Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 397: The whereabouts of other lost gold cards in "The Kingdom of God in the Card"

Chapter 397: The whereabouts of other lost gold cards in "The Kingdom of God in the Card".
"came back."

Colin slowly got up from the bed and looked at the wall. The time was a few seconds past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down for a few seconds before recovering from the time difference.

Then, I took out the parchment and opened it. This week's task showed that it was completed, but the reward content was a bit plain and simple.

"One piece of gold, just shy of fifteen thousand points."

The content of the mission reward was nothing special. Colin took a look at the 14999 points that had just arrived. Without thinking much, he added the previous points and started to further repair other props.

The last time he repaired it, he just repaired the props until they were usable.

At this moment, as the points on his body were consumed a lot, the props that were damaged in the "Ghost Train Incident" were finally restored.

"I finally got it all done, but why do I feel like I was cheated on? After doing a few things and spending so many points, it just returned to its original state."

With a murmur in his heart, Colin looked at a golden sun badge in the "storage room" again.

This is a new consumable prop given by the Saint during the last training.

Compared with the last time, it is obviously much more refined, with more cutting materials, stronger and more durable BUFF effects.

Just holding it in his hand, Colin felt that his brain was running smoothly.

"Eight thousand points, even if training is not taken into account, just this badge will protect your capital."

Colin calculated silently and felt that when he made a private deal with the Saint, he made money with blood.

Only if she takes the initiative to support will she lose blood.
However, he didn't think much about it. Colin was about to open the parchment and chat, but at this moment, he saw a document message sent by Mr. Wu.

"'General Report on the Progress of Black Box Research in the Seventh Box Garden World.'"

Colin was stunned and almost forgot about this thing. He downloaded the file and opened it.

After a quick glance
He looked like he understood something - to be honest, he couldn't quite understand.

Obviously they are all Chinese characters, numbers, letters, etc., but when they are put together, it is difficult to understand.

"Xiaoyin, come and find out."

Colin summoned his little maid and asked her to interpret it, explaining those overly technical terms to a level that ordinary people could understand.

Soon, through the little maid's interpretation, he roughly understood the technology of the "Seventh Box Garden World"
Generally speaking, the technical methods in the Little Garden world can be applied in this world.

At least there haven't been many technological achievements discovered so far that cannot be replicated because the world is different.
The things inside can predictably bring a huge technological innovation to the earth. It can even be said that the earth will have a technological explosion within a few decades.

From every aspect of biology, communication, and machinery.
However, among the many novel technologies, there is one project that no matter what kind of researchers find it difficult to make progress——

"Nano Omnics".

Colin asked the little maid to help interpret it while looking at the contents of the document.

According to what was said above, this so-called "nano-intelligent machine" even in the world of the Seventh Chamber, is still at the level of a "Zenithite".

Each of its nano-units can act independently and is extremely difficult to damage. It can accurately execute different mission instructions. Also, regarding the 0.01-gram nano-organic that was previously borrowed from Colin to cooperate with research.
They can't even find the area where each "nano-omnic" obtains and stores energy.

The unit receiving the signal cannot be found either.
If there were no physical objects there, researchers said they would think that such a thing could not exist at all.

Apart from knowing that there is such a thing, their basic knowledge about this thing is about 0.

"You yourself don't know the technology that made you?"

Colin looked at the little maid and asked curiously.

"I don't know. Theoretically, with enough materials, I might be able to reproduce the same 'nano-omnic' a few hundred years later. Now, I can only make a product that is far behind my own." The technological creation of this generation," the little maid said in a pleasant but calm tone.

"The end of the world has come several times in hundreds of years."

Colin couldn't help but complain, but the technological creations that the little maid said were several generations behind were also very advanced.

Officials are making room for a processing plant, planning to use it to manufacture "backward technology products."

Then, after gathering his thoughts, Colin looked at the other contents in the document.

For example, something related to "2044".
Unfortunately, there is not much relevant information, and people still have no way of knowing what will happen that day. They only know that the closer that day is, the more active some terrifying advanced beings will be, causing one horrific disaster after another.
"So, if you want to know this, you can only get information from those 'gods'?"

Colin thought thoughtfully. From this look, it seems that the company should know about this.

