Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 429: "Bonfire Company" recruitment standards.

Chapter 429: "Bonfire Company" recruitment standards.

“This is just a place to talk and communicate, don’t be nervous.”

Colin spoke, relieving everyone's pressure.

After hearing his words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still a little embarrassed.

At this time, another D-class personnel besides the cute one said: "What are we going to talk about this time?"

"It's probably about explaining the preparations for the Tomorrow Advent project, and then determining whether there are any changes in personnel. Of course, if there are enough events, there can also be some other topics." Colin answered simply.

Without waiting for these people to ask, he continued: "If nothing else happens, a similar meeting will be held before each 'Adventure Project' in the future to share the situation."

After all, the mortality rate of company employees is either high or low.

I can't tell who was doing the task but suddenly disappeared.
It would be a good idea to hold a meeting in advance to confirm.

Compared to the others, who were still a little cautious, the trio didn't have so many worries. They had already held many meetings.

"Boss Shun, do we have any new people this week?" Li Ming asked subconsciously.

Now that they have reached F level, Parchment has been integrated into the large "network", and in the internal forum, they have a very clear understanding of their boss's current status.

I know that this guy is definitely No. 1 in the company in terms of combat power.
All kinds of tasks that ordinary employees cannot do are all cleared by the other party.

Last time, they thought that the other D-classes were about the same strength as the boss, but after entering, they realized that all D-classes combined might not be able to beat the boss.

This is the only person who can rub a "nuclear bomb" with his hands in a short time.

At this time, after he initiated the inquiry, everyone's attention turned over.

Whether there are new people coming or not is quite important to them.

"Yes." Colin nodded.

"Oh, okay, then next week... eh? Wait, are there really new people?" Li Ming was already prepared for a negative answer. After all, he had been here before, so he almost subconsciously acquiesced that there was no one.

But it was only halfway through that I discovered that there is!
"About 20 people, it depends on the situation. After all, this is voluntary, and I can't force anything."

"Twenty people? That's okay." Several people nodded.

Better to have it than not to have it.
Not only the three of them, but everyone else looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, showing an inexplicable smile.

Of course, they are not thinking about how to torture others.

But it really needs manpower.
Although when we were there, with Brother Shunzi's presence, everyone didn't need to worry about danger.

However, obviously nothing is free in this world.

Everything has a price.

When there is no danger, Brother Shunzi is the danger!
They had experienced a wave of what it meant that extraordinary people could die from overwork.

"Life Mentor is Much Cuter" was moving bricks at night, while Bai Tou drove the "Volume Body" to plow the fields - the ground here is extremely hard, and if you are not an extraordinary person, you can only use large-scale special machines to cultivate.

But unfortunately, there is obviously no such thing there.

So I can only use Extraordinaries and various explosive packs.

Seven days in a row.

Even D-class personnel can't handle it.

Those with the talent of "violent body" will feel inexplicable death threats in the next few days or even every day, and they don't know what is going on at first.

Only later did I realize that it was a sign that my body couldn't hold it any longer.

So one more person means one more animal, no, one more labor force to share the joy of labor.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Colin shook his head secretly.

The number of refugees there is increasing at an extremely fast rate.

Even if all 20 people arrive, they may not have much to do, but they will definitely not have less.

'Unfortunately, I don't have the authority to directly recruit people. Otherwise, if I directly use my authority to recruit thousands of people, most problems can be solved at once. '

Colin felt deeply sorry.

Now, after the officials came in and conducted various research on the company, they already have a rough idea of ​​the company's recruitment standards.

They say they recruit people randomly, but they do recruit people randomly.
But it's not completely random.

Colin originally thought that the company tended to recruit people who were about to die because such people were easy to compromise. However, after the official conducted a systematic study through a large number of samples, he discovered that
This idea is wrong.

The company actually tends to favor people who are "optimistic" and "don't admit defeat" and stick to a certain bottom line of goodwill.

To put it simply, if a person is suffering from cancer pain, can still laugh, enjoy suffering, knows that he will inevitably die, but does not give in easily, and is not a completely bad person in his heart, he can be regarded as a recruiter of the company. object.

