Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 487 "The First Call!"

In the endless scarlet world, there is almost no safe place, whether in the sky or underground.

Wherever he looked, everything was covered in distorted flesh and blood.

On the ground, Colin could see a bunch of human-shaped things that looked like piles of sarcoma, casting unkind glances at him, and drool kept flowing out of his mouth, as if he was seeing delicacies.

It's just that they can't fly, so they can't attack a group of people in mid-air.

However, this does not mean that there are no enemies in the sky.

Some weird aberrations have scarlet flesh wings, which can cause a little trouble if they are blocked in front of them.

"Bump!" Dozens of wind blades capable of cutting metal penetrated the "Red Rain", cutting the groups of sarcoma into pieces of meat all over the sky.

"Can this thing fly with so many holes in its wings?" Orange Cat felt a little incredible.

"The metaphysics takes off, don't worry about too many details." The "Lord of the Fish Pond" on the side said casually, and unfolded the mechanical wings behind him to target enemies in all directions.

At this moment, they are all wrapped in Colin's flames and moving in the sky.

"What happened to this damn place? The environment is so bad."

Colin raised his head and "looked" at the sky with his eyes closed. Behind the hazy white clouds, countless pieces of meat continued to fall, distorting the whole world.

There are all kinds of malicious, aberrant creatures everywhere.
  According to Aikasi, the scope of this disaster is the entire world.

It’s hard to imagine what happened to this ghost place.

It's rare that these guys who believe in "dark night" can survive in a place like this for so long.

"If the entire original civilization has become extinct, there is nothing wrong with throwing the severed hand of 'Rosen' that is equipped with the 'Extermination Order' here and activating it."

Colin muttered secretly and flew for a long time. He felt that the world was abnormal, although it was not as good as the depths of the "Magic Mist Disaster".

But the depth of the pollution is even worse.

At this time, Colin was about to adjust the flames and speed up, but suddenly Aikasi's voice came from the side:
  "Be careful! Something is coming!"

Before she finished speaking, Colin also felt a sense of crisis in his heart.


The surrounding air seemed to be squeezed, vibrating slightly.

Everyone present could sense that something seemed to be coming quickly, and a strong sense of oppression instantly enveloped the place.

Less than three seconds later, Colin suddenly saw a round black shadow approaching quickly from above the red rain curtain. As it approached, the group photo expanded and the sense of oppression became stronger.


The orange cat who was preparing to meet the enemy suddenly had his eyes fixed.

I saw a huge iron ball, as big as a mountain and full of pits, coming from high in the sky.
  At the front end of the iron ball, you can even see the explosion that occurs when it breaks the speed of sound.

Colin immediately changed direction and wrapped everyone in flames, trying to avoid the thing. However, after several rapid movements, he strangely found that the giant iron ball was still locked on him.

‘It comes with some kind of lock, can’t dodge it, can only force it? ’

Colin's thoughts flashed. If he were alone, he would have at least nine ways to avoid it, but the consequence of avoiding it was that the other two D-class personnel in mid-air had nowhere to escape.

However, it was not a big problem. Colin's figure stopped, and he did not choose to avoid it. He floated in the air, his eyes opened, and raging flames surged in his pupils.

In an instant, under the numb gaze of everyone.

A burst of flame suddenly exploded.

In the terrifying flames, the big iron ball melted directly into overwhelming molten iron.

Then, seizing the opportunity, Colin activated the "Force·Repulsion" card effect, creating a very strong shock wave and colliding with it.


The molten iron exploded into sparks that filled the sky, and the blazing fire completely illuminated the place at this moment.

However, he didn't bother to enjoy the explosion like a giant firework after the iron ball exploded.

A huge giant, at least [-] meters tall, rushed out of the "red rain". Its body was covered with deformed tumors and its body was tied with iron chains. The end of a thick iron chain in its hand had turned red and melted.

Obviously, the iron ball that was larger than it was just tied to the end of this chain.

At this moment, after the iron ball broke, it rushed directly towards everyone, dozens of tentacles above its head swinging.

