Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 440: "Snow Girl"'s Repayment.

Chapter 440: "Snow Girl"'s Repayment.

"'The risk level is none or low'. Why do I feel like I don’t believe this?"

"However, let's not talk about whether there is any danger. Let's look at the other one first. That group of mixed team members. It's unclear whether one or two of them have C-level authority, but their combat effectiveness is probably not much worse than C-level, right?"

"With their strength, can't they do this on behalf of the company?"

Leaning back on the chair, Colin was confused and suddenly had a flash of inspiration and realized the key here.

What is needed here is probably not his power, but his identity - the special identity of the "Fire Bearer" reserve.

This level of status seems to have a lot of privileges in the company.

"Well, it's reasonable. It should be like this. Otherwise, there is no need for me to go there. After all, in terms of combat effectiveness, I may not be able to beat that elite team even if I open it up."

Colin estimated that the truth behind the matter should be close to ten.

At the same time, he also wondered something.

There may not be any "Fire Holders" these days, but he is not the only one who has a "Fire Holder" reserve status, right?

Or does it happen that he is the most idle at the moment?

Colin couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone else besides him, but soon, he no longer cared about this.
There is one last thing on the letter paper.

Colin's eyes quickly swept over, staring at this part of the information, with some cautious but weird expressions on his face.

"Before completing the observation of the 'Book of Numerology', make as much preparation as possible, because what is certain is that by then, some extremely dangerous conflicts will occur here."

Colin muttered part of the above content in a low voice, and gradually frowned. "Ms. Rabbit" said that safe things may be safe, or they may cause a lot of trouble.

In other words, many of her so-called safety are theoretically safe if nothing is triggered.

But when it comes to executing things in general, it's difficult to achieve that ideal situation.

There will always be some accidents or something like that
Therefore, Colin, who has done many tasks related to her, knows very well that the safety she talks about must be viewed dialectically. When doing tasks in person, the specific conditions should be implemented in detail, and one cannot really go in with the mentality that nothing will happen. Do.

Otherwise, one accidental outcome would be sudden death.

This is after she said it was safe or relatively safe.
And when "Ms. Rabbit" says that it is unsafe or even extremely dangerous - it means that the situation will definitely be bad by then.

"It's so safe, why is it extremely dangerous?"

Colin murmured to himself, looking at the contents on the parchment, as if by then, no matter what, there would definitely be a wave of disaster?
Then, is it okay not to read the "book of numerology"?

Without waiting for an answer from above, Colin shook his head secretly, knowing that something must have been brewing in the dark.
The observation results may be just one of the larger variables.

In fact, regardless of whether he makes observations or not, it will be difficult to change these
"As far as I know, there should be about three sources of extremely troublesome disasters. The first is the 'Red Moon'. It is everywhere, and its status is scary. If a disaster breaks out, there must be a copy of this thing. pot"

Colin didn't count the "Red Moon" followers very much.

Those guys, the strength they are showing now, is strong or not, or weak.
There aren't many actual results, but the "shit-stirring" attribute is quite good.

"In addition to that, secondly, it is the mouse that seeks to destroy the Seventh Box Garden World and take away the divine authority of the Father of the Ocean, but after escaping, he did some things and has been hiding since then, with no clear movements."

Colin thought for a moment. Although this thing is very weak, it could be killed by any D-class discovery.

But that doesn't mean it really doesn't work.
On the contrary, it shows that it is extremely cunning and difficult to deal with, otherwise it would not be possible to trick the "Father of the Ocean" to death.

"This mouse seems to be related to the 'Red Moon'. It seems that I have heard the slogan of 'Red Moon', but I always feel that its relationship with the 'Red Moon' is not like a follower of the 'Red Moon' That kind of extreme faith relationship is more like some kind of cooperation."

Colin raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. This thing seemed to disappear all of a sudden since the last attack on Base 5.

I don't know what they are planning.
"Apart from these two, there are all kinds of believers of the outer gods. Taken individually, each of them is smaller and weaker than the people at Red Moon, but it is more troublesome to get together in a group."

