Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 432 Praises the great "Mr. Bonfire".

Chapter 432 Praises the great "Mr. Bonfire".

'0.1 points each time, divided into six times, that is a total of 0.6 points, but every week, ordinary people can earn about 0.25~0.28 points, and I want more points a week, I can get 0.5'

'If you only give 0.1 each time, it seems that the pressure is not very great? '

As one of the 90.00 intellectuals in the territory, the illiteracy rate was [-]%.

Yeager thought hard and quickly settled the account.

It seems to be pretty good.

At least it's much better than those city lords he once worked for who could double or even multiple times for various reasons. Yeager once saw it with his own eyes. One family just borrowed a handful of seeds and a few hammers. Head, finally.
I don’t know what happened, but in the end, the whole family became the lord’s personal slaves.

Thinking of this, his heart tightened and he asked: "If, I mean if, I can't do it yet"

"Don't worry, there are definitely no weird tricks in this. Well, the tricks mean that you can't find someone, etc. There will be no unnecessary additional conditions, and it won't involve others."

"If for some reason you don't make it in the end, then I'll consider myself unlucky."

"After all, what matters in business is sincerity."

The company employee spoke sincerely and took out a handwritten contract.

He is not worried that this person can't afford it. After all, this person is considered an outstanding representative among the local people.

No matter what, there is no reason to make this mistake
Of course, to him, it doesn't matter whether the other party still pays back. What's important is that as long as he signs this "contract", it is equivalent to triggering his "Devil Contract", a special prop made from the skin of hell creatures.

This "unfair transaction" behavior allows him to make better use of this prop
It doesn't matter to him whether the other party pays back the money, nor does it matter whether he earns points or not, but this "unfair transaction" behavior itself is very important to him.

Of course, he doesn't mind making more if he can.

Listening to his explanation, Yeager was a little moved, and the pile of chocolate candies was quite large.
It must be more than 30 yuan, right?

The key is that soon, his family will be sent to the territory, and he wants to give the newly arrived family members a surprise.

The weekly repayment of 0.1 does not put much pressure on him.

Even if he buys it, he can roughly guarantee that his family can have a "decent" life, that is, they can eat three meals a day——

Among local people, three meals a day is currently considered a symbol of "wealth."

Under normal circumstances, managers provide two meals a day.

Contents: A small piece of biscuit that tastes very hard but becomes a larger piece after soaking in water, and a cup of nutrient solution.

This is the basics. If you do it well, you can get more and even get some meat.
In the end, he chose to sign the contract and purchased a large bag of chocolate candies in installments.

Behind him, the E-class personnel who had just completed a transaction had a smile on his face, but before he could smile for long, he suddenly felt that he was suddenly restricted by something.

"Shadow!" He saw a shadow on the ground coming from nowhere, connecting to his feet, forming an unknown special control.

He was about to resist, but when he looked along the shadow, he saw a familiar D-class personnel looking at him with an unkind expression:
"Mother Xipi, I have always heard that someone has been secretly lending money and compounding interest in the past two days. I finally caught it. Come with me."


"younger brother!"

That is to say, he had just walked out of the supply and marketing cooperative, and before he had taken two steps, Yeager heard someone calling him. The familiar voice made him stop, and then he saw his brown-haired sister and his parents not far away. at.

But the next second, when he noticed the people further behind them, he couldn't help but stop breathing.

They are all big figures that have never been seen in various churches in the past!
At this moment, the invisible power from the old strict class made his breathing a little difficult, and he couldn't help but kneel down subconsciously.

Just, right now.


There was a tap on the shoulder.

Yeager turned around and saw a man with special glasses. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to be a strong man brought by the "Bonfire" agent. His name was very strange. What was his name?
"Is there anyone you know?" the other party asked.


"Then go up and pick them up, don't just sit here."

"Thank you"

Yeager nodded and watched as several strong men from the "Bonfire" church walked by to greet the team composed of various knights and churches. Suddenly he felt confident and hurriedly called his family over.

As a 25-year-old who was originally sent here, he knew very well that the people of the Knights could send their entire families instead of just a few heads. To a large extent, they were expressing a certain kind of attitude to the "Bonfire" forces. bona fide.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but mutter to himself:
"Praise be to the great Mr. Bonfire Agent."

