Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 423 Who can kill me!Who can kill me? !

Chapter 423 Who can kill me!Who can kill me? !

After another 10 minutes, everyone finally saw the end of this road. The sound of various bombings could be heard faintly from there. It was obvious that after the "catastrophe" that occurred once in ten years.

Not only the core layer, but also other areas are not peaceful, and a lot of things are attacking everywhere.

Colin calmed down his thoughts, then his arrogance grew again, his speed surged, and he rushed out of here.

Just after he came out, he vaguely saw a large group of garrisoned legions fighting against many "Flood Demons" at a huge pillar some distance away.

And the situation is very pessimistic
According to past circumstances, at this time, they should hide in the "safe zone".

Wait until everything calms down before coming out to "clean the battlefield."

But now, in order to ensure that when Colin and others come out, there will be someone to take care of them, so that they do not plunge into the monster pile and get trapped in a tight siege.

They sent out an extremely large number of legion members.

'Fortunately, the 'Flood' here has not been possessed by the will of 'Dark Night'.'

Looking in that direction, Colin hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to go there and give them a message.

Although doing so will slow down the departure speed and cause more accidents
However, if they don't do this, Colin suspects that they may keep guarding the secret passage until the entire army is annihilated.

'By the way, we can also send Nightingale and the others back first, otherwise if something happens next, they will have no chance of surviving.'

After making his decision, Colin did not hesitate. After adjusting his direction, he quickly rushed in that direction.

"Send an investigation team down. What is it?"

In the command car, Night Owl, who had been waiting for no news from Colin for a long time, was about to send someone down to check the intelligence.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt something strange vibrating in the air.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the vibration, and immediately saw a very dazzling fireball moving rapidly in the sky at a very fast speed.

The target seems to be right here.

"It's those colleagues from before!"

An observer spoke while looking over there through a special tactical telescope.


No need to remind, Ye Xiao also discovered the true condition of that thing.

Although the flames were very dazzling at the moment, and just observing them made the pupils sting slightly, the feeling did not change. It was those colleagues who were back.

But for some unknown reason, they did not return the same way as originally planned, but took another path.

Tens of seconds later, a huge fireball rushed over their heads.

All the flying "Flood Demons" fell into the air under the scorching flames, billowing smoke, and smelling of burnt flesh and blood.

Seeing that the situation was similar, Colin let go and left more than thirty members, including Nightingale.

The method was rough, but after landing, dozens of legions stood up like nothing happened.

"No one was killed or injured?"

Night Owl looked at them, his face slightly distorted behind the helmet, revealing a shocked look.

Under the current situation, he thought there would be no one left in the team.

Unexpectedly, the situation was just the opposite, one was fine.

At this time, Colin's voice came from mid-air: "The real danger has not erupted yet. It will be very dangerous next. You should withdraw as soon as possible. Which direction is it?"

Hearing Colin's words, Ye Xiao was silent for a moment. If he wanted to answer the question, if the other party had bad intentions.

Even if there is only a little bit, it means a safe point, and even there will be problems in the breeding hall.
But less than half a second later, he pointed in a general direction.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a strong energy reaction in the opponent's hand.

A concentrated fireball formed in the opponent's hand.

A slight throw in the direction he pointed.

The fireball flew out of the hand, and continued to amplify in the process, forming a large fireball with a violent energy diameter of more than 30 meters, rolling forward on the ground.

Along the way, all the Flood Demons were burned and burned by its terrifying heat energy.

It was like a rolling bowling ball, not very fast, but it cleared away all the abnormal things on this road and opened a breakout path.

Then, he was about to tell the other party the specific location of the "safe zone" and take them to hide.

But he saw that huge fireball flying quickly in a certain direction.

"Sir, it seems they don't intend to join us." Nightingale on the other side returned to the team.


Ye Xiao glanced at her and without saying much, directly issued the breakout order.

On the other side, after giving them the final help, Colin rushed decisively in the direction he came from, without stopping for a moment or thinking of hiding here.

Although Ye Xiao and other legion members relied on the safe area, they managed to survive here for who knows how many years.

It is definitely impossible without some more special means of self-protection.

