Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 445 The evil god guards the country and the heretic dies in the country

After forcibly breaking through the passage, what was revealed to everyone was an unexpected and extremely modern city that looked like a city center rather than the headquarters of an evil church.

"over there!"

A member of the heretical force pointed in a certain direction and soon saw a ball of light emitting a dazzling light in mid-air at what seemed to be the center of the city.

The ultra-high lumen light almost lights up the entire urban space.

Everyone couldn't open their eyes for a while.

Moreover, he faced the terrifying pressure from the superior in this brilliance.

Although I no longer fear death
The fear in everyone's hearts could not help but emerge, and they all froze.

But it was at this moment that some seriously injured people came forward
"Quick! It hasn't really arrived yet! It's still in the process of entering here! If you rush forward now, you may still be able to stop it!"

"Those of us who are seriously injured can no longer survive, so let's take the first step!"

"The future is in your hands!"

After the words fell, dozens of seriously injured heretics rushed forward to once again boost everyone's morale.

The huge coalition of heretics advanced again.

At the same time, the high priest of "Dawn Star" also arrived:
"Stop these evil heretics for me. Behind us is the hope of the world. We have no way to escape! Kill! We must not let them destroy our only hope!"

Countless believers used the light of the "Dawn Star" to hide and attack the intruders.

With just one contact, most of the vanguard troops were immediately killed.

The moment the two sides came into contact in the battle, there was an extremely high death rate.

On the altar, Colin looked at the "Dawn Star" followers fighting for him in front of him, as well as the large number of heretical organization coalition forces that also surged in with the spirit of not fearing death, and he was so moved that the corners of his mouth burst into laughter. .

'Okay, okay, that's it. Let's kill more fiercely. Are there more behind? '

'Why wait and see,' the 'dawn star' is about to arrive, come on!Let me see your determination! '

'I want to see rivers of blood! '

Using the effect of the skirt, Colin simulated the arrival of the "dawn star"
The effect was so realistic that even at first, he thought he was really going to summon that thing.

But then I thought about it, the thing was given by the company on the mission, and it had a seal.

So even if this existence is really summoned,
It may not necessarily be an enemy, but a colleague.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it should be a real enough special effect, and it is impossible for the "Dawn Star" to come.

'The company is indeed specialized in playing 'special effects'. '

Colin couldn't help but sigh again.

Outside the "City at the Bottom of the Lake", on the edge of the canyon, many people noticed the situation and jumped directly without any hesitation to join this great holy war to prevent the arrival of the evil god.

However, there are still some people who are cautious and wait and see, and do not take action immediately.

They always feel that something is wrong, but they can't find anything to blame.

However, at this moment, everyone suddenly felt a chill in their hearts and looked in a certain direction.

On the ground some distance away, there was a mound of earth arching upward, and a huge and strange mahogany coffin emerged from the ground. Beside the coffin were rows of human hands, as many as hundreds, all holding them tightly. Hold the coffin board to prevent it from falling off.

On the coffin, you can also see a bloody "7" number symbol.

A sense of inexplicable coldness filled the entire place the moment the coffin appeared.
At this moment, after emerging from the earth, these hands are all loosened.

"Bang" sound.

The coffin board is two meters wide and three meters high.

Gray and black mist surged inside.

Just a few seconds later, you can vaguely see the outlines of some human figures stepping out step by step.

"The 'Coffin of Styx' is official, and they are here too." A high-level heretical organization member was no stranger to this prop, and knew that it was a well-known teleportation prop in the Global Occult Alliance.

It has a total of one main coffin and seven auxiliary coffins, which are interconnected. In the past, when opened, countless evil spirits would appear.
However, after being restricted, it became a usable prop.

Although the conditions of use are harsh and the cost is high, which may cause the seal to weaken and a large number of evil spirits to reappear, no one can care about this in a state of emergency.

It was at this time that an official with a strong momentum, as if he had level [-] strength, appeared from the coffin.

