Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 438: Only the "Contained Object" is unhappy with the transaction

Chapter 438: Only the "Contained Object" is unhappy with the transaction

A mouthful of turbid white air was slowly exhaled.

Wait for the pain to subside quickly.

Colin felt much better now.

In the past, when he fought against C-level guys, his head would either be blown off with a punch, or his head would be chopped off with a knife. Usually, the method of death was relatively simple and painless. It was not as miserable as this time.
"This time I have reached a new level. I can defeat him by my own means."

"If I'm lucky, I can break through the defense and use various props to penetrate the weak point with a needle, which means that I can have a chance to defeat him even when I'm outburst."

"Unfortunately, the dungeon character is a dungeon character after all. Although the imitation has been very successful, it is still a little bit worse in the end. It seems to be a little bit worse in all aspects."

Colin couldn't help but sigh. He figured that he would wait until he became more familiar with his strength and skills.

You should be able to break through this copy.
Although even if he beats the opponent, he will still use a lot of props. Compared with the C-level brother, it seems a little bit overwhelming, but it is also said by the C-level brother.

The use and mastery of props are also part of one's own strength.
No one would be so stupid as to throw away the gun in their hands when facing a tiger or a lion, so as to compare their "physical strength" with the opponent.
It would be better if such people were in the company and not on the front line.

If you are on the front line, you will probably die suddenly after not surviving three missions.
After sitting for a while, Colin took a shower, dried himself, returned to the room and fell asleep.

Although I am not physically tired, I am still a little tired mentally.

The night passed quickly.
The next morning, as soon as Ke Lin finished a bowl of braised large intestine with roasted goose powder, he saw Qin Chuan and others' car parked aside.


After drinking the soup in one gulp, he took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, then stood up and walked over.

"Speaking of which, with my current status, it seems not suitable to continue living in a densely populated community. I have to look for a new place. Hey, let's experience the feeling of a big house? After changing places, I can't eat like this. It’s breakfast”

Colin looked at the Fujiang Pork Knuckle Restaurant that had been open for many years and served breakfast, lunch and dinner, and he was quite reluctant to leave.

Although with his ability, it would be no problem to move them with him and take care of them.

However, that seems to be going too far.

"Are you going to base No. 5 today?" Qin Chuan helped buy the order and then came over to ask.


Colin nodded, walked towards the car parked on the side of the road, and said:
"It shouldn't take too long. If nothing else happens these days, I'll be pretty free until at least the [-]th. I can take you with me to clean up the surrounding area."

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Okay, no problem."

Although when Colin was around, if he didn't deliberately keep the anomalies around him, the whole process would be like going shopping, with not much involvement, but correspondingly, his life would be basically worry-free.
And the most important thing is that even though he has done a good job in fishing, his achievements must be actually paid off.

At this moment, he couldn't help but glance at Hu Zheng lying in the car, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

How much better it would have been if I had chosen "Destiny"
If it is "life pushing", this time he can start to hit the level 5 mark, instead of just three to four now.

Colin, who was walking in front, didn't know what they were thinking. He opened the door and sat down. The journey was smooth. After about an hour, the vehicle left the city and stopped in a remote area.

Colin walked down alone, underwent some simple inspections, and then got on a helicopter.

Qin Chuan and others are waiting here.
Not long after, when Colin arrived at the outskirts of Base [-], he immediately felt that the atmosphere here was much stricter.

A large number of soldiers who were fully armed and blessed with some special extraordinary powers were patrolling around.

"The force on duty this time is much greater than before."

Standing below, Colin sensed it and couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Compared to the past, this time he actually sensed the presence of the auras of four eighth-level personnel in this area.

"Haha, in order to ensure a smooth transaction, we sent two senior combatants from nearby provinces to protect this place." A familiar and slightly old voice came from one side.

Colin turned around and saw many gold and ghosts appearing out of thin air.

However, he is no stranger to the opponent's ability: "I can see that you paid a lot of attention to it this time."

Although with his strength, the eighth-level personnel can no longer be considered a big help.

But it’s always better to have something than nothing.

