Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 476 "The Sleepless Man in the Eternal Cold Wave".

Chapter 476 "The Sleepless Man in the Eternal Cold Wave".

Deep in the polar regions, the weather is gloomy, and in the endless mountains, storms roar, bringing heavy snow as sharp as a blade.
On the dark and depressing land, in an area surrounded by some guard towers.

From time to time, there are shadows with blood-red light wandering around.

In a sentry tower, a man covered in blood ice crystals and wearing thick clothes opened the door. He held a scimitar covered in blood ice crystals and walked into the hall at the top of the sentry tower.

After entering, he glanced around and finally stopped on a muscular white man not far away.

This man's face was gloomy, and his injuries were more serious than his.

However, it is heavy, but it is not fatal.

Seeing someone coming in at this moment, the white-skinned employee first picked up the weapon, but when he found out that it was his own person, he breathed a sigh of relief and said weakly:

"Have those heretics who believe in the 'deep sea' been completely eliminated? Mr. Chang."

"One of them wanted to withdraw, but I just took care of them."

The man in his 30s with a resolute face who was called Mr. Chang nodded.

Although these heretics who believed in the terrifying life deep in a certain strait and used the unknown ghost ship as their base camp provided some help during this emergency.

The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.

Even if we "cooperate", it is impossible to get along together, and we still have to take action when it is time to take action.

After all, most heretics are too extreme.
These guys kept using incomprehensible words like "for the future" and caused various bloody incidents, but the death toll was no less than the abnormal incidents.

"That's good, that's good, huh." The white-skinned strong man nodded, covering his abdomen and breathing hard.

A transparent, dark ice crystal pierced his abdomen, causing great pain.

And from above, the chill continues to spread to other places
If he could pull out the ice crystals, he might be able to recover slowly, but unfortunately, the curse had penetrated deep into his bones, and he would die even if he pulled them out.

"Thank you." Upon seeing this, Mr. Chang stepped forward and took out a talisman from his pocket and put it on it. The coldness of the ice crystals was immediately reduced a lot.

If this colleague hadn't helped block the killing move before, I might have been injured now.

"By the way, has the situation here been sent out? Is there any response from the superiors? I can no longer evacuate. You, you may, you may still have a chance to leave before those things launch another attack."

However, before he could finish speaking, Mr. Chang raised his hand to interrupt:
"The message has been sent, but I probably won't be able to leave. This time, at least a truly heavyweight person must come over. Let's not talk about the various cumbersome conditions for such a person to be dispatched.
"Even if we get here, it will take about a week. By the time they get here, we are probably dead.

"So, I don't plan to waste time evacuating."

Mr. Chang said calmly that as a garrison in a high-level anomaly area, he had long been mentally prepared to face death.

"As a member of the Great Wall, I will be cast here forever like the cornerstone, and I will try to preserve as much information as possible so that when the team comes over later, they can more smoothly resolve the anomalies here."

He sighed and helped his friend press the wound.

As for now, how long can I live? How long?
"Is that so?" The strong man said in despair, his eyes hesitated for a while, and then he said, "There are some things that I suddenly want to tell you."

"Well, let's talk."

"You know, I don't have that idea."

"Huh?" Mr. Chang suddenly felt that there was something inexplicably wrong with the atmosphere.

"However, it was not until later when I was assigned to work at the site that I was asked to work under you. At first, I was very disdainful and found it difficult to understand such an arrangement. I opposed you everywhere, but you tolerated me."

"Later, I discovered that you are indeed very charming. You never said a single curse word, and you always acted calmly. Although you looked expressionless, you always had our best interests in mind."

"I think, by now, I may not be able to take my eyes off you."

"Of course, let me first state that I am not, I just cannot describe my feelings for you."

Mr. Chang's pupils shrank, and the muscles on his always calm face twitched, showing a trace of twists and turns.

"Tell me, if there is one more, in the next life you are talking about, will we have a chance to work together?"

Mr. Chang fell into silence and silently withdrew his hand.