Behind him, there were a large number of people, each of whom was at least level five in strength.

They first glanced at the evil heretics with disgust, then resisted the urge to take action, retracted their gaze, and looked down the canyon.

However, although they knew that a passage had been established, they did not go there.

It seems that they are preparing to build an official road by themselves.

At this time, an official walked out with a paintbrush in hand. After looking at the scene below, he took out a small bench.

At the same time, someone brought a picture frame and a special camera.

First, he took a photo pointing downwards, and then put the photo into the frame. The official immediately picked up the pen and performed secondary processing on the photo.
In just 2 minutes, he drew an entrance.

when the last stroke falls
In the lower area, an additional entrance appears that is almost identical to the one on the canvas.

"'Reality Distortion Paint'. I brought all the things I cherish so much."

The high-ranking members of the heresy who were watching on the other side were surprised, and at the same time they also realized that the arrival of the "evil god" this time might really be true!


A terrifying explosion suddenly came from the tunnel.

The expressions of almost everyone present changed, and they felt a stronger divine power coming!
"Damn it! Is that thing about to succeed?"

The high-level heretics who felt this aura began to feel a little unable to sit still.

Although the spiritual intuition from his heart made him always suspect that there was something wrong, but what if it happened?
He took out a sail from his hand that exuded a strong smell of pollution, took another look at the officials who also rushed into it, and finally made a decision and said.
"Can't wait any longer!"

In a secret cave, an "old man" with an old face and dyed black hair used the index finger of his right hand as a pen, waved it in the air, and quickly wrote this paragraph.Then, without stopping, he quickly wrote something else.

"Although some people noticed something was wrong and felt that things were too abrupt, forced, and extremely unreasonable, at this juncture, they did not think too deeply about it because the 'Star of Dawn' was about to arrive."

"Whether there is a trap or not, we must start taking action."

"Because once the other party truly comes, nothing will be changed. The ancient god who truly breaks away will immediately occupy all the 'exits', cut off other wills, and completely take this place into his pocket."

"For the future of mankind, even if there is a trap ahead, we must jump into it."

"Otherwise, we will become sinners of mankind and sinners of history."


After a paragraph of text appeared, everything moved forward in a certain established direction.

Mr. Wu is not only writing with his right hand, but at the same time, there are dozens or hundreds of "invisible hands" behind him, which are also constantly interfering with something in similar ways.
So that this battle can develop in the destined direction.

As the most important Level [-] personnel, he shouldn't be here.

Not because of danger, but once he leaves some key positions, those heretics who have been forcibly suppressed will immediately fight back and try to escape from the seal.
However, this time, Mr. Wu had a hunch that this incident might be a precursor to some major change of fate.

He doesn't feel comfortable handing over a lot of money for this kind of thing.
Moreover, even with a lot of gold, they are simply not capable of controlling and guiding a battlefield of this scale.
After all, this time, the heretical forces were really deceived.

There is a chance that someone as strong as a level 9 person will arrive.

So, although when he responded to Colin, he said he was sending a lot of money, it was actually the other way around.

Many Jin pretended to be him and still guarded key areas.

And he himself secretly secretly came to the front line of this battle alone.
"It's certain that they won't be able to detect my condition for at least half an hour."

Mr. Wu muttered to himself.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an inexplicable sense of awe suddenly came.
There seems to be some kind of terrifying existence that has set its sights here.
"Huh, I like watching it."

He didn't panic because of this, and kept moving, but his left hand suddenly raised his palm upward slightly, as if he was holding up a non-existent book.

In an instant, all the sense of gaze was transferred immediately.
Mr. Wu said "ha" and continued the work at hand.

In the "City at the Bottom of the Lake", the originally modern towns were reduced to large ruins in the high-intensity fierce battles. A large number of flesh and blood stumps were scattered all over the battlefield, blood flowed into rivers, and the smell of blood spread throughout the area.

