Campfire Shelter.

One-on-one tutorial for Chapter 394 "The Man Who Chases the Light".

Chapter 394: One-on-one teaching of "The Man Who Chases the Light".


Colin saw another figure under the dim and glowing light.

But when I took a closer look, I realized it looked like Vanessa
Is this possession?
Colin roughly judged the situation.

At the same time, the dimly glowing clone came directly to the bonfire, glanced at the bonfire first, and then looked again at the bonfire god whose identity was theoretically the same as his own:

"Good evening, Mr. Bonfire, you seem to have something to ask me for?"

If she hadn't heard someone calling her, she might not have come over to meet him privately this week, because her current body has gone deep into the depths of the disaster.
Although operating a clone has little effect on her, at this time, it is best not to be distracted if possible.

However, for this traveler, after finding a safer area, she split a clone and came here through Vanessa.

Colin nodded, without saying anything, and simply said: "It's mainly two things. The first one is, I want to ask you to help me practice. Oh, no, it's to help me improve my strength."

"Improve your strength?" "Vanessa" tilted her head, looked at him, and gestured to continue.

The first thing she thought of was that the other party wanted a long-lasting blessing to strengthen herself and then perform some other tasks, but it seemed that the other party wanted more than just that?
"Well, I learned one thing from this short career as an employee. My abilities are limited. The more I perform tasks, the more I feel my shortcomings. If I am satisfied with the present, sooner or later one day , I will fall into some unexpected predicament, so I want to become stronger. Only in this way, I may have a chance to survive."

Colin slowly spoke of his insights, and then said: "I would like to ask you to help me further develop my experience and deficiencies through fighting."

Although the company authority level of "Light Chaser" is slightly lower and she is a little greedy for money, it is undeniable that her combat effectiveness is really very strong and she is the best choice to improve her strength.

Of course, he had considered asking someone like Mr. Wu for help before, but thinking that the cost of using extraordinary abilities for these people was huge, and they might lose control and die suddenly after practicing without any improvement, so he had to find another way.
"Ah, sorry, I'm actually not very good at fighting."

After hearing what Colin said, Shana wanted to just reject him, but Colin's next words made her choke.
"Six thousand points."

"Huh?" Shana blinked and was stunned for a moment.

Having had a transaction experience, she knew that the other party could really come up with such a large amount of points.

Although I have been inclined to accept the task, I have even begun to recall the previous combat experience in my mind, intending to find out some problematic areas and provide guidance, but this point
A little, a little too much
Apart from the so-called training, aren’t there any other requirements?

It has to be lowered, otherwise she will have trouble sleeping and eating.
However, just as she was about to speak, Colin realized something. Before he could refuse, he raised his hand and said:
"I know that for you, for such a time-consuming and labor-intensive matter, six thousand may be a little too little, let's just say eight thousand."

"Then... ah??"

Shana was about to say, just for this price, but then she was stunned again.

When Colin raised his hand, she thought that the other party raised the points so high just to attract her attention, and then wait for her to agree, and then use some means to lower the price.

This method is often seen in some markets.

But she really didn't expect that the price was not lowered, but raised, from [-] to [-].
Moreover, before she could say anything, she saw a mission prompt appear.

["654321" has completed the task "Key Improvement Special Plan".]

[You have obtained "8000 campfire points", which have been transferred to the "storage room (10% handling fee has been deducted)". 】


Shana stared. She hadn't even agreed yet. How could the task be handed over before it was completed?

The next second, an inspiration made her understand the reason
This is a one-sided task. Strictly speaking, it is not a transaction. In essence, the task content is that the other party puts money into her pocket.
Just do it and it's done.

"The mission can actually be done like this?"

In the distance, in the ruins of a city in dense darkness, Shana sat on the head of a giant deformed monster.

He opened his small pocket and looked at the 7200 daily points that popped out of it.

The whole person fell into unspeakable silence
In addition to the more than 3000 points left through frugal spending during this period, she now has tens of thousands of points!

Among them, the 500 points she saved in one or two years only accounted for a small proportion of it.

And what I got from this "godly messenger"
It’s more than the total points she earned during her Holy Crown career!


