Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 489 Big feet falling from the sky!

After the horrific natural disaster, a large number of deformed flesh-and-blood creatures emerged from nowhere and roamed the land in patches.
  In just one year, the buildings and farmland developed over more than ten years have been completely scrapped, and the originally dense fruit groves around it have been replaced by some pieces of meat that have taken root in the earth.

A group of people in black robes struggled to move through the area occupied by countless twisted and aberrated creatures.

"It's so dangerous, the rain has stopped."

The man in black robes who led the team looked up at the sky, feeling very happy in his heart.

Behind him, there were more than twenty entourage who were granted the power of "dark night" - although they used the power of "dark night", wore black cloaks with paintings symbolizing night, and occasionally chanted "Praise to the Night" '".
  But they know that they are not believers of the "dark night", but some "rebels" who steal this power and want to get rid of this land and bid farewell to the "dark night".

‘If the ‘dark night’ really comes, I’m afraid we will be wiped out in an instant. ’

The man in black robe who led the team thought for a moment.

With what they have done, once that existence comes, it is almost impossible for them to survive.

They don’t believe there is such a thing as God’s mercy
  Those beings are so high above us that all their actions are incomprehensible. How could they be kind enough to use their power?

Of course, there is a certain possibility that He doesn't care about anything.

Even if they come, they will be ignored.

However, just because "God" ignores them, it does not mean that those who have been blessed will not show mercy to them.

But no matter what, they have already embarked on this path.

Based on the information obtained from some relics left behind in this world, and the pure and cold darkness they felt during the "Eternal Night" ritual
  Under such a strong sense of suffocation, it is difficult for them to believe that "kindness" really exists in "dark night".

Rather than "mercy", they believe that when this great being comes, all human beings will be swallowed up.

In this regard, Aikashi has given clear instructions.
  She seemed to see something during the "Eternal Night" ritual, and then went crazy for a while.

Then the originally loyal Ms. Aikasi, known as the "Queen of the Night", finally chose to rebel.

However, so far, Aikasi still cannot tell what he saw.

"Through this wasteland, we should be able to see Aikaxi soon. According to the time she said, she should arrive within this time."

Next to the black-robed man who led the team, the voice of a subordinate who knew enough about the route made him, who was slightly confused, converge on his thoughts.

"Hopefully she can bring us good news."

The leader in black robe sighed.

In order to send Aikasi to the ruins she mentioned before, the "rebels" suffered many casualties.

In addition to being intercepted by the "Night Sect", it was also due to the various terrifying aberrations in the ruins. However, after breaking through, we did see a special train carriage.
  After hunting down a large number of aberrations and squeezing the dirty blood from countless aberrations to use as fuel.

Only then did the train finally start.
  According to her, it would take no more than three days at most to return to a fixed site.

Now, they came out just to pick up Aikaxi.

But after he finished speaking, someone suddenly said in a depressed tone: "What if Aikasi doesn't come back and this incident fails?"


The man in black robe shook his head: "Don't say these words before you see her, you must believe them first."

After a little encouragement, the team continued to move forward at a certain speed.

Relying on the unknowable nature of the power of "dark night", they can still easily travel across this land without "rain".

If nothing unexpected happens, within three to five hours of smooth progress, they will be able to successfully pick up the opponent.

So as to determine some things.
  Such as whether the outside world really exists and whether it can survive, or whether there are other human beings outside, whether these human beings are friendly and can coexist, etc.

No matter which one it is, it is an extremely important discovery for them!
  Once these things are determined and can be repeatedly verified with others, the actions and goals of the "disobedients" will no longer be the same as headless flies.

More and more people will join them!

‘As long as we can determine the outside world, we can even cooperate with some of the ‘Night Faction’ people and go to the outside together instead of being trapped here. ’

‘This train, which has been parked for hundreds of years, is about to start. ’

The man in black robe thought of what Queen Aikasi said when she left.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt an indescribable strong sense of crisis suddenly emerge.


