Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 468 E-level and above employees, come out!

Chapter 468 E-level and above employees, come out!
When it comes to thinking about "branch offices", it is difficult to get any more effective results.

Colin could only know that this thing might be better hidden than the mouse on Earth, and it was difficult to figure out the specific situation.

"I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out."

Colin sighed.

When the "branch" left, it was quiet again and nothing more happened.
However, he didn't completely let down his guard.

When I was in this world before, I could feel invisible peeping from time to time. At the earliest, I could say that I was suspicious, but later on, it was obviously impossible.

So there is a high probability that there is really something, and I peek at him from time to time.

Now is his "most dangerous day."

If there is a chance, there is a small chance that those things will come up
Of course, it doesn't have to be an attack or retaliation, it could also be something like discussing some cooperation.

Just like the "King of Crazy Sound" who begged to be released.

Just when Colin thought that after the night shift at the "branch office", there should be more things coming to the night shift church.

He was already thinking about how to gain more benefits for himself.
After that, there was no movement.

Even the "sense of voyeurism" that occasionally appeared in the past basically disappeared this night.

"Tsk, is this because the 'Radient Angel' sealed them all at once?"

Colin grunted.

The "King of Kuangyin" who was watching last time was almost sealed in a cement coffin.

There are probably many others who are just watching the fun.

Then, a few more hours passed.

Colin suddenly felt that a certain sense of coercion in his heart disappeared.

Then, he subconsciously looked outside and saw that the originally deep and dark night had unknowingly turned into a hazy day.


The door of the chapel was pushed open, and Shana, who had slept for a few hours, came out.

The skin on her face that was originally a little close to the bones is now much fuller and has some color. The whole thing looks much more energetic than before going to bed yesterday.

Looking at it now, her appearance suddenly became more beautiful.

Apparently, she digested yesterday's food well.

'The absorption rate of saints is still high'

Colin smacked his tongue and thought about stuffing some food into Shana's body later to replenish her body. After all, although she was feeling better, she still looked very skinny now.

However, it is estimated that only he can see the saint's true appearance.

In the eyes of other ordinary people, Shana's specific image is relatively vague. At the same time, her temperament is gentle, hazy, full of holy meaning, and leaves room for imagination.
Even her sexual characteristics are somewhat downplayed in the image she presents.

Some company employees doubted whether she was a boy or a girl.
Some female employees think Shana is biased toward men, but some male employees think she is biased toward women. Of course, some male employees think she is biased toward men.
Regarding the last one, Colin felt that he should be wary.

"Good day, Mr. Colin." Shana greeted.

"Day, oh, good morning." Colin was not used to that kind of vocabulary.

Shana didn't pay much attention to this. After this period of contact, she knew that Colin, the envoy of God, was different from other churches. He had almost no etiquette and was very casual.

Of course, from the perspective of some nobles, they are rude barbarians.

However, Shana still prefers this easy-going approach.

She doesn't like to use weird accents, artificial words and pretentious movements that are reserved for upper class people.

But opposite her, Colin was thinking about something. He remembered a transaction he had with the "branch" last night, which seemed to involve Shana, or in other words, the group of saints.

I originally thought that I would tell the other party when it gets daylight.
As a result, when I saw Shana and was about to speak, I suddenly seemed to be forgetful and couldn't remember the specific content.

You only know what you gave and what you received, and the information in between is lost.

'Hey, this branch is really a thief. '

As Colin's thoughts flashed, he realized that this guy used some means to make him forget some key contents while the main company's support was away.

It's not memory erasure, that would be noticed by him.

In principle, it feels more like an invisible pen. After writing, the words will disappear after a while.

So when he was about to speak out, he realized that some of the content was missing.

At this time, he suddenly heard Shana say: "You seem to have something to say?"

Shana, who had just left the house, had already come to him.


Colin groaned: "I can't remember, but you may want to be careful about something staring at your pocket."

