Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 451 "Dark Deep Sea Treaty"

Chapter 451 "Dark Deep Sea Treaty"

"Oh, what a coincidence."

Colin said casually after hearing this.

You don't need to think too much, you can roughly know that before coming in this time, this Emperor-class deep-water battleship was heading here.
I just don’t know if the elite team that sneaked into this place is still there.

The Queen of the Sea Demoness was also a little surprised and turned to look at Colin: "Are we going to let them come over?"

This is a famous war machine.
If things were normal, they wouldn't be able to let these things in anyway.

After all, the relationship between the two parties can be said to be incompatible rather than loving each other.

First of all, there are some conflicts between them and the group of pseudo-human beings, quite big. For example, some of their tribesmen were poached before and they wanted to seek revenge on those pirates.
And it was this federation that came forward to stop and intimidate them.

Although later, there was a certain level of cooperation with the Federation because of another "Queen of the Sea Enchantress".

Race relations have eased a bit, but not much.

Secondly, even if the relationship eases, if this kind of thing comes close, once they turn against each other and make a move, if they are not careful, this place and the Holy Land may be taken back to make fish soup.

However, according to what the agent said, it seems like this thing came because of him?

When the Queen was hesitating about what choice to make, she suddenly heard the agent's voice.
"My suggestion is to reject the request, let them park outside the cordon, and let us go by ourselves."

Colin saw the Queen's concerns and did not intend to embarrass them.

Although he comes here rarely, he does know some information about this place through the information from the "Arsonist" and others.

I know that no matter whether those guys are hostile or not, it is very inappropriate to let them go.

"Just do it Mr. Bonfire's way."

The Queen of the Sea Witch ordered her subordinates, and after they left, she said sincerely: "Thank you for your understanding."


Colin waved his hand and then said: "By the way, what is that 'pseudo human'? Why is it called 'pseudo human'?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but think of those on Earth.
That group of guys are still living there like gangsters. Often when a family member is about to die, they will get up and stage a "resurrection" to inherit the body's former identity and so on.

It is difficult for ordinary humans and even officials to discover their situation.

Colin couldn't tell whether this was a good or bad situation.
But at present, because of this situation, the family that was supposed to fall apart has also "lived" again.

He had some suspicions that some group of contained objects might have reformed and rehabilitated themselves, but he wasn't sure.

However, without waiting for more thoughts, the queen heard his words, thought for a few seconds, and said: "They have tainted their genes to a certain extent. Over a long period of time, due to the combination with various abnormalities, they have become less pure."

"Taint the genes?" Colin asked in surprise.

The queen nodded, opened her mouth, but then shook her head and said, "I can't say the specifics. I will go there with you in a while. After you come into contact with them, you will understand what I mean."

"it is good."

Colin began to wonder how far this so-called genetic contamination could go, so that a mermaid could actually say he was not a human being.

The foursome don't seem to know much about this situation. Their tasks during this period were, at most, investigating some floating "ancient" buildings, but they had never come into contact with the serious stories in "World Number-4". of human beings.
All I know is that the "Sea Enchantress", this group of mermaids, thinks that they are human beings.

The company seems to recognize this.

In other words, as long as they think they are human beings, the company will say: You are right.

They even have the means to transform and degenerate a high-level being, no, assimilate it into a human individual, and issue an ID card and the like, let alone a mermaid or something like that.
As for why human mermaids have fangs and fish tails and other body parts that are not generally recognized, we cannot go into detail.

From another perspective, looking at it from their perspective, they probably have similar confusions.

The term "pseudo-human" is probably related to the fact that humans there don't take mermaids seriously. There should be some emotional reasons.'

'Of course, there may be other reasons. After all, the mermaid didn't say that they were 'pseudo-humans' when dealing with some pirates. '

'However, according to the company's attitude, 'pseudo-human' should also be within the category of human beings. '

Thoughts flashed in Colin's mind and he made a rough guess.

