Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 443: Trying on the "Skirt of Ten Thousand Stars".

Chapter 443: Try on the "Thousands of Stars Dress".

In the flickering of scorching fire light, without any surprise, another abnormal source was burned to coke.
"The strength of this eye is indeed good. Generally, as long as it is seen, it can directly strike enemies within a certain distance from the air, and the flames when it is shot are the kind of condensed flames."

Colin nodded and approved of the "goodwill of the fire bearer", which was actually not a very kind prop.

Unfortunately, although the intensity is high, it is a bit mind-consuming.
Every time I use it, it feels like I was forced to do more than a dozen complex Mathematical Olympiad questions all at once. It feels like my brain has been raped and I am a little weak.

And if used continuously, this negative effect will be doubled.

Colin even suspected that if he used it several times in a short period of time, his cerebral cortex would become smooth.

Then the smile became pure.
Maybe there will be a chance to run for the Peak of Innocence.
"My smile is not impure."

Colin complained in his heart.

Of course, when I think about it carefully, I feel that it seems that I can't compete at all. A sentence of mmsd is already his amazing pinnacle, which is difficult to surpass and dare not reach.

However, although there are some side effects, it should be used rationally, such as taking one shot every 15 minutes or so.

Then it's not a big problem
In addition, although Colin has not used the "Direct Gaze·Primary Fire Summoning", he can indirectly feel its power after coming into contact with it.

According to Colin's own estimation, it would be combined with the one-time orange prop "Torture of Thorns" and his own various methods.

Colin is confident in solving all secondary containment objects except for a few special types, and even has the ability to kill lower ancient gods if the conditions are right.

It is also a first-level containment object recognized by the company!

You must know that killing, severely damaging, and forcing retreat are not the same concepts.
"You don't have to be so helpless next time you encounter those things."

While thinking about it, Colin tested the knife with the anomaly he encountered and tried his own methods while leading the soy sauce team to rush to the next anomaly location.

At the same time, in another desolate desert area where it was night, the temperature was extremely low, and the moon was high, a group of people were covered in yellow bandages. From a distance, they looked like people wearing khaki jackets moving forward silently.

They were one of the teams of "Yellow Hermitage" personnel sent to find the hiding place of the "Star of Dawn"
But at this time, one person in the team suddenly jumped and fell down stiffly.

Then after a while, he rolled on the ground crazily.

"Ah!! It's so hot! Put out the fire! Put out the fire quickly! Put out the fire quickly! Ah!!!"

Screams suddenly echoed throughout the area.

A dozen other personnel looked at the member rolling on the ground with puzzled faces, not knowing what was going on with him.

There is obviously no fire on the other party's body.
Everyone was helpless and used their own methods to try to make the other party wake up.

However, it doesn't seem to be very useful.
This colleague was cursed by some unknown means, and seemed to have been burned by non-existent flames.

Finally, hearing the other party's heart-rending screams, the senior cadre leading the team couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and held him down. He stretched out a palm with five fingers twice as long as an ordinary person's and pinched the other party's neck with force. The head was pulled out with the spine attached.

The wailing sound suddenly disappeared.
"Here, what's going on?" A member of the "Yellow Clothes Hermitage" asked in confusion.

"If I remember correctly, he was once bound to an altar sculpture. Maybe someone followed that thing and attacked him."

The senior cadre spoke softly and looked very elegant - if you ignore the corpse at his feet and the head in his hand.

"Follow the sculpture and kill people who are not sure how far away?" Several other believers were shocked.

"Well, maybe someone very powerful has noticed him."

The senior cadres probably understood the reason and felt a little apprehensive.

In order to evacuate there, they deliberately triggered the altar in the mall's hidden stronghold and created a chaos, and then successfully left. Otherwise, they would probably be captured by the official extraordinary people.
But what people didn't expect was that the men who were bound to the sculpture in small quantities would actually be attacked from a distance.

If we use a real-life analogy, it is almost as good as killing someone through a network cable.

I'm afraid Colin himself didn't know that the flames that were unintentionally enlarged during the process of blocking the prying eyes of outside gods could burn someone to death in the process.
"However, I have received some faint inspiration. This attack will only be on him. Now, just deal with the body."

