Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 402: C-level personnel who were so angry that they lost control.

Chapter 402: C-level personnel who were so angry that they lost control.

"You, are you the person who ended this incident?"

A low voice sounded from the front, "The life coach is so cute." He didn't answer immediately, but glanced curiously at the motionless figures around him.

He could feel that every figure here had extremely powerful power.

"At the end of the day, he is also a kind of existence like the 'God's Chosen One'"

"Life coaches are much cuter" secretly assessed.

If these guys were to encounter each other, at least four or five D-levels would have to work together to set up an ambush in order to have a chance to repel them.

But now, they all remained motionless and surrendered to the figure in front of them.
Surrender to the man sitting on the light blue plastic chair at the theater food stall.

No, to be precise, it seems that all figures are trapped in some kind of predicament and cannot escape.

It's not that they really want to surrender.
"Are C-level employees so powerful?"

He was surprised in his heart, but at this moment, the figure in front waited for him for a few seconds without receiving a response, and asked again, and the content of his words was the same as before.

Following standard procedure, answer yes with a definite yes, and the battle begins.

Before I came in, I saw some other employees who had failed and quit, and it seemed that they all said the same thing.
However, "The life coach is much cuter" was about to answer, but suddenly he thought, what if he said no now?

If you say no, what will happen?
Out of curiosity, he planned to give it a try.

He just opened his mouth and uttered two words, but even the last sound of "yes" was not left. "The life coach is so cute." A strong sense of crisis surged in my heart.

The whole place seemed to suddenly darken at this moment.
Then, before he could make any concrete reaction.

The man disappeared from the plastic chair and appeared before his eyes like a flash.

Then there is no more.

A simple fist hit his head hard at a seemingly slow but difficult-to-response speed.

In an instant, his head exploded like a watermelon falling to the ground.

Bones, flesh and blood, brains, eyes, etc., were all exploded into blood mist with tremendous force.

As for the body, it seemed as if it had not reacted and still maintained a alert posture.

However, as the head exploded, other areas of the body also received some kind of attack "behind the scenes" and continued to explode until only one pair of legs was left standing on the barren ground.

"Fuck, ruthless."

"The life coach is so cute," he suddenly exclaimed, and then he was stunned and found himself reappearing in the field.

A life
just this?
what just happened?
However, before he could continue to think about it, the man on the stall seat in front of him slowly stood up.

The same words were spoken again.
This time, he didn't dare to delay, for fear that if he was slow, he would be punched to death.

And just after saying the word "yes".

"Life coaches are so cute." Suddenly, a 10-minute countdown appeared in front of me that kept moving.

'If you persist for 10 minutes, will you pass the level? '

As his thoughts flashed through his mind, he saw the guy in front of him charging towards him again and raising a fist as big as his head.

But this time
“There’s room for reaction.”

"The life coach is so cute." Without thinking, he threw out a picture scroll, unfolded it, and wrapped it around himself.

In the scroll, a towering mountain appears on the paper.

A heavy aura surrounds the surrounding area.

This item can absorb most types of attacks and then bounce them back
This was also one of the key props that allowed them to reach the fifth level of "Ghost Train". Although there is a certain upper limit for the absorption capacity, no matter what, it should be no problem to carry it for a few minutes.
"Since it's just stalling for time, don't blame me for being careful. In short, I'll get the talent first."

He pulled out a modified rocket launcher barrel from the "storage room", aimed it at the enemy and prepared to shoot.

However, the next second, he saw that his picture scroll had been punched with several dents.

"What are you kidding?!"

"The life coach is so cute." His eyes widened and he quickly pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher.

However, the opponent refused to evade and smashed the flying rocket launcher with one fist. There was no injury on his body.
"Hiss, such an exaggeration?! Is this still a human being?" He was shocked inwardly.

It was at this time that the majestic mountains in the scroll began to crack and then break.

Then, in less than ten seconds.
The entire picture scroll failed and fell to the ground on the spot!

"This is how you use an excellent defensive item? After releasing it, hide behind it in a daze?"