The relationship between this group of guys is very complicated, with both cooperation and confrontation, but they can generally be described in one sentence -

As long as you don't engage in divine intervention, we will still be good friends who can cooperate.

"Although it seems a bit funny that they are holding each other back, so that no one can succeed, but it has to be said that there are really things standing behind many of them. If you are not careful, it may cause a big disaster, just like This time 'Daughter of Starlight'."

If he didn't know the real inside story and looked at it from another perspective, Colin estimated that if he knew that an evil god was coming, he would probably have trouble sleeping and eating.

And this kind of situation may happen in any group among countless heretical forces at any time in the future.

"It's troublesome. It's a pity that even if we clean up this time, we can't kill them all. At most, we will break one leg of each person."

Colin sighed helplessly.

Even if he looked at it rationally, even if he had the chance to kill them all, he probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Because in addition to these dangers, there are many abnormal things that are constantly resurrecting in this world. Most of them have no sense at all. Once they appear, they will pollute the surroundings indiscriminately, like natural disasters, causing disasters, which are extremely difficult to deal with.
When looking at some high-level official information, Colin often saw that nearly 20.00% of those who first arrived at the scene and started to suppress them were from some heretical forces.
Even because he takes his own life less seriously than the average person.

Their processing speed may be faster than the official forces.

Of course, this is nothing to be grateful for, because these people do it regardless of the cost.

If we compare it to a tumor surgery, their style of doing things is roughly to cut open the flesh and blood, dig into the tumor, and just pull it out.
Sometimes the "tumors" are taken back and made into weapons.

As for the survivors who have the chance to be rescued, they will also be buried with them.
It's hard to tell whether resuscitation anomalies cause more harm or whether they do more harm.

"But speaking of it, except for a few heretical forces, everyone else, whether officially or privately, seems to be maintaining the stability of the 'World Barrier' at a certain level?"

Colin touched his chin, a little confused, and didn't think of the reason for a while.

It stands to reason that when the world collapses, shouldn't those beings behind them have a greater chance of getting out of those unknown shackles?

Why does everything seem to be going backwards?

The official maintenance of "world barriers" can be said to be for the sake of world peace.

But what is the purpose of the heretical forces maintaining the "World Barrier"?

It can’t possibly be for world peace, right?
"There should be some reasons that I don't know yet."

After thinking about it for a while, there was no answer. Colin shook his head and summarized the information he knew. Then he felt that he didn't know anything but was shocked.

The earth seems peaceful here, but in fact there are undercurrents. There are more than three sources of various horrific doomsday crises. All it takes is one trigger to cause an explosion.
And this introduction may be the time to observe the "book of numerology".

Maybe a little later, but not for long. “It’s difficult to handle”

Colin had an inexplicable feeling of triggering the end of the world with his own hands.

After reading the letter again, an indescribable feeling of anxiety in my heart became stronger.

The key is
He felt that he currently lacked the ability to stop this.

Taking a deep breath, Colin calmed down, put away the letter, and looked inside the suitcase again. After making sure there was nothing else inside or outside, he returned to the bed and slowly closed his eyes.
That's it for now, let's get some sleep first.

The night passed quickly, and when it was almost noon the next day, Colin, who was lying in bed and fell asleep, but was still a little nervous because of last night's anxiety, suddenly felt a cold wind coming.

He then subconsciously set off flames to protect himself.

But the next second, he quickly reacted
Opening his eyes, he saw the graceful ice-blue transparent body of the "Snow Girl" floating not far away, holding a few popsicles in her hands and staring at him with a "hee hee hee" sound.
Seeing him open his eyes, he handed one of them to him.

"Huh? You made it yourself and you want to try it for me?"

Colin shook his head vigorously, visibly stunned, and reached out to take it.

The "Snow Girl" nodded, and then stared at him with a pair of inexplicably breathtaking eyes, as if expecting to taste it.

