Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 458 Shana, it smells so good, lick it


The moment the fireball hit the ground, a torrent of scorching flames suddenly erupted. With a deafening sound, countless rocks were lifted up from the ground and spread rapidly in all directions together with the shock wave of high-heat air waves.

Wherever the red flames swept, everything within a few kilometers was ignited.

The dark-colored demonic mist turned into a flaming cloud, rolling and raging.
Many nearby figures with insufficient strength had no time to even make a sound before they were turned into powder by the impact of the terrifying power. Many of the enemies further away were ignited by the fire and screamed.

Although a few people did not die suddenly, they also suffered injuries ranging from mild to severe. Many people's body parts that were rubbed by the flames were directly carbonized.

Even the blue-black "hungry" hand, which was originally invincible and could ignore almost all attacks, had to retract.

But before all the impact came, Shana suddenly sensed that something appeared behind her.

She was just about to choke the intruder's neck with her backhand and kill him with one blow.

But the thought just passed by, and after noticing the person coming, he didn't take action.

The next second, his vision was distorted, and someone stopped him and picked him up.

Shana's face, which had always been indifferent and did not change color even when faced with "hunger", showed obvious astonishment the moment she saw Colin.

Why is this campfire agent here?
Are you here to save her on purpose?
Shana has helped many people and saved many people, but someone came to save her.
This is my first experience.

The major forces, whether the kingdom or the church, did not have a very good attitude towards her due to historical reasons. Every time something happened, she would have solved the problem herself by the time they took action.

So, this feeling of being rescued is hard to describe.

so that.
She wasn't quite sure whether Colin had other purposes for coming here, or whether he came here just for her.

If you come here on a special trip
For a moment, Shana felt the warmth coming from the other person's body. While she felt warm, she also felt inexplicably unreal.

At the same time, there is also a little bit of embarrassment.
However, before anyone could ask, raging flames had already enveloped the entire place.

The roaring flames roared.
It's rare to get "quiet" here.

“The effect is not bad”

Colin sensed his surroundings through the flames and determined that most of the weakest enemies within one kilometer in diameter had been burned.

Those enemies one kilometer away were not very easy on them either.

It was not in vain that he had used up nearly one-third of his fuel to create this explosion.

'Looking back at the nuclear warhead, I feel that if I become stronger in the future and I am prepared, I won't be able to shame this thing in my face.'

As his thoughts flashed, Colin couldn't help but watch.

When the first round of flames spread and cleared the area, he picked up Shana, turned around and ran away, without even having time to care about her injuries——

Along the way, as a "spectator", Colin saw too many enemies.

Not to mention that one or two forces are not weak, and both have some kind of "god-given" items, which is quite troublesome.
Is the 'saint' the true nature?Is this weight too light?It seems to be a little lighter than Xiaohong. When you hold it, it feels like it is all bones and no flesh. '

Colin hugged Shana and thought for a moment.

If she hadn't been wearing so many and thick clothes, she might have been as strong as a skeleton.
As for his appearance, his face was stained with blood and dirt. Apart from the fact that he was not ugly and that his eyes were beautiful, nothing else could be seen.

It's hard to imagine that this is the woman who rubs against him every day.

But no matter what, after being frightened for a long time, he finally saw a living person with his own eyes and successfully rescued him from a group of enemies, which made him feel relieved.

Of course, I haven't completely escaped yet.
What can be foreseen is that a large number of enemies will pursue him crazily.

The intensity of the battle will skyrocket.
"Damn it, someone got it!"


"Stop him! We can't let him take our loot away alone!"

"Why didn't the saint resist and let herself be taken away?"

"What is this guy like? A follower of the 'Eternal Fire'? No, it seems not."

The moment Colin escaped, a large number of enemies immediately discovered the situation. Not everyone here knew Bonfire. They thought the saint had been caught at first, but they quickly noticed it.

She didn't look like she was being arrested.
'What does it mean that someone has succeeded and is trying to steal items? It's really ugly to say that. '

As soon as Colin broke out, he saw a large number of enemies chasing after him.

At the same time, various words came to my ears
"With the situation here, it's impossible for you to escape. How about this? I just need her right hand. As long as you agree, we can cooperate."

"My Lord will not only help you leave, but will even allow you to become a guest of the sect and promise to help you once."