A disappointed whisper rang in his ears.

"The life coach is so cute" his breath stagnated, and he hastily pulled out a prop that seemed to be made from the head of some evil subspace creature, trying to make its eyes aim at the opponent.
However, before he could do this, his head and the football were kicked away by the opponent.

"Why is the reaction so slow? Why is the reaction so slow?!"

The C-level man made a disappointed comment while his fists fell like a rainstorm.

"If you can manage that prop well, it will take at least 1 minute or more for me to break through it. Even 3 minutes is possible if you operate it well. However, after you throw it out, you only want to set off some small firecrackers?"

"And your reaction is even slower than the old man selling pancakes downstairs in my house!"

Words came into my mind one after another.

"The life coach is so cute" was too exhausted to respond. With some combat intuition, he felt that every time the other party made a move, he seemed to leave a little space.

If you seize the opportunity, you may not be unable to resist a few more times.
This opportunity is too short-lived and difficult to seize.

As a result, he could only live a life in which he was unable to take care of himself, being beaten constantly, and feeling severe pain and the sound of bones breaking all over his body.

While being beaten, he felt that a long time had passed, and then he glanced at the countdown on his retina.

"How come it's only been less than 2 minutes?"

In desperation, he discovered that this C-level personnel who would "coach" him at the beginning became more irritable and dissatisfied with the fight.
"Too weak! Too weak! Too weak! Too weak!"

"Who is your instructor!?"

"Let him come over. Instead of dying because he is weak and being polluted in the future, it is better for the two of us to die together now!!!"

The C-level personnel got angrier and angrier, their eyes were bloodshot, and they seemed to be so angry that they couldn't control their emotions.What he dislikes the most is this kind of employee whose "morality (props) are not suitable for him".

There are so many more outstanding members working on the front line of crises, and they need more matching props. As a result, under such uneven distribution, there are still people occupying the manhole and not giving up.
Simply unforgivable!
The rising anger, in turn, caused his inner loss of control symptoms to begin to squeeze out rationality and take more control.
It was a few seconds later.

He was out of control.

With less than ten seconds to go until three minutes, "Life Coach Lovely" who was being beaten suddenly realized that everything seemed to be back to where it started.

He has three lives left.

But compared to this, he sadly discovered at this moment that he didn't even know how he was beaten to death just now.

At the same time, not only him, but all other employees except Colin on the battlefield were enjoying the most unpretentious beating at this moment.

Whether alone or in a team, few people can last more than 3 minutes.

In just 10 minutes, a large number of employees who were originally full of fighting spirit were forcibly knocked out of copies by a pair of iron fists.

"What the hell kind of monster is this? How could a C-level person be so powerful? It's unscientific."

"That's right, there is a chance for an F-level player to fight against a D-level player. If a D-level player fights against a C-level player, there is really no chance. The gap is wider than between me and the dog downstairs."

"It's not impossible. I can feel that he is training us and always giving us opportunities. Otherwise, we may not be able to hold on for ten seconds. By the way, where is the brother who wanted to do it alone before? Have you done it?"

"Indeed, when you asked me at the beginning if I was the closing person, I just said I was your uncle and it was cool."

"Damn it, look at the details of the dungeon, someone has passed! First kill!"


"It's Brother Shunzi."


Amid countless wails and complaints from the company, Colin withdrew from the "Nightmare of the Dying Ancient God" and then couldn't help but take a breath and feel pain everywhere in his body.

"I can resist it after 10 minutes, but it's just that I can resist it."

Colin rubbed his body, as if he could feel an indescribable phantom pain.

Compared with the last time, this time he has been greatly improved due to the updated props and self-strengthening. He is much better than the last encounter and will not be beaten unilaterally.

Of course, the private training of "Light Chasers" is also very effective.

Otherwise, even if the hardware catches up this time, but the software is not good, he may not be able to clear the level in one go.
He even forced the other party to use a weapon this time and pulled out the rusty long knife stuck on the ground. Then, his first life was lost.
Colin could only recall that eighteen figures seemed to flash out from the other side, and each figure drew a knife that split the space.