While comforting everyone, the senior cadre stretched out his hand, controlled the yellow cloth on his body, and wrapped the body of his subordinate for disposal.

Even though this desert area is so bare, it seems like not a single person can be seen.

But in fact, a large number of people have gathered here now.

If the body is not disposed of as soon as possible, it will attract "Red Moon" followers.
These guys are as sensitive to fresh and unconscious flesh and blood as flies that have seen shit.

If you are not careful, you can attract a large group of people
When the time comes, a fight will attract all kinds of evil forces.

Even though the enemy "Dawn Star" is at hand, those guys still won't let go of the opportunity to attack them. They simply don't have any sense of the overall situation!
Soon, when the yellow cloth completely wrapped the subordinate's corpse, some kind of secret power emerged, and the corpse instantly aged and dried up, eventually turning into a dry and hard skeleton.

For "Red Moon" followers.

Even if they turn into skeletons, they will not let go of recycling them if they have the chance.

But the level of perception will be greatly reduced. In a short period of time, there is nothing to worry about.
After doing all this, the senior cadres breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a member of the "Yellow Clothes Hermitage" came over and said in a low voice: "Just now, there was news from another team that the exploration of this area has ended, and there is a high probability that the 'city under the lake' is not here. , let’s go to another area to investigate.”

"I know, let's rest for an hour and then set off." The senior cadre nodded.

Although the desert is only a few degrees cooler at night now, it has little impact on them.

Who can be sent this time to prevent the evil god from coming?
They are all first-class elites. Their bodies have been blessed by the great will, and they are not afraid of ordinary weather temperatures.

"These damn 'Dawn Star' heretics took the name 'City at the Bottom of the Lake' and made us search most of the lakes in the world. Only later did we discover that this so-called 'City at the Bottom of the Lake' was actually in the world. Inside the largest desert”

A member of the "Twilight Hermitage" couldn't help but complain.

Now I only know that it is in the desert, but there is no whereabouts of the other party.

This made them appear very anxious, fearing that if they were slow for a second, the enemy would complete the divine descent and then block the world with their backhand.

"Damn cult forces, so scheming." A heretic who thought he was not a heretic scolded him.

After saying that, a voice suddenly echoed: "Yes, yes."

The next moment, everyone's hair stood on end, they all stood up and looked in a direction outside the crowd: "Who is it!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I don't mean any harm, I'm one of my own"

An Asian man wearing a cowboy hat walked out slowly, with blood-red eyes and a polite smile on his face, and responded in fluent foreign language:
"I am a member of the 'Silver Moon Mutual Aid Association' who is good at vampire methods. Like you, I am here to prevent the evil god 'Dawn Star' from coming.
"Perhaps, I think we can work together?"

Beside him, there were several men with the same blood-red eyes following him.

"'Silver Moon Mutual Aid Society'."

The senior cadres had obviously heard of this organization, which was suspected to be a subordinate force of the Vampire Clan. After saying something, they did not respond immediately.

The man in the cowboy hat didn't urge him, he just stared at them with a smile, and didn't seem to care about the result——

Anyway, the task they received was to "unify" all the heretical forces as much as possible.Rather than having them together.

After thinking for a while, the senior cadre of the "Yellow Clothes Hermitage" spoke: "What can you provide?"

"Some temporary friendships with more than thirty other forces besides us. After all, now that the 'Dawn Star' is coming, it is best for us to choose alliance instead of confrontation."

"Otherwise, if you let that evil god succeed, you will know what will happen without me saying more."

"Of course, in addition to this, I will also share our current information with you, such as where the 'City Under the Lake' may currently be located, as well as some necessary information. You know, with normal methods, you may have to wait for the 'Dawn Star' Even if you come, you may not be able to find them.”

"When that place is completely closed, it is impossible to enter by conventional means, or even to spy on it."

"By joining us, we can share intelligence and methods with each other, and we can find the location faster and forcefully open it."

"To be honest, I'm quite fond of your methods that can distort reality to a certain extent."

"And after joining us, you can avoid conflicts with each other when the time comes."

The Asian man wearing a cowboy hat spoke quickly, but expressed his intentions clearly.