While their family was getting ready, on the other side, the members of the Kingdom Knights looked at the traitor and just nodded without saying anything else.

This time they came here just like the bishops of the "Light Sect", they just came to pay a detailed visit to understand their attitude.

Should we expand or just choose this place as a teaching place? What are our goals, doctrines, concepts, personnel strength, etc.
These are very important.

As for the other refugees and slaves fleeing here, they are actually harmless things.

Although I don’t know why, the “Bonfire” Church pays so much attention to low-level people, and even treats them better than the “Light Sect”, but it doesn’t matter.

Just a bad person
Just give a little.

In this world, the only people who are noble are the extraordinary forces and nobles who have some access to them, not some insignificant and inferior people.

So what can more ordinary people do?

Is it possible that these ordinary people can still overthrow them?

It's simply impossible.

Just like now, when some refugees see them, they don't kneel aside obediently. Instead, they dare to stare at them boldly. They simply don't take them seriously. Normally, they should be beaten.

However, because of the Bonfire Church, they didn’t say anything.

This is not to be a coward, but to always respect local customs when you go out.

Judging from the current situation, the people in the "Bonfire" Church are very mysterious. Whether they have extraordinary power or not, it is basically impossible to tell, and there is no way to get a glimpse of their specific strength.

And methods such as divination
A member of the Church of the New Life of the Earth and Nature couldn't help but think back to his experience a few days ago.

One of their respected "Earth Sages" divined it, and saw a "3" appear on the crystal.

I didn't understand the situation at the time.
Then proceed to the next step of divination.

So "2" appeared.
Still unclear, it finally became "1".

Immediately afterwards, a ball of thunder and lightning came from nowhere and suddenly struck down.

At the spot where it hit, a fire instantly ignited, sweeping away everything in the entire Divination Sacrifice - yes, this flame was strange, it didn't burn anything, but like a robber, it took away most valuable things.Fortunately, most people have no other problems other than falling into specific mood disorders.

You know, it is a sacred forest place, and the other party can come and go at will.
I came back this time just to find out if there was any further intention to blame.

But all the way here, it seems that I haven't seen anything targeted.

This made them wonder if it was possible to redeem the things that had been swept away.

A strange roar came from the distance. Some people turned their heads to look. With superhuman vision, they saw a meat ball with two big heads on a wasteland in the distance. It was swaying with force and punching one after another. The slightly solidified ground let the dust fly.
This seems to be loosening the soil?

"It is the 'sacred beast' of the 'Bonfire' church." A knight explained in a low voice.

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They already knew about this black two-headed monster from the previous information.
But in addition to these, what surprised them even more was the huge steel mechanical life that made deafening sounds from time to time. This thing was really beyond their understanding.

In this territory, it seems that more obvious changes will occur every week.

There are also a small number of people who whisper that this thing is somewhat similar to the creation of an evil church that believed in the "God of Broken Gears" and was expelled by various religions a long time ago.

However, recalling the ruins of the city that was still in a "empty" state, they all thought.

The "Bonfire" church is certainly not an evil church.
At least they did not disclose this situation and successfully prevented an evil god from coming. How could such a force be evil?
At the same time, they saw several people who seemed to be members of the "Bonfire" church approaching, and they quickly smiled.

"We are here to visit Mr. Bonfire Agent."

On the sixth day, Colin walked out of the chapel with a slightly haggard face, ending the training.

"I have become more proficient in combat power skills. It is not as raw as when I first upgraded to D level. The kind of flame that burns one's own energy and highly concentrates can be released quickly."

"Oh, I also learned a 'Flash' skill. If combined with 'Time Stop', it can be instantly killed in various ways."

Taking a deep breath, Colin silently felt himself.

I feel that the "tuition fee" I paid is indeed worth it. After all, under normal circumstances, it is not easy to find someone who is as willing to teach various things as carefully as she is.

Especially the "Nightmare Lantern", which can make every battle for him a fight between life and death.

Although every time I die, I will have strong heart palpitations.

But it's not a big problem.
Compared with the Saint, the C-level brother's style has completely changed. He will ridicule weaknesses and give a certain direction, while also punching hard and delivering targeted strikes.
But I won’t discuss the finer details.