"And the rest is yours to distribute, and enjoy it however you want."

"Give us a pair of eyes, and we will give you a sacred object from the true God as compensation."

"The foreign god of the 'Swallowing Feast' has entered the scene and agreed to the deal. Only with our help can you have a chance to get your own part, otherwise no one can get it."


"Damn it, you guys are sharing the pork here with me, right?!"

Colin couldn't help but curse.

The most important thing is that these "voices" are not whispers, even Shana, who is holding them in her arms, hears them.

His heart is really to be punished!

At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Shana, and happened to see her pale golden hair, stained with a lot of dust and blood, and a pair of ice-blue transparent eyes staring at him on her somewhat embarrassed face.

Can't see any emotion, but seems to be thinking?
"I" Colin was about to speak.

"Ignore them and don't get distracted."

Shana huddled in Colin's arms and made no movement. The usual teaching voice brushed through Colin's heart.

After a pause, she added: "I believe you, thank you."

And at the same time, some "inspiration" about this place unfolded in Colin's mind in an orderly manner.

Through this information, Colin quickly understood the situation of some heretics at the scene.


Colin was inexplicably relieved. This was the first time he had met the saint in a real sense, but the timing was not good.

It was at this moment that he suddenly saw a thick shadow piercing out from the ground.
It smells like a high-level containment object
"What the hell."

Colin's brows twitched, and the fire in his left eye danced, instantly igniting the shadow.

Ignore the screams this thing makes
Then, he stepped hard on the ground.


The surrounding ground shattered, and another flame erupted, spreading in all directions.


Some people who had just been touched by various means were directly reduced to ashes under the fire.
Colin wrapped himself in flames and shot out like a meteor.

And Shana took advantage of the rare safe period to quickly stabilize her internal injuries. At the same time, she became more and more curious about something.
It seems true that Mr. Colin is like this, sneaking into such a dangerous place just for her?

"I just stopped for a moment. There are more and more enemies. Seeing me succeed, oh no, seeing me rescuing people, and some guys who think that the mantis is fighting against the cicada and the oriole behind them can't sit still."

Colin didn't know what Shana was thinking, and he was quickly thinking about the escape route.Currently, there are two retreat directions for him. One is to directly break through the encirclement and carry Shana on his back, crossing the "Magic Mist Disaster" and returning to his territory.
The other option is to return to the underground labyrinth area that we just came out of, and then use the authority of the "King of Crazy Sound" to leave the "Magic Mist Disaster" encirclement and return directly to the territory.

And once they go back, those local forces will take action whether they want to or not.

However, neither plan is particularly reliable.

If you want to implement the first one, it will be very, very stressful and difficult.
In addition to being full of enemies along the way, you also have to face various derivatives of the "Magic Mist Disaster".

And the second article
Just the character of "King of Crazy Sound".

Colin couldn't tell whether it would choose to continue helping after seeing so many enemies, or whether it would sell him outright.
'When you were shaping its character, why didn't you make it a [-]% honest person? '

He couldn't help but complain.

However, Colin didn't have much hesitation in deciding which side to choose.

He plans to believe in the "King of Crazy Sound" for once!
However, at this time, a fatal crisis arose in Colin's heart. He first thought that "hunger" had come again, but when the inspiration picture emerged, he found that it was not——

A huge boulder was surrounded by huge sonic booms and smashed through the flame barrier, knocking him out of mid-air and killing him.

"What's so cruel about breaking rocks?"

As Colin's thoughts turned, his figure flashed and appeared dozens of meters away.

However, the sense of crisis surprisingly did not weaken——

This boulder weighing hundreds of tons even has locking capabilities!
There was no room to avoid this time. Colin let go of Shana, and a pair of silver nano-arms stretched out from his body. After taking over his work, Colin took out a gold card with his left hand.
An invisible shock wave erupted, and the boulder flew backwards directly under the influence of the rules of a higher dimension.

At the same time, a giant with a height of more than eight meters was as powerful as a rainbow, wielding a giant sword, falling from the sky, and struck down heavily.

The giant vaguely felt that it would be extremely difficult for the opponent to continuously use similar power.
A large amount of dust flew up under the heavy blow.

However, the next second, the enemy in front of him suddenly disappeared, his pupils shrank, and his huge body froze in place.

