Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 460: The group army "Radient Angel" intervenes.

Chapter 460: The group army "Radient Angel" intervenes.

With the "Vulcan Dharma" as an obstacle, Colin escaped from the "stomach bag" arranged by "Hungry" without any danger.

And completely relieved of the control of the "Vulcan Dharma"

The flames in the huge phantom's body stirred up, and it made a weird roar. The figure continued to expand, and it struck all living things around it indiscriminately.

In fact, this phantom had been expanding continuously before, not because Colin wanted to do so.

It’s not that bigger is better.
But because of the interference of "hunger", he was unable to control it wholeheartedly, which led to this situation happening.

Of course, in the eyes of the uninitiated, the ever-expanding Dharma is still quite a deterrent.
"Finally ran out."

The moment he passed through the "stomach wall", Colin's strong desire to eat immediately decreased.

The chatter about eating, eating, eating disappeared.
The brain became clear again and again, and there was a feeling of entering sage mode, and he even lost desire for Shana in his arms.

Shana in his arms was equally sensitive. After noticing this change, she was somewhat relieved.

After all, even if she can solve that thing's resurrection.

It is also difficult to guarantee that Colin will be safe during this process.

However, she sensed the situation at the scene, looked behind her, and saw the blue-black barrier disappearing after they escaped. Then she looked back, looked at Colin's expression, pursed her white lips, and thought of something. explain.
But I just escaped from death. I feel that this atmosphere is not suitable for speaking?
At this time, Colin thought she was worried about the "hungry" stomach wall, so he explained: "In a short period of time, it should not be able to use the same method. Of course, we must also be prepared for some of its unknown abilities."

He is very clear about some of the abilities of "Hunger" itself, but apart from itself, every fragment of "Hunger" can obtain the means of the enemy it swallows. It is still unknown what this fragment has swallowed.

However, before he finished speaking, Colin suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion coming over him.
I have just used various abilities, and now it has only been "quiet" for a few minutes, and the negative effects are beginning to come to me.

Those things are just a bit too laborious to use.

Upon seeing this, Shana took the initiative to create a BUFF to eliminate some of his negative effects.

At the same time, Colin also chewed on several "colorless crystals", which made him feel better.
But at this moment, some consciousness locked in behind.

"The useless Dharma image, can't even hold it off for half an hour?"

Colin cursed secretly. Of course, he also knew that after the thing lost control, it would just kill everything around it like crazy, and would not deliberately stop it.

So it is normal for others to avoid you.

"However, after running more than ten minutes in advance, they can still catch up. The next step is for me to think about how to develop long-distance movement methods."

Colin felt his own shortcomings.

The high-speed movement injected into itself by the "bonfire" can be said to be very fast in ordinary battles.

But in higher-level battlefield pulls, this still lacks some meaning.

Colin took a deep breath and wanted Shana to take the lead and go to the underground labyrinth to find the "King of Crazy Sound". He would come to the rear and catch up later.

But after thinking about it, I gave up the idea.

With Shana's current state, if the "King of Crazy Sound" really has an idea.

That's like having food delivered to your door.
With Colin here, this can be avoided. After all, there is a contract.

Even if the opponent chooses not to take action due to various enemies, he will not take action.

'Phew, this distance will take half a day no matter how fast it is. If you are unlucky and it doesn't help, then it will be even more troublesome to travel the whole way. There are magic mist derivatives and high-level containment objects' air attacks. Local Those members of the Knights and the Mages are probably still hanging around on the periphery.'

While rushing on the road non-stop, Colin felt a bit of a headache as his thoughts turned around.

At this moment, he was shuttling through the fog like a meteorite, while several hidden entities behind him used their own authority characteristics to chase him in various ways.
At this time, Shana watched as Colin seemed to make a decision to spread the message through the "light".

A line of subtitles appeared in front of Colin's eyes
"Put me down."

Colin, who was thinking about how to break the situation, was stunned when he saw this line of text.

"Don't worry, we can all live. If I leave you here, what's the point of me coming in this time?" Colin responded with "inspiration".

Ah, you really came here on a special trip! Shana was touched.

"No, I'm worried they'll run away."

"It's okay, okay?"

Colin was startled. He looked at the information on his retina and wondered if he had seen it wrong.