That was all he could think of.

"Be careful about what's in my pocket?" Shana looked at Colin's expression of being unable to remember, and nodded thoughtfully.

There was no warning from her spiritual intuition, but at the same time, she was also sure that Colin was not lying.

So, this situation is probably that something that is not malicious to her is eyeing something that is not very dangerous to her own safety?

Keeping this in mind for a moment, in order to avoid the danger caused by Colin's deep thought, Shana did not continue this topic.

After all, just because she had a spiritual premonition that there was no danger, didn't mean that Mr. Colin did too.

Especially now that he is in the "most dangerous" moment.

Shana asked: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Is there anything I can do to help? The staff won't arrive for a few hours. It's still early. The people in the territory have the fire tree to help heal them, so there's nothing to worry about. Colin groaned and said:

"Yes, how about some morning exercise?"

After a restless night, he suddenly figured out a combination of offensive and killing skills.

I want the Saint to help verify the feasibility of this technique and improve it.
Then take it back and make amends with Teacher Big C.

Shana nodded, reached out and pulled out a small lantern from the "storage room".


The blue flame inside the lantern suddenly spread out mysterious power.

Drag Colin and the holder into the dream together.

Today's simulated battle begins.
The flames on Colin's body were soaring into the sky, and he was fighting with Shana's clones in front of him.

After counting for 10 minutes, Colin had to sigh that compared to Shana's clone, her body was obviously stronger and her flexibility was much higher.

In the dream, there was a tense fight, but in reality, Colin was sitting alone on a chair.

It's like being in a deep sleep.
Xiaohong, who had just gone out, rubbed her eyes and saw Colin sleeping "haggardly" on the armchair, so she turned around and went back to the house with some distress, took out a blanket, then ran to cover him with her legs. .After doing all this, Xiaohong was ready to go back to get the cup and brush her teeth and wash her face for the day.

However, as soon as she set off, she sniffed her nose.

It seemed to smell like that luminous sister, but there was no one around.

In the end, she didn't think too much and turned back to the room.

After washing my face, I have to make breakfast and show off my skills before my eldest brother wakes up.

The battle lasted two hours before it ended.

During this period of fighting, Colin "died" probably twice.

'When I don't use my trump card, my burst is high, but my battery life seems to be low. Shana can rely on this to pull me to death. It's a bit hard to resist, but speaking of it, even if I use my trump card, Shana doesn't seem to be able to. Too scared, she also has trump cards, even more cards'

'The biggest result of this practice is that one of Shana's main clones broke a leg, which is gratifying.'

Overall, Colin is satisfied with his improvement during this period.

If we put it at the beginning, the number of deaths in two hours would probably be ten, but now it has been reduced to two, which is already quite good.

"Well, who gave me the blanket? Xiao Hong?"

After exiting the "Nightmare Lantern", Colin looked at the blanket on his body for a moment, and then immediately realized who would do this.

However, he couldn't help but think about it, and he suddenly realized something.

He stood up, turned his head and looked at the bonfire, only to see dozens of them being "spit" out by the bonfire.

Transform into humans everywhere in the chapel.
At the same time, the countdown to the company's mission reappeared in Colin's mind.

"The most dangerous day is over!"

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then called over "Life Coach Cute" and some company employees with official backgrounds to ask about the situation outside this week.

'Hope nothing bad happens.'

After praying, I heard "The life coach is so cute" said:

"I haven't seen anything happen in the company, everything is pretty much the same."

After hearing what he said, Colin nodded and looked to the other side, where he saw a dual employee who had been promoted to E-level.

"I can see that there is no problem." said the employee named "The Buried Furong King".

However, only halfway through, he seemed to have thought of something.

After a pause, he continued: "No, it's not nothing. I heard that the danger level in Daying has gone up again. It seems that there are some abnormalities, fusion or something. I am asking for help. My boss's boss went to help. .”

"It's a time bomb over there."