The original version of "Ghost Train" was fine, but the impression of this copy is a bit stiff.

Although there is no problem in terms of strength.
But sometimes Colin still felt that the other party was like a female brat, taunting him with "That's it" and "That's it"
Of course, this is also related to the fact that the other party is essentially some kind of AI simulation.

When his thoughts were scattered, Colin touched his pocket and took out a golden sun mark.

When starting.
The brain works faster.

This time, this one was specially made by the Saint for his flame technique that requires a lot of energy to control. It can comprehensively improve his brain power and avoid energy exhaustion.
"The tuition I paid by myself is already two gold stamps, and I get my money back here. Then there are bone spurs and the 'Shield of Fairness and Justice'. Plus teaching, it feels like I paid her a fee."

Thinking of this, Colin actually found that the little conscience he had left ached in pain.

So, he quickly recalled the early days when the "Light Chaser" robbed people with high charges.
I feel better all of a sudden.

However, after thinking about it, he always felt that the "Light Chaser" did have a desire for points, but it seemed that the degree of this desire would not be very high.

No, to be precise, the points required are currently relatively reasonable, even low.

Instead of the "admission fee" of tens of thousands plus various "BUFF fees" for tasks.
After one set, usually [-] to [-] points will go out directly.

'Well what went wrong? '

Colin stood at the door of the chapel, touching his chin, feeling that something was not right.

Is the character a bit too fragmented?
At this time, Gululu's hunger came over him. After six consecutive days of fighting with the saint, he was really feeling a little hungry.
Forget it, make your stomach full first.

Generally, hunger is okay, but if you are hungry for a long time, things may go wrong.

Colin usually has to try his best to keep himself in a state where he is neither hungry nor full.

After putting his thoughts behind him, he greeted everyone, started a bonfire banquet, and got some dry steak and lamb legs from other employees, preparing to reward himself.

By the way, let’s meet the clergy from various churches who had said they would come to visit him.

But before they arrived, Colin took a bite of the freshly grilled tender lamb chops in anticipation.
"Bah, who baked it? How can we eat it without salt?"

At the same time, in a small castle in the magic fog that covered the sky and the earth, Shana also completed the transfer of personnel in this area and was ready to rest for a while to adjust.

She sat on a broken stone chair and looked inside her pocket.
Three thousand more points.

Oh, after deducting the handling fee, there are still [-] points.

Although she had no intention of exchanging points this time, the parchment mission still appeared, and then she was stuffed with so much.

"'Bonfire' agent points, indeed, seems to be a lot"

Shana took out the hardened food that she had not eaten in the past few days from her pocket, stuffed it into her mouth and ate it like a stone.

However, compared to this, she focused more on the opponent's points.
It's not because of coveting, but because it seems that the agent and others under his command generally have a lot of points.

Even an ordinary person can generally get 0.04~0.01 points as a reward for doing some ordinary work in a day, and there is a high probability that dozens of points will be given out in a day.

And those living
She can divide dozens of clones by herself, and in one day, or even half a day, she can finish the work that thousands of them can do in seven days, and then...
She didn't calculate the exact number, but the total points earned by more than 1000 people in the seven days must be in the hundreds.

The same points would have been issued from parchment.

It's almost time to fight the ancient gods.
For a moment, Shana fell into silence.

She took out the parchment and stared at it for a while with a pair of ice-blue eyes as clear as gems, with some doubts.
After a few seconds, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Forget it
I opened the parchment mall and spent one point to reward myself with a piece of black bread that was neither sour, smelly nor hard. One point could be exchanged for three instead of thirty.

The sound of "click" like breaking stones did not appear.

Shana chewed two mouthfuls, blinked, and looked at the rough black bread.

Soft and delicious.

The nutritional content is much higher than the other one, and you can feel some energy in your mouth.
If it weren't for the agent who always gave her thousands of points, she personally wouldn't be willing to be so extravagant and spend such expensive brown bread at this time.

According to inherited memory
It seems that the saints of previous generations have never eaten this kind of food in their entire lives.

Of course, each generation of parchment exchanges for something different, so they don't necessarily have to be bread.

However, it is rare to fight such a rich battle for the first time in life.

(End of this chapter)

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