Seeing this, Colin glanced at the popsicle in his hand that looked like milk flavor. For some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of relief that his mentally disabled daughter would finally feel sorry for her old father and repay her kindness.
The inexplicable tight anxiety immediately eased.

After tasting
The taste is surprisingly okay, but there is a little too much sugar added.

"If my physical condition hadn't improved, every part of my body would have been repaired unconsciously. I feel like just this sweet taste can make my back teeth hurt so much that they go straight to heaven."

Colin pursed his lips and made an objective evaluation from the bottom of his heart, but he still encouraged the "Snow Girl" verbally.

At present, some of her "human" qualities are becoming stronger and stronger.

This can be considered a good trend.
'It's a pity that I still can't speak. If I were smarter, I could start studying the questions and doing my homework, right? '

Colin thought about it for a while, then shook his head and collected his thoughts.

Then he got up and brushed his teeth as usual, had "breakfast", and was about to take "Snow Girl" out for a walk. But at this moment, he suddenly felt something, turned his head and looked out the window, and saw many Jin Yu people in the crowd. figure in.

"The position of the pigeon before is now occupied by you, right?"

Colin murmured and glanced at the pigeon droppings vaguely remaining on the windowsill.

Since joining the officialdom, I haven't seen the pigeon for several days, and I don't know if it was captured to make soup.
Or perhaps, he couldn't hold a grudge after eating a pigeon egg last time.

But if nothing else happens, this pigeon will probably never come again.
"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and after Colin said the door was unlocked, a golden figure walked in.

"New goods, you can take them and study them."

Colin was not vague at all. He sat on the sofa in the living room. After waiting for the other party to sit down, he directly threw the "Abnormal Biological Battery" and related information over.

He also asked the nano-omnic maid to record these things. If necessary in the future, he could also ask the maid to try to copy them.

But before that, let the officials wade through the water so that they can feel their way through the water in the future.

After taking it, Duo Jin looked at it, a little surprised, and then looked at the document carefully, and his eyes lit up.

One battery can stably output at least ten kilowatt hours of electricity in one hour.
I don't know how to do it.

He turned back and looked at the principles and technologies. He glanced at them, nodded, and looked back.

can not read it.
As a former surgeon, he is not bad at science, but it is still a bit too difficult to understand these things across several industries.

However, this does not prevent him from knowing the value of this thing.

Know that this is something that is far ahead and can bring huge benefits.

The key point is that everything above is ready-made and can be used immediately!

Duo Jin carefully put the battery into a small box for safekeeping, and then said: "If it becomes popular, its value will probably be higher than some so-called purple or even orange equipment. No, the entire society will probably There is a big technological explosion”

Although there seems to be a certain risk, this risk is completely within control.

"I think so."

Colin nodded, then took out a backup letter and talked about another thing, about the "Infinity Train".

"Is there any chance?"

Duo Jin was obviously stunned for a moment. During this time, they had infiltrated the company and learned a lot.

Everyone guessed that the possibility of borrowing was not high.

Because even the Bonfire Company seems unable to perfectly control every trip it makes.

But unexpectedly, Colin would give the opposite answer.

However, before he could be happy, after listening to Colin's description, Duo Jin crossed his hands, pondered for a while, and then slowly frowned.

Like Colin, he also felt that the first item, that is, requiring documents from the world, was probably not problematic.

There may be some obstacles, but they won't be big
The second one is immediately more difficult.

"The 'World Barrier' is not just as simple as suppressing the abnormality index and preventing external threats from coming. It involves a lot of things, and even the mental state of many extraordinary people is related to it."

Jin Chensheng explained: "The key point is that this request seems to involve core underlying logic. Once this decision is made, it is equivalent to handing over more than half of our safety, so the controversy will be huge."

After a pause, he seemed to add: "It's very big."

Nowadays, although many forces are jealous of the genetic compensation potions in Bonfire Company,
But it doesn't mean that they really put down their guard against the company.

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at Colin, as if he wanted to ask if there was room for discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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