Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 455 The world within the demonic disaster

On a land shrouded in thick black and gray fog, there were gusty winds all around, and from time to time, strange and deranged roars came from far away.
At this time, the clearing suddenly twitched and twisted, "screaming".

It didn't scream for a few seconds before it melted and burned.
Immediately afterwards, a flame shot out from below the melting center.

"Is this the world deep in disaster?"

Colin's figure floated in mid-air, with flames coming out of his left eye and a strong aura all over his body.

In order to avoid accidents, when he flew up, he had already stacked all other BUFF effects except short-term effects.
At this moment, look around.

Within a few kilometers, the earth was torn apart and strange roars were heard all day long.

An endless gray-black fog spread all around.
There are spiritual warnings in all directions.
A suffocating sense of oppression surged over me like a tidal wave.

Even if he hasn't come into contact with anything yet, Colin already feels a deep crisis.

It's as if there are enemies around you who will attack at any time.

Fortunately, as the "King of Crazy Sound" said, the magic mist itself is naturally afraid of flames. It only takes a little thumb-sized fire to create a "safe zone" with a diameter of more than ten meters.

And his current flames caused the demonic mist to retreat thousands of meters away, daring not to cross it.

"There should be no problem with the information in this area. Although I don't know why the 'King of Kuangyin' has such a good attitude this time, its ultimate goal is to escape from the 'Containment Kingdom'. That is to say , it won’t want anything to happen to me before it escapes.”

Thoughts flashed through Colin's mind, and he took a closer look around. He could see many traces of battle.

If nothing else, this should be the battlefield area where Shana once fought.
Then, relying on intuition, he found a direction, and his figure turned into a ball of flowing fireworks, quickly traveling among the surrounding traces.

Along the way, the surrounding demonic fog dispersed in large quantities.

Moreover, Colin saw many killed pieces of horrific twisted creatures.

These creatures are not dead. They are constantly emitting a large amount of twisted spiritual shocks indiscriminately. The fleshy buds are crawling around the broken wounds on their bodies, and they seem to be trying to heal again.
Or, a mouth sprouts from the minced meat to breathe in, hoping to inhale the surrounding magic mist to replenish itself.

But unfortunately, there is a thin layer of white light on the surface of the minced meat.

This layer of white light can also prevent the magic mist from approaching, and can also prevent the pieces of flesh from healing each other.

"With this method, we can be sure it's Shana."

"I didn't see any corpses of the heretical forces, which means that the monsters derived from the magic mist should be left behind after escaping, but these remnants look like fruit ninjas cut into pieces."

Colin didn't look much, didn't stop, and continued to move forward quickly.

In addition to the corpse fragments of powerful creatures everywhere, he also encountered attacks from a large number of derivatives of the magic mist.

These things are not very strong. In comparison, they may be similar to mice, kittens, and puppies. They are not fatal, but troublesome. They have to be waved a little, which greatly affects the speed of progress.

Otherwise, even if you are bitten by one, it will be fine, but if you stack it too much, it will be hard to say.

But apart from this bad news, there is also some good news, that is, we have not been attacked by magic mist derivatives with strength above level three.
About ten minutes later, he saw a huge city, and then he couldn't help being shocked and took a breath.

A corner of the entire city covering tens of square kilometers seemed to have been shattered by a punch of some powerful force.

In the center, there is a spiderweb-like ground crack spreading to all sides.

A large number of corpses of heretics wearing religious robes lay dead on the ground. Some were in pieces, some were in the shape of minced meat, some were dark and crispy, or some seemed to be intact, but they were more dead than minced meat.
In addition, there is a large gray-black hand with a mouth and eyes scattered among them.

Even now, Colin can feel a certain violent aura lingering here.
From time to time, there are strange whispers in the air, bloody mist, strange flowing shadows, rotating tornadoes, or violent flashes of white light.

"Hiss, part of a super powerful secondary containment object? The fight was quite fierce."

Colin clicked his tongue, controlled himself, and fell into the town.

His eyes swept across the almost completely destroyed city, and he could vaguely feel that there were probably at least five parties involved here.