Kill him directly on the spot and turn him into pieces of meat.

"The knife owned by the C-level officer seems to be an orange one. The D-level company employee who predicted fate didn't tell me such important information, so I was caught off guard."

"Compared to the 'Skylight Falling' move, this eighteen times flash combined with an orange-equipped knife is the real killer."

"Eighteen instant kill attacks in an instant, it's meaningless to see 'fatal insight'. At most, you can only know how you died."

Colin was still frightened. Even though he used Time Stop at that time, he was still attacked by the opponent.

Even if there was a momentary pause, this thing would wrap him up without any blind spots, making it impossible to escape.

If you want to avoid it, the only way is to use another gold card "Force·Repulsion" at the same time to bounce all attacks away within the effective range.
However, the C-level guy reacts very quickly. Once he finds out, he will force him to use "Force·Repulsion" or "Time·Stagnation" one after another.
As for the other golden item, the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization", the effect is a bit poor.

Because the opponent was too comprehensive, Colin couldn't find any good limitations.

"This reminds me that to use the 'Shield of Fairness and Notarization', I have to find a point where I am obviously better than the other party. Otherwise, if I am captured as a slave, I will become myself."

"However, this feeling of fighting with all your strength is really comfortable. The goal of my next effort is to force the opponent to activate 'Item Liberation'."

"By the way, speaking of which, why is this orange outfit not on the selection list?"

Colin couldn't help but grunt.

If there were orange equipment to choose from, he wouldn't choose some fire-breaking tree mark.

Now, after the "Revolver Retrograde" was fully repaired and the glory of the orange item was recast, he realized how strong the item of this level was.

I won't think of them as useless waste like before.

'Sometimes you really should look for your own problems, whether you have carefully developed the upper limit of props, and whether you have worked hard to review the tasks.'

Complain from the bottom of my heart,
Then, after gathering his thoughts, Colin opened the "storage room" and looked at the green talents obtained by clearing the level.

["Return to Basics" Effect: In a battle, before using the 'Ultimate Move', based on your own quality and strength, you will get a 10%~1% improvement. The stronger your own strength, the weaker the effect. 】

"Remarks": Currently it can be increased by 5.1%.

"Ultimate Move Judgment": "No Two Strikes", "Skylight Falling".
"Increase by 5.00%. This effect is not bad."

Colin nodded, and then put him into another talent slot that he had left vacant after his D-level.

"'Skill' is not a better choice, but you can learn this thing secretly. See if there is a chance to steal it from the 'Light Chaser' or C-level personnel."

Thinking of this, Colin once again opened the C-level personnel brother's mission and started training.

For the next day, he spent most of his time in the "Self-chosen Trial Event", constantly trying to improve himself.

This employee with extremely high combat experience can always discover his shortcomings at the first opportunity and launch an attack on them.

And Colin will soon patch his own vulnerabilities.
The superficial strength gradually began to settle during the battle.

Unfortunately, it is still difficult to force the C-level personnel to "liberate the props".

However, compared to him who "enjoyed" the battle at the beginning, some other employees couldn't help shouting "stop fighting, stop fighting" after receiving a beating, even if they were sleeping, and they no longer had the optimistic attitude they had before.
After all, it still hurts when the fist falls.

But, even so, most employees will still choose to continue spending money to enter the copy.

It's not that they like to be beaten, but because they found that they should do as the C-level guy said
His strength has indeed been significantly improved.

Some employees even feel that their strength has begun to catch up a little bit with the D-class elite personnel in those carriages on the "disordered ghost train".
"It's a pity that the 'Disordered Ghost Train' is gone. Otherwise, if we form a team and fight head-on, we might still have a chance to win." A D-class personnel couldn't help but feel regretful about this.

Many D-class personnel who had also been promoted from this copy agreed.
Another half day passed, and as soon as Colin exited the dungeon, he saw a new mission appear.

"Answer the call of followers on behalf of the 'Dawn Star'"

(End of this chapter)

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