"what happened?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes tilted and his head fell to the ground.

The energy and blood surged hundreds of meters into the sky.
However, this mere U-turn injury was not fatal. His headless body reached out, picked up the head, and put it back on again.

'Everyone's life is hard. '

Colin did not look back, but through the firelight, he had a general idea of ​​what was going on behind him.

However, this situation is not surprising. Those who can come to the depths of the Demon Mist to participate in the hunting operation are all elites. It is not easy to kill them easily.

Moreover, he did not bother to kill every incoming enemy.

Because the current situation is that if you stop accidentally, you may be surrounded.
Once surrounded, even he wouldn't feel too good.

'And where has 'hunger' gone now? '

Colin kicked away a heretic who rushed towards him and did not know what his religion was.

I feel vaguely something is wrong in my heart
That thing didn't appear again after he repelled it half an hour ago.

Based on his understanding of this thing, it is impossible for it to give up the "delicious food" in its mouth easily.
"Be careful with your head." Shana's voice appeared.

After getting the hint, Colin also noticed that a slap with a green-black mouth fell from the sky.

He just wanted to avoid it, but saw that the slap did not fall, but exploded in mid-air. Immediately afterwards, a faint wall of blue-black mist suddenly appeared in a large area around it.


Colin's scalp tightened. As the "0-09 'Hungry'" Jinchuuriki, the company's designated "hungry" human body, he had a deep understanding of "hunger" and knew that this was the activation of "hungry"'s "stomach wall" ability.

When he was in the deep sea, he also used this method to control "hunger".
Knowing that this is a means of sealing space, it can put the entire area into its "stomach" in a certain concept.

It is not easy to penetrate the "stomach wall"
Colin, who was in it, also felt that he was being put under great pressure.

The flames seem to show signs of being "digested"
However, at the same time, a strong sense of hunger emerged in his stomach, and countless whispers emerged.

"Free my bonds, open the prison of my body, and let me eat it."

"It smells so good. Eat it, eat it!"

"Eat, eat, eat!"


"Release me and let me eat it!"

"Only I can fight 'me', quick."


In Colin's heart, he suddenly felt a strong desire to eat for another "hungry" fragment.

He, no, is its instinctive desire to be more complete.

Under the influence of strong "hunger", he even felt the person he was holding in his arms.
It suddenly became fragrant.

I really want to take a lick.
I really want to take a bite.
It's like taking a bite.
"Shana, you are so cute, I want to eat one."

"No no no no."

Flames ignited in Colin's eyes. He suppressed his desire and fought against it. His expression couldn't help but become trance-like.

Shana seemed to sense something, and decisively broke away from her arms. Her ice-blue pupils swept across his body, and then she stretched out her hand and placed it against his belly button. Waves of white light emerged, turning into chains and pouring into it.

But during this delay, many enemies arrived almost at the same time.

"Kill him!"

"I've confirmed that this guy is the messenger of the outer gods!"

"These outsiders cannot be allowed to be so unscrupulous!"


They have given up their illusions and decided to fight to the end.
Shana frowned and endured the pain that was like cutting all over her body. She separated a light and shadow to help Colin soothe his body. Then she turned around and faced the offending enemy.
Now, all the enemies that should appear have appeared.

It's time to solve it once and for all
However, at this moment, his shoulders suddenly sank, and then he saw Colin's eyes clear again.

Shana opened her mouth to say something, but Colin spoke first.

"I'll do it. You stand by my side and don't get hurt by accident."

Colin took a step forward and saw a group of warriors as tall as a hill coming at the head of the group.

"If you have to seek death, don't blame me. 'Vulcan Dharma'!"

Colin took out a small box, and his consciousness was connected with the things inside.

next moment!
Everyone stopped and slowly raised their heads, looking at the scene in front of them in shock.
A violent stream of heat suddenly erupted and rose, turning into a flame giant hundreds of meters high and still rising, its majestic momentum rippling in all directions.

clang clang clang.
Various types of attacks from all directions hit the giant, unable to even break through the surface.

At this time, the flame giant held the sky with one hand, resisted the coming blue-black "stomach wall", and stepped forward with one foot.

Holding huge swords and standing several meters tall, a group of Ares cult believers who rushed to the front exploded on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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