However, judging from some traces, Shana at least did not die in battle or be captured while she was here.

This made Colin feel a little relieved.

"Unfortunately, the mission is still not triggered, and we can't find her specific whereabouts."

Colin rubbed his forehead, ready to look for anyone alive. When he first came in, he smelled the breath of some living creatures.

It’s just that I’m not sure if it’s the flesh and blood of the extraordinary people who didn’t die, or if there are really survivors.

Because in the city, there are many special creatures that seem to be dead but not dead, and their bodies are fused together like mud. They are squirming and wandering like giant banyan trees, making screams.

The appearance of these creatures looks even more blasphemous than the human suture monster.

But it exudes a human atmosphere
Colin did not clean it up, but quickly investigated the place, hoping to collect more useful information.

However, as soon as the action started, Colin suddenly felt his scalp tingling slightly, and he felt as if he was being watched.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a meat ball with a diameter of more than five meters flying out of a crack in the street.

It has fleshy wings that are more than ten feet long and is covered in scarlet red. It looks like a piece of meat without skin, but on this piece of meat, there is a tightly closed mouth full of serrated teeth.
Combined with the aura of magic mist lingering around his body.

It is basically certain that it should be a special monster contaminated by it.

"Bang bang bang!"

Colin raised his hand and saw three 155mm bullets with additional flames.

However, what he didn't expect was that just as the bullet was about to hit the weird meat ball, there was a sudden "clang" and it was bounced away.

"What kind of position shield is there?"

Colin was surprised to see a gray protective layer appearing around the big meat ball.

The water chestnut-like texture on it looks like a stand guard.

At this moment, the flapping flesh ball opened its mouth and spit out an eyeball about the size of a human.

In an instant, a strong mental shock surged through him.

Colin felt his head swelled slightly
Seeing that Colin did not dodge, the flesh ball with the eyeball in its mouth thought it had been successfully controlled. Countless gray mist condensed on its eyeball, as if it was about to shoot a gray-black laser.

But, before this laser is shot.
"Boom" sound.

The entire meat ball suddenly seemed to be filled with gasoline and then ignited, burning in mid-air.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to look at people when nothing happens?"

Colin blinked.

The strength of this meat ball is not very high, it is not even comparable to level three containment objects, it is just a thing that can be killed instantly with one glance.

But what surprised him was when the meatball died suddenly.

In the ruined city, a scream suddenly came from a corner.

Human screams.

"Oh? There are unexpected gains?"

Colin sensed that this meat ball monster seemed to be controlled by someone?

The next second, his figure flashed and appeared on a seemingly empty ruin.

Then, step back to the right to accumulate strength for half a second, and kick out violently.

With just one kick, the ruins of a three-story building were kicked away.At this moment, the scene under the ruins was also exposed to the air
There is a small space inside. There are three or one person in the space?

The upper body of the three bodies is normal, but the lower body is strange. They are combined together like melting candles. They look quite strange and biological.

At this time, one of the bodies wearing heretical clothing was holding his head and wailing.

Obviously he controls that monster
But when Colin arrived, his voice had gradually disappeared and he could no longer survive.

Fortunately, the other two bodies combined with him did not die.

"Before I came here, I heard that some people believe in the magic mist and can even gain a certain amount of power. It seems that it should be you."

Colin came to the fused human as he spoke.

Although the remaining two bodies looked like heretics, they were not of the same faith.

"No, don't kill me! He did it! It has nothing to do with me! Don't." One of the heretics in the middle screamed, his emotions were a little out of control, and he cried bitterly.

"To shut up."

Colin scolded, and after they calmed down, he said, "Have you ever seen the Saint of the Light Sect?"

"She is the Saint of the Light Sect! Ah ah ah! It was she who caused us to become like this! Ah, why can't she sacrifice herself to achieve our success? Why would she rather save those untouchables than save us big shots? , it’s all her.”

The heretic wearing a blue robe on the left shouted as if he was being stimulated.

But before he finished speaking, a flame flashed past.

The "big man" was directly turned into charcoal and died.
"Don't kill me!" Seeing this, the heretic in the middle screamed and felt intense pain.