In addition, there are actually not many such people
But the reason why there are more people who are about to die is because these people have usually "proven" themselves in the confrontation between reality and illness.

That's why they were recruited.

In the eyes of the company, their illnesses and other illnesses are considered “dispensable”.

After a few injections of "gene compensation medicine", most people will be cured.
In addition, the company will also consider abilities, knowledge, etc., but these are generally not absolute standards.

In other words, most of the time, things in this area are not essential. The company has the ability to force all kinds of knowledge into their minds.

'It seems that for those who are too physically disabled, their first mission seems to be similar to Advent, but not Advent. For example, they can randomly obtain a body in a certain place on the earth.'

Thoughts flashed through Colin's mind.

Although these are not necessarily [-]% accurate.
But it should be considered relatively close to the real situation. At least one thing is that it is rare for company employees to have an emotional breakdown.

No matter what the situation was, Colin himself had never seen this kind of situation.

Moreover, because employees generally have a "never admit defeat" nature, what they especially like to do is to show off on the surface and act like a pimp secretly.

At the same time, after initially opening the topic, the people present also began to communicate.

At this time, someone opened the mouth and said:

"By the way, by the way, you, oh no, is one of us here joining the official force?"

Hearing this, Colin turned his head and glanced at him. After thinking about it, he was sure that he was not an official.

"Yes, I am, what's wrong?" A "double" F-class company member asked.

Hearing his words, some people were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes began to look wary.

"I just want to ask what the treatment will be like if you join the official force."

While speaking, this E-level wild E-level employee glanced at Colin, then withdrew his gaze and continued: "I usually don't believe it when I see all kinds of rhetoric, but with the witnesses here, I am curious. Understand, understand”

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that there are some restrictions on travel. I occasionally cooperate with some investigations and inquiries, physical examinations and blood draws. The advantage is that there will be a dedicated team to help you with your tasks, and you will be given various life-saving things, and then the treatment will be good. It’s very high, with various subsidies, you basically don’t have to worry about money.”

"Of course, this is within a reasonable range. There should be tens or hundreds of millions a year. If it is not enough, you can also use points to redeem it. The ratio is several times higher than within the company."

"In terms of status, for now, anyone who sees you will give you face. The one you couldn't see in the past is this long, and you can see them coming to express condolences from time to time."

"To put it bluntly, as a company employee, even if you are the lowest F-class, as long as you join the official, you will basically transcend your original class." "."

Listening to his words, other company personnel couldn't help but feel a little moved.

After coming into contact with the extraordinary, they didn't care much about class or class.

But for what the other party mentioned, I was quite excited to be able to get support from various official forces. After all, there were some people at the scene who had been in contact with official forces and knew that they were large, capable and very mysterious.

If we can get their protection, the mortality rate will be greatly reduced in the future.

And there's a little more.
The company doesn't know why, but it is now particularly partial to official employees.

As a result, they usually have no tasks to take on.

I really can't win over these "working emperors". So I have no choice but to join.

Otherwise, most people would definitely not come to take on Brother Shunzi, an "advent project" that has no upper limit on the level of danger.

At this time, in addition to being much cute, another D-class personnel opened his mouth and poured cold water on everyone:
"Aren't you worried that your location will be exposed, and then you will be reported to those robots and then die suddenly?"

However, before the other party could speak, "Life Coach is much more adorable" took the initiative to speak:
"Well, actually, for those robots in the internal group chat, it's useless for you to report others' points. It's only useful for you to report your own position based on your subjective understanding.

"Otherwise, even if you accidentally reveal your location, you will probably attract other people instead of those 'robots'

"So, there is no need to worry too much."

"Then, what if the other party declares their own position and then wants to take you with them?" The D-class personnel continued to ask.

"Just close your eyes and don't listen. As far as I know, as long as you don't interact with the other party, nothing will happen. Based on this, he can't sneak attack you through this method, because if you don't know, Then you will be fine throughout the whole process, there was a similar experiment before."

'Oh, this one is so cute. Even if he's not an official, he probably has a lot of connections in his family. '

Colin couldn't help but "tsk" in his heart.