Finally, he paused for a few seconds and added:

"Friends, in our hometown, there is an old saying that he who knows the current affairs is a hero.
"You don't want us to fail in stopping it for various reasons, right?"

After listening to what he said sincerely, the senior cadre was silent for a while. Finally, after asking his superiors, he asked again and confirmed that there were no "Red Moon" followers in the other party's joint team, so he nodded and chose Join this temporary community.

After all, as the other party said, if the various forces fight at that time, it is likely that the evil god will take advantage of the loopholes.

The result of that is something no one wants to see.

Of course, everyone can unite, except for the "Red Moon" followers.

Various heretical forces have actually received more or less inspiration from the great will they believe in.

When necessary, we can join forces with any "enemy".

Except for "Red Moon" followers.

I would rather have a meteorite explode the earth and be trapped forever than cooperate with these things.

A meteorite explodes on the earth, but the great will is still alive.

But if the "Red Moon" fully recovers, it will attack all life forms——

It just so happens that it really has this ability!

Therefore, given the choice, I would rather choose to be with the "Bonfire Company" than follow these "Red Moons".

Not long after, an Asian man wearing a cowboy hat led them into a large camp.

At this moment, a lot of heretical forces gathered here.

Although the momentum was a bit tense, at this moment, everyone was working hard for the same goal, putting aside disputes for the sake of the future of mankind, and there was no fighting.

After initially entering the circle, one of this huge joint team began to take action.

At the same time, in the desert, in the "City at the Bottom of the Lake", the priests used special means to see the external situation, and one or two couldn't help but panic——

There are so many heretical forces coming back this time!
Everyone in the world who could send people came, official personnel, some private but legal forces, some illegal heretical forces, and a group of street rats who were even louder than them but insisted on pushing through (Red Moon). )
Almost one-fifth of the world's high-end power is gathered here!
"Hiss, I'm afraid there may be more than ten or twenty level eight personnel alone! There may even be unborn level nine personnel who have silently followed."

A "Dawn Star" believer trembled inwardly.

Originally, they thought that these heretics would disperse into countless groups and come in alone.
That way you can kill easily.

But now, under the influence of some damn guys, each of them is uneasy about the script and choose to stick together and seek common ground while reserving differences.

Now, do we really want to put them in this place then?

You must know that there is a significant difference between a loose sand and a united force.

"It's okay. As long as the 'Dawn Star' arrives, we can deal with these evil heretical forces and make the world peaceful again."

The high priest said viciously.


"Why don't you believe it?"

"Of course I do!"

"Don't worry, the Lord has conveyed His will not long ago, telling me that there is nothing to worry about, and I have been promised that when the time comes, the great 'Dawn Star' will give us the pleasure of ascending to heaven. We just need to Just arrange this place according to the words of the divine messenger.”

After hearing what he said, all the believers felt at ease, since the great will knew what was going on here.

Their concern was that the messenger of the Lord might not be fully aware of the situation, leading to accidents.

But obviously, everything is still under control.

Then, they didn’t think much about the pleasure of “ascension” that they all looked forward to.

It had been many days since they had enjoyed the ravages of the "Daughter of Starlight".

I feel so uncomfortable all over my body
You must enjoy a big one then.

As for the authenticity of these words, they had no doubt at all. After all, would the great existence still lie to him?

Time flies so fast, a few days later, January 1th.

In the past few days, Colin, along with a bunch of soy saucers, had cleaned up everything in the nearby cities, and after making peace at home, he turned all his attention to the matter of the "City at the Bottom of the Lake".

"This time, basically everyone is here."

Colin couldn't help but "tsk" as he accepted the information coming from the "City at the Bottom of the Lake".

At present, these forces, under his secret auspices, are working together and searching continuously, and have almost found the entrance to the "city under the lake" several times.

But in the end it was a little bit close.
"We can't wait too long. We have to go to World Number 4 in two days. I have to prepare well."

Colin nodded. There were many high-end powers on the scene, and all kinds of mysterious methods emerged in endlessly.

Even he can't be too careless.

However, just when Colin took out the "Daughter of Starlight" dress, he looked troubled and hesitated whether to try it on first.

A prayer sound from the "city under the lake" reached his ears through a special channel
"Lord God Envoy, they seem to have found us."

(End of this chapter)

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