A few hours later, in an open sea area in front of the "King of Giants of the Deep" battleship, Colin and others were sitting in a submarine-like but significantly more spacious vessel and met the response team sent by the battleship.
Then, Colin finally met the so-called "pseudo-human beings".
At a glance, except for the slender bodies of those people and some small differences, maybe it was due to the environment, there seemed to be nothing wrong with them?
'It doesn't seem to be a problem?kindness? ! '

When he was surprised, Colin suddenly heard that there seemed to be something wrong inside these people?

First of all, the heart always feels like there are other places besides the mouth of the heart. There are also pumping sounds similar to the heart, and there are multiple sets of life breaths in one body.
Colin took a breath and could smell something like fungi.

Then, his eyelids lowered slightly and his pupils changed:
"Fuck, is this even a human being?"

In the other person's body, Colin found that his previous perception was correct. There were indeed many other things in this group of people.

There are some weird things, like parasites or fungi, parasitic in their bodies.
The key is, there is more than one type of parasite.

Everyone's intestines, lungs, bone spaces, blood vessels, and even the brain have something that is either insectoid, fungilike, or special bacteria, parasitic in them, and the whole seems to form a... Some kind of symbiotic relationship.
Moreover, some organs that are normally found in normal people are not present in these people.

For example, the original stomach pouch was replaced by some strange parasite.

Some individuals even have no bones.

'Hiss, where's the poison in the body? '

Colin scratched the back of his head. It was okay if he didn't take a closer look. But once he took a closer look, he felt like he was in the uncanny valley.

No wonder mermaids say they are pseudo-human beings, it’s true
Apart from looking like a human being, nothing else looks like a human being.

At this time, a federal employee who seemed to be a diplomat came forward with a smile on his somewhat pale face:

"Welcome, Mr. Agent of 'Bonfire'. I am the deputy captain of the battleship 'King of Giants of the Deep' and the Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for this exchange, Chuck Howard. It is my honor to meet you."

As he spoke, he looked at the employees around Colin and paid him the same courtesy.

"Well, nice to see you too."

There were a lot of thoughts in his heart, but Colin didn't show them on his face. At least judging from the other party's words, these "people" were still able to talk to each other, and there were not too many distortions like the body.

After receiving a response, Chuck glanced at the Queen of the Sea, bowed his upper body slightly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Queen Doris is not here for some reasons, but she asked me to say hello to you." "Yes." The Enchantress Queen nodded: "Then turn around and say hello to her for me."

Queen Doris is another queen of the Sea Witch
"Of course, I'll remember this."

Seeing the conversation between the two ended, Colin said, "Do you know the reason why I'm here this time?"

He was not very used to this kind of cumbersome etiquette when meeting, because he didn't know what to say.

"of course."

Vice Captain Howard nodded, looking at Colin with a hint of fear in his eyes:

"The documents are now stored in the royal castle hall of the 'King of Deep Sea Giants'. I will lead you there to complete the signing of this contract."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but think of the personnel with only a dozen people wearing strange and thick steel plates.
Those guys were chasing a very scary and dangerous creature, passing by them, in the name of protecting the people of the deep sea from the persecution of "Level 0 Containment Object 'Hungry'".

Forcing the then captain Omer to sign a document of unknown validity
How could Omir agree to such a rude request? He immediately drove the person away.

And then.
They were attacked by a strange statue with "eighteen arms", and many methods failed to have an effect on it. Omir immediately prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to awaken the machine soul of the "King of Deep Sea Giants"
However, this order has just been issued and has not yet been implemented.

The people who were driven away before reappeared, and in the name of cruelly persecuting ordinary humans, they implemented some special regulations and sentenced the captain to crimes against humanity.
Then there is no more.

The captain died suddenly. One of the most powerful humans in the world died suddenly and inexplicably.

Vice Captain Howard was pushed up as a result.

Although he didn't understand what the contract meant, seeing the outsiders' attitude of changing people without changing their minds, he still signed the document, and was then asked to wait for a special envoy to come and sign to confirm that the contract officially came into effect.

After doing all this, the group left.

