the "Shuangmaterial" company came to see the huge turmoil in the field, and used the talisman given to him by an eighth-level "Shen Da" employee when he came in.
"'Blood of the True Ancestors'."

"Great Heroic Spirits, please come under this banner."

"Let's make room, let's assemble this -239. If you want to detonate, just say it."

"Fuck, this is the group of 'employee emperors'? Damn it's not fair! Why are their props so powerful?! Brother Shunzi doesn't even carry such a thing?!"

Seeing this, a group of serious company employees couldn't help exclaiming.

No wonder this group of guys are doing tasks so fast, they will only be faster with these things!
And at the same time that a large number of employees entered the venue, various races, heresies, abnormal things, etc., all responded immediately!
"I recognized it, it's that guy! He broke into our secret realm and blew up our evil beast hatchery! He killed my son!" a persecuted member of the secret realm roared.

"You, it's you! You guys broke the return ceremony of our 'End Carnival'! Kicked over our Holy Grail! If you don't kill others today, I will kill you!"

"Damn it, this bastard is actually using props made from the heads of our ancestors to deal with us! It's too deceiving!"


Amidst the roars, the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and their eyes turned red almost instantly.

Except that the followers of "Red Moon" are still ignored like orphans.

The other forces finally let go of all their grievances, formed a temporary alliance, and fought with the large number of campfire employees who arrived.

At the bottom of the mountainside, Colin's pressure was relieved a lot with the arrival of this group of people.
Many of the enemies who came were blocked by campfire staff.

It's also keeping some guys from sitting still, though.
Three divine fluctuations suddenly broke out.

"It's a bit difficult to resist, but if it drags on, there should be nothing else that can stop me."

Colin took a deep breath, took out a golden sun mark, and prepared to fight recklessly.

Although trying to avoid war is definitely the best choice
However, the shield badge, time-stop gold card, and repulsion gold card have all reached the upper limit of use, and the cost of using them is quite high, so they can only fight hard.
The only other method available now is that this golden mark has never been used much.

However, before using it, Ke Lin suddenly discovered that the golden sun imprint in his hand burned by itself, emitting a pale mist of light.

In the mist, a pure white figure stepped out.

"'The Man of the Light'?" Colin was a little surprised, and subconsciously waited for the payment notification to pop up on his retina.

On the other side of him, three figures who killed one after another, saw this white light figure, and felt some kind of essence in it, one of them was a well-informed and pure-bred old demon of Huangqi, who couldn't help being shocked.
"'Light'?! Damn it! Didn't this guy die in the unknown universe outside the light cone for some reason?! Why did he come back again! Did those despicable guys from Bonfire Company pull him back to the real known physical universe? ?!”

"This aura is not that one. Otherwise today's matter would have been resolved long ago!"

"It doesn't matter, let's fight!"

After a few stunned sounds, they attacked at the same time.

However, the "Light Chaser" didn't panic at all. He raised his hands and erected a barrier of white light as thick as glass, aiming at the three powerhouses.


A huge explosion sounded, but before the shock wave ended, the three aliens who were determined to sacrifice themselves sacrificed themselves one after another.

Seeing this, the "Light Chaser" in front of Ke Lin had a weird expression
She hasn't made a move yet, why did the enemy die by herself?

But in the next second, an inspiration emerged, and she suddenly realized why the reward for this mission was as high as the rare "300" points, but the parchment reminded that the mission time was probably less than ten seconds
Because as long as she came here, she might disappear.

However, she didn't make any associations about this matter. Before the mass of attacks came, she stretched out her hand, aimed at Colin, flicked her finger, and injected a condensed light into Colin's body.

In an instant, Ke Lin felt that the superimposed negative effects of various props in his body were mostly erased

Ke Lin thanked him. In his opinion, this rescue is worth at least [-] points!
The key seems to be that you haven’t paid yet?

Did I forget, or did someone pay for it?

However, as soon as the words fell, Colin heard "The Man Who Chased the Light" seem to let out a muffled moan of pain, followed by an instant explosion of his clone like a bubble.
Seeing this, Ke Lin didn't think much, and turned to look at some figures on the road leading to the halfway up the mountain.

"You like to work hard, don't you?"

Colin took out the bone spur, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth
The negative effects have been cleared, and there are no "divine" existences like dynamite packs. If there is one here, it counts as one, and they all have to die!
Not long after, amidst the sharp screams and corpse fragments flying all over the sky, Colin's bloody figure staggered to the middle of the mountain, and then saw the figure standing on the flat ground at this position, and his whole heart "thumped" .

Various human heretics, various inhuman races, demons, and even extremely powerful followers of the "Red Moon".
All of these guys more or less have a certain "divinity"!
But soon, Colin breathed a sigh of relief.

He found that these guys seemed to be in an unknown predicament, one or two, all lowered their heads in a certain direction, and stood there numbly.

Out of vigilance, Colin did not attack them rashly.

Then, Colin squinted his eyes, looked past the group of people, and looked at the deep place. On the edge of the cliff on the mountainside, he saw a train that was out of control and damaged, and beside the train, he saw a food stall covered with crystals. Common pink plastic seat.
Although the plastic seat is a bit faded, it is still very conspicuous among the monsters and ghosts.

Next, on the faded pink gearshift seats.

Colin saw a man in a brown-red hunter's coat, who turned his back to everyone, motionless like a corpse.

And behind his back, all the alien races were all weird, facing him, bowed their heads and stood still
It seems that the state has entered some kind of deep sleep.
This picture is extremely strange.

However, with the induction of the mission, Colin can be sure
The target on the pink seat is the one in this incident, the only C-level Bonfire Company employee!
(End of this chapter)

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