However, rather than believing in them, Colin believed in himself more——

Having performed so many missions, he believed that as long as the mission was not over, accidents would happen no matter where he was.
If he goes there too, the "safe zone" may not still be a "safe zone".

The only "safe zone" now is the earth.

Only when we finally complete the mission and return to Earth can everything be considered over!

Not long after, after another burst of speed, Colin saw the huge metal wall where he was waiting for others to come down.

After he came here, he quickly stepped forward and put his hand on it.

The elevator door opens again
It was as empty as before.

Colin poured the flames into it first, and then walked into it after making sure there was no problem inside.

clack clack.
The elevator door slowly closed.

A line of luminous text appeared in mid-air.

[When an abnormality is detected, the elevator will rise at maximum speed and will reach the target floor in 3 minutes. Please...]

"Hurry up!"

Colin skipped the conversation.

The next second, the elevator made a loud noise and shot up like a rocket rising into the sky.

Everyone stopped breathing under the pressure of some kind of potential energy.
At this speed, if it suddenly stopped, if the people inside were ordinary people, they might directly hit the ceiling under the action of inertia and turn into a pile of meat.

However, this is not a big problem for them.

Not to mention that Colin had poured a lot of power and blessing into him, but it just wasn't poured into him.

Their physical constitution can also resist these.
'3 minutes, there are some anomalies on the negative third floor outside that were tricked and trapped in the reverse flow of time. It's not a big problem to force their way through with some injuries. It takes up to three to five minutes here, but I always feel like I have forgotten something. '

Colin frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong.

At this moment, "Life Coach Lovely" suddenly said: "Brother Shunzi, I have something to tell you. It seems that something happened outside, and there was no news suddenly."

"Outside?" Colin was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of lightning seemed to flash in his mind, and then he consciously opened the team's information.

It was only then that he noticed that it had been almost 10 minutes since the last message.

That's when they just came out of the "core layer".
Colin glanced at the content. If nothing had been deleted, their last message was still talking about boring issues like eating hot pot and shabu-shabu with mustard or not.
Then there is no more then.

The dozens of D-class personnel stationed at the flames outside seemed to fall out of the network in an instant.

Almost everyone had a bad association - wouldn't all of them suddenly die suddenly?
Apart from this, they really couldn't think of any other possibility that would make all these people disappear in a short time.

It just so happens that the core layer thing just now can really do this.

"Brother Shunzi, what should we do?" Fuli Mushroom said.

Everyone looked at Colin.

Judging from this situation, it is also very dangerous up there, so dangerous that a group of D-class personnel disappeared en masse without even being able to send a reminder.
In this case, are you sure you still want to go up?
However, under the gaze of everyone, Colin thought for less than a second and gave the answer:
"Continue to do what the mission requires."

In other words, there is no other way but to believe in the mission.

Colin and this group of soy sauces have no other means to go back on their own.
'According to my status as a 'special bonfire talent', I shouldn't be left here without any care. According to the requirements, I should be able to go back immediately after reaching the surface. Even if there is danger, I can at most resist. '

Thinking quickly, Colin looked at the cards in his hand and gained a little confidence.

There are these two high-level props.

No matter what is on top, as long as it is not a super-level containment object like "Dark Night", it won't be a big problem.

It won't be a big problem if you hold on for at least a minute or two.

No matter how bad it is, there is still a "time countercurrent". If you pay a certain price, it is not impossible to use this thing.

'It really doesn't work. Then I can only release myself and eat as much as I can. '

Colin secretly touched the power stored deep in his body, and his eyes changed into vertical pupils.

Although "0-09 'Hungry'" has been suffering under the hands of various armies of the company.

But the reason for its failure is not that it is not strong enough.

It's because the company has many special attack methods to suppress it, if it were replaced by other things.
That situation may not be certain.

"Gurgling" a hungry bowel sound came from the abdomen of several people around him.

"Hungry? Why say 'hungry' at this time?"

"The life coach is so cute" touched his stomach. At first he was a little confused about the hunger rising in his stomach, but the next second, he suddenly realized something and looked at Brother Shunzi in horror.

Based on the scattered information he had so far, he knew that this had something to do with Brother Shunzi without even thinking about it.