After all, this group of people captured more than one "god".

But I don’t know if it was a permission issue, but Ms. Rabbit didn’t seem to intend to tell him more.

Shaking his head, without thinking much, Colin closed the file.

Then I saw that Mr. Wu sent a new message at the right time.
"About the 'World Barrier' matter, there have been some preliminary eyebrows. At present, it seems that some ordinary people may have awakened extraordinary abilities for some unknown reason. According to them, they suddenly 'awakened' at a moment of emotional excitement. "

"I can feel through them that there may be something else hidden behind it all, but I'm not sure."

"However, if there is really something behind the scenes, my intuition tells me that perhaps when the 'fate' is handed over in about nine months, matters related to this aspect will really explode."

"In short, the current progress of things is not very ideal."

"Ordinary people obtain extraordinary abilities through unknown means?"

Colin raised his eyebrows. Based on his understanding of anomalies, this kind of thing is a bit unrealistic.
Because "extraordinary" does not appear out of thin air for no reason.

It is impossible for ordinary people to awaken any superpowers with nothing and relying only on their own will.

"If you don't have extraordinary power, you can steal or rob. Regardless of whether it's an anomaly or a demon, all sources are obtained through extraordinary means."

"Even praying to some so-called higher being"

"But it's a bit wrong to 'awaken' for no reason like this."

Colin's heart sank, knowing that something must have had a profound impact on the world.

After thinking for a moment, he touched his chin and looked at Mr. Wu's other words: "The time when 'fate' is handed over."

Although the other party did not explain the specifics, Colin remembered that Mr. Wu said that he only had about one year left to live. The meaning of "fate handover" could be guessed without much thought. It should be that he would transfer his personality by then. Inherited and handed over to successors.

Chaos might break out at the moment of inheritance?
"Are there only 9 months left?"

Colin suddenly felt some inexplicable sadness.

The means to fully control one's own extraordinary abilities have emerged, but unfortunately, these official high-level beings cannot use them.

With inexplicable emotions, Colin ended the conversation with Mr. Wu.However, before he could feel sad for a few minutes, Colin suddenly felt something. He then looked at the parchment and saw a message floating on it:
Dear "654321", you have a new task "Go through the 'Starlight Gate' to investigate a missing item." It has been assigned to the [Task Bar].

"Oh, now you actually add a friendly greeting before sending a mission? But this name of 'Gate of Starlight' has never been heard before, and it has nothing to do with the 'Daughter of Starlight' that my trumpet man captured in the mission. Bar?"

Colin pursed his lips, collected himself, opened the [Task Bar] and found the task.

["Go through the 'Starlight Gate' to investigate a missing item"]

"Description": Through some special means, the company has determined the vague location of a missing high-quality prop through a returnee.

"Request": At twelve o'clock in the morning on January 1st, make a special descent through the "Starlight Gate" to collect and investigate intelligence in the area.

"Tip": The missing prop is suspected to be one of the seventeen "Kingdom of Gods in the Card".

[Accept this task? 】

"Returnees, that 'Daughter of Starlight' really surrendered."

Colin clicked his tongue. As a "Chosen One" or "God's Envoy", that guy took the lead in surrendering. He didn't know if the "Dawn Starlight" behind him would be furious if he knew about it.

Then he looked at the request content and then turned his attention to the prompt.
"One of the seventeen gold cards of the 'Kingdom of Gods'. I don't know which one it is, but overall, it should be specially issued to me."

After thinking about it, Colin chose to accept it.

The gold card is absolutely effective. It is simple, crude and has few side effects. For him, the more the better.

"Why do I always feel like the company wants me to collect seventeen cards, otherwise they wouldn't keep stuffing me with similar props."

“I just don’t know what will happen if I get enough seventeen gold cards one day.”

"Today is the 25th, there are still five or six days left, there is no rush, but it seems that the mission is a solo mission, and there are no teammates. I haven't received a solo mission in a long time."

As his thoughts turned, Colin scanned the mission content a few more times, and then put it away after confirming that there was not much information.

Then, he opened the internal communication hall and took a look.

It’s not much different from before, except that there are a bunch of guys who advocate the “Advent Project”
However, after just watching for a while, a phone call suddenly came.