Shana has never been so rich in her life.
However, if she just wanted to develop some combat experience, let alone eight thousand, eight hundred, or even eighty, she felt, was enough.
After all, in her opinion.
No matter how difficult it was for Colin to deal with, it was not as difficult to deal with the incorporeal ancient god that she had defeated for [-] points.

Calculating this, a so-called "ancient god" is only worth [-] points.
This teaching is actually worth ten "ancient gods"!
However, without thinking much, she heard the words of the bonfire god from far away through her clone.

"Now that this aspect is settled, let's talk about the second thing, about the shield."

"Shield." The clone murmured, as if he had just remembered such a thing.

Although this thing is a golden prop, it is dispensable to her now. During the battle, it is difficult to provide any effective help except spiritual help.
Unless the true power in the props can be released.

But forcibly releasing the contents will cause big trouble, and it's hard to say whether it can be recovered.
At this time, looking at the expression of the divine envoy, Shana roughly guessed what the other person wanted to say:

"Do you still want to use it?"


Colin is still very satisfied with the effect of this item. In many cases, in addition to attacking, it also has many other wonderful uses.

Shana was not surprised when she heard what the other party said. This time, before Colin could continue to speak, she said directly:


"Are you a little short of points recently?" This time, a question mark popped up in Colin's mind. He looked at the "Light Chaser" in front of him and asked uncertainly: "You mean you don't need points anymore?"

"Yeah." The blurry light and shadow attached to Vanessa nodded.

Strange, when did this person become so generous?Colin was surprised. In his eyes, the "Light Chaser" was the kind of guy who would never let go of the possibility of earning points. If he earned some points, he would never miss them.
Is it because I have made too much money during this period, and the props or equipment I want to buy have already been purchased, so I don’t care about renewing the few thousand points?
As thoughts flashed, Colin continued to hear the other party speak, saying in Vanessa's voice: "You and I have not been able to come and take this item away recently. If they are missing, you may be more passive and wait for me to come. Let’s talk later.”

She seemed to find an excuse to convince herself.

"Okay." Colin didn't say much.

After joining that outstanding talent training program, he immediately understood why a person with such powerful strength as "The Man Who Chases the Light" would be interested in just a few points.

Because once this plan comes out, the consumption of various improvements will be huge.

The basic requirement is usually tens of thousands of points.
Even he can't afford to eat or live.

"However, looking at it this way, no matter how much money we make, the company can always make it back. Isn't the Talent Plan just for those of us who can earn points?" Colin sighed secretly, and then asked: " When will the training start?"

"It's okay now, but before that, I have a request." The blurry light and shadow said with some hesitation.

"What request?" Colin asked curiously.

"Perhaps after some time, a group of approximately [-] victims will escape from the Demon Mist disaster. Can you accept them? I can give it."

Having said this, "The Man Who Chases the Light" paused, as if he didn't know what kind of quotation he should give.

She obviously had tens of thousands of points, but she felt that when facing "654321", her confidence was not as high as when she had 500 points.

At that time, she might confidently quote a price of three hundred points.
Shanna didn't know the term "social death", but when she did, doing so would probably make her...
However, when she was thinking about using points or the right to use the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization" as a reward, Colin agreed without even thinking about it.
"It is the bounden duty of our 'Bonfire Company' to treat innocent victims. You only need to trust them to me. It doesn't matter if there is more."

Originally, someone was needed to upgrade the "Level [-] Bonfire", but unexpectedly the other party sent them directly.

As for remuneration, Colin doesn't really care.
After raising the reward, these people will be embarrassed to let them stay.

"Mr. Bonfire, thank you very much." Shana expressed her gratitude carefully.

"Well, when will the training start?" Colin looked at the other party expectantly.

"You can try it now. Use your shield to create a battlefield first. Try to use all means and all your strength to defeat this clone of mine. However, a more formal battle may take two days. I will make arrangements first."

As she spoke, a blur of light and shadow emerged from Vanessa's body, and she carefully laid the "Light" believer flat on the ground.

Hearing this, Colin didn't say much and started the battle directly.

He was also curious about how likely he was to win against the opponent this time.
Especially this time, he has the liberation of orange equipment!