At this time, the saint raised her head, put her hands on his shoulders, raised her head, and whispered something in Colin's ear.

"Can you really fight back here? Can you even find the body of 'hunger'? But your body"

Colin looked at her in surprise.

Even if what Shana said was true, her body might not be able to do what she said.

He was able to confirm that the saint's current state was not fake. She had really suffered a lot of injuries. These injuries would be enough to kill those useless D-class "life instructors who are much more adorable" and kill them several times.

That is, she can carry it through hard power.
If you continue to use your abilities forcefully, it will be difficult to say.

"Maybe, if I am alone, there will be great risks, but if you are here and we are together, it will be much better. Give me 10 minutes."

After listening to Shana's words, Colin finally chose to cooperate and stopped his actions.

The saint broke away from her arms, fell to the ground, closed her eyes, and seemed to be connected to something.
Colin manipulated the flames to protect her airtight.

At the same time, following him, a group of shadows caught up first. After it landed, it first turned into the silhouettes of a group of people. Then these silhouettes stretched and intertwined with each other to form a shadow tree full of eyes.
Immediately afterwards, there was a cloud of flashing thunder and lightning, and there were many figures behind the thick dark clouds.

At this moment, they chased him, but they didn't take action immediately. They seemed to be wary.

After all, the other party clearly still has some energy left, so there is no reason to stop.

"Isn't this a trap?" Someone began to doubt.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The saint has been fighting until now, and she has reached her limit. Are you doubting the content of the 'divine revelation'?"


A thousand meters away from them, Colin looked at these guys from afar.

'According to the 'Saint Girl', before she entered the Golden City, she had already sensed the dangers that were different from other places, but she still stepped into it, not just because she wanted to save people, but also because...'

'There are some powerful legacies of the Holy Light Church here that can be activated'

'And this serious injury is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity to solve some troubles. She has long wanted to solve those guys who are secretly following her, especially the '0-09' hunger' thing, but there has never been a suitable opportunity.'

Colin recalled Shana's words and suddenly felt that this method was a bit familiar——

Isn't this just fishing?
Not long ago, Colin was still on earth, and through the "Daughter of Starlight", he gave a big blow to the global cult.

Unexpectedly, Shana seemed to be planning something similar here.

Everyone knows that the saint has a kind heart and is willing to step into the trap for the sake of mortals.But I'm afraid not many people will realize that she will use her kindness to plan a murderous plot
However, compared to Colin's fishing method, which is almost guaranteed and has the entire earth's official forces assisting, Shana's side is very risky, because she is like an orphan and has no one to help her. All her teammates are paddling, and they take their own lives.

Even if you succeed, you will definitely suffer a lot of injuries, maybe even worse.
But Colin's arrival was a surprise to her, and because of Colin's arrival, many suspicious enemies chased him out, and more and more "fish" entered this big net.
In addition to worrying about Colin succeeding, they also have another reason——

The saint who has had no teammates her whole life needs to be saved. How can this be fake?

At the same time, as more enemies arrived, some entities no longer sat back and started to attack, but they were all blocked by Colin.

'I don't know how powerful this so-called Holy Light Holy See's powerful legacy is, which can actually make her so confident. '

Colin thought as he single-handedly repelled a strange curse attack from behind a bronze door.

Those present, not to mention the man-made "Level 0" containment object "Hungry", just the existence of other first-level containment objects, there are as many as ten heretics sent out, and the difference is that compared to the other side of the earth, here we don't know Is it because the occult signal is too good or for some other reason.
The power that powerful creatures can project is far higher than that on the earth.

However, with various heretical forces launching attacks here and there, and with the need to protect Shana from harm, Colin had no extra energy to think too much.

The surrounding enemies seemed to realize something, and their attack intensity increased rapidly.

Even though he was surrounded by heavy campfire defenses, Colin's hair was chopped into an afro-like style, and he was injured in many places.

But just when he found it more and more difficult, he suddenly heard Shana's voice in his ear:
"All right."

All right?

Colin was about to say something, but suddenly he saw something appearing on the retina in front of his eyes.

[Report from 'Bonfire Company-24-No. 774311 'Light Chasing Man' has been received.]