"Tell me how she is doing now!"

The flames on Colin's body expanded, exuding strong power.

"After she forcibly rescued those untouchables, she encountered an ambush. Many powerful forces joined forces, but she left, left, left," the slightly delirious heretic in the middle said tremblingly. With.

Hearing this, Colin breathed a sigh of relief again.

Although I had judged before, I should have escaped here.

But until it’s confirmed, I’m still worried.

"How long have you been gone?" Colin continued to ask.

"It seems like a long time, days, months? Or years. I can't remember clearly. I..."

"Next question, which direction did she escape to?"

In the magic mist, even with the nose blessing brought by "lycanthropy", Colin couldn't smell anything useful.

Here, I am afraid that the source of the "lycanthropy" must come out before it is possible to pursue it.


Before the heretic in the center could say anything, a terrifying power suddenly came from the distance.

And along with the power came the vibration of the earth, and the sound of footsteps that was still heavy even though it was a distance away.

'Something with at least Level [-] containment strength.'

Colin also frowned. He could feel that the thing was coming towards him.

The sound impact from its walking shook the eardrums
Somehow, he has been locked.

'When Keaido was investigating in the periphery, it took almost two days of activity before this level appeared. But here, I only appeared for 10 minutes, and a big one came.'

The crisis in the core area was indeed higher than he thought.

However, judging that it should take some time to come, Colin continued to focus on the heretic in front of him.

Only this time, this terrifying coercion seemed to make this guy regain his senses, and he suddenly thought of something: "No, I'll tell you, you have to take me away, you have to rescue me! Otherwise I won't tell you!" I must be saved."

“There’s so much nonsense, I love to talk but don’t talk!”

Colin punched him directly, blowing out its heart.


The heretic's eyes widened, looking at the big burning hole in his chest, in disbelief: "You don't want to know."

'After the mission is over, you are no longer valuable. '

Colin raised his hand and snapped his fingers. He followed Teacher Big C's instructions and let the flames engulf the monsters in front of him to complete the final blow.

At this moment, a mission popped up on his retina.

[Mission event: "Assist 'Saint Shana' to escape from crisis."]

Note: Please move forward under the guidance to save Saint Shana.
Colin squinted his eyes slightly and felt it, and he was sure of one thing:
"There is no 'Ms. Rabbit' stamp, and it appears in front of your eyes, not in your mind. From this point of view, the task should come from the branch office."

If it was distributed by Zhengerbajing Company, then this task would directly appear in the mind.

rather than on the retina.
However, under the current circumstances, it is difficult to make an immediate decision as to whether this can be implemented directly.

Because it may be a trap mission.
Even Colin wouldn't feel well if he was tricked into a dangerous place.

'The rat isn't here, so it shouldn't be a trap-type mission, so I can feel more at ease. '

'Well, and according to what is currently known, the mouse is now being cared for by 'Ms. Rabbit' and does not dare to move too much, so it should be hiding. '

The influence of 'Ms. Rabbit' on the other side of the earth is slightly different, but it is not necessarily the case here. It does not dare to take risks. '

After thinking about it several times, Colin felt that there should be no problem, and then he began to sense the mission situation.

First of all
He vaguely felt that there seemed to be no reward for this task.

The kind that doesn’t even have a single point!


Colin cursed secretly, but didn't care too much.

After all, points are something external to him, and one hundred thousand points cannot buy the life of the "Light Chaser".

If something happens to her, the loss will be too great.

Not talking about emotions, only talking about reality, also means that Colin lacks an important trump card.

Then, through this mission, Colin could vaguely feel the current location of the Saint, but he could only feel the general direction, and could not sense other things, so he could not determine the specific situation.
"The positioning methods of the branch are obviously inferior to the main company by more than one level."

Colin was a little disgusted.

However, although the sensor is not very clear, it can roughly determine the location and distance. If everything goes well, it will take about ten hours to find the location. If it does not go well, it may take more than a day.
But overall, it went much better than originally planned.

According to what he thought when he first came here, he might not be able to see anyone this week, or even find him near him.
If that were the case, then we wouldn’t know whether it was the person we saw or the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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