Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 412: Want to harvest an organ again?

Chapter 412: Want to recycle an organ again? (repair)
"A 'Fire Bearer' is coming here, a 'Fire Bearer'."

Recalling what they said, Colin glanced at the elevator that was gradually coming to a stop and raised his eyebrows——

Let’s not talk about other things. This recycling content will not only include “Time·Counterflow” but also a certain body part of the “Fire Holder”, right?
Not sure, but it's certainly possible.

"If there is another 'save' on the card, or if it says that a certain organ is to be recycled, I feel like I will soon become an organ dealer."

With a grunt, Colin gathered his thoughts for a moment.

Although this may be a bit screwed up, one thing that has to be said is that in missions where "fire bearers" exist, generally as long as you get key items, you can basically lock the battle situation.

For example, the "Fire Bearer" heart of a certain seaside outpost, such as the "first hand" of "World Number-4", such as that heart
They are powerful enough that even if they die, they have enough power to suppress the aftermath.

"However, the premise is to obtain key items. Moreover, it seems that the 'Fire Bearers' only play high-end rounds. The battlefield they go to must be one of the most dangerous places. Therefore, before obtaining the corresponding shelter, you should be careful. You have to be careful.”

"It's a pity that so far, we haven't seen a living 'Fire Bearer' in the real sense."

"I don't know how strong this kind of strong man really is."

Colin rubbed his forehead and felt a little regretful. According to his estimation, this person here is most likely dead.

These days, it seems that the more powerful the "fire supporter" is, the more complete and clean his death will be. There are almost no exceptions.

If his death is not clean enough, it may mean that he is not powerful enough.

For example, the C-level guy in the "Ghost Train" incident was. He said he was a "fire supporter", but he wasn't really one.
So we can still meet each other, and even have two lines
The really powerful ones are basically just ashes now, or even the ashes are gone.

"No, why do I always feel that this idea is a bit like a joke from hell. According to this statement, I am afraid that my situation will not be very good in the future."

Cracking his fingers, Colin grunted in his heart, and then thought of the six C-level personnel just now.

Thinking back to their explosive momentum
'Generally, the aura of C-level personnel is similar to that of official level 9 personnel. In other words, the entire earth may not be able to gather two hands of level 9 personnel. There can be enough for a table of mahjong in this room alone, and there are still some left. Two people are playing chess.'

Colin was secretly frightened. According to his understanding, there would not be a situation like five of the four heavenly kings appearing on the ninth level on the earth.

The real number will be even less
Moreover, except for Mr. Wu, most of the other level 9s are in a state of semi-dormant and can only move without taking action.

In case the trouble is not solved, you lose control and become trouble.

Even if a strong person of this level, whether at home or abroad, wants to be active, they will be equipped with as many senior "fate-promoting" members as possible to follow them, and they will constantly adjust their "numerology thread" by their side.
Reduce the probability of loss of control as much as possible.

"The price required to use extraordinary power without 'gene compensation potion' is still too high."

"But having said that, if the six C-level employees in the room were to fight against the C-level guy who was half-stepping into the "Fire Holder", they would probably not be able to defeat him."

"After all, that old man said he is a 'Fire Bearer' reserve, but if he can return smoothly, he will probably join the bonfire directly."

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't help but shake his head and secretly said it was a pity.

But before he could think too much, the elevator suddenly descended and seemed to have reached the destination floor.

At the same time, in the minds of Colin and the four people behind him, while the investigation mission event completion notice appeared, a new line of mission events emerged.

[Event [-]: Try to find the remaining personnel on this floor and obtain further information about this place. 】

"Remarks": If no remaining personnel are found within one hour, the task will be automatically canceled.

"Are there any remaining personnel?"

Colin was a little surprised.

Most of the members of the Starship Expeditionary Force he saw now had died, and he thought the entire army had been completely wiped out.

But through this mission, it can be determined that people are not dead yet.

'Looking at it this way, there may be a subsidiary mission to take away the survivors here. In other words, in addition to recovering cards and human organs, there may also be a rescue mission? 'With past experience, Colin feels he has a foundation.

He is not afraid of doing more things, but he is afraid of not knowing what to do.
At this time, the "Son of Sexual Abuse" said: "By the way, what this note says is that if the remaining personnel are not found, the mission will be automatically canceled. And if no one is found, what will happen after the cancellation?"

After being fooled by the "Ghost Train" mission description, he now reads the mission several times.

Afraid of missing something wrong.
As for the incident at this moment, it only said that it was cancelled, but it did not say whether a new one would be issued after the cancellation.

This made him somewhat panicked.

If the task is no longer updated, aren't we stuck again?
If there is any powerful creature that needs to be conquered, "Son of Sex Abuse" feels that with the strength of the team he and Brother Shunzi have, they can handle it no matter how strong the enemy is.
But when it comes to finding someone who is uncertain and has time constraints, it’s hard to say.

Hearing his words, Colin shook his head: "I don't know. I have never failed a mission, so I don't know what will happen next."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but twitch their lips.

If someone else said this and said that all their tasks were completed, they wouldn't believe it.

But Brother Shunzi said it seems much more reasonable.

"Generally speaking, even if you don't have any tasks at the moment, as long as you continue to be here, there will be new tasks coming sooner or later." "The life coach is so cute" on the side pondered and gave a simple answer.

Hearing what this authoritative D-class veteran said, several people felt a little relieved.

"Okay, we don't have much time. Let's take action first. Get ready. I'll open the door if there's no problem."

Colin waved his hand, ended the conversation, and left a minute for a few people.

Then, seeing that there were no more questions, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door.

[There are a lot of abnormalities on this floor. After opening, the elevator will have a greater risk of shutting down. Please confirm whether to open it]


Colin made a decisive choice.

A "click" sound.

The door of the elevator room slid open, and as the door opened, thick black mist squeezed in from the gap.
However, under the firelight, they dissipated and dissolved.

And as the gap in the door opens further,
The scene of the "living level" of the starship is displayed before everyone's eyes——

At first glance, you can see that this is an extremely huge space. There is a city in the space, and a celestial body hanging in the sky thousands of meters, emitting dim light like the sun.
In a daze, Colin thought of the term "paradise".

If it weren't for the fact that the city had been bulldozed and strange roars were heard from everywhere, there would be thick black fog floating in most places in the sky.
This is indeed a "paradise".

"This light is a bit like the halo on the head of the 'Twilight Angel', with a debuff of exhaustion."

Feeling the power, Colin recalled the first-level containment object with only the upper body.

However, he didn't recall that thing too much, just when he was about to withdraw his sight from the luminous object that simulated the sun, and then enter here to look for the so-called "survivors".

Colin's heart suddenly "thumped".

Then, he saw a gap opening in the center of the dim artificial sun.

The gap opens to both sides
A huge eye looked toward him.

Make up one first

(End of this chapter)

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