The name displayed on the screen was "Xia Liufang".

Ke Lin was stunned. Usually, Hu Zheng or Qin Chuan contacted him, but Xia Liufang rarely contacted him.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

With doubts, Colin answered the phone and listened to the other party's words. Colin soon had a strange expression.

"You mean Qin Chuan and Hu Zheng are being blocked and beaten by several primary school students in the toilet?"

Colin doubted whether he heard correctly.

No matter what, these two are still extraordinary people. How can they be blocked and beaten by ordinary people, especially elementary school students?
But soon, he suddenly realized something.

'Are they the group of 'awakened' extraordinary beings? 'Ke Lin thought of Mr. Wu's information.

At the same time, Xia Liufang's voice continued: "Well, I don't know if these children are affected by abnormality. They are very strong and have even created some kind of barrier that makes it difficult for us to enter.
"And the requirement from above is to solve the anomaly without harming them as much as possible, but we have never found the specific location of the anomaly.
"So, you may need to come."

The information about the "Awakened Ones" is still being confirmed and has not been announced, so they don't know what is going on with this group of people for the time being. They are still looking for abnormalities using the old methods, but nothing is found.

In fact, the "abnormal" is this group of "awakened ones".

"Okay, just give me a position."

After hanging up the phone and waiting for the location to be sent, Colin couldn't help laughing a few times when he thought of what Xia Liufang said.

It is unclear where Qinchuan and Hu Zheng will go in the future, but I am afraid that I will never be able to get around the fact that I was blocked in the toilet by a primary school student.
Soon, the positioning information was sent from there, and the location was a little remote.

But it wasn't a big problem. Colin held the badge of humility, held his breath, jumped out of the window, and moved forward at extremely fast speeds in the city.

A few minutes later, he rushed to the location and saw a blocked elementary school.

Then, looking at several dilapidated teaching buildings, Colin finally understood why Qin Chuan and others were hung up and beaten by primary school students.
"To be honest, he seems pretty strong."

Colin came to the scene, glanced around, and saw many fist marks of different sizes on the wall.

Even many load-bearing columns were abruptly broken.

The power of the "elementary school student" is so terrifying!
As the "Emblem of Humility" was lifted, Xia Liufang also noticed the sudden appearance of Colin:

"Mr. Colin, do you need us to come in together?"

"No, leave it to me next. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Rejecting Xia Liufang's request to bring someone in with him, Ke Lin walked into the teaching building alone.

The guys inside are strong enough to beat Qin Chuan, but there is not much point in facing him.

Of course, you still have to be cautious
Otherwise, it would be fun if he was also blocked in the toilet and beaten.

Warm firelight emerged on the surface of the body and adhered to the whole body. As soon as Colin walked into the campus, he immediately felt that some unique abnormality enveloped this place.

The effectiveness of electronic communication begins to wane.
"If ordinary people come in, there will probably be ghosts breaking into the wall. Is this the so-called barrier?"

Colin felt it secretly, then walked on the campus path and continued to get deeper into it.

As long as the campfire is added, this thing will have almost no effect on him
A minute later, he suddenly heard a childish scream coming from a certain teaching building.
This movement sounded like someone was chasing something.

And coincidentally, they seemed to be heading towards Colin.

According to the information obtained, Colin thought it should be Qin Chuan and the others, because there was no one else except them.

But soon, as the footsteps approached, he discovered that it didn't seem to be the case.

A figure covered with long hair jumped directly from the third floor. He didn't care about the effort, and rolled sideways with all his strength.

At the same time, another man with muscles all over his body, as strong as an ox, but with the head of a child, fell down, hitting the opponent's position with a bang, and making a vibration.

After landing, he punched the long-haired figure directly.

"Strengthened muscles, the strength of a thousand horses!"

As he roared, the "child"'s right hand muscles flexed, he raised a fist as big as his head, and punched the hairy figure that looked inhuman.

There was a bang, and the long-haired man who looked neither human nor wolf was sent flying more than ten meters away with a punch, and landed a few meters away from Colin.
Colin glanced at the "werewolf" and then at the terrifying primary school student, and couldn't help but sigh:
"Could this be a fucking elementary school student?"

(End of this chapter)

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