And just when the battle started, in the distance, Shana looked at the [-] points in her pocket, still a little confused.

Inexplicably, she suddenly felt a bit like the evil nobles in some kingdoms, like their immoral behavior of using cheap magic-patterned glass products to go to wild indigenous tribes to coax and intimidate them in exchange for precious gold.

In her heart, Colin is kind-hearted and friendly, and like her, he is saving the suffering people.

Many refugees in his territory have a kind of vitality that is difficult to see elsewhere.
Comparing the two, her inexplicable guilt became even deeper.

However, at this moment, after contacting Colin twice, she probably discovered some problems. For example, the other party's method of obtaining points seemed a little different from hers?
Shana had calculated before and found that if she wanted to earn tens of thousands of points, she would have to complete three or four tasks a day in less than half a year.

The mission experience of this "Bonfire God"
Putting aside his combat experience, he doesn't seem to have a lot of experience.

Could it be that she didn't work hard enough?

However, before I could think of anything, a new task popped up.

【Recycling the "Nightmare Lantern". 】

Shana narrowed her eyes, finally took a deep breath, and stood up from the corpse of the deformed creature beneath her.

"Is that a dream object? It does suit something."

Shana thought about it and had a lot of ideas in her mind. In her opinion, only by facing the terror and engaging in a life-and-death fight can one truly improve.

And training, no matter how much you do, is at most just a warm-up.
"I remember that that thing was in the new cathedral of the 'New Spirit of the Earth and Nature' in a nearby occupied town. If you rob it, no, recycle it and create a semi-real dream, it may improve your experience."

"Well, you can also capture various anomalies with different characteristics and powers first, lock them in the 'Nightmare Lantern', and wait until they are in the dreamland to gradually improve their combat experience against various enemies."

"But that item is not of high quality. We need to pick up some items from other churches to improve the 'Nightmare Lantern'."

In his mind, thoughts condensed one by one.

Then, she glanced around her. There were only dozens of rescued victims in the town, and then circles of light rippled in her right eye.
Bright red tears of blood shed from the corners of his eyes.

Layers of light shine in reality, reflecting a door that exudes a terrifying aura.

Then, from the door, radiant chains led them inside.

Then, Shana closed her right eye and reached out to rub her eyes to relieve the discomfort caused by summoning the "Gate of Light".

During this process, the blood that had just flowed out was broken down into light, which she opened her mouth to suck in and reabsorbed back to avoid wasting power.

After doing all this, her figure turned into a stream of light, piercing into the magical mist that surged with countless roars and weirdness.

It was a few hours later.

"The New Spirit of the Earth and Nature" is in the sealed cellar of the New Life Cathedral.

Accompanied by a dying cry.
It was cultivated by the Church of the "Renewed Spirit of the Earth and Nature" and was dedicated to guarding this cathedral, but at this moment, the completely distorted deer-shaped sacred beast collapsed.

There was a hint of relief in the crazy eyes before death.

It looked at the figure shrouded in dazzling light, and moved its eyes with difficulty, as if it wanted to express something.

"Saint, my body may still have some value. Don't worry about it."

After struggling to deliver the message, this former sacred beast died completely.

"I understand." Shana glanced at it, and then looked at the place where its eyes had just turned. There should be some survivors there that it was desperately protecting.

Not long after, she entered the cathedral and recovered the "devil's lantern".

Then rescue the survivors here and continue to seal them into the light gate.
Then, she returned to the hall and took a look at the huge corpse of the holy beast. She actually understood that the other party meant to purify the contaminated parts of its body and then distribute its flesh and blood to the victims to appease their hunger.

She would have done this before, but now she has so many more points in her pocket.

There is no need
"rest in peace."

Shana erased the body, then turned and left, planning to first move the survivors in the "Gate of Light" who were about to reach the limit to a safe location, and then continue to collect "teaching materials" while rescuing people.

Of course, some energy must be allocated to provide one-on-one tutoring to Colin.

After receiving the feedback there, she was surprised to find that the other party's strength had improved a lot this time.
The experience is suddenly enriched.

(End of this chapter)

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