Just as Colin was about to take action, some fragments of images suddenly appeared in his mind——

Dozens of pitch-black spears streaked across the ground, piercing his body in an incomprehensible way. Immediately after, his movement was restricted, and giants composed of tentacles and rotten flesh attacked one after another. He seemed to be only seriously injured. Death, but it’s hard to say for others.
  ‘In ‘Fatal Insight’, that shadow thing actually penetrated my ‘bonfire’ defense? ’

As his thoughts flashed, Colin directly activated "Time Stop" without any hesitation.

The invisible roar of the engine exploded
  Everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area slightly lost its color, and was dragged into the invisible solidification and remained motionless.

However, at this moment, Colin raised his eyebrows and saw dozens of dark spears moving slowly in the stagnant world, getting closer to him.

"It is indeed the method of 'dark night'"

Almost as soon as Colin saw it, he immediately realized that people from the "Night Sect" were chasing him.

I just don’t know whether it was because of some divination or because they were peeking at the parchment chatting just now, which led to their discovery.
  There was no time to think about it, before the nine-second timeout ended.

Colin looked at the dark spears. In an instant, the effect of "The Goodwill of the Fire Holder" was activated, and all the dark spears were ignited and disappeared.

'Sure enough, I didn't take precautions before, just because the firepower was not enough. If the firepower is enough, everything can be burned. ’

Colin felt a little relieved. Then, he closed his eyes again, blocked the rancid smell that stimulated appetite, and turned his attention to the sarcoma giant in front of him who was on the edge of the effect and whose speed was constantly slowing down.

"Da da da"

The countdown representing the last few seconds rang in my ears.

"It's big, but not very strong. It may not even be at Level [-]. It's a bit like a silver gun with a wax head. But speaking of it, nine seconds is indeed a lot more generous, and I'm a little used to it."

At the last moment, Colin skillfully raised his right arm, held the revolver, aimed at the opponent's head, and pulled the trigger.

A dozen gunshots were fired in succession.

The 155mm armor-piercing bullets were fired in response. Although the shells of this caliber seemed a bit small in front of such a huge life, with the blessing of the campfire, every bullet shot a large transparent hole in the giant's body.
  At this moment, the frozen time and space was restored.

The behemoth in front let out a scream, and a large area of ​​flames burned all over its body.

However, the wailing did not last long before it stopped abruptly. The "death" attached to the revolver bullet is activated, and this twisted life is constantly trembling on the ground.

It is estimated that he will die completely within a few seconds.

"Be careful! It's not dead yet!" Aikaxi suddenly said.

"not dead?"

Colin raised his eyebrows. Can such a creature with less than level 3 containment strength really be able to withstand the "death" effect?

In such a daze, he saw that the "giant" who was lying on the ground and about to die suddenly shrank into a round piece of meat and shot towards him.

Upon seeing this, Aikaxi was about to help Colin. However, just as he started to do so, he suddenly saw a crazy flame erupting from the person in front of him.
  The next second, a giant flaming hand descended from the sky and pressed the piece of meat directly into the ground.

The entire area melted
  "It's indeed a bit beyond my expectation, but it's better to kill him again before he dies. It just so happens that this thing can also be used as fuel."

Colin looked indifferent and said casually, controlling the big flame hand to completely press the meat ball to death.

The terrifying heat of the flames swept across the entire place.

"Hiss" Aikaxi took a breath when he saw this scene, raised his head slightly, and looked a little distracted looking at the big hand like a flaming tornado.

I knew the other party was very strong, but I didn't expect it to be this strong.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that something was holding her up on the ground under her feet. When she was nervous, she saw what seemed to be the palm of a big hand with the same flame.

In Aikaxi's astonished eyes, this big hand slowly lifted her and everyone else up.

Then they discovered that a flaming figure that was over a hundred meters tall and half taller than the flesh and blood was being constructed by layers of crazy flames.

They are held in the broad left hand.

The "bonfire" messenger is located on the chest, near the back of the neck.

At the same time, the rotten corpse on the ground was quickly ignited, and all the flames it turned into were absorbed by the flame giant.

"My dear, what kind of ability does Brother Shunzi have? Is the Dharma going to heaven and earth?"