The man in black robes shouted in a low voice. Although it was only one word, dozens of well-trained people immediately realized what was happening, and their bodies turned into a ball of shadow and spread out in all directions.     Following this, is this moment.

Under the ground, dozens of sharp flesh thorns suddenly flew out and attacked everyone.

Although some people had their bodies scratched, most of them managed to avoid it.

"It's a deformed meat mountain, and it's very big! Escape quickly!" Someone recognized what the attacking thing was.

At this moment, on the ground, the land arched, and a huge piece of distorted meat rushed out.

It resembles some kind of spiny sea creature. At the moment it appears, a large number of "burrs" appear on its body. These burrs are as big as a baby's arm and are densely packed. As the fleshy mountain bulges, they all fly out.

Even after entering the "shadow" state, several people were still stabbed by dense flesh thorns and died suddenly on the spot.

Before the others who had escaped had time to rejoice, they saw dozens of flesh-and-blood tentacles protruding from the body of the meat mountain that had been shot. The tentacles seemed soft, but they had terrifying power that could not be ignored.
  The tip either turns into a palm, or becomes a spear, or the living corrosive liquid sprays the muzzle.
  Attack everyone present at the same time.

"Damn it, when did a high-level aberrant creature appear here!"

The leader of the team, the man in black robe, cursed lowly, and had six or seven "hands of darkness" on his body, holding various weapons and props at the same time to deal with the huge thing in front of him.

Normally, to be fully prepared to encounter this thing, a team of at least five of his size would be required.

Only then can one cope with this level of deformed meat mountain.

But now that he is alone, it is obviously very difficult to deal with him.

And what's even more troublesome is.

A large mouth filled with spikes opened at the top of the deformed meat mountain and let out a weird scream.

There were some huge vibrations faintly coming from the distance.

"It is summoning the surrounding aberrations. You should evacuate immediately, otherwise it will be closed in a while! If you see Aikaxi, tell her not to come here!"

"Breakout to the east!"

"Leave the rest to me!"

After informing everyone of the information through "inspiration", the leader in black robes blinked hard. When he opened his eyes again, thick, dark tears appeared in his eyes.

"'Dark Realm'!"

The entire area instantly darkens.

The deformed meat mountain trapped in the dark area suddenly went crazy, dancing its tentacles crazily, shooting out various burrs and blood. It seemed that it was unbearable to endure such silence and such a terrifying feeling of loneliness, so it began to go crazy.

Seeing this, the others did not stop and immediately took this opportunity to escape.

The leader of the team, the man in black robe, is left alone to contain the abnormality.
  After a few more minutes, the dark curtain suddenly dissipated, and the figure of the leader in black robe fell from it.

At this moment, there was only one wound on his body.
  However, this wound was fatal because it ran below the ribs and cut him in half.

"Did everyone escape? It seems my mission is accomplished."

The leader in black robes murmured, looking at Roshan who had lost his "sanity" in front of him, with a trace of ridicule on his lips.

One day, they will leave here and no longer touch these things!
  However, just when he closed his eyes and waited for death, he suddenly saw more than twenty men returning again.

He was shouting something.

The man in black robe kept buzzing in his ears and couldn't hear clearly.
  But it seemed that he wanted to save him,

"Let's go! Don't save me. There's no point in saving him! Go and complete your mission!"

Only half of the man in black robes spoke with difficulty.

However, before he could shout these words, he suddenly saw, on the ground, a big foot transformed by flames descending from the sky and landing on the mountain of deformed flesh.

Just one kick.
  The aberrant meat mountain that nearly wiped them out exploded on the spot and turned into coke in the spreading flames.

He tried his best to keep his eyes wide open, raised his head, and saw a [-]-meter-large flame giant walking out from the front. At the heart of the flame giant, a figure that seemed to be only the size of a grain of rice crossed his arms and stared at him condescendingly.

The terrifying heat wave spreads along with the sense of oppression
  "who is it?"

He muttered to himself, feeling extremely shocked.

However, the next second, he realized a possibility!
  ps: first (end of this chapter)

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