"Of course, otherwise if the last incident happens again, we won't be able to afford it. After all, many of the monsters taken out this time are very troublesome and difficult to recover if they run away. Haha, this time, When necessary, Mr. Wu will also look at me."

Duojin laughed, and then made a gesture to follow.

Mr. Wu? Colin's thoughts changed and he walked over directly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but silently sense the aura of the eighth-level personnel, and then, based on his current knowledge, re-compared the strength of the eighth-level official personnel and the company personnel——

What is certain is that this group of people is stronger than most of the D-class personnel on the company's books, but they are obviously much weaker than the C-class personnel.

Even the few C-level personnel who seemed to be "civilian" in the starship elevator were much stronger than them.

Just do the math.
'It's similar to some elite D-class. '

Colin thought for a moment and came up with this rough comparison.

Today's D-level employees in the company are generally very similar to official level 7 employees. Some are weaker and some are stronger. It depends on individual differences.
However, recently due to things such as "Item Liberation" and "Iron Fist Instructor", the overall strength has increased again. Among them, there are already some strong ones who should be able to catch up with the official level 8 personnel.

Of course, there are not many people with D-level skills.

But there is something more interesting.
According to Colin's estimation, it may be difficult for these D-level employees to defeat the official level 8 official personnel.

But if you fight to the end, the highest probability of survival will be the company's D-class employees.

As for level 8 personnel.
Most of them went crazy during the battle.

'It's just like those D-class personnel in the 'Ghost Train' incident. They were beaten half way through and didn't even exert any force. They themselves went crazy.'

Ke Lin secretly sighed, no wonder the officials value "double-qualified" personnel so much.

At level F, they are willing to invest massive resources in support.
Most likely, they want to recruit a group of senior personnel who can use extraordinary power unscrupulously to fill the shortcomings and gaps in the official upper-level power.

However, without thinking too much, Colin was brought into a huge hall.

Here, more than three-digit anomalies exist.

Although they are all under containment.

But Colin still felt a little clogged in his heart, feeling the invisible pressure they inadvertently exuded.
"Is it still the same as last time?" Duo Jin asked from the side.

The number of transactions this time is larger than last time, and the space is larger. I don’t know if the other party can bear it.

You know, some anomalies must be contained and maintained by someone.
Once people leave and there is no suppression, it is easy to break through the containment.

It would be fine if there were only one or two, but it is not a problem of one or two here.

However, as soon as the corresponding idea emerged, many golden eyelids twitched suddenly, and they saw Colin stretching out a finger, and a cluster of flames erupted from the finger, turning into a large fireball.Then, the fireball suddenly boiled, and suddenly became bright as if oxygen had been injected into it.
It's like a small sun rising slowly here.

A high temperature heat wave fills every piece of air.

The next second, all the abnormalities that were still about to stir up were quiet.

"I've become a lot stronger again." Duo Jin felt a little numb in his heart.

Every time we don't see each other for a few days, the other party's strength increases step by step, just like taking an elevator. What's even more amazing is that it only took a few months for the other party to reach this level of strength.

On the other side, Colin raised his chin slightly and looked around: "It seems that the problem is not that big."

"Then I'm relieved. However, if you have any questions, please call at any time, we will be outside." Duo Jin calmed down his emotions, nodded, and said hello, asking other staff to put down their inhibitions and retreat from the area in an orderly manner.
Wait until everyone exits the hall.

Colin allowed the flames on his body to spread further, encompassing the entire space.

Then, instead of hurriedly triggering the transaction mission, he came to several high-end containers with extremely terrifying aura. After looking at them for a while, he reached out and touched one of them, and put it into the "storage room" .

Then the transaction task was triggered
Not long after, a pale and monotonous flute sound came from afar.

Hearing this voice, Colin couldn't help but blinked, and then noticed that there was a layer of hazy mist that seemed to be slowly creeping in the hall.
Deep in the mist, something extremely large seemed to be coming here quickly.

In another blink of an eye, dim light emerged from the depths of the fog.

The shadow of the train loomed.

