Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 447 Today’s weather is cloudy and sunny.

Chapter 447 Today’s weather is cloudy and sunny.

"Da da da"

The sound of the clock hands moving slowly sounded.
The frozen time and space thawed.

At the same time, the effect of the "Holy Arena" gradually dissipated, which also indicated that this battle was about to end.

"A level [-] personnel is dead now?"

“Disappointing and unbelievable”

"Too weak, too weak, too weak, too weak"

Colin was holding a revolver in his right hand and a gold card in his left hand, with a look of helplessness on his face.

After he finished dealing with the high-level "Dawn Star" people, he directly targeted the level 9 personnel in the field. He first used the "Emblem of the Humble Knight" to approach, then used the "Shield of Fairness and Justice" and quickly promised three rules. , then activate "Time Stasis", a bone spur pierces his head first, and then "Fire Bearer's Kindness" plus "Revolver·Retrograde" trigger the fatal effect.
In addition, there are passive BUFFs, in addition to some standard items such as "False Strong" and "Colorless Crystal".

The other strengths haven’t been raised much yet.
As a result, after a set of standard procedures, the other party simply disappeared.

"If it were Teacher Big C, I would probably have just killed half of his life. I would start the second stage and use a few more attacks to have a chance to kill him."

Colin finally understood the reason why the heretical organization's top experts were not much less than the official ones, but they had no voice.
I am afraid that in addition to the intrigues between each other, there is another point that is worrying about the quality.

Of course, when Colin thought about it, it seemed that he himself was hit by such a combo, not counting the special "death saving throw" skill. Although he would not die, it would not be much better.

And then the ninth-level personnel, whose name was unknown, died completely.

Colin's figure reappeared on the battlefield.

Then, he immediately felt that some kind of inexplicable sight seemed to be locked on him. Following the feeling, he immediately saw a rolling and surging blood-colored cloud spreading from the distance.
In that cloud and mist, countless blood mist pollutes the surrounding area, activating everything.

At first glance.
Colin seemed to have a feeling that the world over there was coming to life.

'A dangerous contamination source that is rapidly approaching the intensity of the second-stage containment.'

He roughly made some judgments in his heart.

It seems that the follower of "Red Moon" has not appeared this time, probably because he is holding back his ultimate move.

A contamination source anomaly of secondary containment intensity.

For this place, it is already the pinnacle.

'But speaking of it, the 'Red Moon' followers on the earth seem to be quite different from the 'Red Moon' followers encountered in the previous 'Ghost Train' incident'

Colin remembered that in that incident, most of the heretical forces present were not from the earth.

but from somewhere else
Otherwise, with a change of that order of magnitude, the officials would not be aware of it, and then take advantage of this opportunity to directly raid their homes.

"Sir, that thing seems to be coming, should we evacuate?"

A voice came from the side, interrupting Colin's thoughts.

He looked away from the terrifying and abnormal pollution in the distance and looked at the speaker.

A man wearing a cowboy hat, with blood-red eyes and circles of blood-colored mist around his body that gave a very sharp look.
If Colin was not mistaken, this should be an undercover agent involved in the heretical forces. In terms of strength, based on previous observations, he was around level six or seven.

Talk about whether you are strong or not, talk about whether you are weak or not.
At this moment, seeing Colin's gaze, the man in the cowboy hat suddenly felt a heavy pressure.

Especially when witnessing a level nine personnel being inexplicably killed.

Fortunately, this is an ally.
Otherwise, he estimated that he would be dead like that corpse now. "I have seen the kind of blood mist created by the followers of 'Red Moon' in other places. It is very difficult to deal with. It has caused serious injuries to many high-level personnel. You may need to retreat and go back to discuss countermeasures."


Colin interrupted the other person's words. He turned his eyes and looked at the rolling blood mist again. He put his hands in his pockets and remained motionless:
"It's the one that should get out of the way."

"Uh." The man in the cowboy hat was stunned for a moment, but he was not too surprised by the other party's 'confidence'. Because of his special status, he had come into contact with many such ninth-level experts.

I know that at this stage, there will be some personality problems.

The most urgent task is to coax him back, lest something bad happens.

However, before he could speak, he suddenly felt a terrifying flame erupting from the other party's body.

"Fuck!" He was shocked inside, almost thinking that they were going to be killed together.

But fortunately, this doesn't seem to have happened.

This flame filled with terrifying energy did not cause any harm to him, but instead made him feel some kind of warmth.

At the same time, the official people who were worried about how to deal with the bloody mist suddenly saw a bright and dazzling huge fireball leaping from the ruins of the shattered city.

It rises like the sun, its terrifying flames twisting the air, as if it can ignite everything.

The "City under the Lake", which had dimmed since the "Dawn Star"'s light dissipated, was lit up again.

Some people with sharp eyes can vaguely see through the giant flames that are at least a hundred meters in diameter. In the flames, a figure stands in it, like a god.
"Who is this? Is it an enemy or a friendly force?"

"What's going on? There is no such person in the report at all."

"Wait a minute. I remember, he seems to be the mysterious strongman from 'Bonfire Company'."

"We are cooperating with Bonfire Company this time? Why didn't anyone tell us in advance?"


The official power groups from various countries were shocked at first.

Immediately afterwards, someone quickly realized that this person should be the person known as "Brother Shunzi" within the "Bonfire Company", whose body of flames almost became a symbol.
However, before they could think too much, a vague whisper suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"Today's weather will be cloudy and sunny."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant fireball hit the rolling blood-colored cloud like the sun was setting.

When the two sides collided, the fireball exploded.


Huge mushroom clouds of flames rose into the sky, swallowing up all the clouds and mist in front of them. Amidst the terrifying earth shaking, terrifying shock waves spread in a circular pattern, and the "city under the lake" shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

When the fire light dissipated, the churning blood-red clouds had turned into charred ashes.
Seeing this, some people who knew a lot about "Bonfire Company" took a deep breath.

Now I understand why this "Brother Shunzi" is called a humanoid nuclear bomb within Bonfire Company.
I used to think it was an exaggeration, but I didn't expect it to be realistic.

ps: change first and then change.

(End of this chapter)

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