The "Lord of the Fish Pond" looked at this terrifying flaming figure with envy in his eyes.

"What kind of inhuman monster is this?"

In a dark place, a group of people in black robes raised their heads slightly and looked up at the giant flaming figure. They were all stunned, feeling an extremely strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

The [-]-meter-level aberration could not last more than thirty seconds in its hands, and the "Shadow Spear" would not work.
  Even if the opponent has to carry the "Red Rain" on their backs at the moment, and is holding the traitor Queen Aikasi and other burdens on one hand, they are simply not something they can deal with!
  "How can such an enemy be defeated, and how can it be defeated?"

At this moment, they just hope that this terrifying existence does not find them and then leaves.

Otherwise, everyone present would have no chance of victory——

When they threw the "Shadow Spear" obtained from the "Eternal Night" ritual but found that it seemed to have no effect on the opponent, they knew that they and others had failed.

But it's a pity.
  "It's true that he is a believer in the 'Dark Night'. He hides it well. If I hadn't used 'Delirium Fire', I might not have been able to discover it."

Joking words suddenly rang in their ears.

Immediately afterwards, overwhelming flames fell from the sky, covering everyone
  On another flat and vast land, tens of thousands of large train carriages were abandoned here, each of which was close to a thousand square meters in size.

At this time, a black shadow quickly got into one of the carriages.

The black shadow stopped until it reached a woman standing in the carriage who looked almost exactly the same as Aikasi. Then it suddenly arched upward and turned into a middle-aged man wearing a black robe.

But at the first moment, he did not speak, but looked at the woman who had survived several consecutive rituals and received the blessing of "dark night".

"Sister Lavinia, when will I be as powerful as you? When will we be able to contribute to mankind like you?"

A group of teenage children surrounded Lavinia, their eyes shining with admiration.


Lavinia showed a rare smile, touched the children's heads, and took out some sweet powder from her pocket:

"Take it out to eat. Sister has something to do. After you finish eating, go back and rest, and get ready for tomorrow's ceremony."

After sending the children away, the smile on her face faded and she looked at the visitor indifferently.

"The messenger of the outer gods, carrying the attempt of sinful karma, has landed on this land."

The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly and reported to Lavinia. After finishing speaking, he paused: "Some team members stationed at the point accidentally discovered them and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign. However, the operation failed. The 'Adventurer' was extremely powerful. The power of imagination”

"Where are the members of the team?" Lavinia opened her eyes, and there seemed to be darkness flowing in her eyes.

"Connection completely lost."

Hearing this, Lavinia was silent for a second, folded her hands on her chest, closed her eyes, and prayed softly, "May their heroic souls return to the 'Eternal Night'" before opening her eyes again.

The middle-aged man then said: "However, we seem to have discovered one of their campsites and need to go there."

"No need, just take the people back."

Lavinia remembered how she had used Aikashi's "shadow" to sneak attack on the "Adventurer".

The curse of "Death's Scythe" can be directly locked and still survive.
  Based on the strength shown by the other party, they would basically die as many as they went over on their own initiative.

"If nothing else, their purpose is to come for the 'Eternal Night' ritual and the 'Thorn Device'. Next, we just need to protect both sides and protect ordinary people."

"This time is our most important 'Eternal Night' ceremony. It is no less important than the original call."

"We must be fully prepared. We must not let them destroy it, and we must not let those traitors confuse our people."

No less than the original calling? The middle-aged man was secretly frightened when he heard this, recalling some historical memories in his mind.

Hundreds of years ago, horrific natural disasters struck, and helpless people were trapped here. They prayed to countless things, but the only answer they received was "dark night."

Only the benevolent "Dark Night" was willing to send blessings to the weak ones in this time of crisis, and brought the first batch of God-givers, giving the ethnic group a chance to be saved.

If it weren't for "Dark Night", they might have become one of the endless aberrations.

And that is also called the "first call".

I didn’t expect that something so important would happen this time?
  The middle-aged man had no doubts about Lavinia's words. He suddenly felt like he was about to witness history. He suddenly became emotional and put his fist against his chest:
  "Yes, I will be ready for anything! I will give my heart to this!"

(End of this chapter)

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