Looking at the pair of eyes with strong expectations on the waxy face, he suddenly felt an uncontrollable itching in various parts of his scalp, and the muscles of his face twitched, making him unable to stretch.

It feels worse than just dying at the hands of heretics.
Fortunately, at this moment, without waiting for anything to be said, another roaring thunderstorm suddenly came outside the outpost.

Terrorist coercion spreads in all directions.
Mr. Chang stood up abruptly, looked outside through the thick glass, and saw the overwhelming cold fog, rumbling and roaring coming.

In the cold fog like a giant sandstorm, there was a huge humanoid figure with horns on its head and a twisted face that looked like a human face, looming like a ghost.

Its three eyes emitted a bright red light full of hatred, casting towards this place.

In an instant, more than a dozen observation outposts at a height of about [-] meters were covered by the blizzard it brought.

Although some sealing devices are working at the moment and can limit the anomaly within, the people in the outpost cannot bear this kind of collision.

"It's better to die like this."

Mr. Chang closed his eyes and waited quietly for the storm to come, for the cold to come and turn him into an ice sculpture.

However, the expected death did not come.

Even the vibration outside the window disappeared at this moment.

In front of my eyelids, there seems to be a bright light and a pleasant warmth.
"who is it?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the huge humanoid creature in the turbulent cold fog suddenly burned inexplicably, let out a shrill and shrill scream, and fell to the ground.

The terrifying cold fog also dispersed and disappeared at this moment.

"Oh, I finally saw a living person." A voice suddenly sounded from the outpost.

Mr. Chang was startled, turned around, and saw a young man walking into the hall at an unknown moment, with flames burning on his body.

"Are you from your hometown?" He was surprised and responded in Mandarin.

"Well, one of our own."

"One of our own?" Mr. Chang became wary.

When the message was sent out, it was expected that the first people to assist would not be from China. The distance was too far.
In confusion, he couldn't help but take a look at the other person's appearance.
Black hair, black eyes, brown long-sleeved long johns and big slippers.
I can only say that this look is in line with some people’s imagination of a “master”.

Of course, what alarmed Mr. Chang the most was that he couldn't see the opponent's strength. If it weren't for the existence of the flame, the opponent would be almost exactly the same as an ordinary person in his eyes.

"I just took care of some things. I came over here to take a look and solve the problems here." Colin waved his hand and glanced at his clothes: "How is the situation here? Is there anyone else alive? You two Hey, is there anyone who can come with me later?"

The company's mission guidance on Earth was sometimes ineffective, making him a little unsure of its specific positioning.

You need someone to lead the team
"I can, but can you prove your identity?"

"A way to prove your identity? Hiss."

Colin touched his chin and suddenly thought that he didn't seem to have a universal document.
His hesitant movements also made Mr. Chang nervous and alert, and he secretly made a gesture to inform his colleagues that they were ready to commit suicide by specific means at any time.

Avoid giving heretics access to brain information through evil means
'Ah, I feel like the reaction is quite intense. '

Colin was not very clear about the information conveyed by their small actions, but he could roughly detect an aura of "a fish or a fish or a net" from these two people.
After thinking about it, he said:

"Is it okay to do it domestically?"

"Yes, any formal organization will do." Mr. Chang nodded.

Hearing this, Colin didn't have any ink, so he looked for it in the "storage room", took out the customs clearance document, and showed it in front of the other party.
Copy of paper contract?Mr. Chang was a little wary. The first second he saw the above content, he felt it was fake.

Because, it is too outrageous!

There are actually seven or eight seals on a small piece of paper, all stamped by the center of the highest-level organization!
Experience told him that it was almost impossible!

Not only the "Numerology Center Office", etc., but also the chapter of his "Great Wall" office
If there was just one he wouldn't doubt it, but a bunch of them together would be a bit false.

However, the aura on each seal told him that there was no doubt about the authenticity of this document.
Especially at the bottom of the document, the official signature of the man named "Many Gold."

This... this person is a real big shot within "Tui Ming", one of the five candidates for level nine in the future!

