Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 48 Rescue

Chapter 48 Rescue
A high-pitched voice came from afar.

Ke Lin turned his head together with the others, followed the prestige, and saw a conflict not too far away.

A man who was clearly dressed differently from the man with a crazy face, hugged the person beside him and gnawed madly, with slightly protruding fangs, he bit off the other's ear with one bite, his face was covered with blood.

And some onlookers wanted to step forward to stop him, but seeing the crazy appearance of the other party, they dared not do anything.

Compared to Helena and the others who don't know why, Colin can determine what happened with just one glance - "lycanthropy".

He sensed tyrannical and demented emotions from that guy.

"Strange, when I passed by there just now, I obviously didn't feel anything, why did I explode all of a sudden?"

Ke Lin thought, if there was a corresponding smell there just now, as a "superior" infected person, he must be able to smell that smell directly, but he didn't discover all this until the outbreak.

Either there may be some incubation period or it is a random infection.

If something like this appeared on Earth
Really troublesome.

And just as he was thinking, a small group of people rushed in that direction and quickly arrested the "lycanthropy" infected person.

People who are initially infected with this thing are just a little bit stronger and don't have many characteristics, so it's not too difficult to deal with it.

The arrest was very successful.

After this interruption, Helena was also distracted, looked sideways at Warden Calder, and asked, "What's going on? It doesn't look like an ordinary contradiction."

That kind of crazy look is not like what an ordinary person can show.

"It is a strange disease that has been raging in this generation in recent months. Once infected, it will immediately become crazy, and the relatives will not recognize it. But you don't have to worry, this disease only appears in ordinary people, and it will not appear in us. We will try our best to Every effort is made to keep you safe. Uh."

When Calder heard the nobleman speak to him for the first time, he quickly bowed slightly to explain, but just halfway through speaking, another panicked shout came from near the street.

At this moment, his face darkened.

Ke Lin looked over there, and saw another lycanthropy patient appearing at a very bad time.

"Are you sure this won't happen to us?" The old housekeeper frowned and questioned.

"I can guarantee this, please allow me to excuse me for a moment." After Calder finished speaking, he walked away this time himself to deal with another crazy guy.

Really unlucky today!
Seeing him leave, Colin seemed to have just recovered, and replied to Helena's previous question: "It should be here for a while."

"Then, why not stay here first? We probably need to rest here for a few days." Helena issued an invitation.

Is it because my strength is guaranteed, and then something happened, trying to win me over to prevent threats?But is it a little too enthusiastic?Colin thought about it and shook his head slightly:

"No, I still have some things to deal with, so I'll leave first."

If you want to stay with this group of people forever, will your teammates be saved?

Helena did not force her to stay: "If you encounter any problems in this city during this time, you can come to me, and I will try my best to help you in order to repay your kindness."

"Thanks in advance then."

After Colin finished speaking, he walked towards other directions in Black Rock City, and his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes after turning a corner.

After leaving them, his figure quickly entered the narrow street, and after a few turns, he didn't feel anyone following him, and then he walked towards the city gate.

"Now that the warden is protecting Helena, the dungeon should be prepared for emptiness. We have to take advantage of this window to get people out first."

While thinking about it, Ke Lin hurried on his way, and soon came to the city wall, smelling all kinds of unpleasant smells faintly coming from it.

Standing still, his eyes came out from under the hood, and he looked at the position of the gate of the city.

Seeing that the soldiers only checked the people entering the city, but they didn't seem to want to prevent anyone from leaving the city, he went straight and walked through the drawbridge gate pulled by the iron chain again.

"If it's night in a while, come back over the wall."

Ke Lin glanced back, and reckoned that the height of the city wall should be about ten meters, and it would not be too difficult to climb over.

Then, as soon as he turned his head, he quickly approached Duncan's position.

The refugees stationed in the stench outside the city did not know how long they had been here. Soaked in the stench, all of them basically suffered from malnutrition and short stature.

Either curled up, or lying down, or sitting against a tree, with dull eyes and numb expression, they looked like living corpses in movies and TV.

They didn't react too much to Colin who hurried past, and they didn't even bother to look up. After all, every time they move, they consume a little energy, and the possibility of surviving to tomorrow becomes smaller.

"I just lived for the sake of living."

Colin even felt that they might not even be able to think well.

But he didn't think much about it. After a few minutes, he walked through the chaotic and smelly crowd, and after a while of groping, he found the familiar place and saw the familiar entrance, where there was a jailer on duty.

"It's like returning to Xinshou Village."

Colin pursed his lips, and then stopped dawdling, and sneaked around to the jailer. He was dragged into the woods with a strong man lock, first strangled, and then pulled off his clothes.

Then he took a tissue and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth, tied him with a rope, and threw it aside.

Then, after changing into the other party's clothes, he swaggered to the door of the dungeon.

At this moment, the door was locked, and without further ado, Colin raised his foot, charged up his energy to kick with a single kick, went down two or three times, and kicked open the wooden door of the dungeon in less than three seconds.

"There was an accident once, and I don't know how to change the iron door."

Colin grunted and saw the sloping passage in front of him. He swooped down and quickly came to the basement floor, where he saw the death row inmates in the prison on both sides of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, the three guards had mixed expressions of confusion and surprise, but they didn't seem to have quite reacted yet.

It's been less than five seconds since the door rang, and it's already fast for them to grab their weapons and react.

But I didn't expect that the one who rushed down was actually "one of my own people"?
"Captain!" In a prison, a bearded, unkempt man with chains on his feet rushed to the iron bars in surprise.

"Don Ken?" Ke Lin took a look at him, making sure it was the person he was looking for, and walked over directly.

"Captain, I have observed it, the key is there."

Don Ken was halfway through speaking when he saw Ke Lin raise his leg and kick towards the iron railing.

Amidst the sound of shaking, dust fell from the top of the dungeon wall, and one of the iron bars was kicked off.

This directly stunned Tang Ken who was still in the cell: "Is it still possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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