The highest priest of the "Dawn Star" follower was breathing heavily, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth from time to time. There were horrible bloody textures spreading on his body. He seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries in the collision with some high-level strong men, and was even hit. curse.
He looked ahead at the increasingly pushed front, and began to feel a little anxious in his heart——

"Lord" seems to take some time.

And they were reaching their limit.

Looking at the strong light, it can be clearly seen that the battle line is divided into two directions.
On one side are well-trained and powerful official personnel, and on the other side are a large number of high-level heretical forces.

As for the heretical forces, they can barely suppress them. After all, this is the home ground of the "Dawn Star". Forces other than the "Dawn Star" will eventually be suppressed. In the chaos of street fighting, they can still block it.
The official side is in much more trouble.

Various heavy firepower and even small guided weapons, combined with extraordinary means, continue to advance.

There is no street fighting at all, just blow up people and buildings when encountering them.
They fought very hard.

To be honest, if it weren't for the blessing of power that overflowed when the "Dawn Star" came, they would most likely be wiped out without even being able to compete for 15 minutes after these guys entered.
However, apart from the unfavorable battle situation at hand, he was particularly worried about one thing at the moment.

"Where are the 'Red Moon' followers?"

In the rich starlight, Colin felt as confused and worried as the high priest.

So far, no followers of the "Red Moon" have been seen intervening on the battlefield.

'That shouldn't be the case. We have received intelligence before, confirming that there are followers of 'Red Moon' appearing in this area. Why haven't any of them intervened in the battle yet? '

'In the past, when encountering similar things, they would rush in very quickly. Even if it was a piece of shit, they would grab a fresh bite. '

'Why did they all disappear this time? '

Colin had to suspect that these guys had no other plans.

in other words
Was his plan seen through?

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly felt that it was not impossible. After all, behind these guys was a higher-level creature with at least "0".

Compared to those low-level heretical churches that only have Level 01 containment, or even Level 30, the difference is not [-]:[-].
'Well, it would be a pity if that's the case. '

Colin sighed secretly.

At this time, he released the power of "Dawn Star" like squeezing toothpaste, like an old hen about to lay eggs.

Everyone can see through the excretory cavity that the egg is stuck there and is pulled out little by little.
While making them nervous and having to fight their way in, it also gave them the illusion that as long as someone came up and poked the egg, the egg would be poked back.

Overall, Colin was satisfied with the intensity of the war in front of him.

There are more than a dozen strong men with level eight strength, not counting the official ones, which is almost equivalent to nearly half of the known high-end combat power of all heretical organizations!

There was even a level 9 strongman mixed in.
But what's dissatisfied is that the "Red Moon" followers haven't seen it yet.

However, at this moment, Colin suddenly felt something, and turned his eyes to look in the direction of the heretical forces.

There, suddenly there were a lot of exclamations.

A continuously rolling crimson cloud appeared at some point, and everything that was touched and contaminated by it, no matter what it was, was quickly activated.
The broken limbs and blood reorganized, turning into stitched beings with terrifying and strange powers.

The dilapidated buildings have grown blood vessels, organs, and tentacles, and are constantly squirming on the earth. Even the air around the scarlet clouds is twisting as if it is alive.
"Oops! 'Red Moon' followers."

The highest priest looked at the giant red cloud that was overwhelming the sky and was horrified.

These damn guys are finally here!
At this moment, a thick fog shot out from the rolling red clouds. During the flight, it quickly transformed into a sticky, barbed, blood-colored tentacle spear, aiming directly at the mid-air light group behind it. .

Seeing this, the highest priest did not care about his injuries and prepared to rush forward.

Just don't wait to do it yet
The curse on his body suddenly erupted, and he fell from the air again.

In addition to him, there were other followers who rushed forward and wanted to resist, but as soon as they touched him, their whole bodies exploded into organs all over the sky, following behind the tentacles.
(End of this chapter)

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