And "fate prediction" is also very difficult to fake.
Because at the opponent's level, as long as they subjectively write their name, they can sense it and slightly interfere with this place. They may even have cast their eyes on it, so.
This document looks ridiculously fake, but it is indeed real.

"Your identity is correct, no problem"

Seeing such a high-level seal all of a sudden, Mr. Chang couldn't help but bring some respect into his words. While he was curious about who the other party was, he also realized.
The young man in front of me looks like he may be younger than him
In fact, it may be 90, [-] years old, or even hundreds of years old!


Colin nodded, not knowing that he was already a hundred years old, and put away the documents in his hand.

He has two documents in his hand that can prove him
In addition, there is a "Level [-] personnel" identification.

But if you show that proof, I'm afraid you will be even more suspicious.
Then, Colin looked at the Level [-] personnel and asked some other questions: "How is the situation here?"

Mr. Chang nodded and introduced the place briefly and quickly.

There are still some living people, but they are all in other scattered outposts. The number is not large, and the total number may be less than a hundred. They are all border guards sent by various forces.

After experiencing the impact just now, 100 people may not be able to survive.

As for the situation here
What just appeared was an advanced life form called the "Sleepless One in the Eternal Cold Wave."

It was first observed more than ten years ago, and was later forcibly sealed by a coalition of parties.

There were occasional commotions during this period, but they were not as violent as this period.
"A sleepless one? Let it continue to sleep forever."

Colin nodded, showing great confidence - the aura felt like it was a secondary containment object at most. Although it was a bit troublesome, he could kill it if necessary.
A Level [-] Contained Object is dangerous, but the company won't directly send him to target it.

And the requirements seem to be a bit biased towards sealing a certain area rather than killing a certain creature.

It shows that there may be something special inside.

"There should be something more troublesome. Have you been to the deepest part?"

"Is there anything more troublesome?" Mr. Chang was stunned for a moment, but after thinking of some information, he realized that what the other party said might be true.

It has been said long ago that this "sleepless man" in the cold wave seems to be guarding something.

"I've been there. I can lead the way if you need me."

"That's fine."

Colin nodded and glanced past him at the person behind him.

"I can't hold it any longer. You don't have to worry about it. This ice spike is difficult to resolve, even for level nine personnel."

The white-skinned strong man responded in English, but before he finished speaking, he saw a tree of flames appearing next to the man who seemed to be from the same country as his webmaster, and sprouting a large number of roots, wrapping him.
In just one minute, the fatal wounds on his body that were thought to be fatal were healed.

"It's just a small wound on the skin that won't kill you."

Colin shook his head, recalled the fire tree, and threw out some healing items and "colorless crystals": "You can go and help other people around you when you are free, and I won't go."

After a pause, Colin looked at the Level 3 official next to him: "By the way, you seem to have something to say to him? I'll give you [-] minutes, I'll wait for you outside."

After that, he walked out of here directly.

That is to say, after he left, the atmosphere here suddenly became weird.

There are some things that I thought I couldn't live with before, so I just said them.

If everyone survives, the situation will be a bit embarrassing.


"Needless to say, I can't quite understand your thoughts, and I can't give you any response."

Mr. Chang pursed his lips, then shook his head in a calm tone and said:
"But, damn, I will never go to the sauna with you again, even to my death."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Half an hour later, Colin led this official through the dim ice and snow to the depths of this secret area, where he saw a large number of standing mechanical towers.
They are connected one by one, like some kind of separation wall, suppressing the mysterious power of the scene.

In addition, you can also see a large number of broken ghost ships destroyed here.
In order to suppress the abnormality here, a large number of people were killed here, including an eighth-level personnel.

However, on the ground, at most, what can be sensed at this moment are some scattered white bones without a trace of flesh and blood.

'It's a pity that in this situation, unless the 'Red Moon' comes, I'm afraid there is no chance to save him. '

Colin shook his head secretly, raised his head, and looked forward.

There is a towering black mountain range covered with ice and snow.
From above, there is a vague and indescribable madness coming from above.

At the same time, there was also the shrill sound of the whining wind.
(End of this chapter)

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