Howard didn't know whether he should be happy for his promotion at this moment, or frustrated because he had become someone else's puppet.
However, what shocked him was that some time later, the patriarch of the heretical race "Crimson Abyss" arrived and said that he signed the document on behalf of "Crimson Abyss".
This means that this group of people probably used the same reasoning to convince them.
He even "convinced" the "Crimson Abyss"!
Then, some other personnel from the "Poseidon Cult", "Separatism", and the Sacred Deep Sea Human Federation also sent people over.
The more Howard received, the more horrified he became. Those guys attacked the entire Dark Sea in the name of "protecting the people of the Dark Sea."

Good or bad, no one can escape
Even those powerful "gods" may have to surrender.

Thinking of this, he looked at the agent with even more respect.

"Let's go then."

Colin didn't know what the deputy captain was thinking, but he could sense that the captain was afraid of him.

You can probably guess that it should be related to that special team.

'Well, I originally thought of using a 'bonfire' to show off my authority, but now it seems I don't need to. 'The thoughts in my mind flashed through me.

That is to say, after he spoke, the vice-captain did not dare to neglect and quickly led everyone to the main hall in the battleship.

As they began to approach the legendary battleship where millions of people were stationed, Colin and others also roughly saw what the thing looked like through the turbid water.

"so big."

"My mother."

Several employees on one side sighed in ignorance when they saw that thing.

I saw that through the special thick glass of the submarine, everyone could clearly see a huge ship floating in the deep sea with no end in sight.
Countless indicator lights flashed on it, and there were a large number of accompanying ships around it.

But compared to it, it's like a small fish next to a blue whale.

In addition, on that giant ship, you can see densely packed thick gun barrels, each with a different caliber.

It makes people feel at ease
The overall visual impact is great.

Even Colin couldn't help but take a breath.

Although compared to starships, this giant ship cannot compare to starships in terms of theory or technology, but
'Giant ships and cannons are romantic. '

Colin lamented that the things on the starship were so advanced that he didn't even know which ones were weapons and which ones were not.

The shock is far less than what I see in front of me——

I just don’t know if those gun barrels will explode when fired in deep water.
It is somewhat inconsistent with scientific knowledge.

"I guess some employees do this specifically because they are technically redundant and it doesn't matter what they look like. They just want to look good."

Colin shook his head secretly. When the rescue ship approached, he saw many temple-like buildings built on the battleship.

They look like barnacles on a large whale.
At the top of the "King of the Deep Battleship", they saw a castle building that was wrapped in water bubbles and inlaid with a large number of colored gems. It shone brilliantly under the light and could be described as luxurious.

When Colin arrived, he immediately saw a large group of humans of various shapes who had been waiting for a long time.

There are even strong men from the "Crimson Abyss" among them.

Only this time, the other party didn't seem to be hostile. Instead, he smiled a hair-raising smile and held a document in his hand, waiting for his arrival.
With Deputy Captain Howard's explanation, he understood the purpose of this group of people.

'It's a pity that that team doesn't seem to be here. '

Colin glanced around and took in the scene.

Then, surrounded by a bunch of people, he walked into the hall, and after sitting down, he received the "Dark Deep Sea Treaty" contract copy from the deputy captain.

After taking it, Colin read it quickly and roughly understood the contents.
". When '0-0' Hunger' appears, all forces are obliged to cooperate with the crusade of 'Bonfire Company (Bonfire Camp Special Item Storage Company)' and allow the calling of the world of 'Black Sea World (World Number-4)' "Permissions"

At first glance, it seems that the general meaning is to obtain some kind of right of passage.
Doesn't it look very special?
Colin felt that it should be more than that. He took out the golden mark given by Shana to improve his mental power. He took a moment and took a quick glance at the contract, which was almost as thick as a fist.

Vaguely, he noticed a key that was not so eye-catching.

"Under special circumstances, the company can mobilize more than 70.00% of the world's water resources."

"What do you need water resources for?"

Colin suddenly thought of Ms. Rabbit's previous request.

Ah this
Don't you want to flood the earth?
At this moment, he felt quite absurd that in order to avoid the end of the world, we should destroy the world first.

(End of this chapter)

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