Following his gaze, the other people reacted a little slowly, but they also realized something.

Then, they couldn't help but have a similar thought.
'It's actually this '0' level containment object. Brother Shunzi's plug-ins are really endless.'

They felt a little relieved at the same time.


The elevator room made a crisp sound indicating that it had arrived at its destination.

Compared to last time, it was faster than 01:30.

[Nothing outside the door]

"Hurry up!"

Colin skipped the conversation again, and there was some indescribable impatience in his voice.

A "click" sound.

The elevator doors quickly opened to both sides, revealing an empty street.


Colin, who was already preparing to face the enemy, was surprised. In his imagination, there should be enemies everywhere here.

Even if the door is not opened, someone may come in.

But the situation was opposite to what he thought.
However, soon, I felt the depressing atmosphere on the corridor streets.

He realized that perhaps it was not that there was no accident, but that when the employees stationed abroad died suddenly, they were also killed along with them.
'That's good, less trouble. '

Colin gathered his thoughts, and his figure turned into a flame, dragging four signal towers and rushing outward.

With the road going smoothly,
In less than 3 minutes, he had walked all the way.

When he saw the final spiral staircase, Colin held his breath and rushed forward when he was ready.

A few seconds later, there was an arched exit on the surface of the starship.

Colin's figure rushed out.

The situation outside seemed to be the same as when we entered. Skeletons and black mist were everywhere. A little further away, you could even see a burning bonfire.

The only thing wrong was that except for some pots and pans set up, no one else was there.

In the air, you can still vaguely smell the aroma of the tomato hot pot bottom.
The "Son of Sexual Abuse" smelled this smell and couldn't help but curse: "Damn, are these people so vigilant? They deserve it!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly saw it.

A magnificent pillar of fire penetrated the black fog and fell from the sky. When it connected to the bonfire, it also enveloped them.
But before the teleportation could begin, the pillar of fire around him suddenly dispersed.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked.


An indescribable sound of tearing came from beneath his feet.

The strong inspiration formed a "picture" in Colin's mind.

Somewhere in the "core layer" of the starship, the real space was torn open with a rift that cannot be accurately described.

It is in some higher or lower dimension, the reality cannot be observed, and the basic matter has not been affected. Even if it were not through some passivity of the company, as well as various blessings such as bonfires, Colin might not be able to feel it!

As for others, they can only feel some absolute terror.

At this moment, from the crack, Colin seemed to see countless terrifying creatures surging and squirming inside. They had no actual form, but they all wanted to break out of the invisible crack and return again. in reality.
"Fuck." A scream came from the side.

Colin looked away from the ground and turned his head. When he saw the "Son of Sexual Abuse", he stared blankly at the sky with a look of shock on his face.

He raised his head together and looked upward. His eyes suddenly froze and his pupils shrank like needles.

I saw that the endless black fog covering the dome dissipated at some point.
Originally, looking out from the starship's perspective, due to the meteorite belt, what we saw should be a dark universe.

But at this moment, the stars are so bright that they are incredibly bright.
And what was glowing were the lifeless "meteorite belts" that Colin originally thought!
Every "meteorite" surrounding the starship was trembling.

"This is not a fucking meteorite belt. These things are the bodies of first-level containment objects! A large group of them."

Colin muttered.

Before the words could be finished, a nearby, larger "meteorite" suddenly cracked, and countless twisted limbs extended from those cracks. There was some terrifying existence that was rapidly breaking through the seal.
After this one, cracks appeared in other "meteorites" one after another.

Colin looked at the sky and was stunned
The out-of-control inspiration made him realize many things.

Each "meteorite" contains a part of the first-level containment fragments. There is no substantial higher consciousness in the special dimensional rift. It is not really intangible.
It's because their consciousness was separated from their ontology.

At this moment, they are frantically trying to reconnect with their former bodies.
So the meteorite belt that had just been quiet and dead became active.

It’s just that if one or two are okay, compared to this number now
It feels truly despairing.

Colin didn't know how the company was able to deal with so many horrible lives at once, but now, they have become a problem.