Colin nodded. During the last "ghost train incident", people there temporarily sealed many anomalies and then took them outside to litter. The situation improved a lot for a while.

But it seems that after hearing this, the situation over there is in danger again?
"How many things are hidden there? I remember last time I threw out a lot of dangerous contained objects, which made the enemy and us miserable. Isn't this over yet?" An employee couldn't help but muttered after hearing this.

Those who force people to throw garbage on the battlefield have deceived many people.
"I don't know the details, but it shouldn't be anything big." "The Buried Furong King" said.

"Okay, besides these, is there anything else?"

Colin waved his hand: "For example, the kind of ordinary people who suddenly master extraordinary abilities."

Those kind of people are "rats" who are deliberately created to destroy the existing order.

Colin attaches great importance to this
"I didn't hear it. It seems that it has stopped recently." "The Buried Furong King" said.

This question was asked by Colin before he left last time.

But the official response was that the group of people suddenly disappeared and there was no trace of them.
"Looking at it this way, that thing will have to be made big when the time is right."

Colin sighed secretly. What caused him the greatest uneasiness now was not those high-level containment objects, nor the still unknown 2044, but this stinky rat.

'Forget it, let's take care of things here first.'

Shaking his head and gathering his thoughts, Colin called everyone into the chapel.

Stand on the pulpit and look below.

After this period of development, among this group of people, the D-level and E-level employees have not changed much, but many F-level employees have been promoted to E-level, especially the group of dual-level employees with official endorsement. Four out of ten people The name was upgraded to E.

This rate of increase is still very high
With a quick glance, Colin slowly said:

"Next is what I mentioned to you last week, a mission event related to 'hunger'"

After saying that, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Without giving them any extra time, Colin continued to speak:
"All employees who are E-level or above and still have the chance to be resurrected, come out!"

Everyone looked bitter. Everyone had fully experienced the mission copy of "World Number-13" and knew what "hunger" was.
Even the official double employees were tortured to death inside.

Because of the dungeon mission, only company props can be used and cannot be taken away.

They are only E-level!

Is it really appropriate to carry out such a dangerous event?

Shouldn't Brother Shunzi be involved in this pinnacle showdown?
However, with Brother Shunzi's direct order, they couldn't refuse. The most important thing was that they had a chance of resurrection.

Compared to them, the few D-class personnel were not repulsive.

They knew long ago that if Brother Shunzi didn't go and sent them instead, they would definitely not be able to escape at their level, so they adjusted their mentality early.
And just as Colin issued the order, a mission appeared in their minds at the same time.

[Event: Go to a specific location in the "Black Mountain" to light a temporary bonfire.]

"Remark 1": As in the title.

"Note 2": After death, you will return to the "Bonfire".

"Remark 3": The task time is the last day before the end of this week.

"I have already informed you of the relevant precautions when facing 'hunger'. Next, I announce that 'Life Coach Lovely' will serve as the captain and be responsible for all aspects of the mission."

"And this is one of the next aids. Everyone will come up and get three pills in a while. The method of using it is very simple."

Colin took out a box filled with gram after gram of golden beans.

These are the BUFF supports that Shana gave to worry about problems.
Of course, as the direct leader, Colin was not stingy. In addition to giving him a few props as aid, he also gave him a large number of "colorless crystals" and a golden mark of BUFF effect that Shana helped him knead from a campfire.

'Hiss, Shana is really covered in gold. As soon as she takes action, there is a pile of gold. There seems to be a large piece of gold in the independent space. If the volume is not hollow, it might be a ton.'

"When Shana arrives on Earth, she will be a rich woman with free wealth, a beautiful voice, and a rich woman who doesn't play with steel balls."

'No, does the occult here consume gold so much? '

Colin's thoughts passed by in a flash, then he waved his hand and said to everyone:

"Next, follow the map I gave you before, and the mission operation begins!"

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket.
(End of this chapter)

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