[The defense system of "World Number-13-01 Area" has been turned on and is under investigation. Warning! 】

【warn!You have entered the 'No. 1 Special Containment Natural Ecological Reserve', please leave immediately, otherwise. You have obtained the pass]

The description changed from Red, seemingly given permission by Shana.

But Colin was still confused: "Huh? Report?"

He raised his hand and scratched the back of his head. This word sounded different from the ultimate move Shana said.
And the ones behind them sound equally weird.

"Protected area? Special containment natural ecology?"

Soon, as more information emerged, Colin finally understood why Shana was so confident.
Because in the next second.

[It was detected that multiple abnormal high-risk life forms broke in without permission! 】


[Detected the presence of '0-0' hunger' in '09' level things! 】

[Trying to connect with the executor]

【Danger!Danger!Danger!This containment has no executor and has been confirmed to be out of control! 】

[The highest alert state will be activated soon! 】

[The 'Containment Protocol' authority usage instructions are being sent to 'Bonfire', requesting the deployment of '0-11' Wall' to ensure smooth operation. ]

[Sending 'Bonfire Protocol' permission usage instructions to 'Bonfire'.】

【In progress.】

[No feedback. 】

【Sending application to 'Seed of Light'.】

[.The "Cherophiles" rapid response team of the second legion of the "Radient Angels" of the Group Army has received instructions and is about to go to the '01' area to carry out the suppression work]

[Introduction unit: No. 774311]

The dense information jumped on his retinas all of a sudden, making Colin's mind difficult to wrap his head around.

He heard what Shana said about mobilizing the "Holy Light Holy See".

I thought it would be something like a lost ancient formation, but now this is a bit beyond my original imagination.
"Good guy, are these first-level containment objects here with consecutive numbers?"

"And this, what does it mean if there is no feedback?"

"Also, the second legion of the 'Radiant Angels'."

As Colin murmured to himself, he suddenly felt that the whole world suddenly became brighter.

next second.
From the sky covered by heavy gray-black magic fog, thousands of beams of light pierced the clouds like sharp swords.
It looked extremely spectacular, like the legendary Dali Garden, no, it was the Tyndall effect.

At the same time, a beam of bright light fell from the sky, covering him and Shana together.

"Damn it! It's a scam—" Some heretics were shocked.

But before he finished speaking, he saw a beam of bright light moving strangely, erasing him directly. However, this did not mean that the attack was over. More light penetrated into his subsequent existence with him as the starting point.

Compared with the original "Zoo" Army, the fighting style here seems to be calmer
A shadow tried to escape, but was pinned to the ground by a large amount of substantial light.

In the sky, dark clouds flashing with thunder and lightning erupted into a large amount of violent thunder, striking at the beams of light, but unfortunately, more light fell and wrapped it up
But compared to these, at least more than half of the beam flew towards a hidden blue-black hand, and in the process turned into a chain of light, trying to bind it.

"These so-called 'cherubic angels' don't look like living people."

Colin squinted his eyes as small as possible, and did not feel even the slightest breath of life from these bright lights.

It's more mechanical like a robot.
"Yeah" came a muffled groan.

Colin was startled, and then realized that he was shocked by what had just happened, and he had slacked off in protecting Shana, but he soon relaxed again, because he was too busy taking care of many anomalies and had no energy to attack her.

Shana's body just endured the temptation and she couldn't hold it any longer.

He immediately stepped forward, put his hand on Shana's shoulder, which seemed to be just bones, and delivered the "Colorless Crystal" and some basic BUFFs that came with "Fire Holder".

Shana opened her eyes slightly, glanced at him, expressed her gratitude, and then continued to guide.

At the same time, inside the maze under the earth in the distance, the humanoid thing transformed by the "King of Crazy Sound" was putting its ears to the ceiling, listening to what was going on outside.
Through his own authority, he can use sound waves, vibrations, etc. to remotely observe the "Fire Holder" reserve from the outside world.

That is to say, eating melon and watching a show.

In the situation where he is trapped, help is definitely not possible. He can only say a few words of encouragement from a distance and be done with it.
But as he listened, he suddenly froze for a moment and felt something was wrong.

"hold head high?"

The next second, a large number of beams of light penetrated into the underground maze.

ps: change first and then change

(End of this chapter)

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