The flames in Colin's pupils burned. He stared over there, wanting to see what the front of the train looked like. Then he stared at it, but suddenly realized that he had become distracted at some point.

When I came back to my senses, there were a lot of traces of war, and the train seemed to be traveling in various dangerous places and was slowly stopping.

'This car is really weird'

Colin sighed in his heart, and then he saw the train door open with a click.

A man wearing full silver armor came out
He first looked at Colin, and a red light flashed in the facial area of ​​the helmet, which seemed to be a signal. After Colin nodded, he waved behind him.

In an instant.
A dozen people wearing silver light full-coverage armor poured out of it
After they came down, they did not interact with Colin or make any extra moves. They quickly walked towards the various containment objects around them, took out the "Elf Ball" and inhaled it along with the containment measures.

'These light armors seem to be much more advanced than the remaining personnel of the starship. '

Colin stood nearby and observed.

Judging from some of the basic movement speeds of these people, their strength should be around the average D level, but it seems that compared to fighting for strength, they should be more focused on logistics.
'The serious group army combatants should still be those wearing extremely thick armor. '

Colin didn't think too much, and quietly maintained the flame, waiting for the transaction to be completed.

During this period, some logistics personnel had their hands on their hips and did not make a sound when facing some contained objects, but the light spots on their sci-fi-like helmets flashed frequently, as if they were secretly communicating something.
"What the hell, what idiot created the containment measures? XXX and XXX are contained together. Aren't you afraid of explosion?"

"Wori, using this thing to hold secondary containment objects is different from using paper to wrap nuclear and dirt materials. If any genius comes up with a containment measure, I will have to rip off his head."

"Oh my god, come here and give me a hand to deal with this thing again."


The passive translation from the company allowed Colin to vaguely "see" the message expressed by the flashing light points.

Although the specific content is not very detailed, the general idea is definitely not lost.

None of them looked very friendly.

'Is the logistics so grumpy? '

Colin grunted in his heart, and looked away as if he didn't know, since it wasn't him who was scolding him anyway.

Look at the light shining on those people's faces.

He suddenly remembered one thing.

'Speaking of which, during the last transaction, there seemed to be a guy who kept pointing at me. I don't know why. '

Colin suddenly remembered that at the end of the last transaction, someone pointed at him and looked very excited.

Don't know why.
Thinking of this, Colin looked around curiously and looked at the company's logistics personnel who were conducting secondary containment.

Unfortunately, it seems that the other party was not seen.

Either he didn't come, or he was just unlucky.
'The problem shouldn't be a big one. If something happens, 'Ms. Rabbit' will probably tell me. '

Colin didn't take it too seriously.

He looked away from the group of people and stared at the team leader who was standing at the door of the train and seemed to be supervising everyone. After almost half an hour, the containment work was finally completed.

All the execution personnel, holding a large pile of containment metal balls, lined up to return to the train.
After the team leader counted all the metal balls one by one, he took out a list and handed it over as usual.

Colin took a quick look and saw that there was nothing wrong with it, so he signed his name.

That is the last touch of the name.

An inspiration emerged at the same time.

"The transaction is completed."

However, just when Colin thought that this group of people should leave directly.

The team leader did not leave immediately, but took out a small box about the same size as a laptop bag and sent it to him.

"Is this from 'Ms. Rabbit'?"

Colin took the small box and saw an office stamp commonly used by Ms. Rabbit on it.

However, the other party did not respond to his words and walked onto the train instead.

He didn't hesitate. He thought about it and put the small box in the "storage room" first, planning to look at it when he got home.

However, at this moment, a look full of resentment came towards him.

If Colin felt something, he looked along and saw a logistics worker in the train compartment. He was holding a metal containment ball with one hand and holding on to the armrest of the train. He was staring at him with all his body. Full of indescribable complex emotions
Is it that guy from last time?

I didn't see him just now, so I thought he was dead.

It turned out that I was doing other work on the train.

'What's going on? I didn't offend you. Why do you look so dissatisfied with me? '

Colin held the small box and scratched the back of his head, not knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

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