Even if he hasn't woken up yet, it's just because of the movement brought about by his waking up.
The teleported pillar of fire was shaken away.

'My intuition tells me that if I want to leave, I can only reach the place where I first landed. The reason is that it is the outer edge of the 'meteorite belt' and will be least affected.'

'And that distance from here is equivalent to a few orbits around the Earth.'

'Even if I'm not hindered, I'll have to run until I'm exhausted, let alone now, it's over.'

Colin's face turned pale, as gray as death.

However, after two seconds of silence, he seemed to have made a decision and looked at the others: "In a while, I will find a way to send you away from here. You guys, hold on as long as possible."

"What do you mean?" The rookie and others looked puzzled.

Is it really possible to leave?

At this moment, they were a little resigned to their fate, and they didn't want to blame anyone. Anyway, they had already made such mental preparations.

"Yes, through 'hunger', I can send you away."

Colin looked at the sky and felt that everything in his sight was squirming. Those things, just by looking directly at them, had already made his sanity evaporate.

When speaking, he combined the method of "inspiration" delivery to let them understand their decision-making.

"These" people stared wide-eyed. They didn't understand the details, but they felt that it was basically feasible, but...
"Brother Shunzi, what should you do?"

Hearing this, Colin was silent for half a second and slowly shook his head.

If the "Light Chaser" arrives in person, there may be a chance to go together, but this place seems too remote, and the other party will most likely not know about it at all.
Otherwise, he is willing to spend all his points.

Putting aside this unrealistic idea, if I want to leave now, the only way to relieve my "hunger" is to release it not just a little bit, but to release it in all aspects!

The place is full of unconscious body remains of ancient gods. If you eat just two of them, the "hungry" in your body will reach its peak in an instant, revealing the true potential of "0" level containment objects!

Through the power of the bonfire, he can control this power for a short period of time, and he can definitely throw these people away before his own sanity burns out.

but himself
Colin doesn't know if he will still exist by then.

'If I'm lucky, I can return smoothly. If I'm lucky, I'll just be 'Aba Aba' for the rest of my life. If I'm not lucky, I will be a part of 'Hungry' from now on. '

'Tsk, become part of it?After thinking about it for so long, I didn’t expect it to be cheap. '

'In any case, there is no chance to choose now. I can't care about this, so I can only resign myself to fate and take a gamble. '

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Colin's consciousness sank, connecting with the sleeping will that resided in his body and was basically undetectable unless he actively sensed it.
However, at this time, an accident suddenly occurred.

The scene in front of Colin and everyone suddenly dimmed.
A terrifying aura rose from beneath the starship.

At the core of the starship, an invisible small crack suddenly opened wide. A large, unusually dark hand made of pure darkness suddenly stretched out, aiming directly at Colin.
"'Red Moon'. 'Red Moon'. 'Red Moon'."

Empty and inhuman whispers lingered in my ears.

What do you mean by calling Hong Yue and then coming at me? Colin cursed in his heart, even if he didn't look back, he could still feel that he was being targeted.

Under this kind of lockdown, he actually lost contact with "hunger"!
In addition, he could clearly feel that the big black hand seemed to be extending continuously, and everything in the way was wiped out by unknown forces.

"Kill me, who can kill me?! Who can kill me? No, no, no, no, no, save me, save me!!! No!!!!"

On the living level, a lunatic uttered irrational words. However, under the fear brought by the existence from above, he suddenly woke up——

In less than a second, he was directly wiped out from where he was.

Apart from him, many abnormal things were also erased without any substantial contact.
"Damn it. There's something down there, don't let any of us leave!" Xiaojiji and others felt awe-inspiring.

It was pitch black before their eyes, unable to see anything, and they felt like they were being dragged into some indescribable darkness.

However, at this moment, in the darkness, a line of information suddenly appeared on Colin's retina.

[Event [-]: Please end the observation and provide assistance immediately to avoid accidents. 】

'Stop observing and render aid?'What does this mean? '

Colin didn't understand it for a while.

However, before he could think about it, a flash of fire suddenly drew an arc in the deep darkness that even a bonfire couldn't illuminate.
He was startled for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered something.
 I have to take a day off tomorrow for something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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