He was able to roughly determine that the experiment the other party was talking about was the incident involving the "Global Occult Alliance" not long ago.
Many people died at that time, and many high-ranking people were lost.

But surprisingly, many ordinary people survived.

This information is relatively secretive, but "Life Coach Lovely" actually knows that his status in the real world is probably not low.

At this time, Colin felt a gaze and looked towards it. It was another D-class personnel.

Obviously he was unsure of what the other person said and wanted some answers from him.

Colin was not in the habit of being the Riddler, so he nodded directly.

"In this case, there should be no big problem." This D-class personnel probably had some thoughts in his heart.

Later, Li Ming on the side couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know when someone will be able to solve this thing. Every day I ask something up there, and I always follow Aite behind me. It didn't matter at the beginning, it felt silly, but After a long time, it becomes a bit scary."

"No need to think too much about this." Colin said casually.

"Why?" Someone was subconsciously curious.

How do I know why Colin feels a vague sense of horror every time he writes a reply on parchment that is close to the upper limit?

There is a high probability that the owner who is watching is related to the "robot".

Therefore, he intuitively felt that this thing should be a very troublesome thing. Unless a real high-level executive beyond C level took action, there was a high probability that it would not be solved.

As for why it is not resolved, it is probably related to the current abnormal situation at the top level.
'Although Ms. Rabbit's authority seems to be high, I always feel that she seems to be avoiding something. It's troublesome to even meet with me, and she can't spare any time to solve those things. ' Colin couldn't help but think.

But at this time, the person on the side, "Life Coach is much cute" said: "Actually, I think Brother Shunzi means that there is no need to touch it."

kindness?Colin was stunned, that was not what he meant.

But when he saw the cute look, he suddenly thought of something and didn't speak, but just nodded to indicate to continue.

The other party is the first person to make the "robot" public.

Maybe he actually knows something.

"I feel that there is a high probability that this guy was contained there on purpose. After all, from the current point of view, it is obviously a very powerful abnormal life form and is obviously hostile to us."

"However, in this case, it wants to attack us, but there are so many restrictions."

"I'm afraid it's not that it doesn't want to move, but that it can't move."

"I guess it was based on this that Brother Shunzi said there was no need to think too much."

"The life coach is much cuter" he said his guess little by little.

Were they contained there on purpose?Colin was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was really possible.

Just after hearing the other party's last words, his expression after the smoke couldn't help but feel a little weird——

So that’s what he thought?
'I don't know if I say another thing at this time, will it spoil the atmosphere a bit? '

Colin couldn't help but murmur in his heart, and then said ambiguously:
"Nice idea."

No yes, no no.

As for what the other party figured out from this, I don't know.

At this moment, Colin inexplicably understood why some leaders did not express their opinions in public after listening to the opinions. There was a certain probability that they were unsure of their doctrine and did not want to lose face.

Others showed an inexplicable "sudden realization" look based on their own understanding.

I suddenly understood why no one has solved this problem.

Fortunately, this topic did not go too deep into the category of "it would be impolite to ask any more".

Colin estimated that there was a high probability that he would not encounter this thing so early.

There's no need to be too concerned
Next, it was about supplies. This time Colin asked them to prepare as much food as possible. Generally, other weapons that were not props did not need to be brought.

After all, having him around is the greatest safety guarantee——

Of course, if he can't beat it.

The "Saint Girl" is right there, one of the peak combat powers of "World Number-13". According to Colin's estimation, the real strength is probably much stronger than many C-levels.

With such a woman behind him and supporting him, he suddenly felt a lot more confident.

The only bad thing is that this "confidence" can easily drain his wallet.

'I heard that besides the Saint, there seem to be others who are very powerful, such as the Knight King of the Kingdom of Knights. Judging from the overall strength of 'World Number-13', it is still very powerful.'

'But it seems normal. Rosen evacuated other Numbered World personnel here. '

'There are so many legacy, even if you want to be weak, you probably won't be able to. '

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Colin communicated with the group of people for a while before disbanding the meeting.

He opened his eyes and looked at the time.

There are still a few hours left to enter "World Number-13".

(End of this chapter)

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